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iy Foreman

Pen ^ang Rc
SariMin Distf^

'Taiwan Times
Team Expansion
East Asia

ForwflrdinQ Agent:
Jack Foreman

2133 S. 103rd E. Ave.

Kaohsiung City, Taiwan


Tuisa, OK 74129-4615 USA (918) 622-3197

Formosa Christian Mission

Team Expansion

Contributions payable to Team Expansion

March 2006

;"1 am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God . .." Acts 26:28

Dearest Partners in the Gospel,

These are exciting, stretching, growing times here at Kaohsiung Good News Christian Church. Our people are being challenged to move beyond their comfort zones and reach out to a host of new people the Lord is bringing our way. We've had 10 baptisms since Christmas. Our leaders seem committed to discipling
their cell members, leading people to Christ, and preparing our church for the future more than ever before. There's a fervency here and along with it, challenges.

Running with a New Crowd...

I've been running with a new crowd lately. I affec tionately call them the Beetle Nut Gang. They're a group of what you might call "grass roots" guys with rather base habits, which are slowly being transformed by the New Spirit indwelling them.
This class of men in Taiwan is known for what

they chewbeetle nut (the closest cultural equiv alent to which would be a pouch of Red Man or a tub of Skoal in America), for what they perma nently inscribe on their bodiestattoos (of vari

ous interesting designs ), and for their general Beetle NutGang rough-hewn appearance. I haven't taken up chewing the nut yet, on pain of excommunication from Kathy Jo. (What it does to your breath and smile is more than even straight up Listerine or sand blasting can take care of.) But some of our men and I are thoroughly enjoying every minute with these spiritually hungry guys whom the church in Taiwan has not yet reached. The Lord has miraculously given us an "/n" with this group. Pray that our people will unconditionally accept them. Incidentally, the first convert in this group has already
led his brother to the Lord and just baptized his best friend!

Brother Lyou, first convert of the Beetle Nut Gang,

baptizes his brother.

Brother Lyou giving his best friend a hand after baptiz

ing him.

"Pastor in Preparation"
After months of seeking the Lord's direc tion and provision for the future leaders of
our church, we have called Peter He as

our "pastor in preparation" and his gifted wife, Angel. They're as solid in the Word as anyone we've known here. They're humble, eager servants. Peter, although

not quite finished with seminary, preaches

like a veteran. He's a committed discipler


and understands the power and potential of dynamic cell groups. Peter and Angel's love for our church is transparent, and our people are loving and accepting them in return.

Asian Adventures
As Kathy & I transition more and more into what we're viewing as Phase 2 of our life's work, we're experiencing the joy and sat isfaction of contributing to the ministries of younger missionaries. We realize each
time we encounter our Asian colleagues

A tropical evening out with our Bangkok, Thailand missionaries: Lonnie & Courtney Holbrook and Dwain & Becky Anderson

on their turf, pursuing their often over whelming and daunting callings, that we truly have 'been there, done that.' We're grateful and excited about the fact that

God has prepared us over the years for this task of missionary mentorship and encouragement. Last month found us in Thailand, helping two new couples come together as a team and begin forming an

initial game plan for their first church plant. In May we will be visiting our workers in China and Mongolia
the land I'm convinced Jesus was referring to when He said we would be His witnesses "even to the ends of the earth." Last year I went alone to this wilderness. This time Kathy is coming along to see for herself what the end of the earth is like, and to share her incredible gift of encouragement with our missionaries

I'm especially excited about Kathy's role, together with me, as an Asian Field Coordinator. She adds to the recipe a much needed, but often neglected ingredientessential ministry to women. Sometimes we forget
that the wives of missionaries are also missionaries. Many of them were called by God before they met their

husbands. Just because they're married to a male missionary doesn't now make them less of a one them selves. Kathy knows intuitively, since she's a woman, and from experience exactly what these precious gals
need. It's great to see her in action!

A Lesson in Overcoming...
Last year was a year of painful misfortune for Kurt, our # 3 son. In March, while participating in the high jump during Games Day at school, one strenuous jump detached the patellar tendon, along with a chunk of bone, from the top of his left tibia. (For us laymen, that's the tendon attaching the kneecap to the top of the shinbone.) Sur gery and two screws put him back together. I don't think we've ever

seen anyone as determined to nof c/iv/f as Kurt. I often saw him.

Ouch!!! Left hand, here weso!!!

although I never told his mother, out on the

basketball courta crutch under his left

arm and a basketball in his right. In No vember, still 'wired' together, a swift kick to the right hand fractured the top knuckle of his index finger while he tended goal for his soccer team. Immobilizing his right hand,
this was another serious blow to the world's

greatest basketball lover. But after another surgery, this time to repair and pin his
'shooter hand', he simply began working on

his left-handed game. With his right hand in a splint from November to February, he
entered the end of basketball season as a

left-hander. An amazingly smooth 3-point-

Kurt back at it again!

erfrom the baseline helped advance his team in the post season tournament, but only his team knew that he wasn't really left-handed. Kurt is "unscrewed" and "depinned" now, back at itjoyfully and infull tilt. He's been an inspiration. I think there's a lesson in here somewhere about never giving up.. .thanks Kurt.

Sugar & Spice and Everything Pink...?

Our home has become a land of immense contrasts. We've

gone from frogs, pistols, and 'dog-pile dad' wrestling, to doilies, ponytails, and tea parties. Jenna has changed things and given Kathy a 'comrade in arms.' We can no longer get away with roughhousing and guy movies. Breaking audible wind is out too! IfJenna had her way, I'd be wearing ail pink, which, she informed me recently, is her color of preference for all her apparel. With Nick living away at the high school dorm and Micah in college, the men here are no longer a majority. Compromise and conces
sion is the name of the game now. Lord help us!
Mother & daughter "Comrades in Arms."!!!

The Rest of the Family...

About those two men who've abandoned usMicah is immersed in college life at Ozark Christian College

and preparing for his "mission apprenticeship" here in Taiwan this summer and fall. We're so proud of the
man of conviction he's become. Nick finished varsity basketball season, as a sophomore, awarded "Most

Improved Player." He's now running track and has officially entered the record books as the 8th fastest man
in the over 50-year history of Morrison Academy. No wonder we can't
keep up with him!

Micah and Nick suit up to face each other in the Aiumni vs. Varsity bas ketball game, Christmas 2005.

Nick in flight - high school track meet.

Jenna casually takes on big bro. in the "Fam ily Arm Wrestling Tourney."

We were blessed over the holidays with a breath of fresh air from "home." Long time friends Greg & Rene Armbruster and Micah's classmate, Tara Balu, brought much

Purpose-Driven Family

God bless you all as you continue to "run the race" with us. We appreciate you sooo much!

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Chuck & Kathy Foreman Fen Yang Road, No. 76, 10 F

San Min District 807

Taiwan Times
E;iansibn\ x} j
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Forwardina Aaent:
Jack Foreman 2133 S. 103rd E.Ave.

Kaohsiung City, Taiwan


Tulsa, OK 74129-4615 USA (918) 622-3197

Contributions payable to Team Expansion

Formosa Christian Mission

Team Expansion

June 2006

I"1 am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power ofSatan to God .. Acts 26:28
Dearest Partners in the Gospel,

As you know, Kathy & I have been nearing the completion of our work in Taiwan during the past few years, as we have observed the growth of Kaohsiung Good News Christian Church and the establishing of its own national leadership. To see this come about has been one of our greatest joys. We're now experiencing unprecedented growth numerically (21 baptisms since Christmas) and spiritually. This summer will mark the disengagement of all foreign missionaries from ministry with the church and the calling of two Taiwanese pastors to join our staff. Our leaders are united and strong. The future of this church, which you have helped to plant, is bright! Along with this successful "graduation" for our church has been much prayer and deliberation regarding what Phase II will be for our life's work. In 2004 we began serving as East Asia Field Coordinators with Team Expan sion, mentoring and encouraging missionaries in East Asia. Kathy & I both believe that passing on what we have learned during our nearly twenty years of service in Taiwan is clearly what God would have us do now. We have also desired to carry out the next phase of our life's work within the context of the mission's ministry of the local church. We also made a decision that wherever this might be, it would be in a place that would enable us to keep our family together, no longer having to send our boys away to boarding school. This would either mean remain ing in Taiwan, but moving to the city where our boys attend high school, or a move back to the States. We have been prayerfully seeking the Lord in this regard for quite some time now.
Just this month the Lord has confirmed to us what He has in mind and seems to have answered our prayers in ev

ery way. We have accepted a position with First Christian Church in Phoenix, Arizona, helping them develop their Cell Ministry and Global Missions Ministry. This is a perfect fit for us and we're extremely excited about the pos sibilities. We plan to leave Taiwan and head for Phoenix in late July. Please be praying for us as we move from the "jungle" to the "desert." This will be a huge adjustment for us as we start a new life in what for us has become in many ways a "foreign country." These are emotional days... packing up our lives and preparing to say goodbye to our spiritual children is an overwhelming prospect. Perhaps we need your moral support now more than ever.
First Christian Church in Phoenix is very supportive of us continuing our missionary mentoring role as East Asia Field Coordinators with Team Expansion. They will give us ample time each year to travel to the field (Taiwan, China, Mongolia, Thailand) for this purpose. Even though this is a salaried, staff position with FCC, we will still need to provide our own travel funds for continuing our Field Coordinator work. We hope that you will consider continuing to partner with us by contributing regularly to our Team Expansion Travel Fund. As far as our current monthly support is concerned, we would ask that you continue it at least through October this year in order to help us restart our lives and make a "new beginning" in America. For now, there will be no change in how you write or
address your checks.

Many of you have been with us from day one. There are really no adequate words to express how we feel about you. We have been and still are proud to be known as your missionaries. We hope that someday you will yet have the opportunity to visit Taiwan with us and see what the Lord has used you to accomplish here. We love you!
Sincerely in Christ,

Chuck & K^fhv Foreman

Before you move, please send the mailing label with a copy of your new address to MISSION SERVICES ASSOCIATION, PO Box 13111, Knoxville, TN 37920-0111. Mission Services Association PO Box 13111 Non Profit Org.

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