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Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.

13& 2'13

Effect of Concept Mapping Instructional Strategy on Junior Secondary School Students Knowledge of Multiculturalism in the Global 2 st Century Social Studies Classroom
#(e)i*i #lufe+i ,desola (P-... .epart+ent of Educational /oundations and 0ounselling /acult* of Education& #)afe+i ,wolowo 1ni2ersit*& Ile-Ife& #sun State& Nigeria. E-+ail3 olufe+iadesola4* Sala5o E5i+a 6. .epart+ent of 6eac-er Education& 1ni2ersit* of I)adan& Nigeria. E-+ail3sala5oe5i+a4* !bstract 6-is e2er-increasing di2ersit* in toda*7s classroo+s is pro+pting teac-ers to incorporate a +ulticultural approac- to lesson planning. 6-e classroo+ in t-e 21st centur* is also +ore focused on a proacti2e learning en2iron+ent rat-er t-an +erel* dispensing infor+ation. 8ence& it is 2ital t-at teac-ers offer a ric- and 2aried +ulticultural curriculu+ to acco++odate t-e culturall* di2erse 21st centur* classroo+. 6-is article descri)es -ow concept +apping tec-ni9ues were applied to e2aluate t-e de2elop+ent of a solution-focused& pu)lic alternati2e sc-ool progra++e. 0oncept +apping appears to )e a useful progra++e e2aluation +et-odolog* for sc-ool wor5ers to consider a 2alua)le tool for e:a+ining co+ple: pro)le+s and solutions wit-in sc-ool organi;ations. A 30 item achievement test was administered on 50 junior secondary school students purposively selected from two secondary schools in the south-west region of Nigeria. Data were analysed using t- test. Three null hypotheses were raised and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of this study revealed that there is a significant difference etween pre and post test scores of the students when e!posed to concept mapping instructional strategy "t#$0.%5&df#'(&p)0.05*. Therefore+ this calls for improved approaches of teaching in culturally diverse ,$st century -ocial -tudies classroom. Key words3 0oncept +apping& <ulticulturalis+& =lo)al& 0entur*& <aps& teac-ing tec-ni9ue& students& Social Studies. Introduction <igration and +o2e+ent of populations -a2e contri)uted to increased recognition on t-e part of go2ern+ents worldwide of t-e need for )etter pu)lic policies for +anaging cultural di2ersit*. 6-erefore& it -as )eco+e necessar* for Social Studies educators and researc-ers to focus t-eir attention on -ow to address t-e glo)al pro)le+ of +anaging cultural di2ersit*. ,dditionall*& t-e clai+ t-at Social Studies -as not ac-ie2ed its goals in Nigeria )ecause of t-e pro)le+ of instructional wa*s c-osen )* t-e teac-ers of t-e su)(ect w-ic- +a5es t-e concepts taug-t i+practica)le )* students. 6-e failure t-erefore encouraged social inco+petenc* and t-e non acco+plis-+ent of citi;ens-ip education e:pected of Nigerian *out-s especiall* (>usuf& 2''? . 6eac-ers@ +et-ods of teac-ing particularl* t-ose relating to t-e con2entional +et-ods -a2e )een found to )e inade9uate for a 2alue-laden su)(ect li5e Social Studies. 6-is t-erefore calls for a c-ange in pedagog*. 0oncept +apping w-icis an acti2e learning and participator* +et-od t-at would encourage critical t-in5ing& ena)le decision +a5ing and learners ta5ing responsi)ilit* for t-eir learning -as )een ad2ocated. 6-e i+portance of teac-ing strategies as +eans of inculcating 5nowledge to students cannot )e o2ere+p-asi;ed. 6o t-is end& t-e re-training of teac-ers in order to 5eep t-e+ current in t-e e2ent of new strategies is seriousl* i+portant. ,gainst t-is )ac5ground in Nigeria& t-e .irector and 0-ief E:ecuti2e #fficer of t-e National 6eac-ers@ Institute wrote t-at t-e institute was +andated )* t-e ,ct No. 7 of 1?7! to organi;e progra++es for upgrading and updating practicing teac-ers at all le2els. ,ccording to S-are-u (2''? & one i+portant focus of t-e re-training wor5s-op is in t-e area of inno2ati2e tec-ni9ues of teac-ing t-e four core su)(ects (Englis-& <at-e+atics& Aasic Science and 6ec-nolog* and Social Studies . , 2er* i+portant o)(ecti2e of education in Nigeria is to inculcate in c-ildren per+anent literar* and nu+erac* and t-e a)ilit* to co++unicate efficientl*. N6I (2''? e:plained t-at& to )e a)le to pursue t-is no)le o)(ecti2e& a+ong ot-ers& Social Studies was included as one of t-e core su)(ects. 6-e proper i+ple+entation of an* curriculu+ depends on t-e 9ualit* of t-e teac-ers -ence& t-e need to update t-e 5nowledge of teac-ers for effecti2e teac-ing is para+ount. 6-e 21st centur* Social Studies classroo+ is )ased upon a culture of in9uir* and 5nowledge rat-er t-an infor+ation retention. Sc-ools of t-e 21st centur* 2alue t-e i+portance of colla)orati2e learning w-ic- -elps students prepare to wor5 in a tea+-oriented en2iron+ent. 0oncept +apping pro2ides a -olistic +ulti+odal


Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.13& 2'13

+eans of s-aring t-e relations-ip of concepts colla)orati2el* on a single screen or page (>earwood& 2''5 . 6-is piece ai+s to pro2ide an introduction for practitioners on t-e general approac-es and tec-ni9ues using concepts +apping in teac-ing and learning. <ulti+odalit* refers to t-e fact t-at +aps& unli5e an essa*& do not (ust use words to con2e* +eaning (0ardellini& 2''% . 1sed as learning and teac-ing tec-ni9ue& concept +apping 2isuall* illustrates t-e relations-ips )etween concepts and ideas. #ften represented in circles or )o:es& concepts are lin5ed )* words and p-rases t-at e:plain t-e connection )etween t-e ideas& -elping students organi;e and structure t-eir t-oug-ts to furt-er understand infor+ation and disco2er new relations-ips. <ost concept +aps represent a -ierarc-ical structure& wit- t-e o2erall& )road concept first wit- connected su)-topics& +ore specific concepts. In t-e lig-t of t-e a)o2e& t-is paper e:a+ined t-e i+portance of concept +apping as an effecti2e teac-ing strateg* for a glo)al +ulticultural 21st centur* classroo+. <ulticulturalis+ is considered a +ultifaceted ter+ t-at incorporates a plet-ora of social constructs suc- as race& religious affiliation& se:ualit*& gender& et-nicit*& linguistic di2ersit* and disa)ilit* (Aan5s& 2''? . Since t-e 1?7's& educators -a2e raised awareness a)out t-is ideolog* as a t-eor* and approac- for endorsing di2ersit*& ena)ling +inorities and underpri2ileged groups& and dealing wit- pro)le+s associated wit- ine9ualit* (#(e)i*i and Sala5o& 2'11 . <ulticulturalis+ is an issue t-at -as raised +uc- de)ate in t-e acade+ic arena& wit- so+e educators and education polic* +a5ers ad2ocating t-at +ulticulturalis+ )e integrated into pedagogical practices& w-ile ot-ers 2iewed +ulticulturalis+ as di2isi2e and unnecessar* (Aennett& 2''3 . ,dditionall*& t-ere is a concern t-at discussions a)out +ulticulturalis+ were often fueled )* political agendas w-ic- often distract fro+ t-e educational focus. Ne2ert-eless& +ulticulturalis+ -as )eco+e a pro+inent topic in t-e educational arena in ,+erica and t-e world o2er. 8ence& educators s-ould endea2or to address issues of disparit* and )igotr* in t-e classroo+ )* -a2ing a clear definition of +ulticultural education Cnowledge of +ulticultural education in Social Studies is an in2alua)le cogniti2e e:perience of anal*;ing 2arious cultures in toda*7s interdependent world (/aggella-Du)* and .es-ler& 2''! . It increases capacit* for intellectual open-+indedness and de2elop a glo)al perspecti2e a)out issues to effecti2el* na2igate a glo)al landscape )* encouraging an understanding of cultural differences (.a2is& 2''?E Sala5o& 2'1' . E9uit* in pedagog* e:ists w-en teac-ers +odif* t-eir teac-ing in wa*s t-at will facilitate t-e acade+ic ac-ie2e+ent of students fro+ di2erse racial& cultural and social-class groups (Aan5s& 2''? . 6-e de2elop+ent of s5ills re9uired for all t-ese call for t-e introduction of appropriate approac-es of teac-ing Social Studies. /or t-is reason& t-ere is a need to pro2ide pedagogical acti2ities suc- t-at would acco++odate t-e needs of an increasingl* di2erse learner pool. Con"entional #ecture Method of Concept mapping , concept +ap is a 2isual organi;er t-at can enric- students7 understanding of a new concept (Air)ili& 2''7 . 1sing a grap-ic organi;er& students t-in5 a)out t-e concept in se2eral wa*s. <ost concept +ap organi;ers engage students in answering 9uestions suc- as& FG-at is itH G-at is it li5eH G-at are so+e e:a+plesHF 0oncept +aps deepen understanding and co+pre-ension. Essentiall*& concept +apping is a structured process focused on a topic or construct of interest in2ol2ing input fro+ one or +ore participants t-at produces an interpreta)le pictorial 2iew of t-eir ideas and concepts and -ow t-ese are interrelated (>usuf& 2''? . 0oncept +apping -elps people to t-in5 +ore effecti2el* as a group wit-out losing t-eir indi2idualit*. It -elps groups to +anage t-e co+ple:it* of t-eir ideas wit-out tri2iali;ing t-e+ or losing detail (N6I& 2''? . 0oncept +apping is a powerful )ut si+ple wa* of using diagra+s to s-ow infor+ation in t-e sa+e wa* one t-in5s. 0oncept +apping +a5es it eas* to understand& re+e+)er& and co++unicate co+ple: infor+ation. So+eti+es our )rains feel as if t-e* are scra+)led )ecause of infor+ation o2erload& o2erw-el+& or ineffecti2e use of t-e )rain. 6-is leads to3 ina)ilit* to sol2e pro)le+s effecti2el*& lac5 of creati2e t-oug-t& lac5 of focus& difficult* gi2ing great presentations& pro)le+s organi;ing one@s t-oug-ts& poor co++unication& +issing out tas5s w-en planning pro(ects& forgetting i+portant infor+ation.


Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" 2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.13& 2'13

! Conceptual $ramewor% of Concept Mapping

Source3 2'12& No2a <ind Software Pt* Dtd. 6-e teac-er starts wit- a central topic t-at -e is going to e:a+ine& and add topics radiating fro+ t-e center& and t-en su)-topics as re9uired d to represent ideas. 0oncept +aps are created in a natural wa* )* using words and connections t-at +a5e sense. It is )est to stic5 to one or two 5e*words on t-e topics and use t-e topics to s-ow t-e connections )etween t-e ideas. It -elps students to +a5e +eaningful connections )etween t-e +ain idea and ot-er infor+ation. 6-e* are eas* to construct and can )e used wit-in an* content area. Con"entional #ecture Method 6-e +ost fre9uentl* used +et-od of teac-ing is reported to )e t-e con2entional lecture lectur +et-od w-ic- -as )eco+e t-e +odel for +ost sc-ools (#gunle*e& 2''2 . Decture is a teac-ing +et-od w-ere an instructor is t-e central focus of infor+ation transfer. 6*picall*& an instructor would stand )efore a class and presents infor+ation to t-e students ts to learn. So+eti+es& t-e* would write on a )oard or use an o2er-ead pro(ector to pro2ide 2isuals for students. Students are e:pected to ta5e notes w-ile listening to t-e lecture. #ne of its ad2antages is t-at it is possi)le to educate large nu+)er of people pe at once& t-ere)* lowering costs. 6-e lecture +et-od is still used in sc-ools toda* )ecause of t-e unprecedented e:pansion in sc-ool enrol+ent& s-ortage of infrastructure coupled wit- s-ortage of funds (#gunsa(u& 2''1 . 8owe2er& t-e +et-od is not t-e +ost +ost effecti2e according to Dai (2''2 )ecause it focuses entirel* on intellectual de2elop+ent and ignores e:periential learning. It teac-es students -ow to succeed on standardi;ed tests and relies +ostl* on t-e use of t-e intellect. 6-is st*le of learning is intended to allow students gain an indi2idual +eaning to t-e su)(ect +atter (0-ang& 2'''E #gunsa(u& 2''1 . #)2iousl*& t-is teac-ing +et-od -as failed to )ring a)out t-e desired outco+e of producing t-in5ing students. 6-erefore& t-ere is t-e need for teac-ers c-ers to -a2e a c-ange of st*le in order to )e a)le to +eet t-e de+ands of +ulticultural learners. In t-e lig-t of t-is& an alternati2e teac-ing strateg* is -erein discussed. Concept Mapping #iterature &e"iew #iterature re"iew , sur2e* of literature on teac-ing +et-ods in Social Studies education -as clearl* s-own t-at traditional teac-er-centred centred approac- to teac-ing w-ic- infor+s t-e use of +et-ods li5e lecture and recitation -a2e )een relegated to t-e )ac5ground. ,(i)o*e (2''3 e+p-asi;ed t-e need to use learner-do+inated do+inated +et-ods in teac-ing concepts in t-is area. So+e of t-e co++onl* identified +et-ods includes3 t-e disco2er* +et-od& t-e 2alue clarification +et-od& t-e discussion +et-od& t-e si+ulation and ga+e +et-od& and t-e dra+ati;ation +et-od (N6I& 2''B . 6-e National 6eac-ers@ Institute (N6I -as t-erefore reco++ended a new approac- for t-e teac-ing and learning of Social Studies in sc-ools. 6-e new approac- is pupil or learner-centered. learner centered. 6-e learner is not treated as an e+pt* 2essel. Dearner is is credited wit- 5nowledge& s5ills and attitudes fro+ t-e da* -e or s-e is )orn w-ic- re9uires de2elop+ent& t-roug- guidance& encourage+ent and +oti2ation (#gunle*e& 2''2 . In t-is setting& t-e teac-er@s role -as s-ifted fro+ t-at of i+parting 5nowledge to a facilitator. 6-is is t-e e+p-asis usuall* laid


Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.13& 2'13

)* t-e National 6eac-ers@ Institute during its re-training progra++es for sc-ool teac-ers. 6-e N6I (2''? reco++ended t-e following teac-ing +et-ods for appropriate acco+plis-+ent of Social Studies goals in t-e classroo+3 In9uir* +et-od& guided disco2er*& concept +apping& ga+e and si+ulation under t-e in9uir*-related strategies. ,ccording to ,desina I #g)onda- (2''5 & Social Studies teac-ers are )la+ed for not using in9uir*-related strategies. 6-is attitude is said to contri)ute to t-e ineffecti2e teac-ing and learning of t-e su)(ect. Si+ilarl*& nu+erous studies -a2e )een carried out on concept +apping and -ow instructional strateg* could )e used to c-ange t-e attitudes and )eliefs towards di2ersit* in t-e classroo+s )ecause according to Aan5s (2''? & in 2irtuall* e2er* sc-ool& one is li5el* to find students of different et-nic groups and fro+ a 2ariet* of racial co+position. 6-is 2ariet* is increasing e2er* da*. 0oncept +aps -a2e gained increasing support for use in distance learning courses )ecause of t-eir effecti2eness in 2isuall* depicting t-e relations-ip )etween co+ple: concepts (0ardellini 2''% . 6-e* -a2e nu+erous educational applications& and are particularl* useful for facilitating critical t-in5ing and pro)le+ sol2ing a+ong students in as*nc-ronous learning en2iron+ents (/ree+an and Jessup 2''%E 0-ang and Dee 2''3E Prestera and <oller 2''1E<ila+ et. al 2''' . ,t t-e sa+e ti+e& t-eir i+pact on learning outco+es in di2ersit* courses offered online -as not )een e+p-asi;ed. /ro+ t-e nu+erous literatures cited a)o2e and to t-e )est 5nowledge of t-e researc-ers& si+ilar studies carried out in Nigeria were conducted outside #gun State witreference to senior secondar* sc-ools. 8ence& t-ere is t-e need to e:a+ine effects of concept +apping strategies on (unior secondar* sc-ool students@ 5nowledge to +ulticulturalis+ in t-e =lo)al 21st centur* Social Studies 0lassroo+ in Social Studies wit- special reference to #gun State. Statement of the 'roblem #ne of t-e 5e* c-allenges facing Nigeria as a nation is t-e +ulti-et-nic and +ulti-religious co+position of t-e /ederation. Git- o2er %'' et-nic groups distri)uted a+ong 0-ristianit*& Isla+ and traditional religion& et-noreligious conflicts in Nigeria -a2e resulted in loss of se2eral li2es and un9uantifia)le ps*c-ological and +aterial da+ages. Pre(udice& discri+ination and lac5 of e9ual opportunit* to learn are t-e pre2ailing situations in t-e societ*. 8owe2er& researc- -as re2ealed t-at t-e sc-ool could )e used as a tool to pro+ote t-e concept of unit* in di2ersit*. In order to ac-ie2e t-e o)(ecti2es of Social Studies& concept +apping instructional strateg* -as )een identified as useful since t-e con2entional lecture +et-od w-ic- is currentl* t-e predo+inant teac-ing approacin Nigerian sc-ools is inappropriate. 6-is stud*& t-erefore& deter+ined effects of concept +apping instructional Strateg* on (unior secondar* sc-ool students@ 5nowledge of +ulticulturalis+ in t-e glo)al 21st centur* Social Studies classroo+. (esign 6-e stud* adopted a pretest& post-test 9uasi and control group e:peri+ental design. 'rocedure 6-e stud* was carried out a+ong (unior secondar* sc-ool students of two secondar* sc-ools in #gun State& sout--west Nigeria. 1sing t-e purposi2e sa+pling tec-ni9ue& a population of (5' students was selected for t-e stud*. 6went* fi2e (25 students were selected fro+ eac- of t-e two sc-ools w-ic- were rando+l* selected. Instrumentation 6-e stud* e+plo*ed t-test w-ic- was used to test t-e -*pot-eses at '.'5 le2el of significance. !chie"ement test on social studies )!*SS+ 6-e instru+ent used is t-e ac-ie2e+ent test on Social Studies. 6-e preparation of copies of t-e perfor+ance test was guided )* t-e ?->ear )asic education curriculu+ (Social Studies for Junior Secondar* 1-3 )* Nigerian Educational and Jesearc- .e2elop+ent 0ouncil (NEJ.0 and 1ni2ersal Aasic Education 0o++ission (1AE0 . Jelia)ilit* of t-e instru+ent /or t-e ac-ie2e+ent test& t-e relia)ilit* coefficient using cron)ac- alp-a is K L '.77 8*pot-eses 6-e following null -*pot-eses were generated and tested at '.'5 le2el of significance3 8#1- 6-ere is no significant difference )etween +ale and fe+ale students in Social Studies w-en taug-t using concept +apping strateg* 8#2- 6-ere is no significant difference )etween 0-ristian and <usli+ students in Social Studies w-en taug-t using concept +apping strateg* 8#3- 6-ere is no significant difference )etween pre-test and post-test scores of t-e students in Social Studies w-en taug-t using concept +apping strateg*


Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.13& 2'13

$indings ,- . 6-ere is no significant difference )etween +ale and fe+ale students in Social Studies w-en taug-t using concept +apping strateg* *able . Su++ar* of t-e t-test anal*sis s-owing difference )etween +ale and fe+ale in post test scores '/S*0*ES* SC/&ES 12 GE3(E& $aria)le N <ean Std. . t df Sig. Je+ar5 <ale Students 25 15-2% 2.15 /e+ale Students 25 1%.72 1.?? '.!!! %! '.37? Not significant 6a)le 1 s-ows t-at t-ere is no significant difference )etween +ale and fe+ale post-test scores after )een e:posed to concept +apping instructional strateg* (L '.!?E dfL%!E pM'.'5 .6-erefore& t-e first -*pot-esis is not re(ected. ,-2. 6-ere is no significant difference )etween 0-ristian and <usli+ students in Social Studies using concept +apping strateg* *able 2. Su++ar* of t-test anal*sis s-owing difference )etween 0-ristian and <usli+ students in post test scores '/S*0*ES* SC/&ES 12 &E#IGI/3 $aria)le N <ean Std. . 6 df Sig. Je+ar5 0-ristian Students 31 15.1? 2.3? <usli+ Students 1? 1%.B3 1.3! '.?33 %! '.5!1 Not significant 6a)le 2 s-ows t-at t-ere is no significant difference )etween 0-ristian and <usli+ students in t-eir scores after )eing e:posed to concept +apping instructional strateg* (tL'.?3EdfL%!EpM'.'5 .6-erefore& t-e second -*pot-esis is not re(ected. 8'33 6-ere is a significant difference )etween pre-score and post-score of t-e students in Social Studies w-en taug-t using concept +apping strateg* 6a)le 3 su++ar* of t-test anal*sis s-owing difference )etween pre and post test scores of students@ acade+ic $aria)le N <ean Std. . t .f Sig. Je+ar5 Students@ pre-test scores 5' ?.!' 2.71 Students@ post-test scores 5' 1%.?! 2.'7 -1'.7%? ?! '.''' significant 6a)le 3 s-ows t-at t-ere is a significant difference )etween pre and post scores of t-e students w-en e:posed to concept +apping instructional strateg* (tL 1'.75E dfL?!E p N '.'5 . 6-erefore& t-e t-ird -*pot-esis is re(ected. Discussion of the table It was found in t-is stud* t-at t-ere is no significant difference )etween +ale and fe+ale scores after )eing e:posed to concept +apping strateg*. 6-is is to t-e effect t-at )ot- +ale and fe+ale students perfor+ed 2er* well irrespecti2e of t-eir gender. 6-is is pre+ised upon t-e nature of interaction a+ong t-e students in t-e learning situation. /or instance& students wor5ed toget-er in s+all -eterogeneous groups& s-aring ideas& e:periences and were +ore or less in c-arge of t-eir acti2ities as teac-ers onl* acted as facilitators. Git-in eacgroup& students fro+ di2erse cultural& et-nic and religious )ac5grounds were pro2ided e9ual opportunities and interacted to ac-ie2e co++on goals. 6-ere was no significant difference )etween 0-ristian and <usli+ students in t-e post test scores. Aased on t-e findings of t-e stud*& it could )e concluded t-at t-e use of concept +apping instructional strateg* -as t-e potentials of -elping students to foster cooperation& +utual trust& understanding& +ore effecti2e co++unication s-aring ot-er peoples@ world 2iews and ulti+atel* lead to i+pro2ed 5nowledge of students in +ulticultural education irrespecti2e of t-eir religious inclinations. 6-ere was significant difference in acade+ic ac-ie2e+ents of students@ pre test and post test scores in Social Studies w-en taug-t using concept +apping instructional strateg*. 6-is is as a result of t-e fact t-at t-e students were encouraged to +a5e critical decisions concerning t-e+sel2es as well as ot-ers in t-e group. 0oncept +apping is indeed e:periential and -elped to reinforce students@ learning w-ile e:periencing realistic situations& appl*ing practical 5nowledge and connecting wit- t-e co++unit*. In fact& t-e rele2ance of concept +apping in i+pro2ing student perfor+ance in +ulticultural Social Studies classroo+ is not far-fetc-ed )ecause it pro2ides roo+ for proper interaction a+ong students. 6-e +ulticultural Social Studies classroo+ is a)out a +i:ture of people fro+ di2erse cultural& )ac5ground. 0ooperation is t-erefore considered )asic towards understanding of t-e significance of concept +apping instructional strateg* w-ic- pro2ided su)tle )ut potent foru+ for ac-ie2ing t-is. 1?

Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.13& 2'13

Conclusion In t-is paper& efforts -a2e )een +ade to present t-e t-eoretical fra+ewor5 on concept maps. G-ile at first glance& concept +aps +a* appear to )e (ust anot-er grap-ic representation of infor+ation& understanding t-e foundations for t-is tool and its proper use will lead t-e user to see t-at t-is is trul* a profound and powerful tool. It +a* at first loo5 li5e a si+ple arrange+ent of words into a -ierarc-*& )ut w-en care is ta5en in organi;ing t-e concepts represented )* t-e words& and t-e propositions or ideas are for+ed wit- well-c-osen lin5ing words& one )egins to see t-at a good concept +ap is at once si+ple& )ut also elegantl* co+ple: wit- profound +eanings. 0oncept +apping -as )een s-own to -elp learners learn& researc-ers create new 5nowledge& ad+inistrators to )etter structure and +anage organi;ations& writers to write& and e2aluators assess learning. ,s wit- an* tool& it can also )e +isused& -ence ade9uate care and preparation is re9uired for proper -andling. Aased on t-e findings of t-e stud*& it could )e concluded t-at t-e use of concept +apping instructional strateg* -as t-e potentials of -elping to foster cooperation& +utual trust& understanding and +ore effecti2e co++unication s-aring ot-er peoples@ world 2iews and ulti+atel* lead to i+pro2ed 5nowledge of students in +ulticultural classroo+. ,lso& in e+plo*ing t-e strateg* in t-e Social Studies classroo+& students@ religious )ac5ground and gender are not t-e focus. 8ence& t-e future of t-e Nigerian state will )eco+e surer and a+ong t-e citi;ens& peaceful co-e:istence will tend to -old swa* in different parts of t-e countr* if +ulticulturalis+ is gi2en a pride of place t-roug- t-e concept +apping strateg* in Nigerian Secondar* Sc-ools. &ecommendations It is -ere)* reco++ended t-at3 6eac-ers s-ould adopt t-e concept +apping instructional strateg* in teac-ing in t-e +ulticultural Social studies classroo+ and indeed across ot-er su)(ect areas in order to )etter prepare t-e students for future co++unal li2ing& understanding of ot-er peoples@ culture and de2elop+ent of a)ilities to li2e peacefull* wit- ot-ers especiall* outsider t-eir own cultural origins. Students s-ould )e assisted to appreciate t-e need for unit*& peace& lo2e and -ar+on*E also t-e need to contri)ute to its entrenc-+ent in t-e societ*. 6-is would go a long wa* to +a5e t-e+ +ore socia)le and )e +ore tolerant of ot-er people@s wa*s of life. 0urriculu+ de2elopers in Social Studies s-ould incorporate +ore concept +apping acti2ities into t-e social studies curriculu+ and +a5e t-e+ to )e of e9ual proportion in ter+s of ele+ents of cultured identit*. ,lso& t-e* s-ould populari;e concept +apping instructional strategies )* reco++ending its use to teac-ers in t-e curriculu+. 6eac-ers@ ,ssociations suc- as Social Studies ,ssociation of Nigeria (S#S,N s-ould organi;e se+inars and wor5s-op for teac-ers in order to +a5e t-e+ fa+iliar and interested in t-e use of t-e concept +apping instructional strateg* in t-e teac-ing of social studies. &eferences ,desina& ,...#. I#g)onda-& D. (2''5 ,d2ance #rgani;ers as Dearning Strateg* and ,cade+ic Perfor+ance in Social Studies. Journal of 0reati2it* and Scientific Studies& 1 (2 I 3 & 17B-177. ,(i)o*e& J.#. (2''3 . 6EE 33? Social Studies <et-ods II& I)adan3 1ni2ersit* of I)adan .istance Dearning 0enter. Aan5s& (2''? . The .outledge /nternational 0ompanion to 1ulticultural 2duction. New >or5& N>3 Joutledge Aennet& 0.I. (2''3 . 0o+pre-ensi2e +ulticultural education3 t-eor* and practice (Aoston3 ,ll*n and Aacon . Air)ili& <. (2''7 . <apping Cnowledge3 0oncept <aps in Earl* 0-ild-ood Education. Jetrie2ed No2e+)er %& 2''!. 0ardellini& D(2''% 0oncei2ing of 0oncept <aps 6o /oster <eaningful Dearning3 ,n Inter2iew wit- Josep- .. No2a5. 3ournal of 0hemical 2ducation O $ol. !1 No. ? Septe+)er. ,2aila)le at3 www.(ce.di2c-ed.orgPJournalPIssuesP2''%PSepPp13'3.pdf 0-ang& <. (2''' . 6eac-er-oriented learning 2s. cooperati2e learning in Englis- reading class. Journal of Pingtung Pol*tec-nic Institute& %& 271-277. 0-ang& C.E.& Sung& >.6 I Dee& 0.D (2''3 Ge)-)ased colla)orati2e in9uir* learning. 3ournal of 0omputer Assisted 4earning 1?& 5B-B?. .a2is& A. (2''? . The 5iracial and 1ulticultural -tudent 2!perience6 A 3ourney to .acial 4iteracy. 6-ousand #a5s& 0,3 0orwin Press. /aggella-Du)*& <. N.& and .es-ler& .. .. (2''! . Jeading co+pre-ension in adolescents wit- D.3 G-at we 5nowE w-at we need to learn. Dearning .isa)ilities Jesearc- I Practice& 23(2 & 7'-7!. /ree+an& D ,.& and Jessup& D.< (2''% 6-e power and )enefits of concept +apping3 +easuring use& usefulness&ease of use& and satisfaction. /nternational 3ournal of -cience 2ducation. $olu+e 2B& Nu+)er 2. (/e). pp.151Q1B?.


Journal of Education and Practice ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper ISSN 2222-2!!" (#nline $ol.%& No.13& 2'13

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