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Lesson 1: System of Equations Linear in Two Variables

Specific Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the student must identify the nature of solution to a system of equations linear in two variables. Discussion:



Form: Ax + By + C = 0 Geometric Interpretation: The equation linear in two variables graphically represents a straight line.

Ax + By + C = 0

A system of equations linear in two variables will involve two equations of the form: Ax+By+C =0 A!x + B!y + C! = 0. "hen graphical interprete#$ the system #eals will two straight lines. The solution to the system is the point of intersection between the lines.

There are three possibilities. The system may #eal with: 1. collinear lines Ax+By+C =0

A!x + B!y + C! = 0

2. parallel lines Ax+By+C =0

A!x + B!y + C! = 0

3. intersecting lines.

A!x + B!y + C! = 0 Ax+By+C =0



Before any attempt on solving the system is to be initiate#$ a chec% on the possible system of lines must be ma#e. Why? A system of parallel lines has no intersection. Thus$ there is no solution. An# there won&t be any nee# to solve the system. Solution Set S.S. = ' ( A system of !ollinear lines has in"inite number of intersecting points. Thus$ there is no nee# to solve the system. )t is only a matter of ma%ing use of one the two equations of the system to e*press the infinite solution. Solution Set S.S. = '+*.y,-y = S.S. = '+*.y,-y =
C1 A1 x ( B1
x C2 A 2 B2


A system of interse!tin# lines has a single pointy of intersection. There is a solution. Then there is a nee# to carry out the solution of the system. Solution Set S.S. = '+*$y,( How is the system tested for any of the three possibilities? .imply chec% the ratios of the coefficients of x, y an# the constants of the equations as follows:


A1 B1 C1 = = $ then the system has collinear lines. A2 B2 C2 A1 B1 C1 = / $ then the system has parallel lines. A2 B2 C2 A1 B1 / $ then the system has intersecting lines. A2 B2



Illustrati$e E%a&ple Consi#er the following systems. )#entify if there is a solution$ no solution or an infinite solution. . !x 0 1 y = 2 3x 0 4 y = 2 Checking the ratios yield:
2 3 5 = = . 6 9 15

he ratios are e!"al. here is an infinite


o write the sol"tion set# "se any of the two e!"ations. From the first e!"ation# y $ is: S.S. = '+*$y,- y $ !.
3 6 + =7 x y 1 2 + =5 x y

2x 5 . 3

h"s# the sol"tion set

2x 5 ( 3

Check the ratios.

3 6 7 = 1 2 5

here is no sol"tion. he

sol"tion set is an empty set# i.e. # S.S. = ' ( !. 1x 0 y = 5

!x + 2 y = 3 Check the ratios.

3 1 2 5

. here is an intersection. he

system has to be sol%ed. his is co%ered in the ne&t lesson.


Try the given systems below. )#entify if there is a solution$ no solution or an infinite solution.
. 2* 0 1y = 5


!0* 0 !y = !6

2 5 + =5 x y 6 10 =6 x y

1. * + 7y = 4 1* + !y = 7 2. 7* + !y = 3* + 6y = 1


2x y + =1 3 2 x 3y =2 5 2

'o yo" wish to find o"t if yo" ha%e obtained the correct answer? Clic% on C89:.; <8C9=;>T. an# access ?;..8> @ ;A;:C).;.. Bou will be notifie# if you have gotten the correct answers or not. Cave fun@

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