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Maria Fernandez Ms. Gardner English 10 2 17 November 2013 What's in the Book?

Caesar, Judith. "Gogols Namesake: Identity and Relationships in Jhumpa Lahiris The Namesake." Atenea 27.1 (2007): 103-119. 30 Nov. 2013. This article describes the novel and analyzes the interpretation of the short story The Overcoat and the larger role it actually plays in the story. The article also goes in depth on how the novel is almost written in four perspectives as the views from Gogol, Ashoke, Ashima, and Moushimi; it discusses how this is used to provide different perspectives on the novel and how each character is able to live in their environment. The article provided to be very helpful in many aspects; it really provides a closer look into the book mentioned in the novel, and its much larger part on how it has shaped the characters in the novel. Lahiri used the book to show certain traits and its part to the larger theme of identity in the novel. Holt, Robert D., and Richard Gomulkiewicz. "How does immigration influence local adaptation? A reexamination of a familiar paradigm." The American Naturalist 149.3 (1997): Web. 23 Nov. 2013. This article discusses immigration's influence on adaptations of the area; large amounts of immigration will influence the community and change if the number of immigrants

from a certain culture outnumber the current population. It discusses the many ways in which immigration can influence society. This article could be interesting for those that are interested in the topic of immigration and how it influences people and society. It does help with some of the understanding of where the family comes from in the novel, but does not seem as important too the understanding of the novel.

Port, Carol. "Lahiri, Jhumpa." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 19 Nov. 2013.

Korts article offers unique background for the author, including interesting information about other books she has written and how closely she relates with her novels; it also provides interesting information on how Lahiri has been writing since the very young age of seven. The article explains how Lahiri uses her novels to express her emotions towards issues using exaggerated characters to express the purpose in her novels and the differences through cultures; also including similar motifs used throughout her novels.

This article was very insightful towards the purposes used in Lahiris novels; it gives the reader information on how Lahiri created her novels, creating reasoning behind her motifs and story lines. Knowing that the author had a purpose in writing her novel and developing characters to make the novel seem like an emphasized way to express issues in her own life through storylines of those from other cultures lets any reader have a clear insight to the reasons behind her novels.

Maxey, Ruth. "The Namesake." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 23 Nov. 2013. This article provides an analysis on the characters of the novel itself, looking into the role they play in the story as they find their identity. It also discusses what role geography has in the novel and how the family likes to stay close together. The article provides a large amount of summary and less analysis and criticism than expected. It does not go as in depth as expected and provides little analysis only after large amounts of summary.

Portes, Alejandro. The economic sociology of immigration. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1995.Web.23 Nov. 2013. This article provides information on how immigration has overall impacted society; it provides many facts and statistics to prove points. It goes in depth on how immigration influences people and does not display an opinion throughout the article. The way the article remains unopinionated is a good way to avoid issues about the article and stay to the topic. This article is very interesting to those who would like to know information on immigration. Although this article was interesting, it did not provide additional understanding of the novel read. Werlock, Abby H. P. "Lahiri, Jhumpa." Bloom's Literature. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. The article provides background on Lahiri's life, along with interesting information on

her novel writing and how she came to write her award winning novels. It provides information on how Lahiri's background plays a role in her novels as she pulls from personal and family experiences when writing. It was interesting to read how much of a part Lahiri's personal life influenced her novels and to see how changes when moving from one country to another can influence people. Their traditions and practices may have to change when a person moves and Lahiri uses this to provide a main storyline in The Namesake.

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