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ISN ETH Zurich

International Relations and Security ///

This Week at ISN

03 07 March 2014

Our Weekly Editorial Roundup

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// Finance and Security

What influences leaders to pick one way of financing wars over others? What problems do 'irregular war economies' pose for state and non-state actors? And, in the case of the most powerful states and their allies, how has waging 'financial warfare' become an essential part of their strategic calculations? These are some of the questions we grapple with this week, and with good reason. Financial warfare and related practices such as counter-threat finance are likely to grow in significance in the years ahead, particularly given the problems networked supply chains (and more) pose to the global security landscape. More

Choosing the Price: How Leaders Pay for War

03 March 2014

What influences leaders to pick one way of financing a war over others? According to Rosella Cappella, it boils down to three factors the importance of staying in power; avoiding economic ruin; and the determination to emerge victorious in a conflict. More

Conflict Financing: What's Wrong With War Economies?

04 March 2014

What does the dominance of irregular warfare tell us about today's world? According to Mark Taylor, it confirms that states are by no means the only actors capable of financing major conflicts. Today, he explores the problems posed by 'irregular war economies' and what we might collectively do about them. More

Treasury's War: The Modern Megarian Decree

05 March 2014

In addition to raising funds to support their war efforts, states can also pursue their objectives by waging financial warfare. Today, Juan Zarate traces the history of this type of conflict, with a particular focus on how the United States uses financial measures to exploit its adversaries' vulnerabilities. More

The Illicit Supply Chain

06 March 2014

The ability of illicit networks to transcend geographical and political borders complicates the efforts of states to wage financial warfare. Today, Duncan Deville outlines some of the creative ways illicit supply chain operators use to sustain their activities. More

Counter Threat Finance (CTF): Grasping the Eel

07 March 2014

Using counter threat finance techniques to blunt criminal and terrorist networks presents a number of challenges, argues Kevin Stringer. Today, he outlines how governments, multilateral organizations and financial institutions can improve their efforts to safeguard the international financial system. More

// Security Watch
China's Aviation Industry on the Horizon?
03 March 2014

Is China's defense aviation industry about to come of age? Michael Raska thinks so. Today, he outlines how Beijing has overcome the financial and technological constraints of the past and is now poised to become an important player in the defense aviation market. More

Myanmar Conflict Alert: A Risky Census

04 March 2014

According to the International Crisis Group, Myanmar's upcoming nationwide census could endanger its political transformation. To prevent this from happening, Yangon needs to delete some of the more divisive demographic questions from the survey, at least for the time being. More

Early Elections Mark Serbia's (Good) Start to Negotiations with the EU

05 March 2014

Serbia followed up the recent launch of accession talks with the European Union (EU) by scheduling parliamentary elections for March 16. In Tomasz Zornaczuk's view, this all suggests that Belgrade is well-prepared for its negotiations with Brussels, provided it retains a consistent policy towards Kosovo. More

Are Russia's Security Agencies At War (With Each Other)?

06 March 2014

After a period of relative calm, Russia's fractious security agencies are once again at odds with each other. Against the backdrop of the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, Mark Galeotti assesses the prospects of a new intra-elite turf war breaking out in Moscow. More

Lebanon's Precarious New Government

07 March 2014

There is widespread hope that Lebanon's new 'cabinet of interest' will stabilize the country and revive talks over its political future. Mario Abou Zeid warns, however, that there are two obstructions on the road to national reconciliation intramural political tensions and Hezbollah's current involvement in Syria. More

// Blog
Australia Startled by Chinese Naval Excursion
03 March 2014

China's People's Liberation Army-Navy (PLAN) recently conducted a series of military exercises close to Australia's northern maritime border. So how should Canberra respond? According to Henry Lawton, it's time to develop a formal position on what will soon be a recurring problem in Australia's backyard. More

Morgenthau, on Diplomacy
04 March 2014

Are Hans Morgenthau's principles for diplomacy still relevant in today's world? Michael Noonan believes so. Today, he explains why the great realist's tenets remain current, particularly in the case of states that are recalibrating their geopolitical and security outlooks. More

The G20's Ambitious Agenda for Economic Growth Leaves Out One Key Ingredient: Peace
05 March 2014

If the G20 wants to enhance global economic growth and prosperity, it needs help to curtail violence. According to today's IEP's Global Costs of Violence Containment Report, the economic costs of conflict account for approximately 11% of gross world product. More

Mediation Perspectives: Engaging Religion

06 March 2014

Here's a question for mediation practitioners how do you factor religious actors into you peace and conflict resolution strategies without doing it at others' expense? Today, the CSS' Owen Frazer highlights the answers to this and other likeminded questions. More

India: an 'Important' or a 'Great' Power?

07 March 2014

Will India ever become a great power? Not soon, says the SWP's Christian Wagner. In today's "CSS Evening Talk," he explains why New Delhi currently lacks the long-term vision and capabilities to make it happen. More

// Video
The Role of Financial Power in National Security
In this video, three senior-level practitioners discuss how the United States has learned to use financial tools as part of its 'War on Terror', and as part of its national security more broadly. More

War in the Contemporary World, with Victor Davis Hanson

In this video, the Hoover Institute's Victor Davis Hanson provides a realist's perspective on the role of armed conflict in history. His ultimate 'lesson learned' is that although wars will always be with us, we indeed have mechanisms available either to prevent them or ameliorate their destructive effects. More

Combating Corruption: Strategies for Ending a Tax on Private-sector Growth

In this video, a mix of experts and practitioners discuss 1) the role of the private sector in combating corruption, 2) the types of strategies and policies that are needed to oppose and expose this continuing blight, and 3) the backgrounds of some of the organizations allegedly involved in unethical and criminal behaviors. More

Coming Up
Next week's theme: Financial Statecraft and Currency Power

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