Bulletin, Sun., Mar. 9/14 - Bulletin

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YOUTH GROUP - On Sunday, March 30th, we will have lunch together following worship in the Banquet Hall.

Then, we go to Mi e!s Bowling for stri es, spares and "isses. The cost is #$0 per person. %ou are welco"e to &ring a friend. 'lease let us now that you are co"ing. (ust contact the office or )ev. Mar &y e"ail or phone. %outh *roup will then "eet again on Sunday, +pril ,-th fro" . to / p.". in the Banquet Hall. 0f you are a&le to &ring a dessert for the gang, please let a youth group leader now. ADULT STUDY GROUP - Our resource is 12"&racing an +dult 3aith4 &y Marcus Borg on What it Means to be Christian. 2ach session, we will watch a 565 presentation and then share in conversation and prayer. There is a wor &oo that will help us in our shared 7ourney. 0f you have any questions, please spea with )ev. Mar . 8e will "eet again on March $3th ,0th, and ,-th. 'lease 7oin us at $900 p.". For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat Matthew 25:35 Our FOOD need this month is: Canned Fruit, Side Ki !s"Ham#ur$er He%&er ' Cerea% (o%unteers needed at the House o) *%essin$ The House of Blessing is in need of volunteers to help sort clothing and household donations. 0f you are availa&le for a "orning or afternoon a wee , please call )ita at :$;< ,-3<3=33 e>t ,0= or e"ail9 volunteer?sho&.org Than you@ K+,TA+L O, TH- ROAD - Aast (uly, we had a fantastic : days with 1Bintail On The )oad4. Than s to the good wor of the planning tea", volunteers and the Bintail Staff, we had an a"aCing ti"e. 8e plan to have BOT) at our church again this su""er. 8e are in need of "e"&ers for our 'lanning Tea". 'lease spea with Mar *edc e or Mary 5ougall to learn "ore. .inister: )ev. Mar *edc e :$;<:-:<//$or &y e"ail at "gedc e? no>stratford.co" Dire tor o) .usi : SuCanne Strahan O))i e Administrator: Bathy Ba er Treasurer: Shannon +rcher O))i e: /01-230-4535 no>s?wight"an.ca OFF+C- HOURS 1am- 0&m Tuesda6 throu$h Frida6

K,O7 PR-S*YT-R+A, CHURCH .ar h 1, 2408 00:44 am Minister9 )ev. Mar *edc e Music 5irector D SuCanne Strahan


PREPARA I!" F!R #!R$%IP < 'rayer, Meditation and 6isiting PRE&'(E: Ayric S etch D *rieg, arr. 'rice #E&)!ME A"( A""!'")EME" $ CALL TO 9ORSH+P: Aeader9 *od of wayfarers and wounded spirits, Peo*+e: we ,+ess and than- you. Aeader9 %ou have "ade us for yourself and called each one of us &y na"e. Peo*+e: /ou have named us we++0,e+oved1 eterna++y 2orgiven1 set 2ree. E'aul 3ayter, $;;$, 8orship for +ll Seasons, ed. &y Tho"as Harding, The Fnited Ghurch 'u&lishing HouseH OP-,+,G HY.,: I=;- 8ord of *od, across the ages OP-,+,G PRAY-R 1There are these momentsJ.4 &y +llen B. 8e&ster Eused with per"issionH PASS+,G OF TH- P-AC-: Aeader9 The 'eace of Ghrist &e with you )ongregation: And a+so with you. A,TH-.: 8hat The Aord Has 5one 0n Me D ). Morgan, arr. A. Aarson

CH+LDR-,:S HY.,: I3-/ (esus, (esus, (esus in the "orning CH+LDR-,:S T+.SCR+PTUR- R-AD+,G: 'sal" ;$ Matthew =9$<$$ S-R.O,: The Truth +&out Te"ptation

HY.,: I$;- 3orty days and forty nights OFF-R+,G OFF-RTORY: Aovely +ppear D *ounod, arr. 8ilson

OFF-RTORY PRA+S-: I-; 'raise *od fro" who" all &lessings flow PRAY-R OF D-D+CAT+O, EtogetherH O *od, &y whose love we are su""oned to life which is life indeed9 +ccept our offerings, that this household of your people "ay &reathe truth, forgiveness, and peace, through Ghrist our Saviour. E'eter 8yatt, $;//, 8orship for +ll Seasons, ed. &y Tho"as Harding, The Fnited Ghurch 'u&lishing HouseH HY.,: I==. O Aord, her "y prayer E, ti"esH Ev $H PRAY-RS OF TH- P-OPL- A,D TH- LORD:S PRAY-R Our 3ather in heaven, hallowed &e your na"e, your ingdo" co"e, your will &e done on earth as in heaven. *ive us today our daily &read. 3orgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us fro" the ti"e of trial and deliver us fro" evil. 3or the ingdo", the power and the glory are yours now and forever. +"en CLOS+,G HY.,: I$;3 Out of "y &ondage, sorrow and night *-,-D+CT+O, POSTLUD-: 'sal" K6000 D Benedetto Marcello Chur h O&enin$ Toda6: (i" Hider Chur h O&enin$ ,e;t <ee!: Aaird Ghristie Ushers this <ee!: )ichard Bast, To" Hislop, Bir L Aori Speiran Ushers ne;t <ee!: )ichard Bast, To" Hislop, Bir L Aori Speiran Greeters this <ee!9 Aaird Ghristie L 6ivien Harding Greeters ne;t <ee!: Gharles L Margaret Aupton Lentener ' S ri&ture Reader: Shirley 8eitCel Co))ee this <ee!: 8endell L Shannon +rcher L-,T-, A,D -AST-R R-AD-RS 5uring Aent and up to 2aster Sunday, we need readers for a Aenten insert and the reading of scripture. 0f you can assist, please put your na"e down on the sign<up sheet or spea to )ev Mar .

2408 L-,T-, CO..U,+TY LU,CH-O,S ($8.00 per person held at Immaculate Conception R.C. Church) March $, D )ev. 2laine Glar <Si&erry E*reenwood GourtH March $; D )ev. 'irie Mitchell EGentral FnitedH March ,. < )ev. Michelle 5own ESt. (ohn!s FnitedH +pril , < 'astor Ghad McAaren EBethel 'entecostalH +pril ; < )ev. 5aniel Bowyer ESt. 'aul!s +nglicanH STRATFORD A,D AR-A 9O.-, ALL TOG-TH-R What: 8o"en!s 5ay When: Saturday, +pril :th ,0$= << /930 a.". to 3930 p.". Where: 3estival 0nn, Stratford

Rejoice in Hope with Keynote Speaker Michelle Sim, Pastor, Singer and Comedian as well as Celeste Z gec, !ospel recording artist

d!ance Tic"ets onl#: #30 Eafter March ,$ < #3:H Aunch and nutrition &rea s included D only ,00 tic ets availa&le &y calling :$;<,-$<=-3= or :$;<,-$<$;$8e are e>cited to once again offer an uplifting and encouraging day@ O,-L+,- LAY -DUCAT+O, < The 2wart Gentre!s online lay education .<wee progra""e on the *ospel of Matthew led &y the )ev. Ti" 'urvis of 8estview 'res&yterian Ghurch &egins on Monday, March $-th. Sign up now a www. no>.utoronto.ca and discover new insights into this unique gospel and engage in online discussion with other interested Ghristians. 3or "ore infor"ation, contact (ohn Hernderson at henderson.7ohncharles?g"ail.co" PLA,,+,G FOR SU,DAY SCHOOL A,D K+,TA+L O, TH- ROAD On Sunday, March ,3rd, please 7oin us for a planning ti"e following our worship. 8e will share in a lunch together as we see to &e supportive to our progra"s for children and youth. 8e will e>plore i"portant issues li e the curriculu" for Sunday School starting in the fall, getting ready for Bintail on the )oad E(uly -<$$H, see ing a decision a&out having a congregational retreat in ,0$=. 8e encourage all those interested in "inistry with our children and youth to 7oin us. SUR(-Y A*OUT A CO,GR-GAT+O,AL R-TR-AT 0n the last few years, our congregation has &een &lessed with the opportunity of having a retreat at Ga"p Bintail. Aast year, we 7oined with St. Marys 'res&yterian Ghurch for a retreat late in (une. The Ghristian 2ducation Tea" needs your feed&ac as we consider whether to have a retreat this year or e>plore the idea at a future ti"e.

8e have sent out a survey &y e"ail and there are copies of the survey in the narthe>. %our participation is so helpful.

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