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Inform the pt. that his urine may be bloody, but it should clear 2 4 days after the procedure. Inform the pt. that he may have some irritation and burning with urination. Drink plenty of fluids, 8 10 glasses per day unless contraindicated. Take pain medicine as prescribed, when needed. Get plenty of rest Avoid letting bladder get too full as this would increase the pressure in the bladder and make him bleed more. Avoid straining and constipation; increased pressure can cause more bleeding. Advised him that he can prevent constipation by drinking fluids and adding fruit and vegetables to his diet. Stool softeners or a mild laxative may be prescribed by his doctor.

Activity restrictions
Instruct the pt. that he can resume his normal routine activities in 3-4 weeks.

During the first week at home instruct the pt. about the ff:
Do not lift anything weighing more than 5 to 10 lbs. No strenuous activities (i.e. aerobics, jogging, swimming). Limit stair climbing to 1-2 times per day. No sexual activity Do not drive until OK with your doctor.

During the second week at home instruct the pt. about the ff:
You may slowly increase your activity, but rest when you get tired. Do not overexert yourself. You may resume sexual activity after the second week. You may drive if you are not taking prescription pain medicine and if it is OK with your doctor. You may return to work during the third week or when your doctor allows.

Advised the pt to call the doctor if the ff. occur:

You cannot pass urine. Your urine becomes so bloody that you cannot see through it. You have clots in your urine. You have increased pain in your abdomen. Your fever is over 100.5 F (orally) for two readings taken 4 hours apart. You have severe burning, pain, and irritation with urination.

Other instructions:
Instruct the pt. the importance of compliance to medicines. Instruct the pt. to report adverse reaction promptly. Explain the medications how they work, the side effects, and precautions. Give adequate instructions to the significant others about the importance of the following medications and dietary regimens. Encourage the pt. to relax and have adequate rest Encourage the pt. to compliance on further treatment Encourage active participation of pt. in the program, including blood pressure and diet. Instruct the pt. to avoid smoking, alcohol and exposure to carcinogenic agents Remind clients relative on close monitoring of clients activities. Practice good hygiene. Remind the patient/family member for a follow-up appointment in the hospital after discharge or when complications of the disease appear. Inform the pt. that his disease condition tends to recur, so ongoing consultation for assessment, diagnosis and treatment would be necessary. monitoring of

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