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Tea#her: Vu Hoan& Yen Student: %o Hu+ Tao Class: ,-*., Course: EA' /ritin& %ate: )ar#h 012 30.1


To a normal person, there are numerous types of food that one can consume per day. While most of the popular types of diet in the world are divided into two main categorized: conventional and artificial, a large part of the world is now utilizing a different kind of product it is Genetics modified crops. Although innovations, regulations and safety assessments are introduced every year, the reputation of this kind is held ack y numerous causes, and the most significant of which is related to humans.


A4STRACT 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555i TA4$E O( CONTENTS5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555ii .5 35 Introdu#tion555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555. %is#ussion of findin&s55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555.

35. 4a#6&round 6no7led&e a out 8) and 8) #rops555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555. 353 'er#eptions on 8eneti#all+ )odified #rops9 foods55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555553 35, $a elin&555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, 351 Ris6*assessment for 8) #rops555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555, ,5 Con#lusion55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555,


.5 Introdu#tion .owadays, the world's population is increasing at an alarming rate. It is estimated that the planet will have held up /.0 billion people by the year of 1232 *%. 1245- and the capability of which to feed everyone is still being put under question. 6s now the world is only able to feed around only a large proportion of its people, numerous plans, ideas and innovations have been taken into account. ,ven so, only one of them stands out as being the temporal and even probably long7term remedy for this problem! &he 8enetics 9odified crops, or as known as 89 crops. :aving been featured and out in the market in a number of places over the world, differences in opinions towards this kind of crop has made choosing whether to consume this becomes a contentious issue. &his paper introduces the brief knowledge about the 89 crops in general, while at the same time discusses about the people' perspective on 89 crops, labeling and the assessment of risks relating to the product. 35 %is#ussion of findin&s 35. 4a#6&round 6no7led&e a out 8) and 8) #rops 8enetic engineering has been being considered as one of the most crucial fields that has the ability to positively influence human's life in many recent years. ;ontributing to the reputation of this broad area, genetic modification showed up as the leading one to feature the most beneficial applications for mankind. 8enetic modification or in short + 89, can be easy to understand as the technology which enables selected single genes to be moved from one organism into another, and also between non7related species. &he main utili$ations are often taken place in the fields of medicine, researching, industry and the most noticable of all 7 agriculture. Due to the widely known achievements of the influence of genetic engineering in agriculture, one may easily regard genetic modification as the field of science which focus primarily on agriculture. ;onsequently, the fruits of this science + 89 crop and its rising commercial value seems to have come as no surprise. 8enetically modified crops, as defined by the <orld :ealth =rgani$ation, are those came from organisms that the genetic material of which has been changed in an abnormal way. 6ccording to the !epartment for "nvironment, #ood $ %ural Affairs of the %nited >ingdom, since the comercial introduction of 89 crops in 6merica in the late 4//2s, the ultili$ation of the product has been escalating gradually. 4/// marked the success of 89= products, with more than 422 million acres around the world were planted with genetically engineered seeds. &he marketplace started to support and adopt 89= technology at a shocking rate. &he type of product continued to achieve another milestone, as the toughest and strictest rules on 89=s were approved by the ,uropean %nion + all of the 8enetic ,ngineered material have to be tracked down and named. &he technology has been developing since then, and in every year or two, new plants or amelioration were often regulated. 6lso, as a consequence, the popularity of 89 crops started to grow as well.

6t the beginning, the purpose of producing 89 crop was mainly about to improve the protection of the crop which make up the 89 food. &he benefit of developing this type of crop was then acknowledged by both of the consumers and the manufacturers, in which it shaped up the prospective of a product that consists of low e(penses as well as great sustainability and victuals quality. :aving been through all hard times, it can be said that the most significant achievement of 89=s was to win the heart and trustworthiness of the people. <hile most of the traditional crops are pre)udiced preferred and not carefully assessed, it is the engineered one that proved to be accompanied with thorough risk assessments. &he public have been selecting and putting their trust in conventional plants thoroughgoing the agriculture history. ;onsequently, natural plants are always in the choice of the consumers regardless of any safety threat possible. &hus, appraisal intensity of the conventional crop is not able to keep up with that of the 8enetically 9odified crop, making it appeared to be safer and more carefully checked among customers. 6s a result, &he <:= Food Safety ?rogram has been recommending countries in the world in the act of differentiate the two types of crop and also suggesting the right method of assessment for the two *<:= 1223-. =n the international scale, the 89 products that are currently featured have all passed the strict standards by each country. &he approach is primarily based on the evaluation of the impact a 89 plant makes on human and the environment. &here are basically three qualities that decide the possibility of a engineered product to be distributed globally, they are! insect damage's confrontation ability, resistance to viral infections and the affectability to certain types of herbicides. 6ll genes utili$ed to alter crops are originated from microorganisms. 353 'er#eptions on 8eneti#all+ )odified #rops9 foods :uman, in general, often consider and value traditional food far better than the artificial. :ence, when it comes to the differentiation between the two types of crop that in turns makes up the food after, the public awareness of this is of no minimal level. &he ball now is then passed to the authorities in the local area, where they are supposed to provide good risk communication for the people considering which type of food is safer by providing information about the safety and the thorough evaluation of the crop. Despite the long time the risk7assessment procedures are adopted, these assessments are not easily accepted among customers where the engineered crops are not yet popular. &he reason relating to this often be the influence of local cultures towards the perception on food, in which the native people in the area create a strong bond with the nature, making them find it difficult to switch to using the biological modified products. &his, in turn, plays an important role in the possibility of marketing 89 products to certain areas, making it difficult to globali$e the utili$ation of 89 food. 35, $a elin&

6t the present time, one can easily see that whether the authorities should label the 8enetically 9odified crops differed from the other is a matter of debate. &he people, in general, have the rights to know about what they are having for every meal. =ne possible consequence of this is that by acknowledging the presence of 89 foods, consumers may alienate themselves from the products that contain the information related to genetics or biological alteration. =n the other hand, while having changed in structure and composition far more than the traditional plant, the engineered crop is regarded as a @substantial equivalentA to the former one *<hitman 1222. Bigorous measures in labeling, therefore, are of no necessities to the customers. =nly the products that are sold in the international market would need proper labeling. 351 Ris6*assessment for 8) #rops It is well known to the public that a substantial number of genes used in 89 crops have not been in the food industry before, hence the skeptical view among people on the engineered product's safety. .evertheless, scientists have always been trying to gain back reputation for the engineered crops, in order to bring out a clearer and fairer view in comparing both the conventional and genetics crops among customers. 6dditionally, more than often do the 89 products be carefully assessed before being introduced into the market, compared to the unlikeliness of traditional food's pre7marketing evaluation. In fact, measurements applied on traditional crops are still currently conducted on animals. &his has been proved to be ineffective when the results are used to apply on human whilst the capability of animals to consume large quantities of food and the body system of both are distinct noticeably. <ith regards to the engineered plant, while not being considered safe based on e(perience like the former one, it is the harshness of regulations and the precise of the evaluation that help 89 crops' reputation become no less than that of the traditional food, in terms of safety and risk management. 6dherence to the <:=, in order to help 89 crops' evaluation process to be uniformed on an international scale, principles developed by the ;ode( 6limentarius ;ommissions * a )oint programme of <:= and the Food and 6griculture =rgani$ation of the %nited .ationsC F6=- has now covered the field of food safety, while the ;artagena ?rotocol on #iosafety has taken care of the environmental safety of 89=s *<:= 1223-. <ith the introduction of these two organi$ations, it's not too far7fetched to say that the popularity of 89 products will arouse greatly in the future. , Con#lusion

&he findings above reveal that 8enetics modified crop is certainly one controversy that deserves substantial attention from the public. &hroughout the history, one can see that the technology had been through numbers of important milestones, from which it gained its worthy popularity and trust from the people. &he world needs

more contribution from everyone to the field in no matter which aspect, in order to globali$e the 8enetics 9odified crop.


<orld :ealth =rgani$ation n.d, &' (uestions on genetically modified foods, viewed 1D/21/1245, http!// 1241, G)* Timeline: A +istory of Genetically )odified #oods, viewed 43/21/1245, http!// .atural Foods 9erchandiser 1244, G)* timeline: ,-./0&',,, viewed 1E/24/1245, http!// images74/D2D4 <orld :ealth =rgani$ation 1223, )odern food iotechnology, human health and development: an evidence0 ased study. viewed 1D/24/1245 http!// en.pdf %nited .ations 1245, World 1opulation 1rospects The &',& %evision viewed 43/21/1245 http!//<??1241 9ethodology.pdf <hitman, #D 1222, Genetically )odified #oods: +armful or +elpful2 viewed 44/21/1245 http!// Buse, 9 1221, Genetically )odified #oods: !e ating 3iotechnology 4st edn. ?rometheus #ook, .ew Hork. <easel, I: 122E, #ood #ray: 4nside the 5ontroversy over Genetically )odified #ood. 696;=9 #ooks, .ew Hork. Schau$u, 9 1222 6The concept of su stantial e(uivalence in safety assessment of foods derived from genetically modified organisms7 vol.1 viewed 2//21/1245.

A''EN%I; %:
Criteria .5 Ideas! &he writer creates interesting, relevant, novel, thoughtful, or unique ideas. &hese ideas are supported or e(plained. 35 Senten#es! &he writer uses complete sentences. &he sentences are *a- concise yet descriptive, *bconsistent with tense and popularity, *c- avoid repetition, and *d- make sense and are easy to read. ,5 'ara&raphs! &he writer uses paragraphs to break up and organi$e larger ideas. &he paragraphs *amake sense, *b- avoid conceptual leaps, and *c- are used to e(plore or support an idea. 15 /ord #hoi#e! &he writer *a- uses an academic style, *b- avoids speech7isms, and *c- makes pragmatic choices about the quantity and quality of words. :5 Headin&s! &he writer uses headings to organi$e the paper and make it reader7friendly. 6ll the information under a particular heading is germane to that section. <5 -uotes and #itations! &he writer uses :arvard Beferencing System as described. &he quotes are used intelligently to support the writer's ideas. =5 (luen#+! &he paper flows and is easy to read. Ideas are described and supported. >5 Stru#ture9Or&ani?ation! Structure is used to help carry the ideas. @5 (orm9)e#hani#s! &he paper looks presentable. &he spacing, margins, font, and headings are correct. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation have been attended to. .05 Resear#hin& s6ills: &he writer has read widely Ratin& 1

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