Election Protest (Sample)

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PETITION Petitioner through counsel respectfully alleges: 1.

That he is a qualified voter and was one of the registered candidates voted for in the general election held on _____________ in the province of _______________ Philippines within the !urisdiction of the court" #. That according to the certificate of canvass of the provincial $oard of canvassers for the province of ________ the total votes for the office of the provincial %overnor for the said province was ___________ the respondent appearing to have received ______ votes the petitioner ____________votes and the other registered candidate voted for as follows:_______________ &. That on _______ the said provincial $oard of canvassers proclai'ed the respondent ________ elected to the office of the provincial %overnor of the province of _______" (. That the petitioner contests the election of the said respondent on the following grounds: __________________) *. That the petitioner is willing to give a $ond as this +onora$le ,ourt 'ay deter'ine to cover all reasona$le e-penses and costs and da'ages incidental to these proceedings" .+E/E0O/E it is respectfully prayed: 1. That upon service of su''ons in accordance with law a day $e set for the hearing of the protest" #. That an order $e issued to the 'unicipal treasurers of the 1unicipalities of ______ to $ring and present $efore the +onora$le ,ourt on or $efore the day of the hearing of this protest the $allot $o-es copies of the registry list the election state'ents the voter2s affidavits and other docu'ents used in the said election in said 'unicipalities in order that this +onora$le ,ourt 'ay re)e-a'ine and revise the sa'e" &. That after due proceedings the election of the respondent and ________________ for the office of Provincial %overnor ____________ $e annulled and that the petitioner $e declared duly elected instead" (. That the e-penses and costs incurred in these proceedings $e assessed against the respondent. ________ ,ity Philippines this _____ day of _______#313.

Na'e _______________________________ 4ppoint'ent No. _____________________ /oll of 4ttorney No. ___________________ PT/ No.____ ____ 5date and place of issue6 I7P No. ____ ____ 5date of issue6 5chapter6 Office 4ddress________________________ E'ail 4ddress ________________________ ,ontact No. __________________________ 1,8E ,o'pliance 5or E-e'ption6 No._____

,opy 0urnished: _________________________________ Na'e and address of adverse counsel 5Personal 9ervice6 :E/I0I,4TION

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