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Beavers Weekly Homework and Communication Letter

On Twitter @QuadringBeavers
A Message from Mr Kelwick

Friday 7th March 2014

Online at

This wee $ % have set so"e &u"eracy ho"ewor relating to our topic of identifying and "easuring angles$ in 'iteracy$ we shall continue on with learning lines for our #orld #ar % play perfor"ance. Spellings will go out Monday so this class can learn these throughout the wee and ti"es table test will ta e place next #ednesday afternoon. &ext wee is a (uiet wee $ any specific events or details can be found below.

Numeracy Homework

Literacy Homework
4ur ho"ewor for the next wee is to learn our lines for the upco"ing theatre perfor"ance. 4ur "ini history topic this ter" is #orld #ar %. .s it is hundred years since the conflict began$ we are studying what life was li e in 1ritain between 151461517. #e have been luc y to ac(uire the services of Maria 1ates fro" the Student Theatre 8o"pany. She has written a script for us to perfor" on Thursday 9rd .pril to parents and the school. The title of our play is :Far"yard ,eroes+. This pro2ect will allow us to tie in ey spea ing and listening s ills$ physical "ove"ent$ direction$ how to use the body to perfor" and art tas s. More details will follow regarding ti"es on the 9rd .pril. .ll the class have been given a part in the play$ so the ho"ewor is to learn lines ready for our read through next wee .

)ed and *ellow+s *our ho"ewor is to find acute and right angles in shape. ,ow "any of each can you find- .ll the infor"ation is on your sheet !urple This wee $ you are "easuring angles using the protractor on your sheet. )e"e"ber to focus in on the three letters as that will tell you which angle you are "easuring. /on+t forget to thin about which 0ero you will start fro". 1lue *our tas is to "easure angles using the protractor on your sheet and then use a protractor to "easure the angles on the bac . %f you need e(uip"ent$ 2ust as . 3reen *our entire ho"ewor re(uires a protractor as you are "easuring angles throughout. There are lots of rando" angles on the bac $ "easure what you can please.

Homework Surgery is a0ailable on a Monday and Tuesday lunchtime for anyone who is stuck on any aspect of their homework# Spellings Information Times Tables
Ti"es Tables tests start next #ednesday. #e shall be having a dedicated Ti"es Table lesson on Monday afternoons to help boost our nowledge in this area. Test day is now #ednesday afternoons.

Spellings will go out on Monday for the test next Friday (14th March). There will be a new spelling patter and we shall have a loo at this on Monday afternoon during our !honics and Spelling session. These will be tweeted out on Monday evening.

My Tables I did the _______ time s table today I scored _______ out of !"# Ne$t week I am on the ______ times table#

%roup ! Spelling Scores& This week I got ______ out of !'# (hich spellings did I get incorrect)

%roup " Spelling Scores& This week I got ______ out of !"# (hich spellings did I get incorrect)

%roup * Spelling Scores& This week I got ______ out of !"# (hich spellings did I get incorrect)

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

_________________________________ _________________________________

News+ Messages and ,etails

School album . re"inder that the extra piece of ho"ewor this wee is a tas the whole school will co"plete. #e are going to record an albu" of the schools and children+s favourite songs. The challenge is to create an albu" cover. .ll the relevant details are attached (orld -ook ,ay %t was great to see class dressed as their favourite fictional characters on Thursday. #ell done to all. .rchestra 4rchestra is bac on this co"ing Thursday as Mrs #ood will be bac in school following 1adgers residential. ,ance /esti0al 'etters have already gone out regarding this but good luc to all involved in the /ance Festival on Tuesday "orning. Those selected should be out the entire "orning. /.S Friends of School are "eeting at ;p" in the #hite ,art. 12 Kits . re"inder to all that !< =its "ust be in school at all ti"es for !< and Sports clubs. !< is an essential part of the curriculu" and the clothing worn should be valued as highly as stationary and boo s are in classroo" based sub2ects. !< it "ust consist of pli"solls and>or trainers$ shorts$ trac suit>long botto"s (for winter weather)$ t6shirt$ war" top.

3eminders for week beginning !'4'*4"'!5& please cut out and keep ,ay Anything to note or remember for today&

Upcoming events
#ed ?@th Mar A School recording of Favourite Songs .lbu" Thu 9rd .pril A 8lass perfor"ance of Far"yard ,eroes play (details to follow) Fri 4th .pr A Finish for the <aster holiday.

Monday ,o"ewor hand in day 1$ Spellings sent out$ .lbu" cover deadline$ F4S "eeting at ;p" Tuesday /ance Festival for cheerleaders$ ,o"ewor hand in day ? (ednesday 4utdoor and %ndoor !< =its (weather dependant)$ Ti"es Table test Thursday /ra"a lesson with Maria /riday Swi""ing =its$ Spelling Test$ ,o"ewor hand out

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