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The cultivation Agriculture of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel, drugs

and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Shifting an agricultural system in cultivation which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned and allowed to revert to their natural vegetation while the cultivator moves on to another plot. Intensive a branch of agriculture pastoral dealing with the raising of farming livestock such as cows, sheep, pigs, cattle, etc. Subsistence is self-sufficiency farming in agriculture which the farmers focus on growing enough food to feed themselves and their families

Commercial type of agriculture whereby a Cultivation farmer cultivates crops for sale to agro-based industries (industries that use agricultural products) in order to gain profit. Mixed The growing of two or more cropping crops simultaneously on the same piece of land Dairy A class of agricultural, or farming an animal husbandry, enterprise for long-term production of milk, usually from dairy cows but also from goats, sheep and camels Dry a system of growing crops in farming arid or semiarid regions without artificial irrigation, by reducing evaporation and by special methods of tillage

The parts of a plant / What plants need to grow

Teacher's Notes Roots -> Take in water and food (mineral salts) from soil. Anchors plants. The roots of a plant are spread out. Stem -> "Like a straw", transports water through plant. Raises the height of flowers and leaves. Brings closer to light. Structural. The stem is made up of little tubes. Leaves -> Different shapes. Almost always green but sometimes covered with another colour such as red. Green substance in leaves -> chlorophyll. Leaves make food for the plant. To do this they need the water and mineral salts obtained from the soil. They are carried inside little veins in the leaf. To make food leaves also need sunshine and CO2. Flowers - > Flowers produce seeds which form new plants. Space and warmth also needed for a plant to grow.

The parts of a plant Roots - Stem - Leaves - Flowers The _______ of a plant produce seeds which form new plants. The _____ make the food for the plant. They take the water and mineral salts and use them together with sunlight and carbon-dioxide to make food. The ____ is like a straw. It moves water around the plant. It raises the leaves

and flowers of the plant off the ground. The ____take in water and mineral salts from the soil. They anchor the plant into the ground.
Vocabulary Tillage:cultivo Fiber: Fungi: hongos Biofuel:combustible ecologico

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