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Roll up right sleeve, start with BP, about x/x Put my hand on your wrist and check your

pulse Look straight ahead, close your eyes briefly? . open eyes look toward ceiling, look down. Do some test to assess our visual function. cover your right eye with your right hand. And Ill close my opposing eye. See my fingers wiggle like this say ok . SAME THING WITH OTHER EYE. Look straight ahead, Im going to place two fingers underneath your chin. Track my finger keeping your head still. ACCOMODATION ALSO Im going grab a light, shine in both eyes, look straight ahead I for me please. Deeper look in the back of your eys. Fixate your eyes on ___. Im going to place on hand on your head . go laterally. Now Im going to do the same thing on the otherside, again look at the same place. Im going grab this and take a quick look inside your eyars. Bilateral Assessing your hearing. Can you hear this? plug your left ear and gong in on right. Go in ward. Take a brief look inside your mouth. Saw Ah! Stick your tongue all the way out and wiggle from side to side 12 Close yoru eyes while I lightly touch your head. Does it feel equal on both sides? V1 v2 v3. Bite down? Feel mastication5 Smile wide.7 Close your eyes , dont let me open them. Shrug shoulders.11 Turn your ahead resisting my motion.11 Lymph nodes. TILT HEAD BACK. Place my hands along yoru windpipe Go to the back and put both my hands on your neck to assess the size of this gland. Going to ask you to swallow please. Push to side and palpate Hold yoru breath for me pelae. Breath noremal same on other side. Above lateral area -Now you can lean back. Ill pull this footrest. Assess these vessels along side your neck. Turn your head to the left -Sit back up take a deep breath as I inspect any abnormalities in your breathing.

Light tapping along both sides. Supraclavicular and first lung LISTEN front TAKE BREATH FOR ME Go behind you- take deep breath in and out. Take both hands along each side and ask you take a deep breath in and out. 99 on ulnar surface Light tapping along the back breath normally Take deep all way in and all way out and hold it. While?? Take dep breath in and hold that?? Take a quick listen to your back whenever you hear my steth move take a deep breath in and out. Ask you to say ee please. Let me know if any tenderness along length of spine. Light thumping where your kidneys will be. Any discomfort let me know -LIE DOWN. Inspect it and see how heart is beating from outside surface. Slightly expose left side and put my hand over (two hand on top of other) where your heart is expected to be found. Pressing my fingers along each valve T, M left sternal border? Listen to yoru heart sounds breath normally. APTM LISTEN TO OTHER SIDE Expose yoru abdomen. Any areas of tenderness along your bellly that I should be worried about before we get started? Examingin for any scars or areas of distention. Start by taking a quick listen. 4 QUAD Ill listen to vessels along your belly also (upper lateral umbilicus) Im going to do some light tapping in the same areas Followed by some light pressing. Let me know if any discomfort (both hands palmar fingers)

And now slightly deeper. Light tapping from low to h igh lower border, high to low upper border. Put my hand underneath your ribcage here and aks you take a deep breath in and out DEEP BREATH IN right on costal margin left in for spleen

While youre laying down check pulses on each side, make sure theyre equal 5! Two upper two lower + knee Relax and im going to bring your knee up toward your chest in and out Can I ask you to do same motion?

SIT UP Lift both legs up Kick both legs out Pull in legs in Lift feet ceiling and down Arms like this o o--Resist my motion 0 0 | | | | Resist my motion Fingers out like this dont let me push them together Clench fist bring toward ceiling, toward floor Check reflexes ----5 total bilateral Elevate this foor flex it back toward you Achilles Babinski Cue tip-break-foot hand sharp soft eyes closed Vibratory sense: tell me when you feel this vibration stop This is up close eyes this is down. Fingers

Motor movement and sensation Touch this finger sn touch your nose and same with other finger Flap hands up and down fast as you can

STAND UP Ill stabilize you closeyour eyes hands out like this HOLDING PIZZA FEET TOGETHER Walk heel to toe Turn around Walk on yoru toes Talk few steps on your heels please

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