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KO.!J )OKA 'ONA. 'PO% P!R 'ARAN /RA % *0122 'PO% P!





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-. #dentify product marketing re.uirement /. 'arry out public relation activities *& Carry out +oot, promotio0. 'arry out product testing activity 1. Evaluation product marketing activities effectiveness ). *repare product marketing activities reports uka 2 Page 9 345(-65&5/(-/2'()2T7&2)8 Drpd2of 9 :

TAJUK/TITLE : Carry out field market & product survey activities TUJUAN/PURPO ! : This Assignment Sheet is intended to evaluate the knowledge of how to carry out booth promotion.



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'-structio-: Answer all the .uestions below. ectio- A 3O+4ective 5uestio-s6 'ircle the correct answer. -. The following are what we need to know before we are involved in any e;hibition e7cept8 A. product 4. e;hibition '. price D. venue /. <hat are the things that you can give to attract people to come to your booth= i8 3ree gifts ii8 >eld mini competitions iii8 flyers iv8 promotional videos A. i?ii and iii 4 i?ii and iv ' iii and iv D All of the above



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ectio- / 3s,ort a-s9er 5uestio-s6 $ive the accurate answer for the following .uestions -. List ) benefits of participating in e;hibitions. a. b. c. d. e. f. ........................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................

/. <hat should you do before the start of events or e;hibition in setting up your booth= a. b. c. d. e. ........................................................................................................ ...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................... .........................................................................................................



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ectio- C 3 ,ort !ssay6 <rite a short essay on the following .uestions. -. #dentify the basic procedures for an e;hibitor. /. <hat are the tools and materials that you need to prepare if you want to launch a new product=



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JA:APAN/AN :!R 3di simpa- ole, pe-;a4ar6 Section A -. ' /. 4 Section 4 -. List ) benefits of participating in e;hibitions a. b. c. d. e. f. *erfect platform to launch a new product or service $reat way to meet thousands of new buyers in a short period of time E;cellent places to network with potential buyers and client +pportunity to inform and educate all attendees from industry buyers to general public about the benefits of your products and services. !eady feedback #nstant sales

/. <hat should you do before the start of events or e;hibition in setting up your booth= a. b. c. d. e. Sign up early "eep track of all costs associated with the event 'reate a booth space that displays your products where they can be easily identified and accessed. *rep your help Dress for success

Section ' 7Short Essay8 -. #dentify the basic procedures for an e;hibitor. Every e;hibitor has procedures? guidelines and rules that they have to follow before participating in an e;hibitions. These are the basic procedures and guidelines for e;hibitor 95 i6Terms of refere-ce #n these terms and conditions for e;hibiting? the term @E;hibitor@ shall include all



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employees and agents of any company? partnership? firm or individual to whom space has been allocated for e;hibiting. ii6 Applicatio- & email e-5uiry Applications should be sent to organiAer via mail or email. iii6 Allocatio- of e7,i+it space +rganiser allocates spaces according to the order that payment is made after the acceptance of en.uiry2space contract and in accordance to the terms and conditions stipulated in the signed space contract? and then the final booth will be confirmed. The +rganiser shall allocate the space in accordance with the nature of the e;hibit or in a manner the +rganiser deems fit. The +rganiser reserves the right to change the space allocated to the E;hibitor at any time prior to the commencement of the set5up of the e;hibition should circumstances re.uire a change. +ther changes such as streamlining the allocated stands? cordoned off areas? re5positioning and closing of certain e;its and entrances shall be at the discretion of the +rganiser. The E;hibitor shall not claim for compensation as a result of the changes. iv6 Ca-cellatio'ancellation will only be accepted under unavoidable circumstances. #n the case of canceling the e;hibition? e;hibitors should inform the +rganiser in writing and charges shall be levied as stipulated in the Space 'ontract form. v6 '-stallatio- a-d movi-;<out The installation and moving out of e;hibits and booths must be completed by the date and time stipulated by the +rganiser. E;hibitors shall indemnify the +rganiser against any loss which may be caused by delay or damage to the E;hibition >all. vi6 !7,i+itors display a-d products E;hibitors shall provide descriptions of their e;hibits before the construction of the e;hibits and ensure compliance with regulations and restrictions on booth design and activity. E;hibitors shall also agree to provide the +rganiser with the necessary information to facilitate the overall promotion. vii6 '-sura-ce8 security a-d safety E;hibitors are re.uired to subscribe to all risks insurance policy on all e.uipment and products present during the E;hibition as well as during set5up and tear5



uka 2 Page 9 E Drpd2of 9 1 aterials used in stand and

down. The +rganiser shall not take responsibility for any loss? theft? or damage to any articles2assets belonging to the E;hibitor. display construction must be properly fireproof in accordance with the local fire and safety regulations. The +rganiser shall reserve the right to limit any constructions or demonstrations that considered to be potential safety haAards and to conform to the local authorities and hall ownerBs by5laws? laws and regulations viii6 Use of e7,i+it space E;hibitors are bound to e;hibit the announced products and to staff the stands with competent personnel during the opening hours of the E;hibition. Activities of the E;hibitor shall be confined within the limits of the E;hibitorCs booth. The e;hibits will be consistent with the theme of the E;hibition and the +rganiser reserves the right to restrict e;hibits which the +rganiser considers to detract from the general character of the E;hibition. E;hibitors placing advertisements must not contradict the general guidelines and theme of the +rganiser. The +rganiserBs decision shall be final on this matter. i76 uppleme-tary <hen necessary? the +rganiser shall have the right to issue supplementary regulations in addition to those contained in the !,LES and !E$,LAT#+NS? E;hibitors anual and in the Space 'ontract. Those regulations and instructions shall be binding on the E;hibitors? all heirs? successors5in5title? representatives? nominees and all legal assigns of the e;hibitors. The E;hibitor shall observe the E;hibitor rules and regulations. 76 "isputes Any dispute? difference or .uestion arising hereafter between the +rganiser and the E;hibitor concerning the true construction of these !,LES AND !E$,LAT#+NS or the rights and liabilities of the parties there to shall be governed by the laws of alaysia and the parties shall submit to the non5 alaysia. e;clusive Durisdiction of the courts of



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/. <hat are the tools and materials that you need to prepare if you want to launch a new product= "etermi-e 9,ic, products you i-te-d to display at the e;position. These products should be complementary to the obDectives you are trying to achieve at that e;position. The graphic message should also reflect these obDectives. "now the challenges your customers are facing and clearly show how your products provide solutions to their problems. $raphics should state product benefits clearly and concisely. !emember? the graphic message may be the one thing that draws prospective customers into your booth. Leave detailed product applications and technical information to handout materials to keep your display graphics simple and readable. !emember to include your product name on your e;hibit. "isplays a-d si;-s& At the very least? have at least one large banner stating clearly who or what you are promoting. Additional displays can help to inform your audience? too. DonCt e;pect anybody to read large amounts of te;t while wandering by a booth. #nstead? use large? eye5catching graphics and save the details for your flyers. A consistent look and feel between your different displays will help give your booth a unified? complete feel.. $ivi-; a9ay free ;ifts is a good way to attract attendees to your booth and build name recognition. Even the smallest of gifts can serve as an advertisement for your company long after the e;position. The gift does not have to be very e;pensive. #tems such as pens? highlighters? mouse pads and posters are ine;pensive but accomplish the purpose. <e can also held mini competition and games for people who visit our booth. Professio-al promotio-al videos are another way to attract visitors to your booth. %ideo panels may be mounted into e;hibit back walls and other areas visible to the attendee. +ften a video will entice a person to stop and learn about your company. %ideos should be very short in length? &F1 minutes



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ma;imum to hold attendeesB interest.

#f you want people to contact you and remember you after the event? plan to ,a-d out +usi-ess cards8 flyers8 or +roc,ures relating to your message. 4ring more than you think you will need.

A ca-opy. #f your event is outdoors? a portable canopy? tent? or gaAebo is indispensable for keeping the sun 7or rain8 off. #t will also help you look more official and professional. #f it can match your organiAationCs colors or Dust be brightly colored? it will help make your presence that much more noticeable. 4e sure that you learn in advance how much space the event will permit you to occupy.

A ta+le a-d c,airs& Again? the event organiAers may provide these? or not. #f youCre not sure? ask.

Tie do9-s a-d tools. #f you know you will be assembling your own booth? table? or displays? makes sure to bring the tools youCll need. Screwdrivers? pliers? and an adDustable wrench could come in handy. Scissors? packing tape? safety pins? and rope are good ideas? too. #f youCre not sure what you need to assemble your booth? do a dry run in advance at home or at the home office. Note9 <ith current aviation restrictions? make sure that you pack assembly tools in your checked luggage? not your carry5on? to avoid hassles. Nothing worse than having any tools that will be useful at the show for assembly confiscated due to safety restrictions.

A cart or dolly& Especially if it is a large event? donCt assume that youCll be able to park anywhere close to your booth. A hand cart or dolly will help to bridge the gap.

!lectricity a-d 9ater&

ake sure there are source of power and also lots of

bottle water for you and the staff working at your booth.



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