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GORDON ALLPORT said that “personality is the Dynamic Organization with in the individual,
of that psychological system that determines his unique adjustment to his environment”.
According to STEPHEN P. ROBBINS: - “Personality is the sum total of ways in which an
individual reacts and interacts with others”.
According to LEON G. SCHFFMAN AND LESLIE LAZAR KANUCK : - “Personality may be
defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine & reflect how a person
responds to his environment”.
When we study personality in Organizational Behaviour we refer not only the physical aspects
but we study the physical & psychological system operating within an individual. We look at
personality as a whole i.e. we look at the aggregate & not the parts.
Personality is shaped by 3 factors,

 Heredity

 Environment

 Situation
1. Heredity: - An individual’s exterior appearance which is said to be a vital ingredient of the
personality is biologically determined.
The fact that a person is tall or short, fat or skinny, handsome or ugly, black or white will
influence his effect on others and in turn will affect his self-concept.
The genes inherited from parents are fixed at birth and cannot be alternated.
2. Environment: - Factors in the environment which influence the personality of an individual
 Culture

 Early Conditioning

 Family Norms

 Friends & Social Group

The person and his culture are so interwoven with each other that it is difficult to
distinguish the individual from his cultural context individual born into a particular culture are
exposed to existing values, beliefs and norms of that culture concerning an acceptance form of
Certain countries in the world emphasize a certain culture among the inhabitants.
Example: - A spirit of independence, aggressiveness and competition is rewarded by American
cultural environment, while Japanese, Indian culture reinforces attitudes of co-operation, team
spirit, belongingness and a spirit of tolerance.
An individual’s personality is influenced by the early conditioning. He receives as the
member of his family. The birth order of the individual has some influence on his personality.
Studies have shown that first born children are more ambitious, hard working, less likely to
break rules (more sensitive to social acceptance) co-operating and also more likely to feel
anxious & guilty. The younger children in a family are relaxed, easy going & very sociable.
Sociologist believes that certain norms followed by the family also influence the personality of
the individual.
3. Situation:- (A place and it surroundings)

It is often said that “life is nothing but a collection of experience”, each individual’s life
is unique in terms of events and experience that he goes through. These events or experience
can serve as important determinants of personality.
The situation to which an individual is exposed shapes his personality. Certain constantly
recurring situation influence the personality, other situation may not have a strong influence.


Traits are characteristics of an individual’s behaviour. Psychologists have identified

certain enduring characteristics which describe an individual’s behaviour in a large number of
situations. Psychologist identifies 16 personality factors which they called the source or primary
traits. These traits are observable in most situations in organizations or even at home.

Matching the job requirement with personality characteristics is best articulated in John
Holland’s Personality-job fit theory. The theory is based on the notion of fit between individuals’
personality characteristics and his or her occupational environment.

Job satisfaction is the highest where the personality traits and job requirements are in

One of the most widely used personality framework (A psychometric instrument) is

called the MBTI (MYERS BRIGGS TYPE INDICATOR). Many organizations use this test for
selection & appointing employees. MBTI is also used in Management Development Programme
to help managers to understand how they relate with others employees.

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