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udition Prep Class - Saturday - April 5, 2014 @2:00 pm or DPPACs Company Performance Claras Holiday Dream

The Audition Prep Class will provide a look at a pre-professional experience for dedicated dancers between the ages of 6 to adult giving students the opportunity to perform in our holiday production, the first of our upcoming company repertoire on ecember !", #$!" at %&' (iddle )chool, Port %efferson )tation* The audition, scheduled for April !#, #$!" at #+$$ pm, is an open audition to students of surrounding dance schools as well* Three dance elements to be displayed in our holiday performance are ,allet, -yrical.%a// and Tap adapted to music from Tchaikovsky0s 1utcracker )uite and )ymphonic 2oliday Classics* 3Clara0s 2oliday ream4, written by our )tudio irector, represents an extension of the classic 1utcracker story based on a modern-day Clara who is known by her school peers as an idealistic story teller and day dreamer* 1o one is convinced of the tales she tells* 5ntil one evening on a cold winter0s night, as everyone is fast asleep, surprisingly they find themselves in Clara0s 2oliday ream when Clara0s stories come to life* )tudents will participate in a two part audition process* The first being a preparation class 6"*7*!"8 to recogni/e what to expect* The second is the actual audition class 6"*!#*!"8* -ike formal dance auditions, the preparation class will give insight on who, what, where and how on auditioning skills* As this an inspiring experience for dancers to embark on, their involvement encompasses comprehensive training for 3real life4 envelopment in a nurturing environment that forms confidence for student0s future endeavors academically and in performance* Parents 9hat to :xpect+
The Prep Class and Audition Fee is $20.00 per student. Each dancer will be given goals and rolls available to prepare and anticipate for the audition before the studio director and teachers. Dancers will then be notified within two wee s as to whether or not the! have been selected for dance rolls the! have auditioned for based on the studio director"s discretion. DPPAC Co#pan! is a $ #onth dancer dedicated period that will begin August %& 20'% and end Dece#ber '%& 20'%. The t!pe of roll dancers are placed in& will deter#ine student"s co#pan! class place#ent. Co#pan! re(uire#ent is one co#pan! class at ' hour and a ) long in addition to two dance classes per wee . Accepted re(uisite class co#binations are* '+ ,allet and -!rical. 2+ ,allet and Tap. /+ ,allet and 0a11. %+ ,allet and -!rical. $+ 0a11 and -!rical. $+ 0a11 and Tap. or 2+ -!rical and Tap of our su##er and fall season dance progra#. Each Co#pan! class will be scheduled accordingl! during the wee in the evenings and 3aturda! #ornings. 4e(uisite classes during the su##er follow the sa#e schedule as our current scheduled curriculu# and are based on enroll#ent. All co#pan! dancers will be re(uired to follow proper dress code guidelines in co#pan! and re(uisite classes. 5o e6ceptions. To be a dedicated DPPAC co#pan! dancer is to be prepared. Dance Co#pan! dress code is a representation of the art for# itself. To be the part& students #ust dress the part. 7ost i#portantl! teachers cannot correct what the! cannot see. Dress code is as follows leotard 8blac or pin +& tights 8pin or tan+ #ust be worn. 3 irts or dance shorts #a! be worn. A sweater or sweatshirt for war# up is acceptable& but #ust be re#oved after first barre or war# up e6ercise. For bo!s white t9shirt& blac dance pants& white an le soc s& white or blac ballet shoes.

To #a e this opportunit! affordable co#pan! fee is split into two parts $'%: due 0une ;& 20'% and $'%: due August %& 20'%. Co#pan! fee includes a wee l! ' ) hour techni(ue and rehearsal class for five #onths starting& as #entioned above& August %& 20'% through Dece#ber '%& 20'%. The co#pan! fee rate reflects a /$< discount off of a regular class rate& and also includes the cost of one costu#e for the holida! perfor#ance. 3hould co#pan! dancers be selected to perfor# in #ore than one nu#ber& dancers will be provided with a fundraiser pac et for the additional costu#e costs. Each re(uisite class is at '0< discounted rate for co#pan! #e#bers. 3hould co#pan! #e#bers ta e #ore than the 2 re(uisite classes per #onth& those class rates are discounted at 20<. Fa#il! discounts for siblings will still appl! during and for our regular su##er and fall season dance& dra#a and #usic progra#s.

ance Pointe Performing Arts Center ; )elden Pla/a ; #<$) (iddle Country =oad - 66>!8 "7!-##6$ - :mail+ info?dancepointe*org =egister @n--ine www*danceponte*org at PPAC0s &amily Portal go to :vent =egistration open PPAC0s Airtual Calendar at $".$7.#$!"*

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