March 2014 Troy, Ohio Vol. XXXIX Issue 3: Annual Show

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March 2014

Troy, Ohio

Vol. XXXIX Issue 3

Annual Show Make sure that you put the weekend of 11-13 April on your calendar. That is the date for our annual show with Friday the 11th the day for setting up. Well need all the help we can get then. Also, if you were thinking about having a show, get your applications in to Bruce Nicholas the sooner the better! And dont forget that if you know of someone who might be coming in from out of town, we have a block of rooms at the Hampton Inn in Troy (check our webpage for details). New Member Deb Williams of West Milton attended the meeting last month and joined the club! Join me in welcoming her! Lets work on inviting folks to the meeting and continue to let those visitors know that we appreciate them visiting and encourage them to become members. Looking Forward We will be electing new officers in May so its time to start thinking about nominations. As usual, our current president will step down and our VP (Mark Johnson) will step up. Well elect a new VP. Technically, both the treasurer and secretary will also be nominated and elected, but unless there are more volunteers and/or nominations, we will likely just re-affirm those currently in those positions. Any volunteers? March Program Mark Johnson will be discussing woodburning this month. Cookies Cookie volunteer last month was Sandy Czajka. Barb and Luke Frazier are/is the volunteer for March.

And remember, everyone can sell ads for the program. At the next club meeting, we will be sending around the sign up sheet for ticket takers for the show. You know that you are coming anyway, so sign up for a spot. Club Competition No club competition this month, but still bring in your Show-and-Tell items. Remember, bringing an item to show gets you a ticket in the drawing. Congratulations The Kaiser High School Alumni Honor Society awards alumni in recognition of their contributions to the community. This year, they will be honoring our own Don Worley for his work with Artistry In Wood. The 17th annual awards banquet will be held 6 April. I you would be interested in attending, contact Paul Papenak (524-2748) or Elmer Herbert (836-4782). Images Here are some of the carvings that were brought it for show and tell at the Feb meeting.

Cane Handle by Ray Kunz

Show Committee Meeting

Meeting will be at 7 PM at the Government Center (Englewood) on the 13th. As always, everyone is invited. Its getting close now so we will need a lot of help getting everything going.

the most friendly people on the earth." "But Lord," asked Gabriel, "don't you think you are being too generous to these Midwesterners?" "Not really," replied God. "Just wait and see the winters I am going to give them!" Amen!! Thats all for this month, see you at the meeting, Tuesday, 11 Mar at 7:00 PM. Piggy by Dick Belcher The Officers For everyones reference, here are the Club officers and their contact info for this next year. President: Butch Clark,, 937-447-7037 Vice-President: Mark Johnson,, 937773-0154 Treasurer: John Guillozet,, 937-2148853 Secretary: Rich Richmond, 937-322-7650,

and a herd of cows by Luke Frazier

a beautiful cardinal by Ralph Moeller Im still looking for any pictures of ornament or any other carvings. For both the newsletter and webpage. Send me anything you have, I know that I saw a lot of really great ornaments, more than enough to fill up a page. Dont worry about size, cropping, etc. Ill do all that to make them all fit. Wrap Up On the sixth day, God turned to Archangel Gabriel and said, "Today I am going to create an area of land called The Midwest. It will be a land of outstanding natural beauty. It shall have tall hills and rolling plains full of game and eagles, beautiful sparkling lakes bountiful with bass and streams full of trout, forests full of deer and turkeys, valleys with fertile soil with an abundance nutrients to grow things, and rivers teeming with fish." God continued, "I shall make the land rich in resources so as to make the inhabitants prosper, I shall call these inhabitants Midwesterners, and they shall be known as

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