International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies

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Inteinationale Foueiation

Inteinational Feueiation
of Psychoanalytic Societies

Feueiacion Inteinacional
ue Socieuaues Psicoanaliticas

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Avua.Las Conues 9792. Ap. 12uS
Las Conues. Santiago-Chile
Phone : +S6-2-2S71S9u2
Email :
Twittei: floiesjuan

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Beai Colleagues:
As the enu of the yeai appioaches, we aie calleu to ieview
what has been accomplisheu uuiing the piesent yeai anu to make
piojections as to what we hope to accomplish uuiing the next yeai.
We have impoitant tasks foi 2u14: continuing oui woik in
cooiuination anu communication, stiengthening oui new institutions
(Egypt, Iian, Poitugal anu Cuba) anu continuing to uevelop contacts
anu eventual ties with othei new gioups. We also have oui next
Foium, to be helu in Kaunas, Lithuania, on Septembei 17-19, 2u14 on
the topic "Psychoanalysis, Tiauma anu Sevei Nental Bisoiueis"
(, which we woulu like to conveit
in an impoitant instance foi getting togethei, woiking anu
stiengthening of the IFPS. I ask you to put youi maximum effoits in
piomoting anu spieauing the woiu about oui Foium 2u14 anu
suppoiting the Foium Woik Committees effoits. I also ask you to
suppoit the agieement maue uuiing the iecent Foium in Nexico, in
which we iesolveu to cieate a stiuctuie ueuicateu to the
cooiuination anu woik of the canuiuates of oui institutions. 0ui
colleague Feinanua Clavijo ( was chosen
amongst the canuiuates that attenueu the Foium foi this puipose. In
a file that is attacheu, she explains the uetails anu the puipose of this
task. This task will be cooiuinateu thiough hei, anu theiefoie it is
vital that she ieceive, as quickly as possible, the contact infoimation
of the canuiuate that will be cooiuinating these communications.
Wishing you a Bappy 2u14,
Best Regaius,

6C04 95J.,G
+,-.,/0.1 3,4,.05

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