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As South Yorks drivers reject lousy deal...

national action can

smash pay freeze
Irst South yorkshire drivers some respect for the difficult job bus “for donkey’s years” on Wednesday of
have voted to fight on against workers do. last week, having rejected Stagecoach’s
the company’s pay freeze. Unite leaders should not be allowed 1.8 percent offer.
They were set to strike this week. to waste this momentum. A lively picket of around 45 drivers
But action was called off by the union got great support from passing vans and
so that a new offer could be put to Reject the offer cars and a large group marched up to
members of zero percent this year South Yorkshire drivers’ rejection of the the town centre.
followed by 2.5 percent next year. pay freeze is a huge boost to the strikes The drivers, who are members of
Workers rightly voted to reject the in Essex and Manchester, and the Unite, are angry about low pay and
deal, despite Unite recommending it. campaigns for action in West Yorkshire about earning even less than Stagecoach
First Bus bosses are trying to impose and London. drivers in neighbouring towns.
a freeze on thousands of their workers It puts enormous pressure on The strike clearly came as a shock to
across Britain. the employers and could lead to Stagecoach bosses.
But they are meeting with resistance. co-ordinated action by 8,000 First One manager was overheard saying,
Around 800 drivers at First depots in workers. “We were sure it would be called off.
Bolton, Bury and Wigan took their sixth Bus strikers could unite with postal Northamptonshire don’t go on strike.”
day of strike action on Monday of this workers who are set to start a national Well they do now.
week. strike, and other workers set to take Further one-day strikes are planned
They were joined by 400 drivers at action such as Yorkshire firefighters on 23 October and 2 November.
depots in Essex who took their first who are to strike against mass
strike. redundancies next Monday and Friday.
There is clearly a mood for a national Metroline, London
fight over pay at First. Stagecoach, Kettering Hundreds of bus drivers employed by
There were large pickets of Unite Around 100 bus drivers in Kettering, Metroline in North London have voted by
union members at all the striking Northamptonshire, held their first strike over 95 percent to reject a new pay offer.
depots. The offer involved a one-off payment
that would have amounted to about
High stakes
This is a fight is for decent pay, but troops out of £450 for an average driver, coupled
with a rise equivalent to the RPI rate of
it’s also a protest against worsening
working conditions, long hours and afghanistan! inflation next year.
The deal also involved changes in
increasing stress. Demonstrate Saturday 24 October
Assemble 12 noon Hyde Park conditions including an attempt to
With ballot results due in West reduce the amount of notice given of
Yorkshire and London, thousands more March to Trafalgar Square
The march will be led by anti-war disciplinary hearings from 7 days to just
workers could soon be joining the 48 hours.
action. military families, army veterans
and soldiers. Metroline should move to ballot for
If South Yorkshire had accepted action and link up with workers at First.
the deal it would have set a dangerous
The offer of 2.5 percent next year ■ I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly
and nothing this year, was the same
one accepted by workers in Aberdeen. ■ I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
Workers there had a brilliant series of
one day strikes, but eventually settled Name.................................................................................................................
for this shoddy compromise.
First can certainly afford a pay rise.
The company made £134 million profit ..........................................................................................................................
last year—on the back of long hours
and low pay among its workers. Phone.............................................e-mail........................................................ Bus 14/10/09
The company should be forced to pay
Circulation 020 7819 1171
up—and the mood is clearly there for Return to SW industrial dept PO Box 42184, London
Editorial 020 7819 1180
a battle for decent pay, conditions and SW8 2WD industrial@swp.org.uk

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