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Bret Bateman 2/19/2014 Period 5 Joey Lee Probability And Mendelian Genetics #17 Purpose: Determine whether the

observed results are the same as expected results by tossing coins. Materials: 2 Nickels 2 Pennies Procedure: Part A 1. Construct a monohybrid Punnett square 2. Put heterozygous gametes on the top and left sides of the Punnett square 3. Cross and complete the Punnett square to determine expected results 4. Record the phenotypes and genotypes of the offspring. 5. Toss a penny 32 times and record the data (heads or tails) in notebook under Penny A. 6. Toss the penny 32 times again and record the data under Penny B 7. Write an R by each head, and a r by each tail. 8. Assume that penny A and penny B are male and female gametes, and the combination of their tosses (R or r) is the possible zygote and record the genotype and phenotype of each zygote. 9. Record a summary of the expected and observed results (number of each offspring) 10. Contribute the summary online to the class data.

Part B 1. Construct a dihybrid Punnett square. 2. Put heterozygous traits for both genes on the top and left side of the Punnett square. 3. Cross and complete the Punnett square to determine expected results. 4. Record the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring. 5. Toss penny A 32 times and record the outcome (heads as R; tails as r) 6. Repeat for penny B 7. Toss nickel A 32 times and record the outcome (heads as B; tails as b) 8. Repeat for nickel B 9. Assume that penny A and nickel A are male gametes and penny B and nickel B are female gametes, then combine all the data gathered to represent the union of the gametes. 10. Record a summary of the expected and observed results (number of each offspring) 11. Contribute the summary online to the class data.

Results: Part A Questions 1. If you were to get four different offspring from this cross, the different genotypes would be expected to be 1RR:2Rr:1rr. 2. Using the four offspring, the different phenotypes would be 3 round : 1 wrinkled. 3. If you were to get 32 offspring from this cross, you would expect to get the genotypes of 8RR:16Rr:8rr and the phenotypes of 24 round : 8 wrinkled. Table 1. Individual Data for Monohybrid Cross Penny A Penny B Genotype of (Male Gamete) (Female Gamete) Zygote R R RR R r Rr r r rr R r Rr R R RR r r rr r r rr r R Rr r r rr r R Rr R R RR R R RR r R Rr r r rr r R Rr R R RR r R Rr r R Rr R r Rr r R Rr r R Rr r R Rr r R Rr r R Rr r R Rr R R RR R R RR r R Rr R r Rr R r Rr R R RR R r Rr

Trial or Gamete Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Phenotype of Zygote Round Round Wrinkled Round Round Wrinkled Wrinkled Round Wrinkled Round Round Round Round Wrinkled Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round Round

Table 2. Summary of Expected and Observed Results Number of Offspring Genotype Phenotype RR 8 9 Rr or rR 16 18 rr 8 5 Round 24 27 Wrinkled 8 5

Expected Observed

Table 3. Class Data for Monohybrid Cross Expected Genotypes RR Rr or rR rr 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 8 16 8 104 208 104 8 16 8 Observed Genotypes RR rR or Rr rr 3 23 6 10 12 10 8 13 11 8 16 8 5 21 6 9 16 7 6 17 9 8 15 9 6 14 12 6 15 11 9 18 5 7 19 6 7 18 7 92 217 107 7.1 16.7 8.2

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Total Average

Part B Questions 4. If you were to get 32 offsrping, you would expect there to be 18 black and rough, 6 black and smooth, 6 albino and rough, and 2 albino and smooth. BR BR BBRR Br bR br BBRr BbRR BbRr Br BBRr BBrr BbRr Bbrr bR BbRR BbRr bbRR bbRr br BbRr Bbrr bbRr bbrr

Table 4. Individual Data for Dihybrid Cross Trial or Gamete 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Male Gamete Penny Nickel A A B R b R b R b r B r b R b r b r B R B r B r b r B r B r b R b r b R B r b r b R b R b R B R B R B R B R B R B r B R b R b R B R Female Gamete Penny Nickel B B b R b R B r B R b r B r b r b R b r B r b R B r B r b r B R b R B r B R b r b R B R b R B r B r b R B r B R B R B r B R B R B R Genotype BbRR bbRR BbRr BbRr Bbrr BbRr bbrr bbRr BbRr BBrr BbRr Bbrr BBrr Bbrr BbRR bbRr BbRr BBRr bbrr bbRR BbRR bbRR BBRr BBRr BbRR BBRr BBRR BBRr BBRr BbRR BbRR BBRR Zygote Phenotype Black/Rough Albino/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Smooth Black/Rough Albino/Smooth Albino/Rough Black/Rough Black/Smooth Black/Rough Black/Smooth Black/Smooth Black/Smooth Black/Rough Albino/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Albino/Smooth Albino/Rough Black/Rough Albino/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough Black/Rough

Table 5. Summaries of Individual Data for Expected and Observed Results Phenotype Combinations from Coin Tosses Black/Rough Black/Smooth Albino/Rough Albino/Smooth Expected 18 6 6 2 Observed 20 5 5 2 Table 6. Class Data for Dihybrid Cross Phenotype and Genotype Head-Head Head-Tail Tail-Head BR Br bR 17 7 5 19 7 4 15 5 7 15 8 9 21 6 5 19 3 8 16 3 8 17 3 8 20 8 3 14 10 5 20 5 5 22 5 4 18 8 4 233 78 75 17.9 6 5.8 18 6 6

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Total Observed Average Total Expected

Tail-Tail br 3 2 5 0 0 2 5 4 1 3 2 1 2 30 2.3 2

Analysis: 1. Out of 32 tosses of the "female" penny (monohybrid cross of Part A). we expected the penny to land on heads 16 times, and on tails 16 times. 2. Out of 32 tosses of the "male" penny (monohybrid cross of Part A). we expected the penny to land on heads 16 times, and on tails 16 times. 3. My answers for questions 1 and 2 were the same because all coins have a 50/50 chance of landing on either heads or tails. 4. We did not obtain the expected monohybrid cross results. Instead of getting 24 round and 8 wrinkled, we got 27 round and 5 wrinkled. 5. The class data was closer to the expected results for both the monohybrid and the dihybrid cross because the more trials or results that can be averaged in, the closer the observed results will be to the expected results. 6. Out of the 32 tosses with the penny and the nickel, we expected both the penny and the nickel to land on heads 16 times and on tails 16 times. 7. We did not obtain the expected dihybrid results. Instead of getting the 18 black and rough, 6 black and smooth, 6 albino and rough, and 2 albino and smooth that were expected, we got 20 black and rough, 5 black and smooth, 5 albino and rough, and 2 albino and smooth.

8. The Mendelian law of random fertilization is operating in Part A (monohybrid cross). 9. The Mendelian law of independent assortment is operating in Part B (dihybrid cross). 10. There isn't a specific size that the sample would have to be in order to ensure that the observed results will always equal the expected.

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