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A Comparison:

17th and 19th Century French Theatre

Kameron Chase & Thomas Hancock

Cyrano and 17th Century Theatre

Shakespeare, Marlowe, Jonson, and Webster were the life of 17th century theater. Actors and playwrights would perform plays in secret to cheer up the exiled king after the puritans took over. In the late 17th century the Theater developed moveable sets and lighting to improve the experience of the theater.

Cyrano and 17th Century Theatre

The plague also greatly influenced 17th century Theater because it killed many people and muffled production of plays. Another problem with 17th century theater was the Puritans didnt except the theater in their culture and when they gained power theater was banned. Whenever plays took place the puritans would shut them down and arrest all participants in the theater activities.

Rostland and 19th Century Theatre

French literature in the 19th century experienced considerable international success and renown. First part of the century was dominated by Romanticism Mid-19th century Realism emerged partly in reaction to Romanticism Late 19th century saw the rise of Naturalism, Parnassian, and Symbolism styles.

Styles:19th Century French Theatre

Famous authors include Francois-Rene de Chateaubriand and Victor Hugo. Key ideas included: uncertainty of sentiment or passion, vagueness, disillusion, and a sense of loss. Used on subjects like nationalism, traditional myths (romantic hero), the natural world, and the common man. Romanticism had no political affiliation; one could find liberal, conservative, and socialist strains of it.

Attempts to portray contemporary life and society. The growth of Realism in French literature/theatre is linked to the development of science, history, and social science, as well as the growth of commerce and industrialism. Many Realist melodramas specialized in in depicting the rougher, hidden side of urban life (crime, criminal slang, and police spies).

Not based on nature, Naturalism was an imprecise expression used to describe subject matter that displayed the harsh conditions and misery of real life. Many writers held a position against the excesses of Romanticism, striving to use encyclopedic and scientific precision. Very much a realist stance. Had the philosophy that humans were determined by their environment and heredity, as well as the time in which they lived.

Was an attempt at objective literature/theatre. Strove for flawless workmanship, and chose classical and exotic subjects, which were treated with rigidity and emotional detachment.

Uses themes that share the notions of fatality, will, and unconscious forces. Often used themes of sex, the city, and irrational phenomena (dreams, drugs, alcohol). Symbolisms tone is highly variable, sometimes realistic ironic imaginative or detached.

Why do you think Rostand might have been inspired to pay homage to the earlier theatre?

Rostand most likely chose to follow the old customs because they were short lived in the 17th century. Due to the Black Plague and the Puritans taking over the Theater was constricted and hardly ever performed, so he wanted to respect the old customs that werent observed.

Works Cited

Wikipedia contributors. "19th-century French literature." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 27 Oct. 2013. Web. 6 Dec. 2013. Wikipedia contributors. "17th-century French literature." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 26 Oct. 2013. Web. 6 Dec. 2013.

19th Century Melodrama. novaonline. n.p., n.d. 5 Dec. 2013

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