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(War of the Spanish Succession)
ANGLO-DUTCH Aggression: 4
1 x Brilliant CP (Marlborough) @ 50AP, 0-1 x subordinate CP (Overkirk) @ 15AP, 1-2 x Heavy Cavalry
(British Horse >1707) @ 5AP or Cuirassiers (British Horse 1707>) @ 6AP, 1-3 x Pistols (Dutch) @ 5AP,
0-4 x Inferior Pistols (Prussian and other German) @ 3AP, 0-2 x Heavy Cavalry (Danish) @ 5AP, 3-9 x
Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Muskets (British Guards) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Elite Muskets (Dutch Guards) @
5AP, 0-3 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 6-12 x Muskets (British) @ 3AP, 8-15 x Muskets
(Dutch) @ 3AP, 0-2 x Muskets (Danish) @ 3AP, 0-4 x Muskets (Prussian) @ 3AP, 4-16 x Firelocks (other
German) @ 2AP, 1 per 7-10 foot x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-2 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery
@ 12AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
IMPERIALIST Aggression: 3
1 x HQ (Baden) @ 20AP or Brilliant CP (Eugene) @ 50AP, 2-5 x Pistols @ 5AP, 1-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP,
0-1 x Light Horse (Hussars) @ 2AP, 9-28 x Firelocks @ 2AP, 1 x Smoothbore Artillery @ 8 AP, 0-1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1 x Brilliant HQ (Villars or Vendome) @ 50AP or HQ (Tallard, Villeroi or Boufflers) @ 20AP, 0-1 x
subordinate CP (Elector of Bavaria with Marsin, or Burgundy) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Elite Pistols (French Maison
and Gendarmerie) @ 7AP, 0-1 x Elite Pistols (Bavarian Cuirassiers) @ 7AP, 4-6 x Pistols (French
Chevaux-legers) @ 5AP, 1-8 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-2 x Light Horse (French Hussars) @ 2AP, 0-3 x Elite
Firelocks (French Guards) @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Bayonets (French brigaded Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Elite
Firelocks (Bavarian Guards) @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Bayonets (Bavarian Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 18-34 x Firelocks
(French) @ 2AP, 0-5 x Firelocks (Bavarian) @ 2AP, 1 per 6-8 foot x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1
x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-3 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-3 x Entrenchment @ 10AP, 0-1 x
Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.

RUSSIA 1707-1709 (100AP-125AP)

(Great Northern War)
SWEDISH Invader Aggression: 4
1 x Brilliant-CP (Karl XII) @ 50AP or CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x Elite Bayonet (Guards) @ 5AP, 2-4 x Bayonet @
4AP, 4-5 x Heavy Cavalry @ 5AP, 2-3 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-1 x Light Horse @ 2AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-4 x Inferior Firelocks (Rebel Cossacks) @ 1 AP, 1 x Laager @ 4AP.
RUSSIAN Aggression: 1
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 0-2 x Elite Stoic Foot (Guards) @ 5AP, 15-16 x Inferior Stoic Foot @ 2AP, 4-5 x
Dragoons @ 4AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Inferior Light Horse (Cossacks) @ 1AP,
0-3 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Entrenchment @ 10AP.
Notes: The Swedes still armed 1/3 of their infantry with pikes until 1718 and relied on a charge with these
and bayonets rather than on shooting, so are classed as Bayonets. The Russians retained pikes, at least
against the Turks, until 1737, but used them only defensively and relied on shooting. Most Russian artillery
was 2pdr and 3pdr regimental guns, so is included in the dragoon and infantry elements. Nearly all the
Swedish artillery was left in the camp at Poltava so that it would not slow the attack.


(1st & 2nd Silesian Wars, Seven Years War, War of the Bavarian Succession)
PRUSSIAN Aggression: 3
1 x Brilliant HQ (Frederick the Great) @ 50AP or HQ @ 20AP, 0-1 x subordinate Brilliant CP (Seydlitz
1757-1772) @ 50AP or subordinate CP @ 15AP, 0-2 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 2-6 x Inferior Cuirassiers
(>1742) @ 4AP or Elite Cuirassiers (1757-1772) @ 8AP or Cuirassiers (1743-1757 and 1773>) @ 6AP, 0-1
x Elite Dragoons (Bayreuth Dragoons 1784>) @ 5AP, 1-4 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-2 x Inferior Light Horse
(Hussars >1746) @ 1AP or 1-6 x Light Cavalry (Hussars 1746>) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Inferior Light Horse
(Bosniaken) @ 1AP, 1 x Elite Muskets (Guard) @ 5AP, 2-5 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded Grenadiers) @ 5AP,
9-21 x Muskets (includes up to 1/3 Fusiliers 1745>) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager >1760) @ 2AP,
0-2 x Inferior Light Infantry (Freicorps 1756>) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Inferior Muskets (collected garrison
battalions) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Horse Smoothbore Artillery (1772>) @ 15AP, 1 per 3-8 Muskets x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1-2 x Heavy Smoothbore Artillery (12pdr Brummer 1756>) @ 12 AP, 0-1 x
Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
AUSTRIAN Aggression: 1
1 x HQ (Browne 1752-57 or Loudon 1761-1778) @ 20AP or Inert HQ @ 10AP, 0-1 x subordinate CP
(Loudon 1757-1760) @ 15AP or subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 1-2 x subordinate Inert CP, 0-1 x Cuirassiers
(Carabiniers 1768>) @ 6AP, 6-12 x Pistols (Cuirassiers >1751) @ 5AP or Inferior Cuirassiers (Cuirassiers
1751>) @ 4AP or Cuirassiers (Cuirassiers 1772>) @ 6AP, 2-10 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-4 x Light Horse
(Hussars) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry (Chevauleger 1758>) @ 5AP, 1-3 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded
Grenadiers 1756>) @ 5AP, 3-6 x Inferior Bayonets (Hungarian regiments >1755) @ 3AP or Bayonets
(1755>) @ 4AP, 5-30 x Inferior Muskets (German and other regiments >1755) @ 2AP or Muskets (1755>)
@ 3AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager 1758-1763 and 1778-79) @ 3AP, 4-9 x Marksmen (Croats/Grenzers)
@ 2AP, 0-4 x Inferior Pistols (German subject cavalry 1757) @ 3AP, 0-8 x Inferior Firelocks (German
subject foot 1757) @ 1AP, 0-4 x Pistols (Saxon Cuirassiers) @ 5AP, 0-2 x Light Horse (Saxon Uhlans) @ 2
AP, 0-1 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded Saxon Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 0-12 x Firelocks (Saxon foot) @ 2AP, 0-1 x
Horse Smoothbore Artillery (1758>) @ 15AP, 1 per 5-10 Muskets and Firelocks @ 8AP, 1-2 x Heavy
Smoothbore Artillery @ 12 AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
Notes: Austrian heavy cavalry did not cease reliance on firepower until after the drill book of 1751 and
were admitted to have not achieved proficiency until after 1772. Their infantry initially formed in 4 ranks,
of which only 2 fired, and performed an over-complicated drill badly. The grenadiers were described as
ferocious and the Hungarian infantry as lively. Both made use of the sabres with which they were provided.
RUSSIAN 1757-1761 Aggression: 2
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 1-2 x Inferior Cuirassiers @ 4AP, 0-2 x Dragoons (Dragoon Grenadiers) @ 4AP, 2-6 x
Inferior Dragoons @ 2AP, 0-3 x Inferior Light Cavalry (Hussars) @ 3AP, 8-16 x Inferior Light Horse
(Cossacks) @ 1AP, 0-4 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 18-25 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 0-2 x
Marksmen (Jager) @ 2AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 per 3-5 Stoic Foot x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 per 6 Stoic Foot x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-3 x Redoubts @
5AP, 0-6 x Entrenchments @ 10AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
Austrian allied corps (1759 and 1761): 1x Ally CP (Loudon or Beck) @ 15AP, 1-2 x Inferior Cuirassiers @
4AP, 1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-1 x Light Horse (Hussars) @ 2AP, 0-8 x Inferior Muskets @ 2AP, 0-1 x
Marksmen (Croats) @ 2AP, 0-3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Notes: Russian commanders distrusted both the motives of their allies and the competence of their
subordinates. Russian cavalry of the 7 Years War were greatly handicapped by a lack of good horses.


(Seven Years War.)
1 x HQ (Cumberland 1757) @ 20AP or Brilliant HQ (Ferdinand 1758-62) @ 50AP, 0-2 x Brilliant
subordinate CP (Erbprinz, Holstein-Gottorp, Granby 1759-62) @ 50AP or CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x Inert
subordinate CP (Sackville 1758-1759) @ 5AP or subordinate CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x
Supply Base @ 8AP.
Hanoverian: 0-2 x Heavy Cavalry @ 5AP, 1-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-2 x Light Horse (Luckners Hussars,
Mounted Jager) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Elite Muskets (Guards) @ 5AP, 1-3 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded Grenadiers)
@ 5AP, 5-12 x Muskets @ 3AP, 1-3 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @
8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
British 1758-62: 1-2 x Heavy Cavalry (Dragoon Guards) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-1 x Light
Cavalry (Light Dragoons) @ 5AP, 0-2 x Elite Muskets (Guards) @ 5AP, 0-2 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded
Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Bayonets (Highlanders) @ 4AP, 4-6 x Muskets @ 3AP, 0-2 x Inferior
Marksmen (British Legion 1760> only) @ 1AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Hessian: 0-2 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 1-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-2 x Elite Bayonets (brigaded Grenadiers) @
5AP, 2-4 x Muskets @ 3AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 0-2 x Inferior Muskets (Militia 1759-62
only) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Artillery.
Brunswick: 0-1 x Inferior Cuirassiers (Dragoons) @ 4AP, 0-1 x Light Horse (Hussars) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Elite
Bayonets @ 5AP, 2-4 x Muskets @ 3AP.
Prussian: 0-2 x Dragoons (1758-60) @ 4AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry (Hussars 1758-62) @ 5AP, 0-4 x Muskets
(1757-60) @ 3AP.
Buckeberg: 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Notes: Troops of all nationalities were usually mixed in commands under generals of any nationality.
Buckeberg provided only artillery and a single battalion to escort them. Brunswick dragoons wore
FRENCH Aggression: 2
1-2 x Brilliant HQ (Broglie 1759-61) @ 50AP or HQ (DEstrees 1757, Contades 1758-59, Castries 176162) @ 20AP or Inert HQ (Soubise 1758-62, Clermont 1758) @ 10 AP, 0-2 x Brilliant subordinate CP
(Broglie 1757-58, Chevert 1757-58) @ 50AP or subordinate CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x allied CP (Lusace 1758-60)
@ 15AP, 0-1 x Elite Cuirassiers (Maison and Gendarmerie) @ 8AP, 4-6 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 2-6 x
Dragoons @ 4AP, 1-2 x Inferior Light Horse (Hussars) @ 1AP, 0-2 x Elite Muskets (Guards) @ 5AP, 0-4 x
Elite Bayonets (brigaded Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 0-4 x Muskets (Old Regiments) @ 3AP, 10-36 x Inferior
Muskets (other regiments >1758) @ 2AP or Muskets (other regiments 1758>) @ 3AP, 0-2 x Muskets
(Swiss) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Muskets (Irish) @ 3AP, 1-2 x Marksmen @ 2AP, 1 per 5-8 Muskets x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-3 x Firelocks (Wurtembergers 1758)
@ 2AP, 0-1 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-2 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base
@ 8AP.
Saxons 1758-60: 0-4 x Pistols (Cuirassiers) @ 5AP, 0-1 x LH (Uhlans) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Elite Bayonets
(brigaded Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 3-6 x Firelocks @ 2AP.
Note: Yes, it is possible to have 2 C-in-Cs or for a C-in-C to have no subordinate generals allowed to
control more than a brigade. King Louis preferred telling senior generals to co-operate with each other to
establishing a proper chain of command. Influence at court counted more than ability. If present, Lusace
must command at least some of his own Saxons but can also command French troops. The Old

Regiments are those whose standards have a single background colour behind the white cross, namely
Picardie, Champagne, Navarre, Piemont and Normandie. There was a marked improvement in French
infantry after Belle-Isles reforms in 1758.

AMERICA 1775-1783 (75AP-150AP.)

(American War of Independence)
BRITISH Aggression: 3
1 x Inert HQ (Howe >1777 or Cornwallis 1780-81) @ 10AP or HQ (Burgoyne 1777 or Clinton 1778>) @
20AP, 1-2 x subordinate CP @ 15 AP, 1-2 x Light Horse (Light Dragoons) @ 2 AP, 1-2 x Elite Bayonets
(Guards & Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Light Infantry @ 5AP, 2-6 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1-2 x Muskets
(Hessians) @ 3AP, 0-2 x Marksmen (Jager & Rangers) @ 2AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 01 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Flotilla @ 3AP, 0-1 x Sail
Flagship @ 16AP, 0-1 x Sail @ 6AP, 0-2 x Inferior Sail (Sloops etc) @ 4AP.
Only >1779: 0-2 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Strong Point @ 10AP.
Only 1779>: 0-2 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Entrenchment @ 10 AP.
Note: British light dragoons are classed as LH because shortage of horses and close terrain reduced them to
minor roles.
PATRIOT Aggression: 2
0-1 x HQ (Washington) @ 20AP or Inert HQ (Gates 1777-80) @ 10AP, 0-1 x subordinate Brilliant CP
(Arnold only with Gates 1777) @ 50AP or CP @ 15AP, 4-6 x Muskets (Continentals) @ 3 AP, 2-8 x
Inferior Muskets (Militia) @ 2AP, 0-2 x Light Horse @ 2AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen @ 3AP, 1-2 x
Marksmen @ 2AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP,
0-1 x Redoubt @ 5AP, 0-1 x Flotilla @ 3AP.
Only 1777>: 0-2 x Light Infantry @ 5AP. French allies: 1 x CP @ 15AP, 2-4 x Muskets @ 3 AP, 1 x
Marksmen (Legion) @ 2AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Artillery @ 8 AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @
12AP, 0-1 x Sail Flagship @ 16AP, 0--2 x Sail @ 6AP.

INDIA 1778-1805 (50AP-100AP)

MAHRATTA Aggression: 2
1 x NP @ 10AP (or CP @ 15AP if army is commanded by a European mercenary general), 0-1 x Elite
Sipahis (Rathors) @ 5AP, 0-2 x Sipahis (other Rajputs) @ 3AP, 4-8 x Inferior Light Horse (Pindaris) @
1AP, 0-1 x Inferior Light Cavalry (European-trained regular cavalry) @ 3AP, 0-6 x Muskets (Europeantrained regular foot) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Artillery (European-trained artillery) @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy
Smoothbore Artillery (traditional Indian artillery) @ 12AP, 1 x Portable Artillery (Rocketeers) @ 5AP, 1-3
x Marksmen (Najib matchlock men) @ 2AP, 1-3 x Spearmen (other traditional Indian foot) @ 1AP, 0-1 x
Strong Point @ 10AP.
BRITISH - Aggression: 4
1 x CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry (Regular British and Indian cavalry) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Sipahis (Indian
irregular cavalry) @ 5AP, 0-1x Elite Bayonets (British) @ 5AP, 4-8 x Bayonets (Sepoys) @ 4 AP, 0-1 x
Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-2 x Marksmen (Najib) @

2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.

IRELAND 1798 (50-100AP)

(Tara, New Ross, Antrim, Ballynahinch, Vinegar Hill, Castlebar, Ballinamuck).
BRITISH Aggression: 4
1 x Inert HQ (Cornwallis) @ 10AP or CP (Lake) @ 15AP, 0-1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP (Lake if not C-inC), 0-1 x Light Cavalry (British) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Inferior Light Cavalry (Irish Yeomanry) @ 3AP, 0-1 x
Bayonets (Scotch Fencibles) @ 4AP, 3-10 x Inferior Bayonets (Irish Militia) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen
(5th/60th) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Sail Flagship @
16AP, 0-2 x Sail @ 6AP, 0-2 x Inferior Sail (Frigates) @ 4AP.
IRISH REBEL Aggression: 3.
1 x Inert CP (committee, unworldly priest or drunken Napper Tandy) @ 5 AP, 2-15 x Elite Spearmen
(pikes) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Inferior Marksmen @ 1AP.
1 x CP (Humbert) @ 15AP, 2-4 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Sail
Flagship @ 16AP, 0-3 x Inferior Sail (Frigates) @ 4AP.
Notes: The minimum army size allows a quickly gathered scratch force of British to fight either an Irish
rebel army or the small French force that arrived after the main risings were defeated, reinforced by Irish
remnants. The maximum size allows the much larger French force, readied but not landed, to join with the
main rebel armies before these were dispersed; and then be used against the gathered British forces.
Cornwallis was a conciliator, Lake a fiery avenger, Humbert baffled. Irish yeomanry were Protestants,
militia mainly Catholic. Neither they nor the rebels gave quarter or were kind to civilians of the wrong
persuasion. The most able Irish rebel leader, the Wolf Tone (a Protestant), never landed and suicided after
his French ship was taken. The most attractive, Lord Edward Fitzgerald, was killed at the outset of the
rebellion in a failed coup against Dublin. In a large game, Irish and French should start separated on a large
table and attempt to concentrate, with Cornwallis and Lake trying to defeat them in detail.

BAVARIA 1805 (300AP-800AP)

FRENCH Aggression: 4
1 x Brilliant HQ (Napoleon) @ 50AP, 3- 6 x Elite Bayonets (Guard) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Heavy Cavalry @
7AP, 0-1 x Elite Light Cavalry @ 6AP, 0-2 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore
Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 2-5 x Elite Bayonets (Grenadier Division) @ 5AP, 0-3 x Inferior Muskets
(Dismounted Dragoon Division) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @
1 x Reserve Cavalry, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Murat) @ 15AP, 1 x Heavy Cavalry (Carabiniers) @ 5AP, 4 x
Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 7 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 3 x Light Cavalry (Chasseurs & Hussars) @ 5AP, 1-2 x
Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.
1 x Corps (I), of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP (Bernadotte) @ 5AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Corps (II), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Marmont) @ 15AP, 12 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Corps (III), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Davout) @ 15AP, 12 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Corps (IV), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Soult) @ 15AP, 16 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP,
2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Corps (V), of: 1 x subordinate Brilliant CP (Lannes) @ 50AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Light Cavalry
@ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Corps (VI), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Ney) @ 15AP, 12 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP,
1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.

1 x Corps (VII), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Augereau) @ 15AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Bavarian Corps, of: 1 x allied CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x
Elite Bayonets (Guard) @ 5AP, 4-10 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 15AP.

AUSTRIANS Aggression: 2
1 x Inert HQ (Mack) @ 10AP, 4 x Cuirassier @ 6AP, 8-16 x Elite Bayonets (Grenadier Divisions) @ 5AP,
1-2 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @
4-12 x Corps, each of: 1 x Inert CP @ 5AP, 8 x Muskets @ 3AP, 0-1 x Inferior Light Infantry (Grenze) @
4AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry (Hussars, Dragoons, Chevauxleger, Uhlans) @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP.
Notes: My main source for 1805 has walked or hidden, so Im mostly relying on Duffys Austerlitz. The
French list is reliable except possibly for the Guard and Bavarians. The Austrian list is roughly correct in
terms of battalions and squadrons and its organisation conforms to normal Austrian practise. Feel free to
offer corrections. Macks stupid headlong advance into Bavaria (possibly the only example of an aggressive
Inert general!) led to the quick surrounding and surrender of nearly all the Austrian field army at Ulm
before there was much fighting and long before their Russian allies could arrive. These lists are therefore
strictly for what if battles. Mack tried unsuccessfully to live off the country like the French, so is not
permitted a Supply Base.

AUSTRIA 1805 (450AP)

FRENCH Aggression: 3
1 x Brilliant HQ (Napoleon) @ 50AP, 2-3 x Elite Bayonets (Guard) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Heavy Cavalry @
7AP, 0-1 x Elite Light Cavalry @ 6AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse
Artillery @ 16AP, 2-4 x Elite Bayonets (Grenadier Division) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP.
1 x Corps (I), of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP (Bernadotte) @ 5AP, 6 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x Corps (III), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Davout) @ 15AP, 2-3 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x Corps (IV), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Soult) @ 15AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x
Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Corps (V), of: 1 x subordinate Brilliant CP (Lannes) @ 50AP, 6 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Light Cavalry
@ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x Reserve Cavalry, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Murat) @ 15AP, 1 x Heavy Cavalry (Carabineers) @ 5AP, 2 x
Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @
1 x Inert HQ (Kutuzov & Emperors) @ 10AP, 4 x Elite Stoic Foot @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Cuirassiers @ 8AP, 1 x

Elite Light Cavalry @ 6AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @
12AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
0-1 x subordinate Inert HQ (Buxhowden commanding 1st - 3rd Columns) @ 10AP.
1 x Russian Advance Guard, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Bagration) @ 15AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager)
@ 4AP, 3 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Hussars) @ 5AP, 1 x Light Horse
(Cossacks) @ 2AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x Mixed Column (1st), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Dokhturov) @ 15AP, 1 x Inferior Light Infantry (Austrian
Grenze) @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Austrian Uhlans & Hussars) @ 5AP, 1 x Light Horse (Cossacks) @ 2
AP, 1 x Horse Smoothbore Artillery (Austrian) @ 15AP, 1 x Elite Bayonets (Russian Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 6
x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2 x Smoothbore Artillery (Russian) @ 8AP, 1 x Heavy Smoothbore Artillery (Russian)
@ 12AP.
2 x Russian Columns (2nd, 3rd), each of: 1 x subordinate CP (Langeron, Prebyshevsky) @ 15AP, 1 x Inferior
Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x Mixed Column (4th), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Miloradovitch) @ 15AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 4 x
Muskets (Austrian) @ 3AP, 1 x Marksmen (Austrian Jager) @ 2AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP,
1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x Mixed Column (5th), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Liechtenstein) @ 15AP, 1 x Cuirassiers (Austrian) @ 6AP,
1 x Cuirassiers (Russian) @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Russian Uhlans & Hussars) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Dragoons
(Russian), 1 x Light Horse (Cossacks) @ 2AP, 1 x Horse Smoothbore Artillery @ 12AP.
Notes: Initial strengths had been greatly reduced by Austerlitz. Those here are the numbers actually present.

SPAIN AND PORTUGAL 1808-1814 (100AP-250AP)

(Peninsular War)
1 x Brilliant-CP (Wellesley/Wellington) @ 50 AP, 0-1 x subordinate Brilliant-CP (Hill 1812>) @ 50AP, 01 x CP (Graham 1812>) @ 15AP, 0-4 x Heavy Cavalry @ 5AP, 1-4 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Inferior
Heavy Cavalry (Portuguese) @ 3AP, 1 x Elite Bayonets (Guards) @ 5AP, 1-2 x Elite Light Infantry @ 6AP,
12-16 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-5 x Bayonets (Portuguese) @ 4AP, 0-4 x Inferior Muskets (Spanish) @ 2AP, 01 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-3 x Smoothbore
Artillery (Portuguese) @ 8AP, 0-1 x Light Horse (Partida) @ 2AP, 0-7 x Inferior Marksmen (Partida) @
1AP, 0-3 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Sail @ 6AP.
Note: Each brigade of the Light Division was of 1 strong battalion of British light infantry, 1 smaller
battalion of Portuguese cacadores and a battalion of British riflemen. This is now best simulated as an
element of Elite Light Infantry.
SPANISH Aggression: 0
1 x Inert HQ @ 10AP, 0-2 x Inferior Heavy Cavalry @ 3AP, 1-2 x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 6-12 x
Inferior Muskets @ 2AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @
8AP, 0-3 x Entrenchment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Redoubt @ 5AP.

FRENCH Aggression: 3
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 0-1 x Elite Light Cavalry @ 6AP, 0-8 x Elite Bayonets (Young Guard) @ 5AP, 0-5 x
Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 0-1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x
Supply Base @ 8AP.
2-4 Corps each of:
1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 3-6 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP.
Notes: The French are for once permitted a Supply Base, due to the impossibility of relying completely on
foraging in such a barren country. It also provides a line of communication for Partida to attack. The
Spanish are not, due to their lack of organisation.

(Eckmuhl, Aspern-Essling and Wagram)
AUSTRIAN Aggression: 2
1 x Brilliant CP (Archduke Charles) @ 50AP, 2-3 x Cuirassier @ 6AP, 1-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-3 x Light
Cavalry @ 5AP, 8 x Elite Bayonet (Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 1-3 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-3 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
0-1 x Avantgarde of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1-6 x Inferior Bayonets
(Line) @ 3AP, 0-2 x Light Infantry (Jager) @ 5AP or Inferior Light Infantry (Grenze) @ 4AP, 0-1 x
Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.
4-6 x Line Infantry Corps each: 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 15AP, 0-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 7-8 x

Inferior Bayonets (Line) @ 3AP, 1-2 x Light Infantry (Jager) @ 5AP or Inferior Light Infantry (Grenze) @
4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-4 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Notes: The army cannot include more than 5 Jager, 6 Grenze, 6 Heavy, 3 Horse or 20 other artillery
elements. Archduke Charles was an excellent commander, but was unable to produce brilliant strokes
because of poor staff organisation. I am currently simulating this by making him Brilliant and subordinates
other than the commander of the Avantgarde Inert. Austrian line are graded as Inferior because they had
recently adopted bayonet attack, column movement and skirmishing, but did not do these very well.
Landwehr are not distinguished from regulars. Brigade batteries are not treated as regimental guns.
Alternative arguments on any of these points are welcome.
FRENCH Aggression: 4
1 x Brilliant HQ (Napoleon) @ 50AP, 0-1 x Elite Heavy Cavalry (Horse Grenadiers, Empress Dragoons) @
7AP, 0-1 x Elite Light Cavalry (Guard) @ 6AP, 0-4 x Elite Bayonets (Guard) @ 5AP, 0-2 x Heavy
Smoothbore Artillery, 0-2 x Horse Smoothbore Artillery, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP.
1-3 x French Corps, each: 1 x subordinate CP (Seras, Oudinot, Lannes, Davout, Marmont, Macdonald) @
15AP, 10-23 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-2 x Cuirassiers (Seras and Davout only) @ 6AP, 1-3 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-2 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Inferior Muskets (Portuguese) @ 2AP.
1 x partly French Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Massena) @ 15AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 11-12 x
Bayonets @ 5AP, 0-4 x Muskets (Baden) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Baden Jager) @ 3AP, 1-2 x Elite
Bayonets (Hesse Darmstadt Guard) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Bayonets (Hesse Darmstadt) @ 4AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore
Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x French Reserve Cavalry, of: 0-1 x subordinate CP (Nansouty or Bessieres) @ 15AP, 1 x Heavy Cavalry
(Carabiniers) @ 5AP, 2-6 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.
0-1 x Bavarian Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Lefebvre) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1-2 x Light
Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Elite Bayonets (Guard) @ 5AP, 4-10 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy
Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
0-1 x Wurttemberg Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Vandamme or Wrede) @ 15AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 2 x Muskets @ 3AP, 1 x Light Infantry (Light and Jager) @ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @
16AP or Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
0-1 x Saxon Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Bernadotte) @ 15AP, 1 x Elite Cuirassiers @ 8AP, 0-1 x Light
Cavalry @ 5AP, 1-2 x Elite Bayonets (Guards and Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 5-7 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-2 x
Marksmen @ 2AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Notes: The army cannot include more than 6 French Cuirassiers.
RUSSIA 1812 (800AP-1,000AP)
(Borodino Campaign)
1 x Brilliant HQ (Napoleon) @ 50AP, 9-16 x Elite Bayonets (Guard) @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore Heavy
Artillery @ 12AP, 0-2 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 01 x Pontooneers @ 2AP.
1st Corps: 1 x CP (Davout) @ 15AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 15-18 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Inferior
Muskets (Spanish) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @

3rd Corps: 1 x CP (Ney) @ 15AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 6 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Inferior Muskets
(Portuguese) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Inferior Bayonets (Illyrian) @ 3 AP, 1-6 x Muskets (Wurttemburg) @ 3AP, 0-1
x Light Infantry (Wurttemburg) @ 5AP, 0-2 x Marksmen (Wurttemburg Chasseurs) @ 2AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
4th Corps: 1x CP (Eugene) @ 15AP, 0-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Elite Dragoons (Italian) @ 5AP, 2 x
Light Cavalry (Bavarian) @ 5AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 4-8 x Bayonets (Italian) @ 4AP, 0-1 x Inferior
Bayonets (Croatian) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Inferior Muskets (Spanish) @ 2AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @
12AP, 2-3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
5th Corps: 1 x CP (Poniatowski) @ 15AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry (Polish Chasseurs and Lancers) @ 5AP, 7-8 x
Bayonets (Polish) @ 4AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
8th (Westphalian) Corps: 1 x Inert CP (Junot) @ 5AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Bayonets @ 5AP,
4-7 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 3 x Marksmen @ 2AP, 1 x Elite Marksmen @ 3AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery
@ 8AP.
Reserve Cavalry: 1 x CP (Murat) @ 15AP, 6-7 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 3-4 x Light Cavalry (Polish
Lancers) @ 5AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Bavarian) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Cuirassier (Carabiniers) @ 8AP, 3-4 x
Cuirassier @ 6AP, 1 x Cuirassier (Saxon) @ 6AP, 1 x Cuirassier (Westphalian) @ 6AP, 2 x Dragoons @
4AP, 4-8 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.


1 x Inert HQ (Kutuzov) @ 10AP. 0-1 x Entrenchment (fleches) @ 15AP, 0-2 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x

Supply Base @ 8AP.

1st ARMY
1 x CP (Barclay) @ 15AP, 0-7 x subordinate CP @ 15AP or Inert CP @ 5AP.
1st, 2nd & 3rd Cavalry Corps combined: 1 x Elite Light Cavalry (Guard) @ 6AP, 2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 5
x Dragoons @ 4AP, 2 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
2nd Corps: 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 8 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 4 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP.
3rd Corps: 1 x Light Horse @ 2AP, 6 x Elite Bayonets (Grenadier Regiments) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Bayonets
(combined Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP, 0-8 x Spearmen (Opolchenie) @ 1AP.
4th Corps: 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Bayonets (combined Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 7 x Stoic Foot @
3AP, 3 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 3 x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP.
5th Corps: 2 x Elite Cuirassier (Lifeguard) @ 8AP, 4 x Elite Stoic Foot (Guard) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Bayonets
(combined Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery
@ 12AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
6th Corps: 8 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 4 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy
Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Cossacks: 7 x Inferior Light Horse @ 1AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.
2nd ARMY
1 x CP (Bagration) @ 15AP, 0-3 x subordinate CP @ 15AP or Inert CP @ 5AP.
4th Cavalry Corps: 1-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Uhlans) @ 5AP, 0-4 x Inferior Light Horse
(Cossacks) @ 1AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
7th Corps: 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 8 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 4 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
8th Corps: 6 x Elite Bayonets (Grenadier Regiments) @ 5AP, 6 x Elite Bayonets (combined Grenadiers) @
5AP, 2 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry (Jager) @ 4AP, 2 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Notes: Infantry elements represent a regiment. The Russian army distinguished permanent Grenadier
regiments, regiments combined from the Grenadier companies of 2 nd battalions left in depot, and Grenadier
companies remaining with the 1st and 3rd battalions of each infantry regiment. The latter consisted of a
Grenadier platoon and a Jager platoon that was supposed to do the battalions skirmishing, which must be
distinguished from permanent Jager regiments now classed as Light Infantry despite being possibly entirely
dispersed as skirmishers at Borodino. French Light Cavalry were Hussars and Chasseurs, Russian were
Hussars and Uhlans. Russian dragoons had had most of their firearms taken away and no longer fought on
foot. At Borodino, Russian corps were often paired under the senior corps commander. If the Russians do
not use corps commanders, Barclay and Bagration are treated as subordinates of Kutuzov. If they do,
Kutuzov functions as an extra command layer, able to transfer his PIP score only to the army commanders,
who can then transfer it downward. Minimums represent units that certainly fought at Borodino.

(Lutzen, Bautzen, Dresden, Kulm, Leipzig)
1 x Brilliant HQ (Napoleon) @ 50AP, 2-6 x Elite Bayonets (Old & Middle Guard) @ 5AP, 6-18 x Bayonets
(Young Guard) @ 4AP, 1 x Elite Heavy Cavalry (Horse Grenadiers & Guard Dragoons) @ 7AP, 4-5 x Elite
Light Cavalry (Guard) @ 6AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 5 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @
8AP, 5 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP.
2-8 x Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 7-12 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0- x Inferior LC @ 3AP, 0-
x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
0-1 x Part-Saxon Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 2 x Bayonets (French) @ 4AP, 3 x Inferior
Bayonets (Saxon) @ 3AP, 1 x Inferior Light Horse (Saxon) @ 3AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @
8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
0-1 x Reserve Cavalry of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP or Brilliant CP (Murat) @ 50AP, 2-5 x Inferior
Cuirassier @ 4AP, 0-1 x Cuirassier (Saxon) @ 6AP, 1-4 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 4-12 x Inferior Light Cavalry
@ 3AP.
1 x CP (Eugene, Soult, Ney, Macdonald or Oudinot) @ 15AP, 0-2 x Inferior Cuirassiers @ 4AP or
Dragoons @ 4AP, 1-4 x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.
1-3 x Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 7-12 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0- x Inferior LC @ 3AP, 0-
x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
0-1 x Part-Saxon Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 2 x Bayonets (French) @ 4AP, 3 x Inferior
Bayonets (Saxon) @ 3AP, 1 x Inferior Light Horse (Saxon) @ 3AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @
8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
Notes: means no more than 1 corps in 2 can have such an element. Saxon foot and mounted except
cuirassiers are classed as inferior because of disaffection (they finally changed sides). French cavalry
(except Dragoons, who were not in the disastrous 1812 campaign) are classed as inferior because
inexperienced riders on bad horses. French infantry, although mostly recent recruits, are presently not
classed as inferior because they seem to have learned quickly and their bad behaviour was mostly off the
ALLIES: SPRING 1813 Aggression: 3
1 x CP (Wittgenstein or Barclay) @ 15AP (doubling as 1 Corps commander in each case), 0-1 x
Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1-3 x Russian Corps, each of: 0-1 x subordinate CP (Wittgenstein, Barclay & Miloradovitch) @ 15AP, 4 x
Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-3 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
0-1 x Russian Cavalry Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Wintzingerode) @ 15AP, 1 x Elite Light Cavalry
(Guard) @ 6AP, 4 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-2 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP or Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-2 Smoothbore Heavy
Artillery @ 12AP.
1-3 x Prussian Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP (Blucher, Yorck & Kleist) @ 15AP, 8 x Bayonet (Regular
& Reserve @ 4 AP, 4 x Inferior Bayonet (Landwehr) @ 3 AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 2 x

Light Cavalry (Dragoons, Hussars & Uhlans) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy
Artillery @ 12AP.
Bluchers Corps only: 2 x Elite Bayonets (Guards) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Light Cavalry (Guard) @ 6AP, 1 x
Heavy Cavalry (Cuirassiers) @ 5AP
1 x HQ (Schwarzenberg accompanied by Emperors of Austria & Russia & King of Prussia) @ 20AP, 4 x
Elite Stoic Foot (Russian Guards) @ 5AP, 2 x Elite Bayonets (Prussian Guards) @ 5AP, 10 x Elite
Bayonets (Austrian Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 4-5 x Elite Bayonets (Russian Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 1 x Elite Light
Cavalry (Prussian Guard) @ 6AP, 2 x Cuirassiers (Austrian) @ 6AP, 2 x Cuirassiers (Russian) @ 6AP, 1 x
Heavy Cavalry (Prussian Cuirassiers) @ 5AP, 4 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Austrian
Light Division of: 2 x Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 2 x Inferior Bayonets @ 3AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @
5AP & 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1 x Austrian Avantgarde, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Liechtenstein) @ 15AP, 4 x Inferior Bayonets @ 3AP, 4 x
Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @
2-4 x Austrian Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP (Colloredo, Klenau, Merveldt & Gyulai) @ 5AP, 6
x Inferior Bayonets @ 3AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
0-1 x Wurttemburg Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Prince) @ 15AP, 4-7 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Light
Infantry @ 5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x Prussian Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Kleist) @ 15AP, 8 x Bayonets (Regular & Reserve) @ 4 AP, 4
x Inferior Bayonets (Landwehr) @ 3 AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 2 x Light Cavalry
(Dragoons, Hussars and Uhlans) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore
Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1-3 x Russian Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP (Wittgenstein, Eugen & Osterman) @ 15AP, 4 x Stoic
Foot @ 3AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-3 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
0-1 x Russian Cavalry Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Pahlen) @ 15AP, 1-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Light
Cavalry @ 5AP, 1-2 x Inferior Light Horse (Cossacks) @ 1AP. (If not used, include troops but not general
in Wittgensteins Corps.
0-1 x Austro-Bavarian Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Wrede) @ 15AP,
Bavarians: 1 x Elite Bayonets @ 5AP, 10 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 3 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore
Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
Austrians: 6 x Inferior Bayonets @ 3AP, 2 x Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 2 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.

ARMY OF THE NORTH Aggression: 2

1x Inert CP (Bernadotte) @ 5AP, 1-2 x Elite Bayonets (Guards & Grenadiers) @ 5AP, 2-8 x Bayonets @
4AP, 0-1 x Inferior Heavy Cavalry @ 3AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse
Artillery @ 16AP, 1-4 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base
@ 8AP.

1 x Prussian Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Bulow) @ 15AP, 8 x Bayonet (Regular & Reserve) @ 4 AP, 4 x
Inferior Bayonet (Landwehr) @ 3 AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 2 x Light Cavalry (Dragoons,
Hussars & Uhlans) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery
@ 16AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
0-1 x Russian Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Langeron) @ 15AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2 x Inferior Light
Infantry @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1 x CP (Blucher) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1 x Prussian Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Yorck) @ 15AP, 8 x Bayonet (Regular & Reserve @ 4 AP, 4 x
Inferior Bayonet (Landwehr) @ 3 AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 2 x Light Cavalry (Dragoons,
Hussars & Uhlans) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery
@ 16AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 2 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
1-2 x Russian Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP (Sacken or Langeron) @ 15AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2
x Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-3 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.

1x CP (Benningsen) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
2-3 x Russian Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP (?,?, Osterman) @ 15AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 2 x
Inferior Light Infantry @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-3 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.

Notes: Prussian brigades were division-sized formations of 1 regiment each of regulars, reserves and
landwehr. The reserves being recently serving soldiers are assumed to be as good as the regulars, but were
differently uniformed, usually in grey. Russian battalions had been reduced by campaigning to 250-300
men each, so a Russian foot element now represents a brigade. Swedish cavalry are classed as inferior
because of poor horses and lack of regimental-level training. Austrian infantry are classed as inferior
because their own generals (who should know) said they were! Troops of reserve divisions have been
placed directly under the C-in-C.
I am confident of the French in spring and autumn and the Prussians in autumn, for which I have detailed
orders of battle, less so of the Austrians, least of the Swedes and Russians and the Prussians in spring 1813.
The mixing of corps in each army is confusing and I have had trouble allocating corps commanders. Any of
you who have better information on 1813 (or 1814) please advise me.

BELGIUM 1815 (90AP-700AP)

(Ligny, Quatre Bras, Wavre, Waterloo)
ANGLO-ALLIED Aggression: 1
C-in-Cs Reserve (Quatre Bras & Waterloo), of: 1 x Brilliant CP (Wellington) @ 50AP, 3 x Bayonets
(British) @ 4AP, 2 x Inferior Bayonets (Hanoverian Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Light Infantry (Brunswick) @
5AP, 1 x Bayonets (Brunswick) @ 4AP, 1 x Bayonets (Nassau) @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery
(British) @ 16AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery (British & Hanoverian) @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery (Brunswick) @ 8AP, 0-2 x Strong Points @ 10AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base
@ 8AP.
I Corps (Quatre Bras & Waterloo), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Orange) @ 15AP, 2 x Elite Bayonets (British
Guards) @ 5AP, 1 x Bayonets (British) @ 4AP, 1 x Bayonets (KGL) @ 4AP, 1 x Bayonets (Hanoverian) @
4AP, 4 x Bayonets (Dutch) @ 4AP, 1 x Bayonets (Belgian) @ 4AP, 1 x Bayonets (Nassau) @ 4AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery (British & KGL) @ 8AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery (Belgian & Dutch) @
II Corps (Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate Brilliant CP (Hill) @ 50AP, 2 x Elite Light Infantry (British)
@ 6AP, 2 x Bayonets (KGL) @ 4AP, 1 x Inferior Bayonets (Hanoverian Landwehr) @ 3AP, 2 x Bayonets
(British) @ 4AP, 1 x Light Infantry (Dutch) @ 5AP, 2 x Inferior Bayonets (Dutch Militia & Belgian) @
3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery (British, KGL & Hanoverian) @ 8AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery
(Dutch) @ 8AP.
Cavalry Corps (* Quatre Bras attached to I Corps and Waterloo, rest Waterloo only, of: 1 x subordinate CP
(Uxbridge) @ 15AP, 1 x Elite Heavy Cavalry (British Guards) @ 6AP, 1 x Heavy Cavalry (British) @ 5
AP, 1* x Inferior Heavy Cavalry (Dutch & Belgian) @ 3AP, 3 x Light Cavalry (British & KGL Hussars,
British Light Dragoons) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry (Hanoverian) @ 3AP, 2* x Light Cavalry
(Dutch & Belgian) @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery (British) @ 16AP, 1* x Smoothbore Horse
Artillery (Dutch) @ 16AP.
PRUSSIAN Aggression: 2
C-in-C (Ligny & Waterloo only): 0-1 x CP (Blucher) @ 15AP, 0-2 x Strong Points @ 10AP, 0-1 x Supply
Base @ 8AP.
I Corps (Ligny & Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Zeiten) @ 15AP, 7 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 4 x
Inferior Bayonets (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 2 x Light Cavalry (Dragoons, Uhlans & Hussars) @ 5AP, 1 x
Inferior Light Cavalry (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.

II Corps (Ligny & Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Pirch) @ 15AP, 4 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x
Inferior Bayonets (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Hussars) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry
(Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.
III Corps (Ligny & Wavre only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Thielemann) @ 15AP, 5 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 6 x
Inferior Bayonets (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 2 x Light Cavalry (Uhlans, Hussars & Dragoons) @ 5AP, 1 x
Inferior Light Cavalry (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP.
IV Corps (Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Bulow) @ 15AP, 4 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 6 x Inferior
Bayonets (Landwehr) @ 3AP, 2 x Light Cavalry (Hussars & Uhlans) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry
(Landwehr) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP.

FRENCH Aggression: 4
C-in-Cs Reserve (Ligny & Waterloo only): 1 x Brilliant HQ (Napoleon) @ 50AP, 4 x Elite Bayonets (Old
Guard) @ 5AP, 2 x Bayonets (Young Guard) @ 4AP, 1 x Elite Light Cavalry (Chasseurs & Lancers of the
Guard) @ 6AP, 1 x Elite Heavy Cavalry (Grenadiers, Empress Dragoons) @ 6AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse
Artillery @ 16AP, 3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 3 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery (includes that of
subordinate Corps) @ 12AP.
I Corps (Quatre Bras? & Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (DErlon) @ 15AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1
x Light Cavalry (Lancers, Hussars & Chasseurs) @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
II Corps (Quatre Bras & Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Reille) @ 15AP, 6-8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1
x Light Cavalry (Chasseurs & Lancers) @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
III Corps (Ligny & Wavre only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Lefol) @ 15AP, 8 (Ligny) or 6 (Wavre) x
Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
IV Corps (Ligny & Wavre only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Gerard) @ 15AP, 6 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Light
Cavalry (Hussars & Chasseurs) @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP.
VI Corps (Ligny & Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Lobau) @ 15AP, 4 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2 x
Light Cavalry (Chasseurs & Lancers) @ 5AP, 2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP.
Reserve Cavalry (Quatre Bras & Waterloo only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Ney) @ 15AP, 4 x Cuirassiers @
7AP, 1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.
Reserve Cavalry (Ligny & Wavre only), of: 1 x subordinate CP (Grouchy) @ 15AP, 1 x Light Cavalry
(Hussars) @ 5AP, 4 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP.
Notes: The Anglo-Allied army includes that part of Hills II Corps detached as a flank guard, but not the
Hanoverian Reserve Corps and the British siege artillery, which were both far to the rear. The Prussian
army includes only those units that had arrived in the theatre in time to fight. If all 4 Prussian Corps had
concentrated, they would have amounted to about 425AP. The full French army if concentrated against a

single opponent amounts to about 580AP. The French troops engaged at Quatre Bras come to about 130AP,
plus 70AP of DErlons I Corps if Napoleon does not countermand their march, against Oranges I Corps of
about 100AP, later reinforced by Wellingtons Reserve Corps of 120AP. The French troops at Ligny total
about 320AP against an approximately equal value of Prussians. The French troops at Waterloo come to
about 430AP, and were opposed by 365AP of British, plus 330AP of arriving Prussians. Wavre was a
rearguard action by a single Prussian Corps of 95AP in a strong position against Grouchys 160AP arriving
off the march. These all provide a good balance of forces taking into account delayed arrival. If Napoleon is
not present, Ney or Grouchy ceases to be subordinate and commands all French forces present.

ALGERIA & MOROCCO 1829-1847 (150AP)

FRENCH Aggression: 3
1 x CP @ 15AP, 8-18 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Marksmen (Zouaves >1841), 0-2 x Light Infantry (Zouaves
& Turcos 1841>) @ 5AP, 0-2 x Elite Bayonets (Foreign Legion 1830>) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Elite Sipahis (Spahis
1834>) @ 5AP, 0-3 x Elite Light Horse (Chasseurs dAfrique 1830>) @ 3AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Sail
Flagship @ 16AP, 0-2 x Sail @ 6AP, 0-1 x Inferior Sail (Frigate) @ 4AP, 0-2 x Inferior Steamer (Paddler)
@ 6AP.
ALGERIANS Aggression: 2
1 x NP @ 10AP or Brilliant NP (Abd-el-Kadir 1834>) @ 50AP, 0-2 x allied NP @ 10AP, 0-4 x Elite
Firelocks (Janissaries >1830) @ 4AP, 12-30 x Firelocks (Regulars >1837) @ 2AP, 10-15 x Spearmen @
1AP, 0-30 x Sipahis @ 3AP, 3-20 x Marksmen @ 2AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x
Smoothbore Heavy Artillery (>1830) @ 12AP, 0-4 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x
Inferior Sail (Xebec >1830) @ 4AP.
CRIMEA 1854-56 (160AP-275AP)
(Alma 1854, Balaclava 1854, Inkerman 1854, Eupatoria 1855, Tchernaya 1855)
BRITISH Aggression: 2
1 x CP (Raglan 1854-55, Simpson 1855-56) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Heavy Cavalry @ 5AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 1 x Elite Minie @ 5AP, 3-9 x Minie @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (95 th) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore
Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 2-4 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @
12AP, 1-10 x Inferior Muskets (Turks) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Inferior Light Horse (Bashi-Bazooks) @ 1AP, 0-1 x
Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Steamer Flagship @ 18AP, 0-1 x Sail @ 6AP, 0-1 x
Inferior Steamer @ 6AP, 0-1 x Flotilla @ 3AP.
FRENCH Aggression: 3
1 x Inert HQ (St.Arnaud 1854 or Canrobert 1854-55) @ 10AP or HQ (Pelissier 1855-56) @ 20AP, 0-2 x
subordinate CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x Elite Light Horse @ 3AP or Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Elite Bayonets @
5AP, 11-16 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-4 x Smoothbore Field
Artillery @ 8AP, 0-5 x Inferior Muskets (Turks) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Steamer Flagship
@ 18AP, 0-2 x Sail @ 6AP, 0-1 x Inferior Ironclad (floating battery 1855-56) @ 15AP.
TURKS (1855-56 only) Aggression: 1
1 x Allied CP (Omar Pasha) @ 15AP, 1-3 x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 8-24 x Inferior Muskets @ 2AP,
2-6 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-3 x Entrenchment @ 15AP, 1 x Inferior Steamer @ 6AP, 0-2 x
Inferior Sail @ 4AP.
PIEDMONTESE/SARDINIAN (1855-56 only) Aggression: 2
1 x Allied CP (La Marmora) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 6 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP.
RUSSIAN Aggression: 3

1x Inert HQ (Menschikoff 1854, Gorschakoff 1855-56) @ 10AP, 2-3 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 0-3 x
Light Cavalry (Hussars) @ 5AP, 2-5 x Inferior Light Horse (Cossacks) @ 1AP, 14-56 x Stoic Foot@ 3AP,
0-1 x Marksmen (Jager) @ 2AP, 1-3 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy
Artillery @ 12AP, 0-3 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-2 x Concealed Position @ 10AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 01 x Inferior Steamer @ 6AP, 0-1 x Sail @ 6AP.
Notes: A Stoic element represents half a 4-battalion regiment. This allows equal AP field battles with the
Russians fighting against British and French at the Alma, British at Balaclava and Inkerman, Turks at
Eupatoria or French and Piedmontese at the Tchernaya. The Russians had largely discarded skirmishing as
hindering decisive action and deployed only a single jager battalion armed with an equivalent of the
unsatisfactory Brunswick rifle to each corps. Fighting in the Sebastopol siege works is not covered.

ITALY 1859 (330AP-750AP)

(Magenta and Solferino).
FRENCH Aggression: 4
1 x HQ (Emperor) @ 20AP, Guard: 0-1 x Elite Cuirassiers @ 8AP, 0-1 x Elite Heavy Cavalry @ 7AP, 0-1 x
Elite Light Cavalry @ 6AP, 8 x Elite Bayonets @ 5AP, 0-1 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 x Mixed
Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1 x @ 5AP, 1 x Aeronauts (Balloon) @ 25AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
3-5 x French corps each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 9-12 x Bayonets @
4AP, 2 x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP.
0-1 x Piedmontese corps of: 1 x CP (King) @ 15AP, 2 x Elite Heavy Cavalry @ 7AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry
@ 5AP, 2 x Elite Bayonets @ 5AP, 18 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 4-5 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 2-3 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-3 x Entrenchment @
1 x Inert HQ (Gyulia or Emperor) @ 10AP, 2-6 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP (Dragoons, Hussars, Uhlans
Cuirassiers not sent), 0-2 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP, 1-3 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @
12AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
5-8 x corps each of: 1 x Inert CP @ 5AP, 8-10 x Minie @ 4AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Horse Artillery @ 16AP,
1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP. (45-80AP).

Notes: Austrians cannot include more than 6 horse artillery. Austrian brigades now consisted of a 4battalion line regiment with a jager battalion to do the skirmishing and are each simulated by 2 Minie

CALABRIA 1860 (85AP-100AP)

1 x Brilliant CP (Garibaldi) @ 50AP, 7-10 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Light Horse @ 2AP, 1 x Smoothbore
Field Artillery @ 8AP.
1 x Inert HQ (Ritucci) @ 10AP, 8-14 x Minie @ 4AP, 3 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Rifled Horse
Artillery @ 24AP, 2-3 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.


(1st Bull Run campaign of the American Civil War)
UNION Aggression: 4
1 x HQ (McDowell) @ 20 AP, 0-1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 15-18 x Inferior Minie @ 3AP, 0-1 x Mixed
Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1-2 x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 0-1 x Inferior Dragoons @ 2AP, 0-1 x
Supply Base @ 8AP.
CONFEDERATE Aggression: 2
2 x HQ (Beauregard starting on table, Johnston off-table) @ 20AP, 0-1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 10-15 x
Bayonets @ 4AP, 1-2 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.


(Peninsular, Antietam and Fredericksburg campaigns of the American Civil War)
UNION Aggression: 2 if McClellan, 4 if Burnside.
1 x Inert HQ (McClellan) @ 10AP or HQ (Burnside) @ 20AP, 3-4 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 18-45 x
Minie @ 4AP, 1-5 x Inferior Dragoons @ 2AP, 0-1 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 per 3-4 Minie x
Mixed Artillery (Divisional and Corps) @ 10AP, 2-3 x Mixed Artillery (Army reserve) @ 10AP, 0-1 x
Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Inferior
Ironclad (Monitor) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Steamer Flagship @ 18AP, 0-1 x Steamer @ 8AP, 0-2 x Inferior Sail
(Frigates etc) @ 4AP, 0-1 x Aeronauts (Balloon) @ 25AP. Max: 587 AP.
CONFEDERATE Aggression: 1 if Johnston, 3 if Lee. Upstream.
1 x HQ (Johnston) @ 20AP or Brilliant-HQ (Lee) @ 50AP), 1 x subordinate Brilliant CP @ 50AP
(Jackson) or CP @ 15AP, 1-2 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 12-18 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP,
1 per 3-5 Bayonets x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 0-1 x Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP, 0-1 x
Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 1 x Inferior Ironclad (Virginia) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Inferior
Steamer @ 6AP, 0-2 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Entrenchment @ 10AP, 0-3 x Concealment @ 10AP, Max:
379 AP.


(Shiloh, Perryville and Stones River.)
UNION Aggression: 2, Upstream.
1 x Brilliant HQ (Grant) @ 50AP or HQ (Rosecrans @ 20AP) or Inert HQ (Buell) @ 10AP, 0-1 x
subordinate Brilliant CP (Sherman) @ 50AP or CP @ 15AP, 2-3 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 10-16 x Minie
@ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen @ 3AP, 0-1 x Inferior Dragoons @ 2AP, 1 per 3-4 Minie x Mixed Field
Artillery @ 10AP, 0-1 x Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 1-2 x Inferior Steamer
(unarmoured paddle wheel gunboats) @ 6AP, 0-3 x Inferior Ironclad @ 15AP. Max: 364 AP.
CONFEDERATE - Aggression: 3
1 x HQ (Beauregard or Johnston) @ 20AP or Inert HQ (Bragg) @ 10AP, 0-1 x subordinate Lethargic CP
(Polk) @ 5AP, 2-3 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 13-16 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Light Horse (Forest) @
3AP, 3-4 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-2 x Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP, 0-2 x Redoubts @
5AP, 0-1 x Entrenchment @ 10AP, 0-3 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-2 x Inferior
Steamer @ 6AP, 0-1 x Inferior Ironclad @ 15AP, 0-1 x Mines @ 20AP. Max: 302 AP.


(Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Atlanta and Franklin.)
UNION Aggression: 3
1 x Brilliant HQ (Grant 1863 only or Sherman 1864-65 only) @ 50AP or HQ (Rosecrans 1863 only or
Thomas 1864-65 only) @ 20AP, 0-1 x subordinate Brilliant CP (Sherman 1863 with Grant only) @ 50AP
or CP @ 15AP, 2-3 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 27-43 x Minie @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen @ 3AP, 1-2 x
Dragoons @ 4AP before 1865, then 2-5 x Repeaters @ 6AP, 0-1 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 per 34 Minie x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 0-1 x Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP, 0-1 x Entrenchment @
10AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP. Max: 453 AP.
CONFEDERATE Aggression: 3
1 x Inert HQ (Bragg 1863 only) @ 10AP or HQ (Pemberton 1863 only, Hood 1864 only, Beauregard 1864
only or Johnston 1864-65 only) @ 20AP, 1-3 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 16-26 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2-4 x
Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-1 Elite x Light Horse (Forest) @ 3AP, 3-4 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-2 x
Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 0-2 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-3 x Entrenchment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @
8AP. Max: 280 AP.


(Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Sailors Creek.)
UNION Aggression: 4
1 x HQ (Hooker 1863 only, Meade 1863 only) @ 20AP or Brilliant HQ (Grant 1864-65 only) @ 50AP, 0-1
x subordinate Brilliant CP (Sheridan 1864-65 only) @ 50AP or CP @ 15AP, 3-4 x subordinate CP @ 15AP,
38-50 x Minie @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen @ 3AP, 1-7 x Inferior Dragoons @ 3AP before July 1863,
then Repeaters @ 6AP, 3-6 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 per 3-5 Minie x Mixed Field Artillery @
10AP, 0-3 x Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP, 0-1 x Aeronauts (Balloon) @ 25AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @
2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-3 x Inferior Ironclad (Monitors) @ 15AP. Max:
CONFEDERATE Aggression: 3, Upstream.
1 x Brilliant HQ (Lee) @ 50AP, 0-1 x subordinate Brilliant CP (Stuart 1863-64 only) @ 50AP, 3-4 x

subordinate CP @ 15AP, 28-35 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 2-7 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 0-1 x Elite Light Horse
(Mosby & others) @ 3AP, 0-2 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 per 3-5 Bayonets x Mixed Field
Artillery @ 10AP, 0-1 x Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP, 0-2 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-3 x Entrenchment @
10AP, 0-3 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Inferior
Ironclad @ 15AP, 0-1 x Inferior Steamer @ 6AP, 0-1 x Inferior Submarine @ 10AP, 0-1 x Mines @ 20AP.
Max: 571AP.


(Battles of Jagel, Overselk, Oversee, Viele, Dupple, Alsen, Rendsburg)
DANISH Aggression: 1
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 0-3 x Elite Bayonets @ 5AP, 11-15 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 4 x
Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-2 x Smoothbore Heavy Artillery @ 12AP, 0-3 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 06 x Entrenchments @ 15AP, 0-2 x Strong Points @ 10AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
0-1 x Ironclad (Dannebrog) @ 20AP, 0-1 x Inferior Ironclad (Rolf Kraki) @ 15AP, 0-1 x Steamer Flagship
(Niels Juel) @ 18AP, 0-1 x Steamer (Jylland) @ 8AP, 0-1 x Inferior Steamer (Hejmdal) @ 6AP.
ALLIES Aggression: 4
HQ (Wrangel) @ 20AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-3 x Inferior Steamer
(Prussian: Adler, Blitz, Basilisk) @ 6AP.
1 x Prussian Corps, of: 1 x CP (Frederick Charles) @ 15AP, 8 x BL @ 6AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 01 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 2 x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1-2 x Heavy Rifled Artillery @
0-1 x Austrian Corps, of: 1 x allied Inert CP (Gablenz) @ 5AP, 8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 0-1 x Horse Brass
Rifled Artillery @ 25AP, 2 x Brass Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Heavy Brass Rifled Artillery @
0-1 x Austrian Naval Squadron, of: 0-1 x Steamer Flagship (Schwarzenberg) @ 18AP, 0-1 x Steamer
(Radetzky) @ 8AP, 0-1 x Inferior Steamer (Dandalo) @ 6AP.
Notes: Of the causes of this war, a senior statesman is said to have remarked that only three men had ever
fully understood the details of the dispute, of whom one had died, one had gone mad, and he personally had
forgotten them; but much simplified it was whether German-speaking Danes should be Danish or German.
Prussia and Austria doubtfully claimed to have been deputed by the other German states to enforce the
latter view. Prussia did most of the land fighting and annexed the useful parts of the conquered territory,
leaving Austria fuming and provoking the Austro-Prussian War of 1866. The Danes were severely
disadvantaged by opposing smoothbore muskets to Dreyse BL, but exploited field fortifications well and
made some gallant bayonet charges. The small turret-ship Rolf Kraki intervened several times in land
operations and became thoroughly detested by the Prussians. The other ships included are those that also
took part in actions. English sources are sketchy, so refinements from Danish wargamers would be
especially appreciated.
(Seven Weeks War)
1x Inert HQ (Moltke and the Kaiser) @ 10AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
PRUSSIAN 1st ARMY Aggression: 3

0-1 x Inert HQ (Prince Frederick Charles) @ 10AP, 0-1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @
3-4 Corps, each of: 8 x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Hussars, Dragoons and Uhlans) @ 5AP, 2 x Mixed
Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP.
1 Corps, of: 1 x Elite Cuirassiers (Guard) @ 8AP, 2 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 1 x Elite Light Cavalry (Guard
Dragoons and Uhlans) @ 6AP, 2 x Light Cavalry (Dragoons, Uhlans and Hussars) @ 5AP, 1 x Mixed
Horse Artillery @ 20AP.
PRUSSIAN 2nd ARMY Aggression: 4
1 x HQ (Crown Prince) @ 20AP, 3 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 3 x Light Cavalry (Hussars and Uhlans) @ 5AP, 1
x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP.
1 Guard Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 8 x Elite BL @ 7AP, 1 x Elite Light Cavalry (Guard
Uhlans and Hussars) @ 6AP, 3 x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 x
Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP.
1-3 Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 8 x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Hussars, Dragoons and
Uhlans) @ 5AP, 2 x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy
Artillery @ 18AP.
1 x HQ (Benedek) @ 20AP, 6 x Heavy Cavalry (Cuirassiers with Uhlans) @ 5AP, 5 x Light Cavalry
(Hussars) @ 5AP, 5-6 x Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply
Base @ 8AP.
1-6 Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 8 (1 Corps only 6) x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Rifled Horse
Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @
18AP, 0-1 x Redoubt @ 5AP.
1 Saxon Corps, of: 1 x allied CP @ 15AP, 1 x Heavy Cavalry (Reiter) @ 5AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Hussars)
@ 5AP, 8 x Minie @ 4AP, 1 x Elite Marksmen (Jager) @ 3AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP,
1 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP, 2 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP.
Notes: The size of the armies favours multi-player games with all or part of one Prussian army and part of
the other fighting all or part of the Austrians with or without the Saxons. Although Moltke (accompanied by
the Kaiser) in theory commanded all the Prussians and was present at the decisive battle of Koninggratz,
his HQ exerted little control over the two army commanders, who communicated with him only as an
afterthought. Prince Frederick Charles was hyper-cautious and kept his army concentrated under tight
control with all the cavalry behind the infantry, so in consequence had great difficulty finding the enemy.
Only one of his three original infantry corps is even listed as having a commanding general. Crown Prince
Frederick, youthful and spirited, dispersed his corps so widely that he found himself out of effective control
distance of any, listening to sounds of battle coming from two opposite directions. One 1 st Army and all 2nd
Army and Austrian Cuirassier brigades combined Cuirassiers and Uhlans. Austrian Cuirassiers no longer
wore corslets. Uhlans were tending now to be thought of as heavy cavalry because of the supposed effect of
their lance on infantry, but most were still brigaded as Light Cavalry. The Prussians tried to keep the jager
battalion in each Corps as specialist woods-fighters but found opportunities for this so limited that they
were employed as ordinary infantry. The jager battalion in each Austrian brigade was used only as its
skirmish line. Accordingly, both are assumed to be included in the standard infantry elements. Prussian
artillery was a mix of smoothbores and steel rifled breech-loaders, Austrian all brass rifled muzzle-loaders.
(Seven Weeks War)


Brilliant HQ (Archduke Albrecht) @ 50AP, 3 x Light Cavalry (2 Hussars, 1 Uhlans) @ 5AP, 3 x Bayonets
@ 4AP, 4 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP, 4 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @ 20AP, 0-1 x
Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1-3 Corps, each of: 1x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 6-8 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass)
@ 25AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @ 18AP.
0-1 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 0-2 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-1 Steamer @ 8AP, 0-3 x I-Steamer @ 6AP.

ITALY Aggression: 3
Inert HQ (La Mamora) @ 10AP or HQ (Cialdini) @ 20AP. 0-2 x Elite Heavy Cavalry @ 7AP, 0-1 x Rifled
Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP, 1-2 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
3-4 Corps each of:
1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1-2 x Elite Light Infantry (brigaded Bersaglieri) @
6AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @ 18AP, 3-4 Divisions each of: 4 x Bayonets @ 4AP, 1 x Rifled
Field Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP.
0-1 x Volunteer force of: ally Brilliant CP (Garibaldi) @ 50AP, 3-4 x Light Infantry @ 5AP, 1 x Elite
Marksmen (Sharpshooters) @ 3AP, 1 x Light Horse (Guides) @ 2AP, 0-1 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass)
@ 12AP.
0-1 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 0-3 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-4 x I- Steamer @ 8AP.
TURKS allied to AUSTRIA Aggression: 0
18,000 + 2,000 Bashi-bazouks. 1-2 x Steamers, 0-1 x I-Steamers.
Notes: The Italians launched 3 separate simultaneous invasions of the Austrian ruled territory. The main
army was theoretically led by the elderly King, but practically by the inept La Mamora. Cialdini led a
smaller army and Garibaldi a thrust into the Tyrol, where he found no support from the population. After La
Mamora lost the battle of Custoza, Cialdini consolidated the Italian armies and pushed on against a
weakened Austrian army that had sent two corps to reinforce the Austrian army against the Prussians. The
Turks in the event only produced a distraction requiring troop to be retained in the south, but offer an
interesting what if. Austrian Grenze troops were used only in garrisons and to guard other borders. Most
Bersaglieri were dispersed in support of line infantry but 3-4 battalions were kept as a Corps reserve. All
Austrian and Italian artillery were brass muzzle-loaders.

FRANCE 1870 (350AP-1,015AP)

(Franco-Prussian War Battles of Spicheren, Worth, Gravelot/St.Privat, Sedan)
1 x HQ (Steinmetz) @ 20AP, 0-3 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry (Uhlans) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Rifled
Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
2-3 x Corps (I,VII,VIII), each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 8 x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Dragoons
& Hussars) @ 5AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 1 x Rifled
Horse Artillery @ 24AP.
1 x HQ (Frederick Charles) @ 20AP, 2 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 2 x Light Cavalry (Hussars) @ 5AP, 1 x
Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
0-1 x Guard Corps, of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 20AP, 8 x Elite BL @ 7AP, 3 x Elite Light Cavalry (Uhlans &
Dragoons) @ 6AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy
Artillery @ 20AP.
2-5 x Corps (II,III,IV,IX,X), each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 8 x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry
(Hessian in X, otherwise Dragoons & Hussars) @ 5AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled
Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP.
0-1 x Saxon Corps (XII), of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 2 x Elite BL (Grenadiers) @ 7AP, 6 x BL @ 6AP,
3 x Light Cavalry (Chevauxlegers & Uhlans) @ 5AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 2 x Rifled Heavy
Artillery @ 18AP.
1 x HQ (Crown Prince) @ 20AP, 2 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 4 x Light Cavalry (Hussars, Uhlans & Dragoons)
@ 5AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, & 0-1 x Wurttemburg Division of: 6
x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Chevauxlegers) @ 5AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 2 x Rifled
Field Artillery @ 12AP, & 0-1 x Baden Division of: 2 x Elite BL (Guard & Grenadiers) @ 7AP, 1-2 x BL
@ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Dragoons) @ 5AP, 3 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @
2-3 x Corps (V,VI,XI), each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 8 x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Dragoons
& Hussars) @ 5AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 1 x Rifled
Horse Artillery @ 24AP.
0-1 x Bavarian Corps (1st), of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 1 x Elite BL (Guards) @ 7AP, 7 x BL @ 6AP, 1
x Light Cavalry (Chevauxlegers) @ 5AP, 1 x Cuirassiers @ 6AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 2 x
Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 2 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP.
1 x Bavarian Corps (2 nd), of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 8 x BL @ 6AP, 2 x Light Cavalry
(Chevauxlegers & Uhlans) @ 5AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP,
2 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP.
PRUSSIAN NAVY Aggression: 1
0-1 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 0-1 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-1 x Inferior Ironclad @ 15AP, 0-1 x Inferior
Steamer @ 6AP.

Notes: 1st Army alone or 1st & 2nd together can fight Bazaine or 3 rd alone or 2nd & 3rd together fight
MacMahon. Many, but not all, Prussian uhlan regiments were now included in cuirassier brigades for their
reputed value against infantry in heavy rain. Though there were several naval skirmishes around the world
between German and French ships, there were no naval operations in support of the armies. However, a
projected French descent on Kiel with Danish support offers an interesting What if.
1 x Inert HQ (Bazaine) @ 10AP, 2 x Elite Light Cavalry (Chasseurs dAfrique) @ 6AP, 3 x Cuirassiers @
6AP, 1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 3 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply
Base @ 8AP.
1 x Guard Corps, of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 8 x Elite Rifles @ 8AP, 1 x Elite Cuirassiers @ 8AP,
2 x Elite Light Cavalry @ 6AP, 2 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 1 x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1 x
Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP.
4 x Corps (II,III,IV,VI), each of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 12 (II,IV) or 16 (III,VI) x Rifles @ 7AP,
1 x Light Cavalry (Chasseurs or Hussars) @ 5AP, 1 x Dragoons (II,III,IV) @ 4AP or Light Cavalry
(Lancers, VI only) @ 5AP, 0-1 x Dragoons (III only) @ 4AP or Cuirassiers (VI only) @ 6AP, 1 x Mixed
Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 3 (II,IV) or 4 (III,VI) x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1 x Mixed Heavy Artillery
@ 15AP.
1 x Inert HQ (MacMahon) @ 10AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
3 x Corps (I,V,XII), each of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 12 (V,XII) or 16 (I) x Rifles @ 7AP, 0-1 x
Cuirassiers (I,XII only) @ 6AP, 0-1 x Light Cavalry (Hussars & Chasseurs I,V only) @ 5AP or Cuirassiers
(XII only) @ 6AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Lancers I,V,XII) @ 5AP, 1 x Mixed Horse Artillery @ 20AP, 3
(V,XII) or 4 (I) x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 1 x Mixed Heavy Artillery @ 15AP.
FRENCH NAVY Aggression: 2
0-1 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 0-3 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-3 x I-Steamer @ 6AP.
Notes: Much confusion has been caused by rifled guns being called by the weight of the cannon ball they
would have fired if they had been smoothbore. The French nominal 4pdr fired a 9-pound and the 12pdr a
16-pound shell. Mitrailleuses are not distinguished from other French Field Artillery, but 1 model can
replace a 4pdr model of each corps for added colour.

BULGARIA 1876 (65AP-150AP)

(Battles of Zaitschar, Novi-Bazar, Gurgusovatz, Alexinatz)
SERBIAN Aggression: 2
1 x Inert HQ @ 10AP, 8-32 x Inferior BL @ AP, 0-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1-4 x Rifled Field Artillery
(Brass) @ 12AP, 0-1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @ 18AP, 0-4 x Entrenchment @ 15AP, 0-3 x
Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
TURKISH Aggression: 4
1 x CP @ 15AP, 0-1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 4-9 x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Elite Light Horse (Circassians) @
3AP, 1-2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
This Serbian invasion of Turkish-ruled Bulgaria was instigated by the Russians, who were not yet ready to
take on the Turks themselves. Many Russian officers were sent as advisers and quickly became hated by

the Serbs for trying to make them do exactly what they did not want to do fight. They showed this dislike
by running away after each setback. Masses of Russian volunteer troops crossed the border in civilian
clothes to stiffen the Serbs in the final battle, to no avail. For once, the local Turkish field command was in
the hands of competent junior generals who quickly defeated the invaders, but were prevented from
counter-invading by inertia at Constantinople followed by diplomatic pressure by the great powers.

BULGARIA 1877-78 (450AP-1,500AP)

RUSSIAN - Aggression: 4
1 x Inert HQ @ 10AP, 0-2 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 0-4 x LH (Cossacks) @ 2AP, 0-3 x Rifled
Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP, 0-1 x Redoubt @ 5AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @
8AP, 0-2 x Inferior Ironclad @ 15AP, 0-3 x Steamer @ 8AP, 0-3 x I-Steamer @ 6AP, 0-2 x Flotilla (Spar
Torpedo Boats 1877, Automotive 1878) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Minefield @ 20AP.
0-1 x Advance Guard, of: 1 x subordinate CP (Gourko) @ 15AP, 1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry
@ 5AP, 1 x Light Horse (Cossacks) @ 2AP, 2 x Rifles (Jager) @ 7AP, 3 x Bayonets (Bulgarians) @ 4AP, 1
x Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP, 1 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP.
1-7 x Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 8 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 3 x Rifled Field Artillery
(Brass) @ 12AP, 3 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @ 18AP, 1 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @
5AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP.
0-1 x Cossack Corps, of: 1 x subordinate Brilliant CP (Skobellev) @ 50AP, 4-8 x Light Horse @ 2AP, 2 x
Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP, 0-2 x Rifles (Jager) @ 7AP, 0-1 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @
From July 1877 only:
0-1 x Guard Corps, of: 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 24 x Elite Stoic Foot @ 5AP, 2 x Elite Rifles
(Guard Jager) @ 8AP, 2 x Elite Cuirassiers @ 8AP, 1 x Elite Light Cavalry @ 6AP, 2 x Elite Light Horse
(Guard Cossacks) @ 3AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass) @ 24AP, 4 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @
12AP, 4 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @ 18AP.
0-1 x Grenadier Corps, of: 1 x subordinate Inferior CP @ 5AP, 8 x Elite Stoic Foot @ 5AP, 1 x Rifled Field
Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery (Brass) @ 18AP.
0-1 x Romanian Corps, of: 1 x Ally CP @ 15AP, 4-8 x Rifles @ 7AP, 8-11 x Inferior Rifles (Militia) @
5AP, 1 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 2 x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 2-3 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 2-3
x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 0-1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP.

TURKISH Aggression: 1. Upstream.

1 x Inert HQ @ 10AP, 1-2 x subordinate Inert HQ @ 10AP, 0-1 x subordinate Brilliant HQ (Osman Pasha)
@ 50AP, 18-72 x Rifles (Nizams) @ 7AP, 12-48 x BL (Redif) @ 6AP, 2-12 x Inferior Rifles (Mustafiz) @
5AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 1-2 x Elite Light Horse (Circassians) @ 3AP, 1 x Rifled Horse
Artillery @ 24AP, 1 Rifled Field Artillery per 6 foot @ 12AP, 6 x Entrenchments @ 15AP, 0-3 x Redoubts

@ 5AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Ironclad (centre-battery) @ 20AP, 0-2 x Inferior Ironclad (small
monitors) @ 15AP, 0-3 x Steamer @ 8AP.
0-1 x British Naval Squadron (1878 only), of: 1 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 2-4 x Ironclad @ 20AP.
Notes: The Turks lost this war because of the incapacity of practically all senior commanders and their
staffs. The Russian commanders were merely mediocre and un-enterprising. Turkish regular Nizam infantry
were fine troops with good Martini rifles. Reserve Redif were usually good, but often had obsolete rifles.
Mustafiz were vile untrained troops but were issued with the Martini. Rapid desertion kept their numbers
down. Bashi-bazouks were totally devoid of fighting value, though players may like to have a group or two
looting and burning villages! Turkish artillery was light but modern rifled breechloaders and outranged the
Russian brass guns. Russian guards, grenadiers and jager had modern Berdan rifles, but most infantry had
obsolete Krenks outranged by the Martini. Russian dragoons fought almost entirely dismounted. They outranged the Winchester-armed Turkish cavalry, who avoided them. Nearly all the naval fighting was on the
Danube. A British naval squadron threatened to force the Dardanelles at the end of the war unless the
Russians came to terms and the Russians made active preparations to resist it before the Czar got cold feet.
The current runs strongly out of the Black Sea, so the Russians would have been upstream.
EGYPT 1882 (175AP)
BRITISH Aggression: 4
1 x Brilliant HQ (Wolselsey) @ 50AP, 1 x Heavy Cavalry @ 5AP, 1 x Light Cavalry (Indian) @ 5AP, 1 x
Elite Rifles @ 8AP, 6 x Rifles @ 7AP, 1 x BL (Indian) @ 6AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP, 1 x
Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP.
EGYPTIAN Aggression: 2
1 x HQ (Arabi Pasha) @ 20AP, 10 x Inferior BL @ 4AP, 1 x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 1 x Inferior
Light Horse @ 1AP (Bedouin), 3 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 3 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 4 x Entrenchment
@ 15AP.
Notes: Bare flat desert, with transverse low ridge, one flank resting on canal and village, other on rough

INDO-CHINA 1883-85 (75AP-125AP)

1 x CP @ 15AP, 4 x Rifles @ 7AP, 0-1 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-2 x Steamer @ 8AP, 0-1 x I-Steamer @ 6AP,
0-1 x Flotilla (Spar Torpedo Boats) @ 3AP.
CHINESE - Ag: 1. Upstream.
1 x CP (Luu-Vinh-Phuoc) @ 15AP, 5 x BL (Black Flags). 0-2 x LH (Bannermen) @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior BL
(Chinese regulars with Remingtons) @ 4AP, 1 x Firelocks (Chinese regular matchlocks) @ 2AP, 1 x
Spearmen (Chinese army) @ 1AP, 1-2 x Portable Artillery (Chinese regular jingals) @ 5AP, 3-5 x
Marksmen (Annamese) @ 2AP, 1 x Smoothbore Field Artillery @ 8AP, 0-1 x Portable Artillery (Rockets)
@ 5AP, 0-1 x Steamer @ 8AP, 0-4 x I-Steamer (Gunboats) @ 6AP, 0-3 x Flotilla (War Junks) @ 3AP, 0-2 x
Flotilla (Spar Torpedo Boats) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Redoubt @ 5AP.

BULGARIA 1885 (135AP-200AP)

(Battles of Slivnitza, Dragoman, Zaribrod Pass, Pirot).

1 x CP (Gutscheff or Prince Alexander) @ 15AP, 4-21 x Bayonets @ 5AP, 1 x Inferior Bayonets (Robbers
Brigade) @ 3AP, 0-4 x Inferior Bayonets (Macedonian Volunteers) @ 3AP, 1 x Inferior Light Horse
(Mounted Irregulars) @ 1AP, 0-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 2-4 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 0-4 x
Entrenchments @ 15AP, 0-3 x Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1 x HQ (King Milan & Taplovitch) @ 20AP, 9-19 x BL @ 6AP, 0-1 x Rifled Horse Artillery (Brass) @
24AP, 1-2 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 2-4 x Rifled Field Artillery (Brass) @ 12AP, 0-1 x Rifled Heavy
Artillery (Brass) @ 18AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
Russia instigated a revolt in Turkish East Roumelia, but was incensed when the inhabitants chose to join
Bulgaria instead of Russia. They regarded the Bulgarians acquiescence as ingratitude for their own
liberation from the Turks by Russia, so instigated a Serbian invasion of Bulgaria to bring them to heel,
described by a British contemporary as hopefully the third and last of Serbias wicked wars of
aggression. The Bulgarians were caught by surprise with most of their army facing Turkey. A well dug-in
scratch force under a Major Gutscheff defeated one of the two Serbian thrusts at Slivnitza and went over to
the offensive even before the rest of the army arrived. The Serbs were rapidly expelled by a series of
battles. Bulgaria counter-invaded but was forced to withdraw by threats from Austria. The Serbians had 2 ndhand obsolete Russian artillery, the Bulgarians modern German. The Bulgarians were extremely fond of the

ETHIOPIA 1895 (120AP)

ITALIANS Aggression: 2
1 x HQ (Baratieri) @ 20AP, 5 x Rifles (Italians) @ 7AP, 3-4 x Inferior Rifles (Askari) @ 5AP, 0-1 x
Repeaters @ 5AP, 3 x Rifled Artillery @ 15AP.
ABYSSINIANS Aggression: 3
1 x Native Potentate (Menelik) @ 10AP, 6-12 x Light Horse @ 2AP, 12-18 x Inferior BL @ 4AP, 10-16 x
Spearmen @ 1AP, 1-2 x Rifled Artillery @ 15AP.

SUDAN 1898 (120-150AP)

ANGLO-EGYPTIAN Aggression: 2
1 x Inert HQ (Kitchener) @ 10AP, 4 x Rifles (British) @ 7AP, 8 x Inferior Rifles (Egyptian) @ 5AP, 0-1 x
Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-1 x Mounted Rifles (Camel Corps) @ 8AP, 1 x Rifled Artillery @ 15AP, 1 x
Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 1-2 x Inferior Steamer (Nile gunboats) @ 6AP.
MAHDISTS - Aggression: 4. Upstream.
1 x Native Potentate (Khalifa) @ 10AP, 0-2 x Sipahis @ 3AP, 14-24 x Elite Spearmen @ 3AP, 6-9 x
Inferior BL @ 4AP, 1-2 x Mixed Field Artillery @ 10AP, 0-1 x Redoubt @ 5AP.

NATAL 1899-1900 (60AP-360AP)

(2nd Boer War)
BRITISH Aggression: 3
1 x HQ (Buller) @ 20AP or Inert HQ (White, Roberts) @ 10AP or CP (Symons or Methuen) @ 15AP, 0-1
x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 0-3 x Inert CP @ 5AP, 1-3 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 0-2 x Inferior Mounted

Rifles (Irregulars) @ 5AP, 0-4 x Elite Rifles (Guards) @ 8AP, 4-32 x Rifles @ 7AP, 0-2 x Rifled Horse
Artillery @ 24AP, 1-3 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 0-1 x Heavy Rifled Artillery (Heavy and long naval
guns) @ 20AP, 0-1 x Aeronauts (Balloon) @ 25AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
BOER Aggression: 1
1 x Inert HQ (Joubert) @ 10AP or HQ (Cronje) @ 20AP or Brilliant CP (Botha) @ 50AP or CP (Others) @
15AP, 0-1 x subordinate Inert CP (Fourie) @ 5AP or CP (Prinsloo) @ 15AP, 0-1 x subordinate Brilliant CP
(De la Rey) @ 50AP, 4-9 x Elite Mounted Rifles (Transvaalers) @ 10AP, 0-3 x Mounted Rifles (Orange
Free Staters only with Fourie or Prinsloo) @ 8AP, 0-2 x Rifles @ 7AP, 0-1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @
24AP, 1 x Laager @ 4AP, 0-6 x Entrenchment @ 15AP, 0-3 x Concealment @ 10 AP.
Notes: Which British generals qualify as Inert is a matter of opinion. I opt for White, somewhat
surprisingly Roberts, Kitchener, most of Bullers subordinates, but Buller himself, who was more spinned
against by Roberts than sinning. I have rounded up the Boer artillery to allow a single element to simulates
its nuisance value. Symons can only be used in 60AP games. The British 15pdr gun actually fired a 14
pound shell, so is not classed as heavy.

(Russo-Japanese War)
RUSSIAN Aggression: 1
1 x Inert HQ @ 10AP, 1 x Aeronauts (Balloon) @ 25AP, 0-3 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 0-3 x
Redoubts @ 5AP, 0-6 x Entrenchment @ 10 AP, 0-1 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 01 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 0-2 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-2 x Inferior Ironclad @ 15AP, 0-1 x Flotilla @
0-1 x Cavalry Corps, of 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 0-2 x Dragoons @ 4AP, 12-16 x Inferior
Dragoons (Cossacks) @ 2AP, 2-3 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP.
0-6 x European Corps, each 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 12 x Inferior Stoic Foot @ 2 AP, 6 x Rifled
Field Artillery @ 12AP.
2-7 x Siberian Corps, each 1 x subordinate Inert CP @ 5AP, 4 x Stoic Foot @ 3AP, 1 x Rifled Horse
Artillery @ 24AP.
JAPANESE Aggression: 4
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 3-4 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 1-2 x Inferior Repeaters @ 4AP, 2-12 x Elite Rifles
(Guard) @ 8AP, 46-144 x Rifles @ 7AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP per 12 Elite Rifles and Rifles,
1-2 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 0-3 x Concealment @ 10AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply
Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 0-3 x Ironclads @ 20 AP, 0-3 x Flotilla @ 3AP.
Notes: At Liao-Yang 1 cavalry, 2 European, 5 Siberian Corps. Japs 1 st Army, 2nd Army, 4th Army, reserve of
1div + Cav Bde.


(1st & 2nd Balkan Wars)
BULGARIAN ARMY - Aggression 4.
0-1 x HQ @ 20AP, 0-1 x Laager @ 4AP, 0-1 x Aeronauts (Bleriot) @ 25AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1
x Steamer (Cruiser) @ 8AP, 0-1 x Flotilla (Torpedo Boats) @ 3AP.
0-1 Cavalry Division, of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 4 x Inferior Repeaters @ 4AP, 1 x Rifled Horse
Artillery @ 24AP.
1-3 x Corps, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 32-58 x Rifles @ 7AP, 8-12 x Rifled Field Artillery @
In 2nd BW only, add: 0-6 x Entrenchments @ 15AP.
SERBIAN Aggression: 2
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 1 x Aeronauts (Balloon) @ 25AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers
@ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1 x Cavalry Division, of: 1 x CP @ 15AP, 2 x Mounted Rifles @ 8AP, 2 x Rifles @ 7AP, 1 x Rifled Horse
Artillery @ 24AP.
5 x Corps, each of: 24 x BL @ 6AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.

0-1 x Bulgarian Division (1 st BW only) of: 1 x allied CP @ 15AP, 16-24 x Rifles @ 7AP, 4 x Rifled Field
Artillery @ 12AP.
0-1 x Montenegrin Division (2nd BW only) of: 1 x allied CP @ 15AP, 12-15 x Rifles @ 7AP, 1 x Mixed
Artillery (Mountain guns and Maxims) @ 10AP
1 x Brilliant HQ (Konstantinos) @ 50AP or HQ @ 20AP, 0-1 x Inferior Rifle Cavalry @ 7AP, 2 x Elite
Rifles (Evzones) @ 8AP, 0-2 x Rifles (Garibaldi Brigade) @ 7AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Proskopoi) @
3AP, 4 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1-2 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 0-1 x Aeronauts (Farman) @
25AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Ironclad Flagship (Armoured Cruiser)
@ 30AP, 0-3 x Inferior Ironclads @ 15AP, 0-3 x Flotilla (Destroyers) @ 3AP, 0-1 x Submarine @ 20AP, 01 x Concealed Position @ 10AP.
4-9 x Divisions, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 9 x Rifles @ 7AP, 1 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.
0-1 x Brilliant HQ (Konstantinos only if 4 divisions) @ 50AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply
Base @ 8AP, 0-1 x Aeronauts (Farman) @ 25AP.
1 x Division of: 1 x CP @ 15AP or subordinate CP @ 15AP, 4 x Elite Rifles (Evzones) @ 8AP, 4 x Rifles
@ 7AP, 0-1 x Elite Marksmen (Proskopoi) @ 3AP, 1 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.
0-3 x Divisions, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 9 x Rifles @ 7AP, 1 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.
MONTENEGRO (1st BW only) Aggression: 4
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 0-1 x Inferior Light Horse (Mounted Scouts) @ 1AP, 3 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.
1-3 x Divisions, each of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 12-15 x Rifles @ 7AP, 1 x Mixed Artillery
(Mountain guns and Maxims) @ 10AP.
0-1 x Serbian Division, of: 1 x allied CP @ 15AP, 12 x BL @ 6AP, 1 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.
ROMANIA (2nd BW only) Aggression: 3
1 x HQ @ 20AP, 1 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 0-1 x Pontooneers @ 2AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1 x Cavalry Division of: 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 5 x Light Cavalry @ 5AP, 1 x Rifled Horse Artillery
@ 24AP.
5 x Corps, each of 1 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 28-42 x Rifles @ 7AP, 6 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP, 1
x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP.
1 x Inert HQ @ 10AP, 0-5 x subordinate CP @ 15AP, 1 per CP x Inferior Light Cavalry @ 3AP, 2 per CP x
Rifles @ 7AP, 1-2 x Rifled Heavy Artillery @ 18AP, 0-1 x Rifled Horse Artillery @ 24AP. 1 x Aeronauts
(Farman) @ 25AP, 0-6 x Entrenchments @ 15AP, 0-1 x Supply Base @ 8AP.
1-12 x Divisions, each of: 9 x Rifles (Nizams) @ 7AP, 2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.
1-8 x Divisions, each of: 3-9 x Inferior Rifles (Redifs) @ 5AP, 1-2 x Rifled Field Artillery @ 12AP.
TURKISH FLEET (Available only against Greek Army of Thessaly or Bulgarians).
0-1 x Ironclad Flagship @ 30AP, 0-1 x Ironclad @ 20AP, 0-2 x Inferior Ironclad @ 15AP, 0-2 x Steamer
(Cruiser) @ 8AP, 0-1 x Flotilla (Destroyers etc.) @ 3AP.
Notes: In the 1st Balkan War, Bulgaria, Serbia Montenegro and Greece separately invaded Turkish-held
Macedonia and Thrace. In the 2nd, Bulgaria, dissatisfied with her share of the loot, unsuccessfully invaded
Serbia and Greece, but was invaded by Romania from the north and Turkey from the east, losing nearly all
her gains. Serbians and Greeks had previously lost badly to Turkey, in 1875 and 1897 respectively. The
Romanians were convinced they had saved the Russian army from defeat by the Turks in 1877-88, so their
morale was high. The Bulgarian army was extremely efficient in battle, but in a long campaign suffered
from their appalling level of hygiene and the inability of their supply system to cope.
Weather in Thrace during the fighting season was very hot and drinkable water scarce, the countryside

khaki, drab and bare with hardly a bush, the hills bare, yellow, gloomy and grassless, all stones rounded,
and the roads all bad and incredibly deep in mud when it did rain. Occasional ravines were choked with a
jungle of vines and almond trees. Ethnically Turkish and ethnically Bulgarian villages were intermixed.
Bulgarian villages had houses with red tile roofs, whitewashed walls and shutters, but the street an unpaved
sewer. The main crop was cabbage. Turkish villages were described as a garbage-ridden chaos of reedthatched houses, straw stacks, thorn fences, cur dogs and prolifically flowering roses, often with cemeteries
of small un-inscribed pointy-topped obelisks leaning at all angles under poplars and willows.
Turkish cavalry were useless, badly led, unwilling to dismount and poor at scouting. They were under
orders to avoid enemy cavalry. Bulgarian cavalry were poor horsemen on mediocre horses, poor at scouting
and pursued by dismounting and shooting. Serbian cavalry were good horsemen on good Hungarian horses
but only fought dismounted. They did little scouting until they realised the Turkish cavalry would always
try to avoid them. Their cavalry division was slow because it included an infantry regiment. Greek cavalry
were few, efficient both mounted and dismounted, but incompetently led. Regular (Rosiori) Romanian
cavalry carried lances. Romanian militia (Kalarasi) cavalry did not. All cavalry in this war had magazine
carbines. Classification as Repeater or Mounted Rifle or Light Cavalry and as BL or Rifle depends on
national doctrine rather than on weapon ballistics. All nations had very similar artillery pieces. The Turks
used only direct fire, the Greeks tried indirect but gave it up, and others used mostly indirect fire. Bulgarian
logistics were based entirely on carts with 4 very large wheels and a rounded hood of woven reeds hauled
by 2 greyish-white oxen. The option for laager is to provide a role for a few 12-oxen wagons carrying a
machine gun in a beehive armoured turret! These were intended for a more active role but bogged down
before they got to the front.
Because of her ascendancy over the Turkish fleet, only recently reinforced by the ex-German Brandenburgclass battleships Heireddin Barbarossa and Torgut Reis, and her great superiority over all the lesser ships of
the 2 navies, the famous Greek heavy armoured cruiser Georgios Averoff is not classed as inferior despite
the start of the Dreadnaught era elsewhere. The Turkish Messoudieh (an old centre battery ship whose
impressive fore and aft turrets still housed only wooden dummy 9.2 guns) and Assari Tewfik, and the
Greek Hydra, Spetses and Psara are classed as Inferior Ironclads. The Turkish protected cruisers Medjidieh
and Hamidieh are classed as Steamers.

For those still downloading from Richards site who havent yet got the news, the primary site for HFG is
now my own HFG can be viewed as an HTML file or downloaded
as a WORD document.
You will see that I have been forced to acknowledge that most of you prefer larger tables and have made
this the default. This has necessitated changes in deployment procedures and march movement that will
now need testing. The next version will probably be in late-October or early November, after I get back
from a Black Sea cruise during which I hope to see some of the Bulgarian battlefields. This will probably
split the rules proper and the lists into separate documents.

I have added to the Napoleonic lists, most notably with the Waterloo campaign and finally produced 1870.
The next version is planned to include French Revolutionary and early Napoleonic wars. It takes roughly a
week to prepare lists for each war, even when a lot of preliminary research has already been done, so sorry
if your favoured war has not been dealt with yet. I want to finish the basing section when I get time, with
options for all sizes of figures on 25mm base sizes, but that is involving a lot of work.
Suggestions, comments and criticisms of rules and lists are very welcome. Ideally, you should send me a
brief report on each game you play, to my current email address of, which is
now operational. The old cableinet address is now dead. Do not assume that everything from net discussion
groups will necessarily be forwarded to me. Material arriving is still mostly from the same stalwarts. Very
few reports do not lead to some changes in the rules. More would still be useful. In particular, use of
aeronauts and naval is so far largely unexplored.
My thanks to all those that have provided input so far, and I am especially grateful to Kostas
Konstantoulakis and Spiros Koumoussis for their 18 email pages of detailed information on 1912-13! I also
have to report that HFG has already inspired new ranges of 15mm figures for the Balkan wars. I have seen
some of the Greeks, Bulgarians and Turks, which are both accurate and full of character. Contact:
S.Koumoussis, 34 Ithakis Str., P.Kokkinia 182 33, Piraeus, Hellas-Greece,

Phil Barker.

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