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First, I want to say that I've been using this method for quite a while, and it's been

showing some AMAZING results. I thin it's the easiest a!!roa"h and has shown the best, most "onsistent results, and I've been trying them A## for the last $ years or so. It is far easier to indu"e out of body e%!erien"es while in a lu"id dreamstate, and this method wor s well whether you are indu"ing lu"id dreams or out of body e%!erien"es. &y using this method I have around a '() "han"e of su""essfully indu"ing a lu"id dream or an *&+ whenever I ma e the time to use it. ,o needless to say, I'm awestru" with the dramati" in"rease and attribute it to this te"hnique whi"h I'm going to !ass along to anyone who hasn't heard of it. It's been mentioned a lot before and it is a"tually alluded to in the MI#- te"hnique by ,te!hen #a&erge and some !eo!le refer to it as the .na!!ing. te"hnique, but I thin .na!!ing. is too general a term for the !ro"ess. /0+ ,lee!12a e1&a" to &ed M+/0*34 go to bed for ' hours or so $4 then wa e u! 54 stay awa e for an hour or so 6about $(7'( minutes4 6or at least until you are .awa e. and not slee!y7headed or foggy7minded ...get out of bed and do something 0A8+ /* get out of bed999 !referably re"ord your dreams in your dream :ournal or do some reading about lu"id dreaming. ;4 /0+N go ba" to bed using whatever te"hnique you normally use to indu"e your #-s 6 i.e. MI#- te"hnique, affirmations, "ounting, tran"e indu"tion, visuali<ation, grounding your awareness, et"=4 /hen it is lu"id dreaming time999 /he timing "an be ad:usted to suit your !ur!ose but it is advisable to get a lot of slee! 6' hours is !erfe"t 4 and then stay u! until you are no longer groggy minded and slee!y7headed. *n"e you are awa e, sometimes $( minutes will be enough for me, and then I'll go ba" to bed with ama<ing results. *ne ey thing I've learned is to .set the !attern. by establishing a routine of doing this on a regular basis. I've been doing it off and on with good results, but on"e I bu" led down and made it a !riority the results were !henomenal. /he >+? is to be "onsistent and get the routine engrained and absorbed into your sub"ons"ious. 2ith time it seems to be getting easier and easier, and as a bonus effe"t of all this indu"ed lu"idity you "an e%!e"t to have e%tra s!ontaneous lu"id dreams during the night. It's li e an added bonus !lan. It literally wor s li e magi". /he only thing you have to do is arrange your slee!ing !attern so that you "an use this ,lee!12a e1&a" to &ed method. 8isit the &@AIN2A8+ MIN- 8*?AG+, 2ebsite atA htt!A11go.to1mindvoyages *r visit &I@-B, #CDI- -@+AMING 2+&,I/+ atA htt!A11how.to1lu"iddream *r G+/ IN8*#8+- at /he d@+aM Initiative atA htt!A11"ome.to1dreamresear"h

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