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James Akashi History-5 March 4, 2014 Belief Systems Paragraph The Three Tenets of Jamville In an effort to create a successful

civilization, the people of Jamville have established their own belief system. It shares similar religious beliefs and teachings with other world religions and helps the people of Jamville make the right decisions. Here are some examples: Specyolder-Respect Your Elders The first tenet in Jamvilles belief system is called Specyolder. It is taught in Jamville because most kids of the civilization tend to not respect their parents or grandparents as much as they should. Although there is a big law about kids disrespecting their parents, some of the cases are not so serious and so the law is not applied. Besides kids should have good manners no matter what. It is taught to kids in school and is one of the bigger subjects. Most lessons are on how to address their parents and what not to say to their authorities such as teachers. Basically, it is a class on etiquette, manners, and even good behavior. Jamville wants to be known as the civilization of politeness and kindness so Specyolder is a head start for young kids. This tenet relates to the Confucianism because Confucians believe in Five Basic Relationships, one being father and son. As stated by Frey, According to Confucianism, there are five basic relationships: ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and friend. All people must respect and obey those above them (208). Since the Confucians believe that the son or daughter in this case, should respect their father or parents, Jamville has decided to follow in the footsteps of this relationship. This can really help Jamvilles reputation as a civilization because if other civilizations were to see how kind Jamville really was, then there would be less war altogether. If Specyolder didnt exist in Jamville, who knows what could happen to Jamville. Having a few classes on respect in school and kids make the right decisions considering behavior.

In conclusion, Specyolder can help Jamville as it doesnt only help the civilization itself; but it also really helps the citizens. Mejas- Help the Needy The second tenet in Jamvilles belief system is called Mejas. It is taught in Jamville because lots of people are poor due to lack of jobs. The government is trying to fix the lack of jobs but in the meantime people need to help the needy and poor. Multiple preachers teach about it throughout the civilization. There is also a donation box for people to donate in. It is very encouraged to donate although it isnt required unlike The Day of Donation, where people are required to at least give 2.0% of their paycheck for the needy. Only the poor, the elderly, and the government dont donate. The Day of Donation is a much better way than tax collecting as it is used for a better cause. The government uses 79% of the money on the poor, and 21% of the money on the civilization. This tenet relates heavily with zakat, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Zakat is when people give 2.5% of their money in order to help the needy. As stated by Frey, Zakat pays for soup kitchens, clothing, and shelter for the poor. Orphanages and hospitals are built and supported through zakat (98). Jamville was inspired by this act of kindness, so Jamville also has their kind of zakat. This makes for a successful civilization because not only do the citizens show acts of kindness, the poor will be able to survive. The money will pay for clothing, shelter, hospitality, food, and education for those who arent so lucky. If Mejas didnt exist in Jamville, anything can go wrong considering money. Poverty will be an extreme problem and so the rich would basically rule Jamville by themselves instead of the government. Basically, The Day of Donation is the only reason Jamville doesnt go into chaos where the rich become overwhelmingly rich. Mejas and The Day of Donation both play their jobs really well because it helps the rich come to their senses and use their money for better causes. In conclusion, if Jamville goes along with this tenet, then this can really make for a better civilization. Yalobel- Be Loyal

The third tenet in Jamvilles belief system is called Yalobel. It is taught in Jamville because some people leave Jamville in order to find a better life. The government created it because they want to let the people know that they will fix their needs sooner or later. This belief was mainly created only to show people that they should have faith in anything, whether its their parents or the civilization. It is taught by multiple preachers spread throughout the civilization and is also taught in schools like Specyolder. This relates to jihad because jihad means, to strive. Lesser jihad means to overcome a persons difficulties and do what is pleasing to God. As stated by Frey, Muslims strive to respond positively to personal difficulties as well as worldly challenges. For instance, they might work to become better people, reform society, or correct injustice (101). Jamville was influenced by this and so there is a whole month called the The Struggle-Free Month. This is where everybody meditates for two hours a day for a whole month. The two hours can be split to any parts of the day as long as the person meditates for two hours at the minimum. They can either meditate at home or at the church, but it is recommended to meditate at the church because then the priest can show the people how to do it properly. This is meant to lose the stress and to bring faith and confidence into the people. This is also meant for the civilization because if people lose faith in Jamville over a couple of mistakes, then Jamville will crumble. If any of these tenets did not exist in Jamville or if people didnt believe in them, nobody would be making the right decisions. On the other hand, if people were to believe in all of these tenets, then the civilization of Jamville will thrive.

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