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Honors Course Contract Form 1 ___________________________________________________________ Student Information Name: Saleh Ahmad QUID: 201001 !

" #a$or: %lectrical %n&ineer Com'leted Credit Hours: (1 %mail: hs1001 !")*u+edu+*a ,hone: !!"2!--1

Instructor Information Name: Dr+ Farid .ouati De'artment: %lectrical %n&ineerin& Course under Contract Course .itle and Num0er: Fundamental of %lectronics 1 %2%C 2 1 De'artment: %lectrical %n&ineerin& 3e&ular Course Num0er 4C3N5: 21((-

%mail: touatif)*u+edu+*a ,hone: //0 /221

Course Honors Desi&nation: Semester67ear: S'rin& 201 Credit Hours:

Instructor must com'lete the ne8t section follo9in& discussion and mutual a&reement 9ith the student+ ,lease list the course9or: assi&ned under the terms of the contract and e8'lain it in detail in the Honors course s;lla0us6addendum+ A minimum of 0< of course9or: assi&nments must 0e Honors 0ased+= 1> Ad?ance su''lemental readin&: The student will have to report on a contemporary issue in the semiconductor/nano-electronics field and present his findings to students or via a departmental seminar. 2> Qui@@es: These will be different for the honors student as they will include questions related to extra reading material that the student will have to cover. > .erm ,ro$ect: This will include a project related to one of the facultys research areas, namely, design of a microcontroller-based electronic load for -!/"-! characteri#ation of solar "! modules. $lternatively, the student can choose to design of a %& power supply with current limitation feature. The project has to be implemented and tested experimentally in addition to developing a prototype for exhibition. "lease note that the above two points assess most of the 'onors "rogram (earning )utcomes.
The Honors Program Mens Campus, Room 102/Tel: 974-4403-4990/ -ma!l: "uhonors#"u$e%u$"a &&&$"u$e%u$"a/honors'program

* The 'onors coursewor+ assignments must be completed gradually over a period of ,- wee+s. Ahat are the learnin& o0$ecti?es and e8'ected outcomes of the contractB= ,. )btain an in-depth +nowledge of the subject due to extra reading material assigned to him. .. $cquire professional research s+ills and developing problem solving s+ills by becoming involved in one of the facultys on-going research projects. /. mprove his computer programming s+ills, which will be required for the completion of the project. 0. 1ain good written and oral communication s+ills as he will be as+ed to produce written reports on his project as well as to write a professional journal paper and present his wor+ to his colleagues. =$t least one of the learning outcomes must be drawn from the 'onors "rogram learning outcomes 2please refer to the policies and procedures section3 Si&natures: I ac:no9led&e that I understand and a&ree to a0ide 0; the 'olicies re&ulations re&ardin& the Honors ContractC as set forth in the Honors Contract ,olicies and Duidelines+ I further 'led&e to fulfill the a&reed u'on terms of the contract Student4444444444 Instructor44444444444444444444444444 Date444,5/6./,/44444444 Date444444444444444444

________________________________________________________________________ A''ro?al Honors ,ro&ram Director 4444444444444 Date444444444444444444

The Honors Program Mens Campus, Room 102/Tel: 974-4403-4990/ -ma!l: "uhonors#"u$e%u$"a &&&$"u$e%u$"a/honors'program

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