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Alex McGregor History 7 Period 5 March 4, 2014 Civilization Belief System In an effort to create a successful civilization, the people

of Alexandria have established their own belief system. It shares similar religious beliefs and teachings with other world religions and helps the people of Alexandria because if there is a belief system, everyone will make the same decision, and there will be trust and unity within a civilization. Here are some examples. In Alexandria, the first tenet, Renaj, teaches Alexandrians to respect others and life around them. For this tenet, Alexandrians are required to meditate for one hour 3 times a day, at dawn, noon, and dusk. While meditating, Alexandrians kneel on the floor, sitting upright with their hands on their thighs. They think about their life, others lives, the people around them, their problem and how to solve these problems. If they come up with solutions, they must put them into action, and therefore there wouldnt be as many problems. This will create trust and unity between people because everyone comes up with solutions, and so the people they help will trust them. The belief in Renaj in Alexandria is similar to the belief in the pillar Salat in Islam. Salat is the Islamic belief that requires Muslims to prey daily. As stated by Frey, people are called to prayer five times a day, at dawn, noon, midday, sunset, and after nightfall (97). Muslims show their faith to God by preying. They must prove that they worship Him, and only Him. By preying 5 times a day, they are required to think about how much they worship Him, and their respect for Him. The Islamic pillar Salat is similar to the Alexandrian tenet Renaj because both the Alexandrians and the Muslims must pray/meditate at least three times a day. The first tenet of Alexandria will make the civilization a better place because without the tenet, there would be many problems in Alexandria. The second tenet of Alexandria, Usoj, teaches Alexandrians unity. Everyday in school children must complete a daily unity exercise where they work together to solve a problem. This will teach children to work together, and will help them solve

Alex McGregor History 7 Period 5 March 4, 2014 Civilization Belief System problems when they are adults. If they can work, together, instead of against each other, there wont be as many civil wars, and problems will be solved faster. While working together, they will create trust and unity within their groups. The Alexandrian tenet Usoj is a lot like the Confucian beliefs. There are five Confucian relationships, and as stated by Frey, All people must respect and obey those above them(208). The Confucians were taught to respect and listen to each other and because of this, they will always be in agreement. They will not argue with each other, and their civilization will be successful. The Confucian relationships are similar to Usoj in Alexandria because both require people to listen to others, and to respect their ideas and decisions. If the Alexandrians did not have the tenet Usoj, there would be conflicts between each other, the civilization would not run as smoothly, and it would not be successful. The third Alexandrian tenet is Senaxela, and it teaches Alexandrians to be selfless towards other people and animals. In Alexandria, to practice Senaxela, each child when they reach the age of 13 is required to raise an animal. The animal doesnt have to be a specific breed, but it does need to be approved by the city council. Raising animals shows selflessness because it takes work and time to raise one, and an Alexandrian must be able to help other life. Senaxela will create trust and unity between creatures and people in Alexandria. The Alexandrian tenet Senaxela is like the Islamic pillar of Zakat because Zakat requires people to be selfless and to give up some of their wealth. As stated by Frey, Muslims must share about one fortieth (2.5 percent) of their income and possessions with their poorer neighbors (98). If Muslims did not have Zakat, their civilization would not be as successful. They would not have all of the things today, such as soup kitchens, clothing, and shelters for the poor, orphanages, hospitals, and inns for stranded travelers. Their civilization would not be as successful if they didnt have all of these things, and that is why Zakat will make Islam a better place. Senaxela and Zakat are

Alex McGregor History 7 Period 5 March 4, 2014 Civilization Belief System similar because they both show selflessness by helping other people or animals. If Alexandria did not have Senaxela, the civilization would not have half the things necessary for everyone to survive, and that is why Senaxela makes for a successful civilization.

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