Belief Systems

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Zachaville Belief System

Zach Wood 3/4/14 History 7 5 Civilization Belief System

In an effort to create a successful civilization, the people of Zachaville have established their own belief system. It shares similar religious beliefs and teachings with other world religions and helps guide the people of Zachaville to know what is right, prevent argument, and to create unity. Here are some examples. KnubKnub The first tenet of Zachaville will be called KnubKnub. In schools all over Zachaville children will be taught how to respect elders and other people. This is similar to how Confucius strongly tried to emphasize respect for elders. Zachaville will emphasize respect for everyone in his or her civilization. There will be a class in school where kids will learn respect for elders and manners. They will not to just stop at respect, but going out of theyre way to help others will be something people are acknowledged for in Zachaville. Starting at a young age children need to know what is right and how to act in these situations. Confucius wanted all people to have good character and the biggest part of this was respect. This will help people throughout their lives know how to act properly in the place that they are. With respect running throughout the city no one can have much to be angry about. Do not do to others what you would not want done to you (Frey 208). This was one of the teachings Confucius used that helped better understand how to respect others. Zachaville will go by this rule to keep respect running through the civilization. KnubKnub will keep peace and respect within Zachaville and help keep people acting properly. Takaz The second tenet of Zachaville is Takaz. Takaz represents empathy. Every month the people of Zachaville are required to donate at least 3% of their wealth. This will control greed and with what seems like a small amount after a while will

Zach Wood 3/4/14 History 7 5 Civilization Belief System end up contributing a lot. Takaz of Zachaville is similar and inspired by Islam and their third pillar Zakat. It would also create unity between the poor and rich and will relieve tension between them. This money could provide food for the poor and help build hospitals. Zakat can cover the school fees of children whose parents cannot afford to send them to Muslim schools, (Frey 98). That would be a huge help for the generations to come if everyone including the poor can go to school and get an education. Also, to create empathy for the poor and hungry, Zachaville will have a week every year where people must fast from dawn to the evening. This will make people realize what it is like to be hungry. It might even reduce conflict with wealthier people that want to keep their money. This is a tradition similar to Islams Ramadan. People realize what it is like to be hungry and poor and will realize that the money they are giving is for a good cause. With empathy created between the rich and poor, there will be less argument between them. Looking back through history, the poor and rich arguing has been a huge problem, for example, the plebeians and patricians (Rome). This second tenet of Zachaville will be used to control greed within people and create empathy for others, and with empathy, unity will be created within Zachaville. Yamfu Yamfu is the third tenet of Zachaville is belief and requirement that all citizens must meditate one time in the morning, once at midday, and once in the night. This will show and test the loyalty people have towards Zachaville. If people are not loyal to their civilization that means they do not feel very strongly about its future. Some kind of belief will hold the people together and motivate people to contribute and innovate for Zachaville. While they are praying they must think about tomorrow. They shall think of ways that they can do something better or a good deed for someone else. People must pray no matter what the circumstance unless they are in a life or death situation that requires all of their focus. This is similar to the second pillar of Islam, Salat. Throughout Muslim communities, people

Zach Wood 3/4/14 History 7 5 Civilization Belief System are called to prayer five times a day: at dawn, noon, midday, sunset, and after nightfall, (Frey 97). There are some different requirements, but the concept is the same. Every day people will try to be more efficient and improve something from the day before. With all of Zachavilles other beliefs people will hopefully be on the same page, which will prevent argument, and improve the flow and cooperation in society. Yamfu is not just a time that people must pray, but a time where people can think about what they can do to make Zachaville a successful civilization.

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