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Strikes planned for 22 and 23 October...

support the
postal workers
ROUND 120,000 postal changes without consideration to the pension scheme.
workers across Britain are to service or the workers. Just 13 Royal Mail bosses have
strike on Thursday 22 October Royal Mail is imposing unfair work shared more than £10 million in
(mail centres) and Friday 23 October rates to meet unrealistic demands— bonuses for implementing “cost-cutting
(deliveries). This fightback is crucial chaos management creating workloads measures” since 2002-3.
for everyone. that people cannot cope with.
It is part of a much bigger war—over There is a vicious bullying managerial Isn’t there less mail?
public services, jobs, union rights, culture. Royal Mail claims there has been a 10
and pay and conditions at work. It’s percent decline in mail volumes.
about who will be made to pay for the What do the workers want? The company also claims there have
economic crisis. Sustainable full-time jobs, and no been over 40,000 job losses.
A victory for the postal workers compulsory redundancies. If that’s true, then 30 percent fewer
would show everyone that resistance is A shorter working week rather than workers are handling only 10 percent
possible and that workers can win. It job cuts, and more time away from less mail.
would help develop the strength needed work, including weekends. So Royal Mail’s figures mean workers
to beat back the assaults. A defeat Workload based on fairness so that are now working harder than ever.
would encourage further attacks. postal workers can cope.
Pampered politicians, both Labour An end to bullying. What can we do to help?
and Tory, are bidding to see who can A pay rise to reflect Royal Mail’s We need to create networks of solidarity
force us to work the longest before £321 million profits, and a decent in every area.
claiming a measly state pension. Organise delegations from workplaces,
They both want to slash billions of universities and colleges to the picket
pounds from public spending while they Back the strikes lines.
lecture workers to accept redundancies, Flood in donations and messages of
pay freezes and assaults on benefits. Give cash to the hardship fund yourself
and collect in your workplace, college, support to the strikers.
Postal workers must not be left on school or community. Ask your Socialist Set up support groups in every area to
their own to face the bosses, and the Worker seller for a collection sheet, show support for the strike.
politicians that stand behind them. and send money to: CWU National The whole movement must swing
Their enemies in management, Hardship Fund: c/o Tony Kearns, Senior behind the members of the CWU union
government and the media will unite in deputy general secretary, CWU, 150 The when mass pickets are needed to stop
an effort to crush them. Broadway, Wimbledon SW19 1RX. Cheque management’s ­scabbing operation.
Our side must unite, so that the postal payable to ‘Postal Workers Support Fund’.
You can pay the money in directly to The resistance at workplaces such as
workers win. Visteon, Linamar, Lindsey oil refinery,
Read the FACTS here about the Unity Trust Bank account no: 20194129,
branch sort code: 08 60 01. For the Vestas, Leeds bins and Tower Hamlets
dispute: College has given new hope to the
London CWU hardship fund, pay to account
working class. Now let’s get a national
What is it about? 20232065, branch sort code 08 60 01.
victory for the postal workers.
Postal workers voted 76 percent for
strikes on a 67 percent turnout.
Postal workers do a hard job, often ■ I would like to get Socialist Worker regularly
starting around 5.30am, in all weathers
and over six days a week. ■ I want to join the Socialist Workers Party
Royal Mail bosses and the
government are putting relentless Name.................................................................................................................
demands for profit and cost-cutting
before the public service. It is them who
are wrecking the service. ..........................................................................................................................
Royal Mail is slashing tens of
thousands of jobs and driving down pay, Phone.............................................e-mail........................................................ Post general2
earnings, pensions and conditions.
Circulation 020 7819 1171
Royal Mail is trying to break union Return to SW industrial dept PO Box 42184, London
Editorial 020 7819 1180
organisation so they can ram through SW8 2WD or text 07986 936094.

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