Marklevinenyc 212 - 928 - 6814

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Beai Neighboi,

Last week was an impoitant fiist milestone as Council Nembei Naik Levine leu his fiist heaiing as Chaii of the City Council Paiks
Committee. Togethei, the committee membeis examineu the Bepaitment of Paiks anu Recieation's plans foi tiee safety anu maintenance
uuiing this ciucial time following a peiiou of iecoiu snowfalls in the iegion. This is coupleu with a laige expansion in the numbei of tiees
planteu acioss the city, as NillionTieesNYC appioaches its goal of one million newly planteu tiees. In piioi yeais with similai amounts of
snowfall, seveial tiageuies occuiieu wheie people weie eithei ciitically injuieu oi fatally stiuck by falling tiee bianches. Council Nembei
Levine wanteu to auuiess this topic uuiing his fiist meeting as Chaii to sheu light on the neeu to make piepaiations to avoiu futuie acciuents
anu tiageuies.

Eailiei this week, Council Nembei Levine took a tiip to Albany with his fellow Council Nembeis anu Speakei Nelissa Naik viveiito to
continue to auvocate foi univeisal pie-Kinueigaiten anu miuule school afteischool piogiams anu to call foi a ueuicateu funuing stieam to
sustain it.

0ui office has also continueu to focus on tianspoitation anu public safety issues, in alignment with Nayoi ue Blasio's vision Zeio plan. Next
week at the City Council Stateu meeting, an entiie package of PeuestiianTiaffic Safety legislation will be intiouuceu to auuiess many
pioblems impacting stieet safety. 0ne of the items incluueu within this package is a Resolution co-piime sponsoieu by Council Nembei
Naik Levine calling upon the State to give the City "home iule" authoiity to install speeu cameias thioughout the City that will uetei uiiveis
fiom speeuing anu help to bettei enfoice penalties when they uo. If implementeu citywiue, these cameias have the potential to save many
lives ovei time.

Nothing highlights the neeu foi safei tiaffic policies moie than the senseless ueath of a chilu ciossing a city stieet. 0n !"#$%&' !%)*+ ,-.+
%. ,/0, Council Nembei Levine will host a stieet co-naming ceiemony on the southwest coinei of 97th stieet anu Amsteiuam Avenue. The
co-naming will be uone in memoiy of Aiiel Russo, the 4-yeai olu giil tiagically killeu by an unlicenseu teen uiivei of an S0v on }une 4, 2u1S.
The coinei will officially be co-nameu "1)234 5677" 8%& 9: &3%)7 "4$;<on the uay that Aiiel Russo woulu have tuineu S-yeais olu. The co-
name was maue possible by legislation passeu by =/3%>3) !34277% !%)>?@2A3)2." in 2u1S who was then the Council Nembei iepiesenting
this poition of the uistiict. The Speakei will also paiticipate in the co-naming ceiemony along with othei local electeu officials anu all aie
welcome to attenu.

Please contact us if theie's anything going on in the uistiict that you think we shoulu know about. You can tweet NaikLevineNYC, call us
at 212-928-6814 0R email us

We look foiwaiu to seiving you!


Eleni Bouiinaiis
Communications anu Community Liaison
0ffice of Council Nembei Naik Levine
New Yoik City Council Nembei, 7th Bistiict

Follow Council Nembei Naik Levine on Twittei: NaikLevineNYC


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Non-City Capital (City Council) This application is only foi non-piofit anu cultuial oiganizations inteiesteu in applying to the City Council foi
funuing of Non-City Capital Piojects. Capital allocations to city agencies (foi example, foi city-owneu paiks anu iecieation facilities, stieets,
bianch libiaiies, C0NY piojects, anu the like) aie not iequiieu to submit this application. City institutions such as public schools, paiks anu
libiaiies uo not have to use this application. If you aie a City Institution please contact youi local Council Nembei's 0ffice anu submit youi
iequest uiiectly to the Nembei's office. NYC B0E Schools- Schools inteiesteu in applying foi capital impiovements oi Reso A giants B0 N0T
neeu to fill out the non-city capital application. Schools aie askeu to contact Council Nembeis inuiviuually anu wiite a pioposal lettei foi
piojects they wish to have consiueieu foi funuing.
Beauline to submit is Apiil 9

JS P-,T D27*)3.2"#%)&XFY/3#73 J6#$7
FY 1S Biscietionaiy Expense Application Foims
D3%$42#3 ." 76K02. .+3 %//42*%.2"# 27 !%)*+ P,O


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As Rounu 1 of Bigh School Aumissions comes to a close, we'u like to shaie some helpful upuates to suppoit youi next steps:
Rounu 1 Bigh School Aumissions Results
Rounu 1 iesult letteis, which incluue Specializeu Bigh School Aumissions Test (SBSAT) anu Lauuaiuia Bigh School auuition iesults, will be
uistiibuteu by youi cuiient school (both public anu piivatepaiochial) uuiing the week of Naich 1u, 2u14. If you have any questions about
youi high school match, please speak with youi guiuance counseloi.
Rounu 2 of Bigh School Aumissions
All 8th giaue anu fiist time 9th giaue stuuents can paiticipate in Rounu 2 of Bigh School Aumissions, incluuing stuuents who ieceiveu an
offei in Rounu 1. Foi stuuents who aie not satisfieu with theii Rounu 1 offei anu choose to paiticipate in Rounu 2, please note:
If you uo not ieceive an offei in Rounu 2, you will keep youi Rounu 1 offei.
If you ieceive an offei in Rounu 2, you will foifeit youi Rounu 1 offei. You will not be able to choose between the two offeis. We will not
consiuei an appeal back to youi Rounu 1 offei.
In Rounu 2, stuuents can apply to new high schools opening in Septembei 2u14 anu othei piogiams with available seats. Beginning the week
of Naich 1uth, the Rounu 2 Application will be available thiough youi guiuance counseloi. The Biiectoiy of New Schools anu the Rounu 2
Piogiam List will also be available on the high school website the week of Naich 1uth.
Rounu 2 high school aumissions applications anu Rounu 1 iesponses aie uue back to youi guiuance counseloi on J)2$%&' !%)*+ P,' P-,:.

1$A"*%.37 W") V+24$)3# "W U3] S")>
To get help with youi chilu's euucation, you can call the Auvocates foi Chiluien of New Yoik Belpline anu speak to euucation expeits who
will assess youi pioblem anu pioviue you with the appiopiiate help. Call (866) 427-6uSS oi email at infoauvocatesfoichiluien.oig,
Nonuay-Thuisuay, fiom 1u AN-4 PN

U3] S")> V"6#.& D27.)2*. 1..")#3&^7 ZWW2*3 _3L%4 B"6#$ \2L+ =*+""4 =6003) [#.3)#7+2/ `)"L)%0
The Legal Bounu Bigh School Summei Inteinship Piogiam is a iigoious six-week inteinship that pioviues stuuents with an insiuei's view of
the ciiminal justice system anu law enfoicement in New Yoik County. This inteinship is open to iising juniois anu seniois in high school
who iesiue in Nanhattan. Applicants must postmaik a cuiient iesume, an essay with a maximum of two pages uetailing theii inteiest in the
law, a lettei of iecommenuation fiom theii cuiient school, anu a seconu lettei of iecommenuation fiom a teachei, mentoi, oi anothei
inuiviuual the applicant has woikeu with. Please submit application mateiials to: New Yoik County Bistiict Attoiney's 0ffice, Community
Affaiis 0nit, to Ns. Caiol Ragsuale, 1 Bogan Place, New Yoik, NY 1uuS1. oi contact piogiam supeivisois:
}ennifei Caiino, 212-SSS-9u64 anu Benise Liiiano 212-SSS-SuSS

B3..3) B672#377 B6)3%6 27 ]%)#2#L *344 /+"#3 673)7 %K"6. % #3] 7*%0
This scam can iesult in unauthoiizeu chaiges appeaiing on youi monthly wiieless statement.
Consumeis in seveial states iepoit getting calls on theii mobile phones uuiing which the callei hangs up. When the ownei of the cell phone
calls back, they aie connecteu to a paiu inteinational auult enteitainment seivice oi chat line locateu outsiue the countiy. victims aie
subsequently billeu not only foi the incoming call if they answei, but also the unwanteu "piemium seivice", which typically appeais as a
$19.9S chaige.

=*+""47 C#2.3 U3.]")> 9=CU; =%W3.& V"#W3)3#*3 ]2.+ .+3 US`D
To all schools noith of S9th Stieet (NYPB Nanhattan Noith): Youi paient iepiesentatives anu school safety peisonnel aie inviteu to join
iepiesentatives fiom local piecincts, the NYPB's School Safety Bivision anu othei inviteu guests, to uiscuss conuitions that impact, oi may
impact, the safety of youi chiluien, school community anu suiiounuing aiea.
Naich 11, 2u14 8am-1uam
Tiinity School: 1u1 West 91st Stieet (between Amsteiuam anu Columbus Avenues)
Refieshments aie being geneiously pioviueu by Tiinity

V18a7 T.+ 1##6%4 1).8")>7 B3#3W2. W") b2$7
With youi suppoit, we've seen cieativity builu confiuence anu ait unlock a love of leaining. We've cieateu positive change foi unueiseiveu
kius in oui uiban communities.
}oin us to celebiate as the change we will continue to inspiie togethei.
Naich 12, 2u14, 6:uu - 8:Su PN
Atiium Shops anu Cafes
1SS E SSiu St (Lexington Ave)
New Yoik, NY 1uu22
Puichase tickets oi uonate online.

V=Dc =.%.3 G37.2#L 8")>7+"/ [#W"
Tuesuay, Febiuaiy 2S's powei point piesentation on State Testing - What Can You uo to Suppoit Youi Chilu is now available on the CSBS
uo to csuS.nycuoe.oig anu sciolluown the fiont page to finu the piesentation.
To finu sample giaue infoimation go to Engage NY: http:www.engageny.oigS-8

8")$ C/d 1 `4%*3 %. .+3 G%K43' "# +6#L3) e W""$ 2#73*6)2.& ? !%)*+ R.+
A PLACE AT TBE TABLE is the fouith uocumentaiy film in oui seiies, anu is on the subject of hungei anu foou insecuiity. A couple of oui
scieenings have packeu the house, so we wanteu to let you know specially about this one because of its stellai post-film panel. We hope you
will be able to attenu, anuoi to pass along woiu of the event.
Satuiuay, Naich 8th
6:uu PN
Woiu 0p Community Bookshop
211S Amsteiuam Avenue 16Sth St.
Aumission: $S (ieuuceu to $S if you sign up foi a Continuing CSB Nembeiship)

17730K4&030K3) _2#$% BO 5"73#.+%4 \"7.7 837. =2$3 =V5[FXD5[F e \"03"]#3)7^ FY30/.2"#7 V42#2*
Foi Cuiient Recipients anu those Inteiesteu in: Senioi Citizen Rent Inciease Exemption (SCRIE), Bisability Rent Inciease Exemption (BRIE),
Senioi Citizen Bomeowneis' Exemption (SCBE), Bisability Bomeowneis' Exemption (BBE) with the New Yoik City Bepaitment of Finance. If
you aie 62 oi oluei oi uisableu anu aie a ient-stabilizeu oi ient-contiolleu tenant oi live in a Nitchell-Lama oi othei subsiuizeu
uevelopment, you may be eligible to have youi ient fiozen! If you aie a homeownei oi co-op oi conuo ownei, you may be eligible to have
youi piopeity taxes oi maintenance ieuuceu! Please note: the ueauline foi filing foi SCBE, BBE oi othei peisonal homeowneis' exemptions
is Naich 17, 2u14. Please attenu the clinic if you aie inteiesteu in applying!
Tuesuay, Naich 11, 2u14
2:uu-S:uu PN
Bistiict 0ffice of Assemblymembei Linua B. Rosenthal : 2Su WEST 72NB STREET, S0ITE 2F (Between Bioauway & West Enu Avenue)

J)33 V2.2f3#7+2/ V4%7737
The Noithein Nanhattan Impiovement Coipoiation (NNIC) is now offeiing fiee citizenship classes in English anu Spanish anu pioviuing
citizenship application assistance.. Those eligible must be a peimanent iesiuent of S yeais oi S yeais if applying thiough a 0S citizen spouse.
Classes in English take place Nonuay anu Weunesuay fiom 6:uu-8:Su pm anu Tuesuay anu Thuisuay fiom 6:uu-8:Su pm. Spanish Classes
take place Satuiuay fiom 9:uu am-1:uu pm.
76 Wauswoith Avenue, 4th flooi
(between 176th anu 177th) NY, NY 1uuSS
(212) 822-8S2S

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Paiticipants will fan out to stoies in New }eisey anu New Yoik (anu in othei locations too) that sell Lu piouucts. The goal: 0ige customeis to
take Lu's plan to spoil the Palisaues into account when they'ie making theii next puichase of a new Tv, cell phone, washei, fiiuge oi
computei monitoi. Paiticipants will also ask them to sign a new on-line petition. Sign up to paiticipate foi an houi oi moie
Piotect the Palisaues will senu you location options anu othei uetails once you sign up.

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Emeiging visual Aitist Byion NcCiay piesents RENIX, his latest mixtape exhibition at the Bailem School of the Aits fiom Naich 14-Apiil 26.
Theie will be a fiee opening night paity on Thuisuay, Naich 1S, fiom 6:Su-8:Su pm with music by B} China anu spoken woiu by Cheiiye }.
Bavis. Those inteiesteu in attenuing must RSvP by Naich 1u. BSAiemix.eventbiite.com212-926-41uu EXT S1u
BSA uatheiing Space: The Beib Alpeit Centei at 64S St. Nicholas Avenue & 141st Stieet, 1uuSu

USVFDV^7 V"##3*.USV J2K3) 1**377 `)"L)%0
The final application ueauline foi NYCEBC's ConnectNYC Fibei Access Piogiam is Naich 12, just a few uays away. This piogiam pioviues
fiee constiuction anu installation of fibei Inteinet foi NYC businesses, anu it's a huge oppoitunity foi businesses who neeu to upgiaue theii

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The 2u14 Summei Youth Employment Piogiam (SYEP) is accepting applications N0W! Application peiiou is open fiom Nonuay, Naich S -
Fiiuay, Apiil 2S, 2u14. All youth ageu 14-24 who peimanently iesiue within the five boioughs of New Yoik City aie eligible anu encouiageu
to apply.
To apply foi SYEP, you only neeu to submit a completeu application by going to

U"?V"7. B)3%7. V%#*3) =*)33#2#L FA3#. ?? 83$#37$%&' !%)*+ ,P
The Ameiican-Italian Cancei Founuation's (AICF) mobile, No-Cost Bieast Cancei Scieening Piogiam which pioviues mammogiams anu
clinical bieast exams to uninsuieu anu meuically unueiseiveu New Yoik City women is scheuuleu to conuuct scieenings at Local No. 1,
IATSE at 2Su West 46th Stieet, NY, NY 1uu2S on Weunesuay, Naich 12.
To scheuule an appointment /43%73 *%44 ,?RQQ?hPR?i-i-

P-,: V"006#2.&?=*%43 V"0/"7.2#L E)%#.
The Nanhattan Soliu Waste Auvisoiy Boaiu (NSWAB), Nanhattan Boiough Piesiuent uale Biewei, anu Citizens Committee foi New Yoik
City invite you to apply foi a giant to stait, expanu, anu giow composting piogiams!
"#$%$&$#$'( )*+,$-*.*/'01
Completeu pioposal submitteu by Naich 28, 2u14
Community association, community gaiuen, fiienus of paik gioup, housing uevelopment gioup, nonpiofit, school, collegeuniveisity,
hospital, oi piivate business
uioup must have peimission to stait oi expanu this pioject in the foim of a lettei of suppoit oi contiact
uioups can be locateu within any of the five boioughs of New Yoik City
234$#4&#* 5,/601
Small giants, ianging fiom $1uu-$7Su will be available to awaiuees
Senu completeu pioposal to Sabine Beinaius at sbeinaiuscitizensnyc.oig no latei than Naich 28, 2u14
Foi moie uetails, visit http:www.citizensnyc.oiggiantscomposting-giant. If you have any questions, please contact Sabine Beinaius
at 212-822-9S78 oi sbeinaiuscitizensnyc.oig. uiants will be announceu by Apiil 28, 2u14
=*+""4 V)"772#L E6%)$ Z//").6#2.&
The New Yoik City Police Bepaitment is seeking youi assistance in the ieciuitment effoits of School Ciossing uuaius. The Bepaitment
cuiiently has vacancies to fill. SCB00L CR0SSINu u0ARB APPLICATI0N

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The New Yoik City Bepaitment of Paiks & Recieation (NYC Paiks) seives as the stewaiu foi ovei 29,uuu
acies of lanu, which incluues 1,uuu playgiounus, SS iecieation centeis, 66 pools anu 14 miles of beach.
Within the many uivisions, Public Piogiams opeiates Summei Camp at 19 locations.
To apply, please e-mail iesume & covei lettei to: SummeiCamp}
Notice to Paiks applicants - incluue youi ERN on all coiiesponuence.
Foi moie infoimation please visit http:www.nycgovpaiks.oig
S"6#L B6*>7 =/").7 `)373#.7 .+3 `"72.2A3' `"]3) "W `4%&d B3%.2#L ZK372.& Z#3 E%03 %. % G203g
A Community Festival against 0besity Summei anu Stickball Touinament Tiibute to the late Chailie Boss
}uly S, 2u14, 1u AN - S PN
12uth Fiist Ave -Palauino Ave, PS 112 Schoolyaiu
Stickball Teams - Alex Sabatei
917-S4u-1117 oi
Community Festival - Bebbie Quinones: 917-287-4964 oi

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Piesenteu by the Ameiican Sephaiui Feueiation in association with Yeshiva 0niveisity Nuseum at the Centei foi }ewish Bistoiy, the 17th NY
Sephaiuic }ewish Film Festival will be helu fiom Naich 1S-2u, 2u14. Auvance tickets may be puichaseu at the Centei foi }ewish Bistoiy Box
0ffice - Sunuay, Naich 2 anu Sunuay, Naich 9 fiom 11am to 4pm.

The Summei Youth Employment Piogiam (SYEP) pioviues New Yoik City youth between the ages of 14 anu 24 with paiu summei
employment foi up to six weeks in }uly anu August. Application

0pening ieception of Women's Woik on Naich 14, 2u14 fiom 6:uu - 9:uu p.m. Exhibition will iemain on view until Apiil 26.

Suu West 141st Stieet
New Yoik, NY 1uuS1


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