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Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese

Jennifer Portillo Health Assessment Cultural Sensitivity Assessment 4/18/13

Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese

Venn diagram

Chinese Healthcare eliefs

!estern Americans eliefs

Chinese m edicines are one of the oldest medicines in the world. Traditional healthcare includes herbal medicine, acupuncture, and moxibustion. The Chinese feel that illness is a result of im balance between Yin and Yan in the body. Mental illness is related to lack of harmony in emotions. Home rem edies are used to treat m inor ailments (e.g. colds skin disease! The Chinese belie"e the body needs to be kept intact.

Caucasians helped shape the healthcare system we ha"e today. Healthcare co"erage is "iewed as an employee benefit with the option to include a family mem ber at a higher cost. Caucasians ha"e high expectations that their pro"iders will cure their illness. The relationships with physicians are linear. #efuse to change lifestyle (e.g. smoking, drinking, obesity, etc$! to impro"e wellness.

Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese

Chinese Cultural Assessment Healthcare eliefs As a result of the "old #ush lots of Chinese immigration occurred in the 18$$%s& 'a(ority of the immigrants )ere )armly acce*ted +ecause they )ere )ealthy merchants& ,oday the Chinese com*romise one the largest grou*s in the -nited States& ,he Chinese has one of the oldest medicines in the )orld& ,raditional healthcare includes her+al medicine. acu*uncture and mo/i+ustion& 'o/i+ustion is similar to acu*uncture. +ut it uses heat of mechanical stimulus& ,hey are stronger +elievers that the +ody must stay intact. therefore. they avoid surgeries& Hot +everages. li0e tea. are ty*ically consumed +ecause it is +elieved that cold )ater shoc0s the system& 1onver+al/ Ver+al 2anguage Cantonese and 'andarin is the language s*o0en. +ut many s*ea0 3nglish es*ecially if they are not first generation &As0ing 4uestions may +e seen as a form of disres*ect as )ell as referring to them +y the first name. )hile silence may +e a sign of res*ect& ,he Chinese may not li0e to +e touched +y strangers. so at introduction elicit a nod or slight +o). )hile 0ee*ing a res*ectful distance& 3ye contact is avoided )ith authority figures to sho) res*ect. and direct eyes contact is used )ith the elderly& 5amily Since China has a family *lanning *olicy it limits the amount of children *er cou*le& irth control and *regnancy *reventions are commonly discussed such as 6-7%s. +irth control *ills. and a+ortions& ,he traditional role of a )oman is to +e su+servient to her hus+and& ,he fathers are less involved in child8rearing than mothers& !ithin a household t)o or three generation often live in the same household& ,he oldest male in the household is the decision ma0er& !hen someone is sic0 or hos*itali9ed it is common for family and friends to visit& #eligious eliefs ,he Chinese s*iritual and religious +eliefs are diverse& Some of the religion includes uddhism. Christianity. 6slam. Confucianism. and ,aoism&

Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese

Heritage Assessment for Jennifer Portillo

Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese 1& !here )ere you +orn: Havana. Cu+a ;& !here )ere your *arents/grand*arents +orn: a& 'other< Santiago. Cu+a +& 5ather< "uantanamo. Cu+a c& 'other%s mother< Havana. Cu+a d& 'other%s father< 6slas Canarias. S*ain e& 5ather%s mother< Havana. Cu+a f& 5ather%s father< Athens. "reece 3& Ho) many +rothers 1 and sisters $ do you have: 4& 6n )hat setting did you gro) u*: -r+an #ural Su+ur+an & !here: 'iami. 52 & =& 6n )hat country did your *arents/grand*arents gro) u*: a& 'other< Cu+a +& 5ather< Cu+a c& 'other%s mother< Cu+a d& 'other%s father< S*ain e& 5ather%s mother< Cu+a f& 5ather%s father< Cu+a >& Ho) old )ere you )hen you came to the -nited States: ?=? @& Ho) old )ere your *arents/grand*arents )hen they came to the -nited States: a& 'other< 4= +& 5ather< 43 c& 'other%s mother< Stayed in Cu+a d& 'other%s father< Stayed in Cu+a e& 5ather%s mother< Stayed in Cu+a f& 5ather%s father< Stayed in Cu+a 8& !hen you )ere gro)ing u*. )ho lived )ith you: 'y mother and father& A& Have you maintained contact )ith< a& Aunts. uncles. cousins: Bes ??1o +& rothers and sisters: ??Bes 1o c& Parents: Bes ??1o d& "rand*arents: ??Bes 1o 1$& 7oes most of your family live near you: ??Bes 1o 11& A**ro/imately ho) often did you visit your family mem+ers )ho lived outside your home: ??7aily !ee0ly ??'onthly ??2ess than once a year ??1ever 1;& !as your original family name changed: Bes ??1o 13& !hat is your religious *reference: Catholic ??Je)ish ??Protestant CdenominationD ??Ether ??1one 14& 6s your significant other of the same religion: Bes ??1o 1=& 6s your significant other of the same ethnic +ac0ground as you: ??Bes 1o 1>& !hat 0ind of school did you attend: Pu+lic ??Private ??Parochial 1@& As an adult. do you live in a neigh+orhood )here the neigh+ors are the same religion and ethnic +ac0ground as yourself: ??Bes 1o 18& 7o you +elong to a religious institution: Bes ??1o 5

Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese 1A& !ould you descri+e yourself as an active mem+er: ??Bes 1o ;$& Ho) often do you attend your religious institution: ??'ore than once a )ee0 ??!ee0ly ??'onthly S*ecial holidays only ??1ever ;1& 7o you *ractice your religion or other s*iritual *ractices in your home: Bes ??1o F'isasG )hich are home s*iritual masses& ;;& 7o you *re*are foods of your ethnic +ac0ground: Bes ??1o ;3& 7o you *artici*ate in ethnic activities: ??Bes 1o ;4& Are your friends of the same religious +ac0ground: ??Bes 1o ;=& Are your friends of the same ethnic +ac0ground as you: ??Bes 1o ;>& !hat is your native Cnon83nglishD language: S*anish 7o you s*ea0 this language: ??Prefer Eccasionally ??#arely ;@& 7o you read in your native language: ??Prefer Eccasionally ??#arely

Heritage Assessment for ,ashena 3ason

;8& !here )ere you +orn: 'iami. 52 6

Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese ;A& !here )ere your *arents/grand*arents +orn: a& 'other< 'iami. 52 +& 5ather< 'iami. 52 c& 'other%s mother< 'iami. 52 d& 'other%s father< 7onaldsonville. "eorgia e& 5ather%s mother< 1e) Jersey f& 5ather%s father< -n0no)n 3$& Ho) many +rothers ; and sisters ; do you have: 31& 6n )hat setting did you gro) u*: -r+an #ural Su+ur+an !here: "oulds. 52 &


3;& 6n )hat country did your *arents/grand*arents gro) u*: a& 'other< -nited States +& 5ather< -nites States c& 'other%s mother< -nites States d& 'other%s father< -nites States e& 5ather%s mother< -nites States f& 5ather%s father< -n0no)n 33& Ho) old )ere you )hen you came to the -nited States: ? orn in the -&S? 34& Ho) old )ere your *arents/grand*arents )hen they came to the -nited States: a& 'other< orn in the -&S +& 5ather< orn in the -&S c& 'other%s mother< orn in the -&S d& 'other%s father< orn in the -&S e& 5ather%s mother< orn in the -&S f& 5ather%s father< -n0no)n 3=& !hen you )ere gro)ing u*. )ho lived )ith you: 'y mother and father. si+lings& 3>& Have you maintained contact )ith< a& Aunts. uncles. cousins: Bes ??1o +& rothers and sisters: Bes ??1o c& Parents: Bes ??1o d& "rand*arents: Bes ??1o 3@& 7oes most of your family live near you: Bes ??1o 38& A**ro/imately ho) often did you visit your family mem+ers )ho lived outside your home: ??7aily ??!ee0ly 'onthly ??2ess than once a year ??1ever 3A& !as your original family name changed: ??Bes 1o 4$& !hat is your religious *reference: ??Catholic ??Je)ish ??Protestant CdenominationD Ether ??1one 41& 6s your significant other of the same religion: Bes ??1o 4;& 6s your significant other of the same ethnic +ac0ground as you: Bes ??1o 43& !hat 0ind of school did you attend: Pu+lic ??Private ??Parochial 44& As an adult. do you live in a neigh+orhood )here the neigh+ors are the same religion and ethnic +ac0ground as yourself: ??Bes 1o 4=& 7o you +elong to a religious institution: Bes ??1o 4>& !ould you descri+e yourself as an active mem+er: ??Bes 1o 7

Cultural Sensitivity Assessment of the Chinese 4@& Ho) often do you attend your religious institution: ??'ore than once a )ee0 ??!ee0ly ??'onthly ??S*ecial holidays only 1ever 48& 7o you *ractice your religion or other s*iritual *ractices in your home: Bes ??1o Praying H i+le #eading 4A& 7o you *re*are foods of your ethnic +ac0ground: Bes ??1o =$& 7o you *artici*ate in ethnic activities: Bes ??1o Singing. Holiday Cele+rations. and 7ancing =1& Are your friends of the same religious +ac0ground: Bes ??1o =;& Are your friends of the same ethnic +ac0ground as you: ??Bes 1o =3& !hat is your native Cnon83nglishD language: 3nglish 7o you s*ea0 this language: Prefer ??Eccasionally ??#arely 7o you read in your native language: Prefer ??Eccasionally ??#arely

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