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Medication Form

Generic: Lansoprazole Trade: Prevacid Classification: proton pump inhibitor Indications

Prevacid is indicated for short-term treatment for healing and symptom relief of active duodenal ulcers, active benign gastric ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, erosive esophagitis, and also for the longterm treatment of pathological hypersecretory conditions.

Suppresses gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the hydrogenpotassium A Pase enzyme system at the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cells! bloc"s the final step of acid production.

P#,$% &'mg-()mg*+,

Significant La s
.lood Potassium $ncreased .lood /rea $ncreased 0rystal /rine Present 1emoglobin 2ecreased Positive 3ecal #ccult .lood

May cause abnormal liver function tests, including increased AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase, LDH, and bilirubin May cause increase in serum creatinine and changes in electrolyte levels May alter R !, " !, and platelet levels May also cause increase of gastrin levels, abnormal A#$ ratio, hyperlipidemia, and change in cholesterol

Side !ffects/Ad"erse Reactions

Severe Liver 2isease, 0lostridium 2ifficile .acteria 4elated 0olitis, #steoporosis, .ro"en .one, Lo5 Amount of 6agnesium in the .lood.

dizziness, confusion! fast or uneven heart rate!

7er"y muscle movements! feeling 7ittery! muscle cramps, muscle 5ea"ness or limp feeling! cough or cho"ing feeling! or seizure headache nausea, stomach pain diarrhea constipation

#ursing Im$lications/%atient !ducation

Administer before meals. 0aution patient to s5allo5 capsules 5hole, not to open, che5, or crush. $f patient has difficulty s5allo5ing, open capsule and sprin"le granules on apple sauce, 8nsure, yogurt, cottage cheese, or strained pears! for 9: tube, mix granules from capsule 5ith -) mL apple 7uice and in7ect through tube, flush tube 5ith additional apple 7uice! or granules for oral suspension can be added to () mL 5ater, stir 5ell, and have patient drin" immediately. Arrange for further evaluation of patient after - 5" of therapy for acute gastroreflux disorders if symptomatic improvement does not rule out gastric cancer, 5hich did occur in preclinical studies. Teac&ing %oints a"e the drug before meals. S5allo5 the capsules 5hole;do not che5, open, or crush. $f you are unable to s5allo5 capsule, open and sprin"le granules on apple sauce, or use granules, 5hich can be added to () mL 5ater, stirred, and drun" immediately. Arrange to have regular medical follo5-up 5hile you are ta"ing this drug. hese side effects may occur< 2izziness =avoid driving a car or performing hazardous tas"s>! headache =medications may be available to help>! nausea, vomiting, diarrhea =proper nutrition is important, consult 5ith your dietitian to maintain nutrition>! symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection, cough=reversible! do not selfmedicate, consult 5ith your health care provider if this becomes uncomfortable>. 4eport severe headache, 5orsening of symptoms, fever, chills.

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