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Winter Term 2013
ARTH 253/3.0
Baroque Art

INSTRUCTOR: Professor Gauvin Bailey
TIME: Monday 11:30-13:00; Thursday 13:00-14:30
LOCATION: Kingston 101
OFFICE: Ontario Hall, 306C
TELEPHONE: 613 533 6000 x77344
OFFICE HOURS: To be announced in the first class


Surveys 8aroque and 8ococo arL and archlLecLure ln Lurope, LaLln Amerlca, and Asla from ca 1380 Lo ca 1780
wlLh a parLlcular focus on lLaly and lrance. lncludes Lhe work of Caravagglo, 8ernlnl, Ceorges ue La 1our,
8ubens, 8embrandL and oLhers. Looks aL Lhe lmpacL on Lhe arLs of rellglon, paLronage, lnLernaLlonal pollLlcs,
plague, and oLher facLors. Conslders lnLeracLlon beLween lnLernaLlonal 8aroque and 8ococo wlLh local

1hls course conslders Luropean and LaLln Amerlcan arL and archlLecLure from around 1380 Lo 1780, Lhe
perlod usually deflned as 8aroque & 8ococo. An era of asLonlshlng arLlsLlc acLlvlLy, lL was marked by lavlsh
paLronage by popes, cardlnals, and prlnces, cenLerlng on Lhe cosmopollLan caplLals of 8ome, arls, and
AmsLerdam, wlLh prodlglous acLlvlLy ln clLy and counLry from Llsbon Lo SL eLersburg, Llma Lo 8uenos Alres.
1hls perlod was characLerlzed by fundamenLal changes ln socleLy, lncludlng Lhe reblrLh of Lhe CaLhollc
Church as we know lL Loday, new and revoluLlonary sclenLlflc dlscoverles, a new global awareness, warfare
and plague, and Lhe growLh of pollLlcal absoluLlsm. Lxplores how Lhese developmenLs lnformed Lhe sLyle,
lconography, and paLronage of arL and archlLecLure, and hlghllghLs arLlsLs such as Caravagglo, 8ernlnl,
8orromlnl, 8ubens, 8embrandL, velzquez, and ue La 1our. 1aklng Lhe poslLlon LhaL lnLernaLlonal verslons of
8aroque & 8ococo are dlalecLs of a global language, lL explores Lhe unlqueness of global varlanLs of 8aroque
arL and archlLecLure and how Lhey relaLe Lo Lhelr soclal conLexL. 1oplcs consldered lnclude Lhe clash beLween
Classlcal and CoLhlc LradlLlons, Lhe rlse of Lhe academles, landscape palnLlng, sLlll llfe, and genre palnLlng, as
well as Lhe concepL of Lhe 8aroque unlLy of Lhe arLs, or !"# %&'(&)*&." 1hls course wlll noL only conslder
palnLlng, sculpLure, and archlLecLure, buL also decor and decoraLlve arLs," ephemera, and gardens.

1he course wlll conslsL of Lwo lecLures a week wlLh some dlscusslon. 1here wlll be Lwo sllde
ldenLlflcaLlon/comparlson LesLs and a flve-page essay due ln Lhe second lasL week of classes.

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