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Attendance Report October 11

Sunday School 60

First Focus
Worship 137
Wednesday Night 116

First Baptist Church, Hamilton, Texas

Our Tithes and Offerings.... Advancing the Gospel
Gifts to the Budget Vol. 32, No. 35 October 14, 2009
October 4 5,183.00
October 11 3,259.00
Average Weekly Needs 5,350.48
FBC Revitalization 390.00
Mary Hill Davis 31.00
Wednesday Night Meals 190.28
World Hunger 150.00

Total Gifts October 11 $4,020.28

Sunday Personnel October 18

Barbara Caraway, Garry Diaz, Nancy Diaz,
Sharon Felton, Brandon Haile, Joyce Spencer
David Courtney, Don Jones, J.T. Massingill
E-mail Address

Sunday School
Rev. Eric Coleman, Minister to Youth

Clydell Massingill, Joyce Spencer

Jacob Sensenig, Minister of Music

Church Nursery
Church Office - 254/386-8141

Holly May, Candace Stroud

2-3 Year Olds
Rev. Keith Felton, Pastor

Shawna Cozby, Cody Lee

First Baptist Church

Hamilton, TX 76531

Children’s Church
220 S. Bell Street

Justin Cosby, Jon Lengefeld

P.O. Box 673

Deacons on Call for October

Bill Gillham - Team Leader
Brandon Haile, Lynn Pearce, Alyce Poteet
From the Shepherd’s Shop‹
Shop‹ Friday, October 16
Life of the Church
by Pastor Keith Felton 5th Quarter - Trade Winds 10:30 pm
Sunday, October 18 Attention - Parents of Children involved in Thank You… CareNet wishes to thank the members
I was told a story once of a missionary in the Children’s Choirs in Worship of FBC for their contributions. The churches of Hamilton
Belgian Congo who was outside with his boy in Sunday School 9:45 am
Children’s choirs: contributed $4,353.
the extreme heat and humidity. The boy was Worship 11:00 am
playing under a large tree when suddenly his Dad Children’s Church for Pre-K thru K 11:00 am Kathy Kachilla
called out to him. The Dad said, “Philip, obey me Children’s Choir Meal & Movie 12:00 pm Reflections (4-5), God Squad(1-3), and Little Executive Director
instantly and get down on your stomach.” The boy Monday, October 19 Angels (K) will sing in church THIS Sunday
Handbell Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm morning. Rhythm Rookies are invited to hand
reacted at once and his Dad continued, “Now
Tuesday, October 20
crawl towards me fast.” The boy again obeyed. Stewardship Committeet Meeting 6:00 pm
out church bulletins at the door. Fourth and
After he had crawled about halfway, the Dad said, Wednesday, October 21 Fifth graders will practice Sunday at 9:30 SWEET TREATS CABARET
“Now stand up and run to me.” The boy reached Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal 5:15 pm before Sunday School. Everyone else will Saturday, October 17 --
his Dad and turned to look back. Hanging from Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:00 pm meet a few minutes before 11:00 after Sunday 7:30 - 9:00 P.M.
the branch under which he had been playing was a Children’s Music & Missions 6:00 pm School. After church, all kids participating FINE ARTS CENTER
fifteen-foot serpent. Ekklesia - Youth 6:00 pm Tickets: $15.00
Sanctuary Choir Practice 7:00 pm
are invited to stay for a hot dog lunch and a
Candlelight Table Seating
Thursday, October 15 movie. Of course, popcorn and other movie Contact:
Are we always as ready to obey? Or do we say:
“Tell me why” – “Explain to me” – “I will after Ladies Crafts 9:00 am treats will be served. Kids will be ready for Tina Summers - 386-3667
AA Meeting 8:00 pm parent pick-up at 2:30. If you have any Saundra Lengefeld - 386-8239
while.” We should always be ready and willing to
say, “Speak Lord – your servant is listening and questions you can call Jacob Sensenig (270) Carolyn Pool - 386-3771
will obey your instruction.” I come across a lot of 792-2760. Thanks for your support.
folks in my office who are looking for answers
and searching for purpose and fulfillment. Often I Jacob Sensenig
talk about the issue of obedience to God’s WEDNESDAY Night Meal
instructions for their lives and how if we follow October 21
His will and plan it is then we find those answers, A Time to Think Frito Pie and Trimmings
purpose and fulfillment. The majority of these
individuals tell me that they have put off God and When you say a situation or a person is
Remember in Prayer…
church for now or that God has not been a major Ruby Webb Mack Cole hopeless, you’re slamming the
Duck Payne
part of their lives recently. It is no wonder they Bill Chappell Jace Williams Dr. Randy Lee 2009 BIBLE 365
are lost and feeling discontented. At some point Nelson Shave Rosa Gillham Connie McQueen
door in the face of God.
Gwen Wallace Day 281 - Job 37:1-39:30, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:10,
along the way, (at least for the believer) obedience Pam Jones Norma Marwitz
Earl Cowley Renee Smith --Charles Allen Psalm 44:9-26, Proverbs 22:13
to God’s will for their lives was abandoned. Beverly Price Day 282 - Job 40:1-42:17, 2 Corinthians 5:11-21,
Frankie Ellingberg Patty Gillham
Jack Pettit David Clark
Betty Ann Beard To Act Psalm 45:1-17, Proverbs 22:14
Jeff & Sarah Ensor
Obedience to our Father is paramount in keeping Dick Dixon Jacki Crusenberry Julie Allison King Approach your problems with the same Day 283 - Eccl. 1:1-3:22, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13,
us clear of the serpents in the world and in Tony Rogers Shane Donahoo Dale Harris Psalm 46:1-11, Proverbs 22:15
following his directives we gain a confidence in
DeWanna Alsouissi Holly Wallace Steve Ballow caring and vision as if you were listening to Day 284 - Eccl. 4:1-6:12 , 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:7,
Ray Groves Diane Franklin Cody Bagwell Psalm 47:1-9, Proverbs 22:16
life that cannot be found anywhere else. Think Bobby & Doris Varner Gayland Stephens your closest friend.
Paula Mannings Day 285 - Eccl. 7:1-9:18, 2 Corinthians 7:8-16,
about how many times during your day you do Stanley Gillham Polly Stevens Vada Gregory
Brenda Andrews To Pray Psalm 48:1-14, Proverbs 22:17-19
something or don’t do something because God Mark Giles Amanda Griffin
Marilyn Hale Alyson Chaky Day 286 - Eccl.10:1-12:14, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15,
said so. Are your choices influenced by God’s Danny Johnson
John Russell Lord, in difficult times help me to keep Psalm 49:1-20, Proverbs 22:20-21
Krista Scafidel JT Massingill
commands? Obedience to God our Father needs to Tawana Hindman Rose Escott Day 287 - Song of Sol. 1:1-4:16, 2 Corinthians 8:16-
be on the front-burner of our minds and hearts David Heddin Valerie Wilson
Dorothy Harelik everything in perspective. 24, Psalm 50:1-23 Proverbs 22:22-23
each and every day. It is the key to abundant life. Mills Mehaffey Eileen Brazil

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