Jennifer Portillo Health Assessment Vocabulary

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Your name here 4/30/2013 Health Assessment Chapter 5 1.

Abstract reasoning- pondering a deeper meaning beyond the concrete and literal 2. Attention- concentration! ability to "ocus on one speci"ic thing 3. Consciousness- being a#are o" one$s o#n e%istence! "eelings! and thoughts and being a#are o" the en&ironment 4. 'elirium- an acute con"usional change or loss o" consciousness and perceptual disturbance! may accompany acute illness! and usually resol&es #hen the underlying cause is treated 5. 'ementia- a gradual progressi&e process! causing decreased cogniti&e "unction e&ent hough the person is "ully conscious and a#a(e! and is not re&ersible 6. )anguage- using the &oice to communicate one$s thoughts and "eelings 7. *emory- ability to lay do#n and store e%periences and perceptions "or later recall 8. *ood- prolonged display o" a person$s "eelings 9. +rientation- a#areness o" the ob,ecti&e #orld in relation to the sel" 10. 11. 12. -erceptions- a#areness o" ob,ects through any o" the "i&e senses .hought content- #hat the person thin(s--speci"ic ideas! belie"s! the use o" #ords .hought process- the #ay a person thin(s! the logical train o" thought

Chapter 11
1. Android obesity- e%cess body "at that is placed predominantly #ithin the abdomen and

upper body! as opposed to the hips and thighs

2. Anthropometry / measurement o" the body 0e g height! #eight! circum"erences! s(in old!

3. 2ody mass inde%- #eighty in (ilograms di&ided by height in meters s3uared 04/H15

&alue o" 30 or more is indicati&e o" obesity5 &alue o" less than 16 5 is indicati&e o" under nutrition

4. 'iet history- a detailed record o" dietary inta(e obtainable "rom 24-hour recall! "ood

"re3uency 3uestionnaires! "ood diaries! and similar methods

5. 7ynoid obesity- e%cess body "at that is placed predominantly #ithin the hips and thighs 6. 8#ashior(or- primarily a protein de"iciency characteri9ed by edema! gro#th "ailure! and

muscle #asting
7. *anutrition- may mean any nutrition disorder but usually re"ers to long-term nutritional

inade3uacies or e%cesses
8. *arasmic (#ashior(or- combination o" chronic energy de"icit and chronic or acute

protein de"iciency
9. *arasmus- results "rom energy and protein de"iciency! presenting #ith signi"icant loss o"

body #eight! s(eletal muscle! and adipose tissue mass! but #ith serum protein concentrations relati&ely intact
10. *id-arm muscle area 0*A*A1- a more sensiti&e indicator o" lean body mass than *AC

or *A*C
11. *id-upper arm circum"erence 0*AC1- an indicator o" lean body mass and "at stores 12. *id-upper arm muscle circum"erence 0*A*C1- an indicator o" lean body mass

calculated "rom the triceps s(in "old thic(ness and the mid-upper arm circum"erence
13. :utritional monitoring- assessment o" dietary or nutritional status at intermittent times

#ith the aim o" detecting changes in the dietary or nutritional status o" a population
14. :utritional screening- a process used to identi"y indi&iduals at nutrition ris( or #ith

mutritional problems
15. +besity- e%cessi&e accumulation o" body "at5 usually de"ined as 20; abo&e desirable

#eight or body mass inde% 30 0 to 3< <

16. -rotein-calorie malnutrition 0-C*1- inade3uate consumption o" protein and energy!

resulting in a gradual body #asting and increased susceptibility to in"ection

17. =ecommended dietary allo#ance 0='A1- le&els o" inta(e o" essential nutrients

considered to be ade3uate to meet the nutritional needs o" practically all healthy persons
18. >erum proteins- proteins present in serum that are indicators o" the boy$s &isceral protein

status 0e g albumin! prealbumin! trans"errin1

19. >(in "old thic(ness- double "old o" s(in and underlying subcutaneous tissue that is

measured #ith s(in "old calipers at &arious body sites

20. 4aist-to-hip ratio 04H=1- #aist or abdominal circum"erence di&ided by the hip or

gluteal circum"erence5 method "or assessing "at distribution

Chapter 14
1. Accommodation- Adaptation o" the eye "or near &ision by increasing the cur&ature o" the

2. Anisocoria- une3ual pupil si9e 3. Arcus senilis- gray-#hite arc or circle around the limbus o" the iris that is common #ith

4. Argyll =obertson pupil- pupil does not react to light5 does constrict #ith accommodation 5. Astigmatism- re"racti&e error o" &ision due to di""erences in cur&ature in re"racti&e

sur"aces o" the eye 0cornea and lens1

6. A-? crossing- crossing paths o" an artery and &ein in the ocular "undus 7. 2itemporal hemianopsia- loss o" both temporal &isual "ields 8. 2lepharitis- in"lammation o" the glands and eyelash "ollicles along the margin o" the

9. Cataract- opacity o" the lends o" the eye that de&elops slo#ly #ith aging and gradually

obstructs &ision
10. Chala9ion- in"ection or retention cyst o" a meibomian gland! sho#ing as a beady nodule

on the eyelid
11. Con,uncti&itis- in"ection o" the con,uncti&a! @pin(eyeA 12. Cotton-#ool area- abnormal so"t e%udates &isible gray-#hite areas on the ocular "undus 13. Cup-disc ratio- ratio o" the #idth o" the physiologic cup to the #idth o" the optic disc

normally hal" or less

14. 'iopter- unit o" strength o" the lens setting on the ophthalmoscope that changes "ocus on

the eye structure

15. 'rusen- benign deposits on the ocular "undus that sho# as round yello# dots and occur

commonly #ith aging

16. Bctropion- lo#er eyelid loose and rolling out#ard 17. Bntropion- lo#er eyelid rolling in#ard 18. B%ophthalmos- protruding eyeballs 19. Co&ea- area o" (eenest &ision at the center o" the macula on the ocular "undus 20. 7laucoma- a group o" eye diseases characteri9ed by increased intraocular pressure 21. Hordeolum- 0stye1 red! pain"ul pustule that is a locali9ed in"ection o" hair "ollicle at

eyelid margin
22. )id lag- the abnormal #hite rim o" sclera &isible bet#een the upper eyelid and the iris

#hen a person mo&es the eyes do#n#ard

23. *acula- round! dar(er! area o" the ocular "undus that mediates &ision only "rom the

central &isual "ield

24. *icroaneurysm- abnormal "inding o" round red dots on the ocular "undus that are

locali9ed dilations o" small &essels

25. *iosis- constricted pupils 26. *ydriasis- dilated pupils 27. *yopia- @nearsightednessA5 re"racted error in #hich near &ision is better than "ar &ision 28. :ystagmus- in&oluntary! rapid! rhythmic mo&ement o" the eyeball 29. +'- oculus de%ter! or right eye 30. +ptic Atrophy- pallor o" the optic disc due to partial or complete death o" optic ner&e

31. +ptic disc- area o" ocular "undus in #hich blood &essels e%it and enter 32. +>- oculus sinister! or le"t eye 33. -apilledema- stasis o" blood "lo# out o" the ocular "undus5 sign o" increased intracranial

34. -resbyopia- decrease in po#er o" accommodation that occurs #ith aging 35. -tergium- .riangular opa3ue tissue on the nasal side o" the con,uncti&a that gro#s to#ard

the center o" the cornea

36. -tosis- drooping o" upper eyelid o&er the iris and possibly co&ering pupil 37. =ed re"le%- red glo#ing that appears to "ill the person$s pupil #hen "irst &isuali9ed

through the ophthalmoscope

38. >trabismus- 0s3uint! crossed eye1 disparity o" the eye a%es 39. Danthelasma- so"t! raised yello# pla3ues occurring on the s(in at the inner corners o" the


Chapter 21 1. Aneurysm- de"ect or sac "ormed by dilation in artery #all due to atherosclerosis! trauma! or congenital de"ect 2. Anore%ia- loss o" appetite "or "ood 3. Ascites- abnormal accumulation o" serous "luid #ithin the peritoneal ca&ity! associated #ith congesti&e heart "ailure! cirrhosis! cancer! or portal hypertension 4. 2orborygmi- loud! gurgling bo#el sounds signaling in ceased motility or hyperperistalsis! occurs #ith early bo#el obstruction! gastroenteritis! diarrhea 5. 2ruit- blo#ing! s#ooshing sound heard through a stethoscope #hen an artery is partially occluded

6. Cecum- "irst or pro%imal part o" large intestine 7. Cholecystitis- in"lammation o" the gallbladder 8. Costal margin- lo#er border o" rib margin "ormed by the medial edges o" the 6th! <th! and 10th ribs 9. Costo&ertebral angle 0C?A1- angle "ormed by the 12th rib and the &ertebral column on the posterior thora%! o&erlying the (idney 10. 'iastasis recti- midline longitudinal ridge in the abdomen! a separation o" abdominal rectus muscles 11. 'ysphagia- di""iculty s#allo#ing 12. Bpigastrium- name o" abdominal region bet#een the costal margins 13. Hepatomegaly- abnormal enlargement o" the li&er 14. Hernia- abnormal protrusion o" bo#el through #ea(ening in abdominal musculature 15. Enguinal ligament- ligament e%tending "rom pubic bone to anterior superior iliac spine! "orming lo#er border o" abdomen 16. )inea alba- midline tendinous seam ,oining the abdominal muscles 17. -aralytic ileus- complete absence o" peristaltic mo&ement that may "ollo# abdominal surgery or complete bo#el obstruction 18. -eritoneal "riction rub- rough grating sound heard through the stethoscope o&er the site o" peritoneal in"lammation 19. -eritonitis- in"lammation o" peritoneum 20. -yloric stenosis- congenital narro#ing o" pyloric sphincter! "orming out"lo# obstruction o" stomach 21. -yrosis- 0heartburn1 burning sensation in upper abdomen due to re"lu% o" gastric acid 22. =ectus abdominis muscle- midline abdominal muscles e%tending "rom rib cage to pubic bone 23. >caphoid- abnormally sun(en abdominal #all as #ith malnutrition or under#eight 24. >plenomegaly- abnormal enlargement o" spleen 25. >triae- 0lineae albicants1 sil&ery #hite or pin( scar tissue "ormed by stretching o" abdominal s(in as #ith pregnancy or obesity

26. .ympany- high-pitched! musical! drumli(e percussion note heard #hen percussing o&er the stomach and intestine 27. Fmbilicus- depression on the abdomen mar(ing site o" entry o" umbilical cord 28. ?isceraG internal organs Chapter 23

1. Agnosia- loss o" ability to recogni9e importance o" sensory impressions 2. Agraphasia- loss o" ability to e%press thoughts in #riting 3. Amnesia- loss o" memory 4. Analgesia- loss o" pain sensation 5. Aphasia- loss o" po#er o" e%pression by speech! #riting! or signs! or loss o" comprehensions o" spo(en or #ritten language 6. Apra%ia- loss o" ability to per"orm purpose"ul mo&ement in the absence o" sensory or motor damage 0e g ! inability to use ob,ects correctly1

7. Ata%ia- inability to per"orm coordinated mo&ements 8. Athetosis- bi9arre! slo#! t#isting! #rithing mo&ement! resembling a sna(e or #orm 9. Chorea- sudden! rapid! ,er(y purposeless mo&ement in&ol&ing limbs! trun(! or "ace 10. Clonus- rapidly alternating in&oluntary contraction and rela%ation o" a muscle in response to sudden stretch 11. Coma- state o" pro"ound unconsciousness "rom #hich person cannot be aroused 12. 'eceberate rigidity- arms sti""ly entended! adducted! internally rotated5 legs sti""ly e%tended plantar "le%ed 13. 'ecorticate rigidity- arms adducted and "le%ed! #rists and "ingers "le%ed5 legs e%tended! internally rotated! plantar "le%ed 14. 'ysarthria- imper"ect articulation o" speech due to problems o" muscular control resulting "rom central or peripheral ner&ous system damage 15. 'ysphasia- imparement in speech consisting o" lac( o" coordination and inability to arrange #ords in their proper order

16. B%tinction- disappearance o" conditioned response 17. Casciculation- rapid continuous t#itching o" resting muscle #ithout mo&ement o" limb 18. Claccidity- loss o" muscle tone! limp 19. 7raphesthesia- ability to @readA a number by ha&ing it traced on the s(in 20. Hemiplegia- loss o" motor po#er 0paralysis1 on one side o" the body! usually caused by a stro(e5 paralysis occurs on the side opposite the lesion 21. )o#er motor neuron- motor neurons in the peripheral ner&ous system #ith its ner&e "ibers e%tending out to the muscle and only its cell body in the central ner&ous system 22. *yoclonus- rapid sudden ,er( o" a muscle 23. :uchal rigidity- sti""ness in cer&ical nec( area 24. :ystagmus- bac(-and-"orth oscillation o" the eyes 25. +pisthotonos- prolonged arching o" bac(! #ith head and heels bent bac(#ard! and meningeal irritation 26. -aralysis- decreased or loss o" motor "unction due to problem #ith motor ner&e or muscle "iber 27. -araplegia- impairment or loss o" motor and/or sensory "unction in the lo#er hal" o" the body 28. -aresthesia- abnormal sensation 0i e ! burning! numbness! tingling! pric(ling! cra#ling s(in sensation1 29. -oint locali9ation- ability o" a person to discriminate e%actly #here on the body the s(in has been touched 30. -roprioception- sensory in"ormation concerning body mo&ements and position o" the body in space 31. .ic- repetiti&e t#itching o" a muscle group at inappropriate times 0e g #in(! grimace1 32. .remor- in&oluntary contraction o" opposing muscle groups resulting in rhythmic mo&ement o" one or more ,oints 33. .#o-point discrimination- ability to distinguish the separation o" t#o simultaneous pinpric(s on the s(in 34. Fpper motor neuron- ner&e located entirely #ithin the central ner&ous system

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