ASUI, What's That!?: Learn More About ASUI

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ASUl, vhut's 1hut!?

Leurn more ubout ASUl.

* lull tlme students
* CPA .c revlous semester or
* z., Cumulutlve
vho ls Lllglble?
ASUl Lxecutlve 8runch
* Presldent & vlce Presldent
* Chlef of Stu
* 8ourd Chulrs
* , Llrectors
Puld Posltlons
* ~ Ul Commlttee Res.
* ~zc 8ourd members
* ~zc Street 1eum members
* ~s,s8
* Cmce hours er veek
* ASUl reluted meetlngs, rojects, etc.
* Cublnet blweekly
* Regulur 8ourd meetlngs
* Ul Commlttees
* Monthly reort to Senute
* hour er week
* Regulur 8ourd meetlngs
* Reorts to Senute on weekly uctlvltles
* Cversees executlve functlons of ASUl us estubllshed by
* Constltutlon
* 8yluws
* Rules und Regulutlons
* Meets regulurly wlth:
* Stute 8ourd of Lducutlon
* Stute Leglsluture
* vundul 8oosters
* Alumnl Assoclutlon
* Ul loundutlon
* Chulrs ASUl Senute
* Currles out tusks glven by Presldent und Senute
* Lnsures roer und eectlve reresentutlon of ull on
und o cumus students
* Resonslble for mulntulnlng und enforclng the
constltutlon, rules und regulutlons und the byluws
* Muy rerlmund members of the ASUl Senute when
vlce Presldent
* Cversees ullcutlon, lntervlew, & hlrlng
* Meets regulurly wlth members of Cublnet
* Chulrs Cublnet blweekly meetlngs
* Revlews Lxecutlve brunch omce hours
* Serves ut the lelsure of the ASUl Presldent
Chlef of Stu
* Acts us u llulson between the Athletlc
Leurtment und ASUl
* Eeuds the vundullzer slrlt grou
* Crgunlzes tullgute sonsors
Llrector of Athletlcs
* vorks wlth multlculturul student orgunlzutlons
* Serves on Ul Presldent's Llverslty Councll
* Cers dlverslty trulnlng to student orgunlzutlons
* Pluns events und lnltlutlves thut lncreuse lncluslon,
educutlon, und celebrutlon of dlverslty
* ls the contuct erson for questlons relutlng to
Llverslty Aulrs
Llrector of Llverslty Aulrs
* Anulyzes ASUl budgets und fnds costsuvlngsjunused
* Conducts ASUl lnternul Audlt
* Provldes udutes to 8ourds, Llrectors, ASUl Stu, und
Unlverslty 8udget stu on rogress of yeurly budgets
* Asslsts ASUl 8ourd Chulrs und Llrectors ln budget
roosuls for followlng fscul yeur
* Asslsts ASUl Presldent und vP ln Ledlcuted Actlvlty lee
roosul rocess
Llrector of llnunce
* Serves us u llnk between students, stu, fuculty, und heulth
resources on cumus
* Cochulrs monthly vundul Eeulth Advlsory 8ourd meetlngs
* Meets regulurly wlth reresentutlves from vundul Eeulth,
Student Eeulth Center, vomen's Center, C1C, SRC
* vrltes monthly "Eeulthy Cumus' newsletters
* Crgunlzes heulth reluted events on cumus such us
vellness lulr, l Cot Your 8uck cumulgn, und wellness
resentutlons to llvlng grous
Llrector of Eeulth und vellness
* Advlses ASUl Presldent und cublnet on lssues relutlng to
student und unlverslty ollcles.
* Pluns und oversee the Leglslutlve 8reukfust lobbylng event
* students
* Seuk wlth senutors & reresentutlves
* Creutes surveys to collect student feedbuck und unulyze
* j Crudlng
* Smoklng
* Remulns lnformed on stute, locul und nutlonul lssues thut
ertuln to students
Llrector of Pollcy
* Serves us u student reresentutlve on the Unlverslty
Sufety und Loss Control Commlttee (USLCC)
* Colluborutes wlth Leun of Student vlolence
Preventlon Coordlnutor to rovlde educutlonul
rogrummlng to Ul students.
* Lnsures the sustulnublllty und lmlementutlon of the
Creen Lot Progrum.
* Attends ull meetlngs requested by the ASUl Presldent
und ASUl Chlef of Stu .
Llrector of Sufety und vlolence
* Serves us u llulson between ASUl und the
Unlverslty of lduho Sustulnublllty Center
* Coordlnutes the lulljSrlng recycllng
* Lncouruges sustulnuble ructlces on cumus
* Recycllng blns
* vuter fll stutlons
Llrector of Sustulnublllty
vorks to connect the student oulutlon wlth ASUl
Colluborutes wlth other bourds to romote unlverslty
events und oortunltles on cumus
ASUl Llectlons Coordlnutor
Communlty Cutreuch Coordlnutor
ASUl vebslte Leslgner
Presldent's weekly udute
Communlcutlons 8ourd Chulr
* Coordlnutes schedullng und oversees ull lundlng 8ourd
* Monltors the overull exendltures
* s,c,ccc budget
* Asslsts student orgunlzutlons wlth relmbursement rocess
lundlng 8ourd Chulr
* Purtlclutes ln regulur Unlverslty meetlngs regurdlng
Commons & SU8
* CLASS suce
* SU8 Remodel
* Accommodutes umenltles to student needs und deslres for
the Commons & SU8
* Cell hone churglng stutlons
* vuter fll stutlons
lduho Commons und Unlon 8ourd
* Pluns und executes recreutlon events on cumus
* Slrlt Srlnt
* vundul lltness Chullenge
* vlnter Curnlvul
* Attends monthly Cumus RLC meetlngs
* Chulrs RLC bourd meetlngs
* Munuges budget
Recreutlon 8ourd Chulr
* Pluns und uttends weekly vL meetlngs
* 8ooks urtlsts for Pulousufest und llnuls lest
* Cversees:
* Smull Concerts
* Lectures & Performlng Arts
* lllms
* Promotlons - Street 1eum
* Attends ull vundul Lntertulnment events
vundul Lntertulnment 8ourd Chulr
! 8ooks urtlsts for ull concerts excludlng Pulousufest und
llnuls lest
! Attends weekly vL meetlngs
! Attends blmonthly Street 1eum Meetlngs
! Attends ull vundul Lntertulnment events
vundul Lntertulnment
Smull Concert Chulr
* Attends weekly vL meetlngs
* Reseurches und books Lecture or Performlng Art events
* CrgunlzesjAdvertlses Lecture events
* Eels to orgunlze other vL events
* Attends ull vL events
* llve omce hours er week, lus ASUl retreuts
vundul Lntertulnment
Lectures und Performlng Arts Chulr
* Schedule flms ln the 8oruh 1heuter
* Eundle budget, schedule flms, und romote flms
* Eel und romote other events:
* Smull Concerts
* Lectures & Performlng Arts
* Attend ull vundul Lntertulnment events
vundul Lntertulnment lllms Chulr
* Attend weekly vL meetlngs
* Mulntuln und udute soclul medlu for vL (lucebook,
1wltter, lnstugrum, etc.)
* Promote our events und vL us u whole
* Crder und hundle romo merchundlse
* Cversee Street 1eum, orgunlze meetlngs
* Attend vundul Lntertulnment events
vundul Lntertulnment
Promotlons Chulr
* Allcutlons uvulluble onllne ut
* Lue Monduy, Arll
by m to or the ASUl Cmce ln
Commons cz
Eow to Aly
ASUl Senute
* Reresent students on u unlverslty, stute, und nutlonul level
* Reseurch lssues
* Serve us the fuce of ASUl ut llvlng grou reorts
* 8e u resource for students
* Allocute ASUl funds
* vote on bllls und resolutlons ln the lnterest of students
* Serve on ASUl und Unlverslty bourds und commlttees
vhut do senutors do?
Check und resond to emulls ( mln)
Preure for llvlng grou reorts (c mln)
Check mull box for fyers ( mln)
Lellver llvlng grou reorts und fyers ( mln)
Co to ASUl bourd meetlng (6c mln)
Check und resond to emulls ( mln)
Meet wlth u student on u blll (c mln)
vrlte 8lll (zc mln)
Revlew meetlng ugendu und bllls to be voted on (zc mln)
Attend common omce hour (6c mln)
Attend recesslon (6c mln)
Attend senute meetlng (c mln)
Check und resond to emull ( mln)
Meet wlth ASUl udvlsor (zc mln)
Reseurch senute rojects (c mln)
vork ut ASUl Pocorn lrlduy (6c mln).
1ylcul veek
Some thlngs thut muy lnterest you.
* Cen forum
* Presldentlul communlcutlons
* Commlttee Reorts
* CldjNew 8uslness
* Senutor Communlcutlons
vhut huens ut senute meetlngs?
* llnunce
* Covernment Cerutlons und Aolntments
* Rules und Regulutlons
* vuys und Meuns
Senute Stundlng Commlttees
* Constuntly Chunglng
* Reresent Student lnterests
* Promote chunge for u better Ul communlty
Projects und 1usk lorces
* Senute meetlngs ure ut ,:ccm every vednesduy
* Cleurwuter Room ln Commons
* Any student cun wrlte u blll
* 1o contuct u senutor usk Allle luller
* ulduho.edujusul
Cood lnfo to lnow
* Slgnuture etltlons onllne ut
* 1urn lnto the ASUl Cmce ln Commons cz
by m on Murch 6.
Eow to Run

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