Meg Klingelhofer Timeline of Curriculum Unit-1

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Timeline of Curriculum Unit Generative Topic: Creation of Israel Class Number 1 Name: Meg Klingelhofer

Day(s) Problem to Pose/Guiding Question; Activity/Assessment M Why was there a need for a Jewish National Home? 45 min Guest speakerhistorical context (treatment of Jews throughout history) T/W What was the effect of European infiltration into the Middle 90 min East on foreign relations? Direct instruction on imperialism/age of colonization; introduce the geography of the affected area, possible simulation R/F How did the specific conflict originate? 90 min Work through the Balfour Declaration in class, discuss the documents implications Primary sources for Socratic seminar handed out for homework (annotations, separate summative document) M GEOGRAPHY QUIZ 45 min What British policies made the Jewish-Arab conflict possible? Show Exodus movie clip, discuss reactions; direct instruction about British policies (guided note taking) T/W Could the conflict have been avoided? How? 90 min Socratic seminar-style graded discussion based on primary source readings, debate prep at the end R/F Who was right in the handling of the conflict: the British, the 90 min Jewish population, or the Arab population? Was anyone right? What are alternatives? Formal debate; self-assessment, written reflection at different points of the debate (and collect notes taken during debate/prep) Could you video tape? Use swivl if you want.

Reflective writing: admit slips focusing on a question each day, except for the first day and the day of the debate; questions are not in the correct order How would you handle a situation in which you were thrown into a position of leadership that you didnt want? What would you do if you went home after being away for an extended period of time, but someone else was living there? How would you react if foreign people moved to your land and began to expand quickly? How do you respond to conflict? Would your response change if you were in charge? The graphic novel project is something that the students will be working on throughout this unit, as well as after the units completion. For this reason, I am not including it in the timeline.

When things occur during the day is important. Try bringing that into your timeline--what occurs before, what will follow? With your questions at the end, you are reaching toward the big ideas that are driving this work. You might try to make connections with current international and nation issues. Get them into looking at the news!

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