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Creating the Statement of Inquiry

[Conceptual Understanding] RELATED CONCEPT(S)


Saturday, March 8, 14

Global Context

Statement of Inquiry


(conceptual understandings)

Set within a



Saturday, March 8, 14

How is a statement of Inquiry constructed?

Saturday, March 8, 14

How is a statement of Inquiry constructed?

The key concept, related concept and global context combine to generate a powerful statement of Inquiry.

Saturday, March 8, 14

How is a statement of Inquiry constructed?

The key concept, related concept and global context combine to generate a powerful statement of Inquiry. This synthesis conveys the conceptualised aim of the unit.

Saturday, March 8, 14

How is a statement of Inquiry constructed?

The key concept, related concept and global context combine to generate a powerful statement of Inquiry. This synthesis conveys the conceptualised aim of the unit.

Example of Statement of Inquiry:

Myths, legends and folktales connect people across the world, using universal themes which express traditions, beliefs and values.

Can you identify the key concept, related concept and the global context?

Saturday, March 8, 14

Putting it altogether
The example shows how a language acquisition teacher has used a global context and concepts for a unit of work on Myths, legends and fold tales to develop a statement of inquiry.
Connections (KEY) Theme (RELATED) Point of view (RELATED)

Global contexts: through an inquiry into!

Identities and relationships Orientation in time and space Personal and cultural expression Scientific and technical innovation Globalization and sustainability Fairness and development

Global Context Exploration

traditions, beliefs, and values

Statement of Inquiry
Myths, legends and folk tales connect people across the world, using universal themes that express traditions, beliefs and values.

empathy (RELATED)

Saturday, March 8, 14

Putting it all together:

Key Concept Related Concept(s) Global Context

Statement of inquiry


character, point of view

identities and relationships human nature and human dignity

Authors can use characters with unusual points of view to communicate important ideas about what it means to be human.
Saturday, March 8, 14

A plan for inquiry-based learning

Key and related concepts Key concept: Communication Related concepts: character, point of view Global context identities and relationshipshuman nature and human dignity

Statement of inquiry: SOI is really the driving force behind the unit!very powerful statement that encapsulates both the concepts and context.

Saturday, March 8, 14

The statement of inquiry: Can refer implicitly or explicitly to the relevant key and related concepts Describes an important idea thats worthy of understanding (what) Explains the context that makes learning meaningful (so what) Has potential for transferring to other contexts and connecting with other significant content (so that, in order to why) May use a qualifier (often, may, can) to preserve room for varying perspectives and the possibility of revisable, partial knowledge

Saturday, March 8, 14

The statement of inquiry:

should not use proper or personal nouns, or pronouns should have a present tense verb and contain at least two concepts and a reference to a context is a transferable idea supported by factual content may need a qualifier (often, may, can) if it is not true in all situations, but is still an important idea may address a common misconception

Saturday, March 8, 14

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