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PRATI HA SHARMA C'())! *um(+ Ri,*t) $-& Ro'' No#. /012HR2-3//


GUIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mrs# PRATI HA SHARMA class Roll No.

135/HR/2011, University Roll No. .. A st !ent of h "an Ri#hts in $e%art"ent of H "an Ri#hts , N(tio+(' I+)titute o4 Hum(+ Ri,*t), De'*i has s ccessf lly co"%lete! her &ro'ect Re%ort on ( DOWRY SYSTEM & HUMAN RIGHTS5 n!er "y s %ervision to)ar!s the %artial

f lfill"ent of her !e#ree $i%lo"a in H "an Ri#hts.

The %resent re%ort is *ase! on the st !y ($+,R- .-.T/M 0 HUMAN R12HT. in %artial f lfill"ent of the re3 ire"ent of $i%lo"a in H "an Ri#hts co"%any li4e National 1nstit te of H "an Ri#hts, $elhi . . 1t is "y sincere ! ty to e5%ress "y !ee% sense of #ratit !e that s %%orte! an! hel%e! "e in %re%aration of this %ro'ect re%ort. 1 )ish to e5%ress "y sincere #ratit !e to Mr. Rishi .har"a, )ho has *een eno #h to allo) "e to n!erta4e "y %ro'ect trainin# in this %resti#io s +r#ani6ation. 7ast * t not the least, than4f l to "y frien!s an! res%on!ents for the effort they have % t in for #ivin# re%ort its %resent sha%e. 1 a" %leasant to feel #reat e5%erience )or4in# in this or#ani6ation M")# P"(tib*( S*("m( 1t is "atter of #reat %ri!e for "e that 1 #ot to co"%lete "y trainin# in re% te!

The %resent re%ort is assi#ne! )ith the to%ic ($+,R- .-.T/M 0 HUMAN R12HT. . 8or the % r%ose of 4no)le!#e, )hich a st !ent of "ar4etin# re3 ire! an! hel% to face the st !ent "ore e5%ertly, *ol!ly an! tactf lly, )hen ever he face. 1t is ri#ht %assa#e to enter the )orl! of "ar4etin#. The to%ic is very interestin# to intro! ce a fresher li4e "e %ractically )ith the ever chan#in# 0 )est of "ar4etin# .&ro! ct %lannin# )hich are the "ar4etin# !evice to sti" late !e"an! for %ro! ct can not overco"e in %ro! ct style, 3 ality %ac4in# !esi#n or f nction. .ales %ro"otion is a )ay to increase the !e"an! of a ne) %ro! ct. 1t is also )ay of !ifferentiatin# si"ilar %ro! ct. Mil4 is the %ro! ct cons "er *oth *y "ass 0 class in heavy 3 antity as it is nasality %ro! ct * t the sellin# of it is not so very easy as in the %resent a#e co"%etition in every fiel! is very ty%ical. 1n the re%ort in )hich has *een investi#ate! %ro"inent of a#ent retailers 0 cons "er of the city fro" !ifferent areas. 1 have to cover all reason *y har! )or4 o "ine an! hel% of several )ell )isher )ith the hel% of National instit te of H "an Ri#hts, $elhi To "a4e )or4in# s"ooth an! increase the sale of % the sales %ro! ct an! ho%e that thee %ractical )or4 an! this re%ort )ill hel% the "ana#e"ent to "a4e the %osition *etter in the "ar4et an! s%ot of the or#ani6ation %ro! ct very soon.


The $o)ry syste" is so !ee%ly roote! in 1n!ian c lt re, that so"eti"es one feels that there9s #oin# to *e no )ay o t : at least not for another cent ry. $o)ry ;$ahe'< is a for" of )e!!in# #ift %revalent in 1n!ia that is also so"eti"es calle! %rice:of the:#roo". $o)ry .yste" in 1n!ian Marria#es can *e calle! the co""ercial as%ect of the "arria#e. The %ractice of #ivin# !o)ry )as very co""on a"on# all %eo%le of all nations. A #irl #ets all the !o"estic are necessary to set tensils that

% a fa"ily. $o)ry syste" in 1n!ia )as %revalent

since the =e!ic %erio!. 1n /%ic %erio! #ifts fro" %arents, *rothers an! relatives an! relatives )ere reco#ni6e! as )o"an>s %ro%erty : stri!han. Accor!in# to ?a tilya (Means of s *sistence or 'e)ellery

constit tes )hat is calle! the %ro%erty of the )o"an. it is no # ilt for a )ife to "a4e se of this %ro%erty in "aintainin# her son her !a #hter:

in:la) or herself if her a*sent h s*an! has "a!e no %rovision for her "aintenance@.


To st !y the ori#in, e5tent, %revalence of ($+,R- .-.T/M@ %erce%tions of %eo%le an! s ##estion an! a)are a*o t !o)ry syste". Hum(+ Ri,*t) 8or cent ries %ast, )o"en all over the )orl! have not only, *een !enie! f ll ' stice, social, econo"ic an! %olitical * t as A)ea4er sectionA they have *een se!, a* se!, e5%loite! an!, then !iscar!e! to lea! i""oral, street va#rant an! !estit te life till their !eath. Altho #h they constit te a*o t half the total %o% lation an! have contri* te! an! sacrifice! not less than "en in the national free!o" str ##les at any %oint of ti"e * t they have *een !e%rive! of their ! e shares in vario s areas of activities an! have *een s *'ecte! to inh "an an! h "iliatin# )ron#s fro"*irth to !eath for no sin. T"(44i%7i+, i+ Wome+ (+d C*i'd"e+! M(+u(' 4o" t*e Judi%i("8 4o" Ge+de" Se+)iti)(tio+ The Bo""ission an! the $e%art"ent of ,o"en an! Bhil! $evelo%"ent, 2overn"ent of 1n!ia in %artnershi% )ith UN1B/8 have %re%are! a Han!*oo4 for sensiti6in# the s *or!inate ' !iciary on the iss e of Traffic4in# of ,o"en an! Bhil!ren for Bo""ercial .e5 al /5%loitation. The % r%ose of the Han!*oo4 is to sensiti6e the C !icial +fficers to the act al sit ation of the traffic4e! victi"s an! to %rovi!e the" )ith a %ers%ective so that they co l! %roactively safe# ar! the ri#hts of victi"ise! )o"en an! chil!ren, thro #h a sensitive inter%retation of the la). The Han!*oo4 has *een finalise! an! is *ein# %rinte! *y the UN1B/8. Se+)iti9(tio+ T"(44i%7i+, 1n or!er to sensiti6e senior re%resentatives of the hotel an! to ris" in! stry on vario s iss es relatin# to se5 to ris" an! traffic4in#, the Bo""ission in colla*oration )ith UN18/M an! the ,o"enDs 1nstit te for .ocial /! cation, M "*ai or#anise! a one:!ay .ensitisation &ro#ra""e on &revention of .e5 To ris" an! Traffic4in#. The reco""en!ations that e"er#e! o t of this %ro#ra""e )ere a!o%te! *y the Bo""ission an! follo): % action is no) *ein# ta4en on the". P"o,"(mme o+ P"e:e+tio+ o4 Se; Tou"i)m (+d

M(te"+(' A+(emi( (+d Hum(+ Ri,*t) The Bo""ission has *een concerne! a*o t the ri#ht to health, in %artic lar a*o t the !eleterio s effects of "aternal anae"ia *oth on the "other an! on the chil!. 1t th s too4 infant an! "aternal % the iss e of the )i!es%rea! %revalence of iron "ortality * t also in lo) *irth )ei#ht relate! !eficiency a"on# e5%ectant "others, )hich has res lte! not only in hi#h !evelo%"ental !isa*ilities, es%ecially a"on# econo"ically !isa!vanta#e! sections of the society. 1n or!er to evolve a %lan of action for syste"ic i"%rove"ent in the health care !elivery Comb(ti+, Se;u(' H("())me+t o4 Wome+ (t t*e Wo"7 P'(%e The Bo""ission has *een receivin# a lar#e n "*er of co"%laints alle#in# se5 al harass"ent of )o"en at the )or4%lace. 1t also o*serve! that the . %re"e Bo rt # i!elines in =isha4a v .tate of Ra'asthan case ENo.1FFG ;H< .BB 2I1 !ate! 13.J.1FFGK )ere not *ein# i"%le"ente! a!e3 ately in the .tates/UTs, either in the % *lic sector or in the %rivate sector. Many instit tions are yet to set % Bo"%laints Bo""ittee ;BB< as envisa#e! in the . %re"e Bo rt # i!elines. The Bo""ission th s 4ee%s "onitorin# )ith the .tates/UTs. Tho #h "ost of the .tate 2overn"ents have a"en!e! their Bon! ct R les an! set % Bo"%laints Bo""ittees, so"e .tates an! Union Territories are yet to re%ort.



T*e "e)e("%* =i'' i+:e)ti,(te t*e 4o''o=i+, ob>e%ti:e)! 1. To n!erstan! the ($o)ry .yste"@. 2. To 4no) the "otivation *ehin! $o)ry .yste". 3. To st !y a*o t vie)s of r ral 0 r*an %eo%le a*o t $o)ry .yste". I. To st !y ($o)ry:Relate! ,ife A* se an! M r!er@ a)are to %eo%le a*o t ($o)ry .yste"@ 5. To Boncl sion a*o t $o)ry .yste".

PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION! &ri"ary !ata collection "etho! is the *est so rce of infor"ation "etho! as it is the research yo #enerate *y as4in# 3 estions, con! ctin# trials an!

collatin# res lts. &ri"ary !ata allo)s the researcher "ore control over !irection, ty%e an! !e%th of the infor"ation collecte!. Usin# %ri"ary !ata allo)s the researcher to collect %recise !ata that is necessary to "eet the in!ivi! alDs research o*'ective. &ri"ary !ata is also n*iase! an! co"es sin#

!irectly fro" the %o% lation. There are also "any !isa!vanta#es for

%ri"ary !ata collection , the "ost o*vio s one is that it ten!s to *e "ore ti"e cons "in# an! "ore e5%ensive. As there is a lar#e %o% lation the fin!in# cannot *e #enerali6e! as the research !one is so s"all.

1n or!er to collect infor"ation on $o)ry .yste" 0 =iolence a#ainst ,o"en %ri"ary an! secon!ary !ata analysis )ill *e se!. The %ri"ary !ata

)ill *e collecte! *y intervie)in# %artici%ants, an! secon!ary !ata of aca!e"ics e5istin# )or4 )ill *e collecte!. The %ri"ary !ata )ill *e co"%are! to the secon!ary !ata in or!er to esta*lish clear fin!in#s for the !issertation. SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION!

.econ!ary analysis involves the

se of e5istin# !ata, collecte! for the

% r%oses of a %rior st !y, in or!er to % rs e a research interest )hich is !istinct fro" that of the ori#inal )or4L this "ay *e a ne) research 3 estion or an alternative %ers%ective on the ori#inal 3 estion.

The follo)in# so rces that )ere

se! to collect !ata )ereM *oo4s,

'o rnals, relia*le internet so rces an! 'o rnal !ata*ases, as the infor"ation that )as nee!e! to co"%ile this thesis re3 ire! infor"ation *ase! on !ifferent c lt res, insi#hts to $o)ry .yste"@.


The $o)ry syste" is so !ee%ly roote! in 1n!ian c lt re, that so"eti"es one feels that there9s #oin# to *e no )ay o t : at least not for another cent ry. $o)ry ;$ahe'< is a for" of )e!!in# #ift %revalent in 1n!ia that is also so"eti"es calle! %rice:of the:#roo". A $o)ry ;$ahe'< is an archaic "arria#e c sto" )here the *ri!e or her fa"ily is re3 ire! to #ive a #ift of "oney or val a*le #oo!s to the #roo" or his fa"ily. 1n so"e areas )here this )as %ractice!, the si6e of the necessary !o)ry )as !irectly %ro%ortional to the #roo"9s social stan!in#, th s "a4in# it virt ally i"%ossi*le for lo)er class )o"en to "arry into %%er class fa"ilies. 1n so"e cases )here a )o"an9s fa"ily

)as too %oor to affor! any !o)ry )hatsoever, she either si"%ly )as for*i!!en fro" ever "arryin#, or at "ost *eca"e a conc *ine to a richer "an )ho co l! affor! to s %%ort a lar#e ho sehol!. The !o)ry syste" )as a sec rity *lan4et for "arrie! )o"en in case of "arital %ro*le"s or a*an!on"ent *y h s*an!. 1t )as an e"er#ency f n! set % *y the the *ri!e9s father an! *rothers an! )as rarely cash, an! instea! consiste! of val a*les s ch as 'e)elry, an! i""ova*le %ro%erty. The !o)ry syste" also acte! as the #irl9s inheritance fro" her father, *eca se the Hin! * t all %eo%le, M sli"s, Bhristians, &arsees

an! Ce)s, Coint:fa"ily syste" affor!e! all the %ro%erty to the "ale !escen!ants.

,hat *e#an as #ifts of lan! to a )o"an as her inheritance in an essentially a#ric lt ral econo"y to!ay has !e#enerate! into #ifts of #ol!, clothes, cons "er ! ra*les an! lar#e s "s of cash, )hich has so"eti"es entaile! the i"%overish"ent an! heavy in!e*te!ness of %oor fa"ilies. The !o)ry is often se! *y the receivin# fa"ilies for * siness

% r%oses, fa"ily "e"*er9s e! cation, or the !o)ry to *e #iven for the h s*an!9s sister. The transaction of !o)ry often !oes not en! )ith the act al )e!!in# cere"ony as the fa"ily is e5%ecte! to contin e to #ive #ifts.

+ver a %erio! of ti"e, the a* se of the !o)ry %ractice has !evelo%e! in 1n!ia to the e5tent that it has *eco"e the *i##est %ro*le" facin# )o"en. Many "arria#es are straine! *eca se of the !is% te over !o)ry, an! ! rin# 1FJ0s, n "ero s cases of (* rnin# *ri!es@ )ere re%orte! in the "e!ia, )here ne)ly )e! #irls either co""itte! s ici!e or * rnt alive *y the in:la)s over !o)ry !is% tes. As #irls starte! e5%ectin# a fair inheritance fro" their fathers, the #roo"s also starte! !e"an!in# "ore an! "ore. .o"e %eo%le )ent to the e5tent of !eci!in# s ch "atters as love, stat s, an! %resti#e in the society !e%en!in# on ho) " ch !o)ry a fa"ily co l! *rin# ;or affor!<, an! those )ho co l! not affor! an e5%ecte! !o)ry )ere s *'ecte! to h "iliation. As the )o"en in 1n!ia #ot "ore e! cate!, "any of the" tho #ht that the syste" of !o)ry )as !e"eanin# to )o"en. The 1n!ian co rts have *anne! the %ractice since 1FH1, for#ettin# that it is in!ee! a stron#ly roote! tra!ition. .o in to!ay9s 1n!ia, the !o)ry syste" %lays a h #e, * t lar#ely n!er#ro n! an! ille#al role in "atch:"a4in#, an!

for"in# of "arria#e alliances. 1t is the !o)ry syste" that is the %ri"ary ca se of fe"ale infantici!e in 1n!ia, an! the %ri"ary reason )hy every*o!y )ants to have only "ale chil!ren. The syste" of #ift:#ivin# has t rne! into a syste" of a*s r! !e"an!s, an! one of harass"ent of )o"en.

/cono"ic theory, )hich vie)s the "ar4et for "arria#e as one in )hich %eo%le *ar#ain for a s%o se )ho "a5i"i6es their tility #ains

fro" "arria#e, )hen co"*ine! )ith the realities of vario s sociolo#ical factors, %resents an interestin# %ers%ective on the reasons *ehin! the e5istence of the !o)ry syste" in 1n!ia. Un!er the ass "%tion of a %erfectly co"%etitive "arria#e "ar4et )ith %erfect infor"ation, the e5istence of a !o)ry can *e seen as the co"*ine! res lt of a fe) !ifferent forces.


Theoretical )or4 *y econo"ists on "arria#e transactions has sti% late! that !o)ries are li4ely to occ r )hen e3 ili*ri " con!itions res lt in an e5cess s %%ly of )o"en )ho )ant to "arry an! enter the "arria#e "ar4et. An e5cess s %%ly of )o"en, or a relative scarcity of "en in the "arria#e "ar4et, can *e e3 ili*rate! thro #h the se of the "arital cost

of !o)ry. 1n theory, the "onetary cost of the !o)ry increases as the s %%ly of )o"en )antin# to "arry rises, shiftin# the s %%ly c rve eno #h to *alance the !e"an! for )ives. .o"e scholars have ar# e! that the e5cess s %%ly ar# "ent is s s%ect for the case of 1n!ian society *eca se the nationDs #en!er:ratio i"*alance is notorio sly tilte! to)ar!s fe)er )o"en than "en, rather than reverse. 1n fact, the co ntryDs fe"ale:"ale ratio has !ecline! fro" FG2 )o"en %er tho san! "en in 1F01 to less than F2G )o"en %er tho san! "en in 1FF1. Ho)ever, there is a f n!a"ental fla) in e5a"inin# the total #en!er ratio as an in!icator of the relative s %%ly of )o"en in the "arria#e "ar4et, for certain social c sto"s of 1n!ian society ca se !istinct %ec liarities in the )ay the 1n!ian "arria#e "ar4et is !ivi!e! *et)een "en an! )o"en. 1n 1n!ia, Hin! "arria#es are *ase! on social an! reli#io s *eliefs

that allo) "en to "arry at virt ally any a#e, )hile )o"en are re3 ire! to "arry *y a " ch yo n#er a#e.

Altho #h the "a5i" " a#e li"it for "arria#e varies for )o"en in !ifferent re#ions of 1n!ia, the central *elief is that a !a #hter )ho re"ains n"arrie! after the socially !eter"ine! a#e )ill thereafter *e

ineli#i*le for "arria#e, an! as s ch, )ill *rin# to her fa"ily social !is#race, the financial lia*ility of her s stenance, an! certain ty%es of econo"ic sanctions i"%ose! *y the rest of the co"" nity. The "ost si#nificant i"%lication of s ch an i!eolo#y is that the 1n!ian "arria#e "ar4et *eco"es !ivi!e! into an ol!er "ale cohort an! a " ch yo n#er fe"ale cohort. Th s, the act al #en!er ratio in the 1n!ian "arria#e "ar4et cannot *e !etecte! in the nationDs total #en!er ratio or even in sa"e a#e #ro % or sa"e ti"e %erio! #en!er ratios. 1nstea!, it is the relative n "*ers of the yo n#er fe"ale cohort as co"%are! )ith the ol!er "ale cohort that !eter"ines the tr e ratio of eli#i*le "en an! )o"en )ho )ant to "arry. This %ec liar #en!er !ivision lea!s to so"e 4ey insi#ht a*o t the risin# costs of !o)ry, for the str ct re of 1n!iaDs "arria#e "ar4et is hi#hly affecte! *y one of the nationDs #reatest o*stacles to social an! econo"ic %ro#ressM %o% lation #ro)th. Recent e"%irical )or4 has sho)n that 1n!iaDs s r#e in %o% lation #ro)th over the last several !eca!es has le! to a ("arria#e s3 ee6e.@ 1n theory, a ("arria#e s3 ee6e@ "eans that a %o% lation )ith a !eclinin# "ortality rate an! increasin# *irth rate )ill have lar#er yo n#er cohorts than ol!er ones. Neca se )o"en ten! to "arry ol!er "en in 1n!ian society, the eli#i*le )o"en in 1n!iaDs "arria#e "ar4et )o l! therefore *elon# to a yo n#er an! hence lar#er cohort. /ssentially, a hi#h %o% lation #ro)th )o l! lea! to a #en!er ratio in the "arria#e "ar4et

characteri6e! *y a s r%l s of )o"en, an! the a"o nt of this s r%l s )o l! !e%en! on the act al rate of %o% lation #ro)th. A ("arria#e s3 ee6e,@ therefore, *y ca sin# an increase in the s %%ly of )o"en in the "arria#e "ar4et, )o l! also ca se an shift in the a"o nt of !o)ry nee!e! to e3 ili*rate that "ar4et. 1n one re#ion of so thern 1n!ia, !ata an! research esti"ate that the "arria#e s3 ee6e ratio has ca se! a (si#nificant increase in net real !o)ry transfers over ti"e.@ 1n consi!erin# this tren! as a res lt of the s r%l s of )o"en in the "arria#e "ar4et, it is also i"%ortant to note that the area st !ie! )as a re#ion in )hich fe"ale "ortality at yo n#er a#es e5cee!s "ale "ortality. 1n fact, the #en!er ratio in the re#ion has tilte! to)ar!s "ore "en than )o"en in the total %o% lation ever since the t rn of the cent ry. The s r%l s of )o"en over "en at "arria#ea*le a#es, therefore, in!icates that the %o% lation #ro)th )as lar#e eno #h to o t)ei#h the fact there have al)ays *een "ore )o"en than "en )ithin the sa"e a#e cohort. 1n!iaDs alar"in#ly hi#h %o% lation #ro)th le! to a s *se3 ent increase in the si6e of the yo n#er fe"ale cohort in the "arria#e "ar4et, there*y in! cin# a ("arria#e s3 ee6e@ that can *e hel! at least %artly res%onsi*le for the e5istence of as )ell as the recent increase in costs of !o)ries. %)ar!


The theory of the ("arria#e s3 ee6e,@ *ase! on the 1n!ian social %heno"enon )here yo n#er )o"en ten! to "arry ol!er "en, ses

1n!iaDs hi#h %o% lation #ro)th of the last several !eca!es to e5%lain the increase in the avera#e cost of !o)ries. Ho)ever, the other %revalent c sto"s an! attit !es of 1n!ian "arria#e are another e5tre"ely si#nificant as%ect of the econo"ic rational for )hy the %ractice of !o)ry %ersists in 1n!ian society. Asi!e fro" the e5cess s %%ly of )o"en in the "arria#e "ar4et alrea!y !isc sse!, the e5istence of !o)ry "ay alternatively *e attri* te! to an inherent !ifferential *et)een the #ains fro" "arria#e for "en an! )o"en.


The *enefits of "arria#e for )o"en e5cee! the *enefits #aine! fro" "arria#e *y "en. 1t is th s the net !ifference *et)een these "arital #ains that the #roo"Ds fa"ily a%%ro%riates as !o)ry, or

("arria#e %ay"ent.@ The !iscre%ancy in "arital #ains can *e seen as havin# t)o co"%onents. 8irstly, tra!itional social nor"s inhi*it the ac3 isition of "ar4et:oriente! h "an ca%ital *y )o"en an! instea! %ro"ote %roc re"ent of ho sehol!:oriente! h "an ca%ital, )hich in t rn can only *e f lly in!ivi! al an! fa"ily tili6e! )ithin the conte5t of "arria#e. .econ!ly, tility, )hich in econo"ic theory is #enerally

!efine! as ()ell:*ein#@ or (ha%%iness,@ is !erive! not only fro" the cons "%tion of "aterial #oo!s, * t also fro" a !esire to %hol! a #oo!

na"e an! re% tation in a co"" nity *y a!herin# to its %revalent social an! c lt ral *eliefs. Neoclassical econo"ic theory fails to ta4e into acco nt the tility !erive! fro" social acce%tance, * t it is only *y

n!erstan!in# the social an! i!eolo#ical forces of 1n!ian society that it *eco"es %ossi*le to f lly n!erstan! the econo"ic an! "ar4et forces

that have le! to the e5istence of !o)ry. 1n this conte5t, t)o *roa! cate#ories of h "an ca%ital can *e !efine!M "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital, )hich contri* tes to %ro! ctivity an! earnin#s %otential in the la*or "ar4et, an! ho sehol! s%ecific h "an ca%ital, )hich contri* tes to %ro! ctivity an! s4ills that increase the social stat s of the ho sehol! an! fa"ily. Ba%ital acc " lation !ecisions are "a!e ! rin# chil!hoo! *y %arents an! fa"ilies. 1t is ass "e! that "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital

#enerally re3 ires "onetary invest"ent, an! is o*taine! thro #h for"al e! cation an! trainin#, )hile ho sehol! s%ecific ca%ital can #enerally *e ac3 ire! )itho t any "onetary invest"ent thro #h trainin# an! )or4 in the ho sehol! ho sehol!. 1t is reasona*le to ass "e that fa"ilies consi!er several factors )hen "a4in# !ecisions incl !e a*o t the h "an tility ca%ital invest"ent fro" their for their n!er the s %ervision of a senior fe"ale "e"*er of the





%references, the fa"ily

tility !erive! fro" a!herin# to social c sto"s

re#ar!in# the a%%ro%riate for"s of ca%ital acc " lation for !ifferent #en!ers, an! finally, the e5%ecte! rate of ret rn on the fa"ilyDs "onetary invest"ent into chil!renDs "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital. 1n this conte5t, three %revalent feat res of 1n!ian society )ill *e !isc sse! in their relevance to !ecisions re#ar!in# the ac3 isition of h "an ca%ital for )o"en. &erha%s the "ost *asic %heno"enon of 1n!ian "arria#e is that a !a #hter, once "arrie!, essentially *eco"es the %ro%erty of her

h s*an!Ds fa"ily. All assets, incl !in# any la*or "ar4et earnin#s, ho sehol! s4ills, an! !o)ry, are transferre! to the fa"ily:in:la). .ons, ho)ever, are al"ost al)ays the so rce of f t re inco"e an! !e%en!ence for %arents ! rin# their ol! a#e. As s ch, "oney investe! into the ac3 isition of "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital for a son is s ally re#ar!e!

as a for" of invest"ent into %arentsD f t re cons "%tion. Monetary invest"ent into a !a #hterDs ac3 isition of h "an ca%ital, ho)ever, ret rns no s%ecific financial yiel!, altho #h there "ay *e *enefits

accr e! ! e to any

tility %arents "ay !erive fro" the ha%%iness of

their chil!ren. . ch financial circ "stances hel% e5%lain the )i!es%rea! !ecision of 1n!ian ho sehol!s to allocate "ost or all reso rces inten!e! for chil!renDs cons "%tion to the invest"ent of "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital for sons, )hile !a #hters are #enerally force! to invest in the 6ero cost ac3 isition of ho sehol! s%ecific h "an ca%ital. The invest"ent !ecisions "a!e *y 1n!ian fa"ilies re#ar!in# the ac3 isition of h "an ca%ital for their chil!ren are li4ely to *e infl ence! *y the lar#e !ifferential in la*or "ar4et earnin#s *et)een "en an! )o"en. Many st !ies have !eter"ine! that there is an enor"o s a"o nt of )a#e !iscri"ination in the 1n!ian la*or "ar4et. 1n %artic lar, research has sho)n that 1n!ian )o"en )ith %ost:secon!ary schoolin# earn a*o t 21O less than 1n!ian "en, an! that a*o t HG:GGO of this )a#e #a% "ay *e attri* te! to !iscri"ination. The %ri"ary si#nificance of this )a#e !iscre%ancy in !ecisions of h "an ca%ital ac3 isition is that invest"ent into "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital for !a #hters yiel!s a " ch lo)er e5%ecte! real rate of ret rn than s ch invest"ent for sons. The )a#e !iscre%ancy in the la*or "ar4et is another reason that 1n!ian %arents ten! to invest less in "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital for their !a #hters, as they reali6e that the yiel! fro" s ch an invest"ent in ter"s of la*or "ar4et earnin#s )o l! *e relatively "ea#er 1n a!!ition to rationally an! econo"ically analy6in# the e5%ecte! ret rn on

invest"ent, 1n!ian fa"ilies are also heavily infl ence! *y the stron# social an! c lt ral *eliefs that vie) the ac3 isition of econo"ic

reso rces *y )o"en )ith intense anta#onis". 1n!ian social str ct ral

i!eolo#ies have lon# re#ar!e! )o"en as the sta*le fo n!ation of the fa"ily. A%%ro%riate res%onsi*ilities for )o"en have #enerally *een li"ite! to ho sehol! tas4s s ch as chil!*earin#, coo4in#, cleanin#, an! other social an! reli#io s activities s ch as sin#in# for co"" nity events or %lannin# reli#io s cere"onies 4no)n as % 'as. Moreover, e5cessive e! cation or (e! cation of the )ron# 4in!, s ch as e! cation that #rants her the "eans of econo"ic self:

s fficiency, increases the %ro*a*ility that a #irl )ill #ain an


a"o nt of in!e%en!ence, violate her tra!itional role an! !isr %t fa"ilial an! societal har"ony in the f t re.@ $e%en!in# on a fa"ilyDs a!herence to s ch %revailin# social attit !es, !a #hters are for yet another reason #enerally restricte! to !evelo%in# only ho sehol! oriente! s4ills, )hile sons are allocate! the f n!in# nee!e! to #ain "ar4et s4ills thro #h school, colle#e, an! 'o* trainin#. Th s, ! e to a variety of *oth econo"ic an! social reasons, )o"en in 1n!ian societies are raise! )ith a " ch hi#her %ro%ortion of

ho sehol! s%ecific h "an ca%ital relative to "ar4et s%ecific h "an ca%ital. The "ost si#nificant i"%lication of the !iscre%ancy in %atterns of h "an ca%ital acc " lation for "en an! )o"en is on the relative *enefits they receive in "arria#e. The "ost f n!a"ental characteristic of ho sehol! s%ecific h "an ca%ital is that it can *e f lly tili6e! only

)ithin the "arrie! state. 8or e5a"%le, the *enefits of s4ills s ch as those s%ecific to *earin# an! raisin# chil!ren *eco"e irrelevant o t of "arria#e, for o t:of:)e!loc4 an! !ivorce! "otherhoo! are consi!ere! a"on# the #reatest social !is#races for 1n!ian )o"en, often %rovo4in#

severe cens re an! !is!ain *y the co"" nity at lar#e. Bonse3 ently, )o"en )ho have ac3 ire! lar#e a"o nts of ho sehol! s%ecific h "an ca%ital stan! to receive t)o "a'or *enefits fro" "arria#e. 8irst, there is an increase in cons "%tion an! tility !erive! fro" a society that

re#ar!s "arria#e in hi#h estee". An! secon!ly, there is the increase in tility !erive! fro" the co"%lete tili6ation of ac3 ire! ho sehol!

s%ecific h "an ca%ital. ,hile the for"er a%%lies to "en an! )o"en e3 ally, the latter is a *enefit s%ecific to )o"en )ho have *een raise! in tra!itional ho sehol!s that restricte! their ca%ital acc " lation to ho sehol! oriente! s4ills. 1n s ch cases, the )o"en )ill have an inevita*ly lar#er #ain fro" "arria#e than "en )ill, an! the net !ifference )o l! *e e3 ali6e! thro #h the %ay"ent of an a%%ro%riate a"o nt of !o)ry. Noth the ("arria#e s3 ee6e@ theory of e5cess s %%ly of )o"en in the "arria#e "ar4et as )ell the theory of !iver#ent %atterns of h "an ca%ital acc " lation rationali6e the e5istence of !o)ry in 1n!ian society *ase! on one critical factorM tra!itional 1n!ian social val es. 1n the theory of the ("arria#e s3 ee6e,@ %o% lation #ro)th has only affecte! the si6e of the fe"ale cohort in the "arria#e "ar4et *eca se of the social val es that co"%el )o"en to *e "arrie! *y a certain a#e. 1n the theory of !iver#ent h "an ca%ital acc " lation, social "an!ates, s ch as those that li"it the %roc re"ent of h "an ca%ital for !a #hters to ho sehol! oriente! s4ills, as )ell as those that force )o"en to transfer all assets to the fa"ily:in:la) after "arria#e, inevita*ly % t "any )o"en in sit ations )here they " st rely on "arria#e for econo"ic

s stenance. /5a"ine! fro" this %ers%ective, the "ain evil *ehin! the %er%et ation of the !o)ry tra!ition lies in the restrictive an! fre3 ently !etri"ental 1n!ian social vie)s on "arria#e. The effect of !o)ry on the )elfare of 1n!ian society, ho)ever, is f rther co"%licate! *y certain social ills that are ine5trica*ly lin4e! )ith the tra!ition. . ch effects, )hich incl !e !o)ry:relate! violence an! a* se, *ri!e * rnin#, )ife " r!er, an! fe"ale infantici!e, constit te so"e of the "ost hi#hly !etri"ental ills %er%etrate! a#ainst 1n!ian )o"en.

The %rovisions an! acts a#ainst !o)ry in the 1n!ian le#al co!e are lar#ely ineffective. The %heno"enon is too %ervasive an! too %revalent in r ral co"" nities ;)here civil la) is har!ly n!erstoo! let alone o*serve!< to

*e infl ence! *y *asically any 4in! of le#al stat tes. Moreover, st !ies have sho)n that a "a'ority of %olice an! other sec rity officials re#ar! !o)ry as a fa"ily iss e in )hich the la), the #overn"ent, or the %olice sho l! not interfere. As s ch, the e5%ecte! % nish"ent for violatin# le#al co!es re#ar!in# !o)ry is %ractically 6ero, an! fa"ilies contin e to %ractice the #ivin# of !o)ry accor!in# to tra!ition. 8 rther"ore, the ineffectiveness of the le#al co!es also "eans that the !o)ry is

essentially irrecovera*le

%on ter"ination of the "arria#e.

The lac4 of le#al enforce"ent of la)s %ertainin# to the fa"ily res lts in a !e%ressin# * t econo"ically le#iti"ate rational for the %er%etration of t)o very serio s social illsM )ife " r!er an! fe"ale infantici!e.


Neca se of the %ractically none5istent e5%ecte! % nish"ent for le#al violations concernin# !o)ry an! *eca se "en in 1n!ian society !o not #enerally face any ne#ative econo"ic or societal conse3 ences %on

!issol tion of a "arria#e, the e5istence of !o)ry in effect in! ces a "an to eli"inate his c rrent )ife if the e5%ecte! #ains fro" !oin# so e5cee! the #ains fro" contin in# to *e )ith her. /ssentially, a "an )ho can #ain "ore fro" the %otential !o)ry of a secon! "arria#e than fro" the *enefits of re"ainin# )ith his first )ife is "ore li4ely to " r!er his c rrent )ife, es%ecially if there is a lo) %ro*a*ility of conviction. 1n a si"ilar vein, )ife a* se "ay *e se! as a "eans of in! cin# a )o"an to

leave a "arria#e, there*y allo)in# the h s*an! to contract a secon! "arria#e an! a%%ro%riate a secon! !o)ry )itho t the le#al ris4

;ho)ever s"all< of co""ittin# " r!er. Altho #h this econo"ic rational has yet to *e a!e3 ately s *stantiate! thro #h e"%irical research, the ar# "ent is convincin# %artic larly in li#ht of the incre!i*le

%ervasiveness of !o)ry:relate! )ife a* se an! " r!er.

1nci!ents of violence an! " r!ers of )ives ! e to iss es of !o)ry first *e#an to *e re%orte! in the early 1FJ0Ds. .tories e"er#e! of )o"en )ho )ere * rne! to !eath, *eaten an! a* se!, " r!ere!, an! )ho co""itte! s ici!e *eca se of fa"ilies:in:la) )ho relentless

harasse! *ri!es on iss es relate! to ins fficient !o)ry. Ny 1FFI, the Ho"e MinistryDs National Bri"e Recor! N rea at every 102 "in tes. 1n a co ntry )here %eo%le rarely re%ort acts of !o"estic violence, ho)ever, even these #rossly !ist r*in# fi# res li4ely re%resent only a fraction of the act al !o)ry !eaths that too4 %lace ! rin# these years. These horrific e%iso!es of violence an! " r!er can *e seen as the co"*ine! res lt of an ina!e3 ately enforce! le#al syste" alon# )ith an a#e:ol! tra!ition that inherently s fficiency of )o"en. n!er"ines the relative econo"ic self: cloc4e! a P!o)ry !eathD

1n a si"ilar vein, the !o)ry syste" "ay *e seen as %artly res%onsi*le for the fe"ale infantici!e that occ rs all over r ral 1n!ia. Neca se of the sa"e lac4 of le#al enforce"ent that has e5acer*ate! !o)ry:relate! a* se an! " r!er, the %heno"enon of fe"ale infantici!e is %revalent a"on# 1n!ian fa"ilies ;%artic larly in r ral co"" nities< )here the a!!itional cost of !o)ry for a thir! or fo rth !a #hter "ay #reatly e5cee! the fa"ilyDs financial ca%acity. A#ain, econo"ic e"%irical )or4 has yet to e5%lore this correlation, * t the ra) !ata an! %revalent attit !es are sta##erin#. 2overn"ent e"%loye! "i!)ives reveale! in intervie)s that they (feare! for a ne)*ornDs life if it )as so nfort nate

as to *e the thir! or fo rth #irl *orn into a %oor fa"ily of far" la*orerss ch a fa"ily co l! not %ossi*ly affor! the %rice of another #irlDs !o)ryP% ttin# the chil! to slee%Dsee"e! their only choice.@ Noth !o)ry:relate! " r!ers as )ell as fe"ale infantici!e are nfort nate an! hi#hly !eleterio s sy"%to"s of 1n!iaDs !o)ry syste". 1"%osin# a hi#hly ne#ative i"%act on the social )elfare of )o"en in 1n!ian society, these %heno"ena " st *e a!!resse! as )hat they areQ sy"%to"s of a "ore si#nificant root %ro*le"M that is, the %revailin# social an! c lt ral i!eolo#y that le! to the e5istence of !o)ry in the first %lace.


The )or! (!o)ry@ is al"ost synony"o s )ith 1n!ian )o"enDs o%%ression n!er %atriarchal syste"s. 1t has *een a short c t for

in!icatin# lo) stat s for )o"en, the ar# "ent *ein# that the callo s an! " n!ane efficiency of (!o)ry !eaths@ in!icates the lo) val e of )o"enDs la*or an! the hi#h cost of their "arria#es, "a4in# )o"en a lia*ility for their natal fa"ilies an! a so rce of l cre for their "arital fa"ilies. There is a"%le evi!ence that the %heno"enon of !o)ry is

e5%an!in#, s%rea!in# to co"" nities )here it ha! never e5iste!, an! that the val e of !o)ries is risin# to ntena*le li"itsL there are horrific

re%orts of fathers sellin# 4i!neys to cover !o)ry %ay"ents, or collective s ici!es in fa"ilies )ith " lti%le !a #hters. The 1n!ian #overn"ent9s $e%art"ent of ,o"en an! Bhil! $evelo%"ent re%orte! H,00H !o)ry !eaths for 1FFG. 1nci!ence of P$o)ry $eathD case re%orte! an increase of I.I %er cent over the %revio s year. 31.J %er cent of these cases at national level )ere re%orte! *y Uttar &ra!esh alone follo)e! *y Nihar ;15.5O<. The hi#hest rate of cri"e ;1.3< )as also re%orte! fro" Uttar &ra!esh. The co""on concl sion has *een to con!e"n e5or*itant !o)ries. .cholars an! activists have *een %ointin# o t, ho)ever, that

cri"inali6in# the #ivin# an! ta4in# of !o)ry an! a%%lyin# social %ress re to *an !o)ry in "arria#es are %artial an! ina!e3 ate sol tions. Rather,

the %ro*le" of !o)ry " st *e consi!ere! alon#si!e 3 estions of %ro%erty, la*or an! the f n!a"ental nat re of "arria#e. $o)ry, or so"e for" of "arria#e %ay"ent, is har!ly ni3 e to

1n!ia. +f the 5H3 societies liste! in 2eor#e & M r!oc4Ds Atlas of ,orl! B lt res, 2I ;fo r %er cent< are associate! )ith !o)ry syste"s, 22H )ith *ri!e )ealth ;#roo"s9 fa"ilies "a4in# %ay"ents to *ri!es9

fa"ilies<, an! H3 )ith *ri!e service ;#roo"s contri* tin# la*or to *ri!es9 fa"ilies in lie of "oney<.

Anthro%olo#ists have s ##este! that "arria#e %ay"ents are one of the )ays in )hich c lt res e5%an! social relations *et)een co"" nities *y e5chan#in# #ifts. +ther e5%lanations are that "arria#e %ay"ents hel% sec re la*or ri#hts, or that they %rovi!e occasions for !is%lay of social stat s. Cac4 2oo!y clai"e! that / ro%ean !o)ries )ere a )ay for fa"ilies to %ass on %re:"orte" inheritance to their !a #hters. Simi'("'8, <ee+( T('=(" +l!en* r# has clai"e! in her *oo4, P$o)ry M r!erM The 1"%erial +ri#ins of a B lt ral Bri"eD : release! last "onth at the Asia .ociety, Ne) -or4 : that in & n'a*, !o)ry )as a for" of Pstree!hanD ;)o"enDs )ealth<. $o)ry )as % t to#ether *y the *ri!e9s fe"ale relatives, %artly fro" their o)n 'e)ellery * t %artly fro" settin# asi!e ho sehol! reso rces. 7an! )as attache! to ho sehol!s an! neither "en nor )o"en )ere sole le#al o)ners of %ieces of %ro%erty. This *enefite! )o"en *eca se it #ave the" a f n! of their o)n. N t this %ractice chan#e! as colonial %olicies )ere % t into %lace. +l!en* r# conten!s that !o)ry a"on# & n'a*is ha! co""only f nctione! as a %ro%erty f n! for )o"en, (one of the fe) in!i#eno s,


instit tions






a#rarian society@, % t to#ether *y )o"en over n "ero s years, an! %ai! for thro #h a co"%le5 syste" of co"" nity reci%rocity. The colonial concern a*o t risin# !o)ry %ay"ents, infantici!e lin4e! to Hin! concerns a*o t not *ein# a*le to %ay !o)ry, an! the

atte"%t to control "arria#e e5%enses to !i"inish the i"%overish"ent attri* te! to !o)ry )ere all Psca%e#oatin#D atte"%ts that cast (Hin! c lt re@ as the %ro*le" an! ' stifie! colonial %aternalist !o"ination. +l!en* r# not only ref tes the evi!ence that infantici!e )as a hi#h:caste Hin! %ro*le" an! that !o)ry )as s !!enly e5tortionate, * t %on the colonial .tate. .he ar# es that the

t rns the c l%a*ility *ac4

#ro)in# i"%overish"ent ha! a far #reater correlation )ith colonial lan! an! reven e %olicies an! s %%ression correlate! of "o!ern )ith in! stry. the An!





constr ction of "ales as %ro%erty o)ners an! the creation of l crative )a#e 'o*s in the "ilitary. A %rofessor of history at Nar ch Bolle#e ;Bity University of Ne) -or4<, +l!en* r# e"%hasi6es that the %resent scenario *ears little rese"*lance to %re:colonial tra!itions. That the e5tre"e !eval ation of )o"en reflecte! in conte"%orary %ractices s ch as !o)ry, fe"ale infantici!e an! fe"ale fetici!e "ay *e trace! *ac4 in & n'a* to colonial %olicies. Research ;incl !in# "y o)n in P.he Bo"es to Ta4e her Ri#htsM 1n!ian ,o"en, &ro%erty an! &ro%rietyD< has in!icate! that !o)ry cannot *e treate! as e3 ivalent to )o"en9s inheritance. Unli4e the / ro%ean

case, neither is it e3 al to the share of )ealth that )o l! #o to sons, an! nor are !a #hters #iven %ro%erty in cases )here no !o)ry has *een #iven. Ar# "ents that !a #hters are c t off fro" their natal fa"ilies after "arria#e, that !o)ry (%ays off@ their share of %ro%erty, an! that sons loo4 after %arents in ol! a#e are inheritance. This se! to !eny )o"en shares of natal "a4es )o"en even "ore


!e%en!ent on "arria#e as a ro te to econo"ic sec rity, an! "a4es it li4ely that )o"en )ill tolerate a* se )ithin "arria#e. 1t "ay *e that )o"en the"selves conc r )ith !o)ry for their o)n "arria#es *eca se they 4no) they )ill receive little else fro" their %arents, as activist Ma!h ?ish)ar has fa"o sly conten!e!. N t !o)ry se or control, an! !oes not

often is not a f n! that is for their o)n have the *enefits of an inheritance %ortion.

As note! anthro%olo#ist M N .rinivas !eclare!, the conte"%orary %heno"enon of 1n!ian !o)ry "ay *e e5%laine! not in ter"s of scri%t ral conce%ts * t as a "o!ern instit tion of sho)in# off )ealth connecte! to colonial "oneti6ation of the econo"y an! to %ostcolonial #lo*ali6ation. 1t can also *e e5%laine! in ter"s of (hy%er#a"y@ )here fa"ilies see4 to "arry !a #hters to fa"ilies of hi#her stat s an! to (sans4ritisation@ )here co"" nities try to i"%rove their caste stat s *y a!o%tin# !o)ry %ractices. 7e#al !rives to *an the %ractice of !o)ry in 1n!ia have "et )ith little s ccess. The $o)ry &rohi*ition ;A"en!"ent< Act ;1FJI, 1FJH< "a4es the #ivin# an! ta4in# of !o)ry (as a con!ition of "arria#e@

% nisha*le *y la), )hile e5cl !in# (vol ntary #ifts@ : a co"*ination of %rovisions )hich "a4es for toothless sanctions. Not only "ay #ifts easily *e clai"e! as vol ntary or *e !eli*erately !istance! fro" the )e!!in# cere"ony, * t *eca se !o)ry:#ivers are %enali6e! as )ell as !o)ry: ta4ers, even those coerce! into %ay"ent are nli4ely to file clai"s.

$o)ry %ractices are th s le#ally %rosec te! lar#ely in con' nction )ith s ici!es or " r!ers connecte! to !o)ry !e"an!s or in con' nction )ith !o"estic violence or %ro%erty recovery cases often file! in

con' nction )ith !ivorces. 7e#al !irectives are *latantly i#nore! in the foc s on )ealth an! stat s acc " lation, an! the !a #hters "arrie! at all cost. The 1n!ian )o"en9s "ove"ent has a!vocate! for chan#e on a *roa!er levelM ,o"en9s or#ani6ations have insiste! that !o)ry *e vie)e! not as an isolate! %heno"enon * t in the conte5t of *roa!er #en!er s *or!ination an! the effects of ca%italist %rocesses. The foc s has *een on si" ltaneo sly %rotestin# !o)ry an! stren#thenin# clai"s for %arental inheritance. They also ca"%ai#ne! for f n!a"ental social chan#es in attit !es to)ar!s !a #hters, an! for alterin# the stat s of "arria#e as )o"en9s inevita*le fate an! sole so rce of sec rity. The 6enith of the anti:!o)ry "ove"ent )as in the 1FG0s an! 1FJ0s. The "ove"ent a%%eare! to lose stea" in the 1FF0s as )o"en9s or#ani6ations !ealt )ith a s%ate of other iss es, * t %ro*le"s relate! to !o)ry contin e! to " lti%ly. 1n .e%te"*er 2002, the All:1n!ia $e"ocratic ,o"enDs Association or#ani6e! a national )or4sho% to f rther st !y the %heno"enon an! r#ency of havin#

revitali6e the "ove"ent. ,hile "ovin# a resol tion to start a national ca"%ai#n a#ainst !o)ry, it )as reiterate! that !o)ry is f n!a"entally relate! to str ct ral ine3 alities in 1n!ian society. The foc s of refor" o #ht to *e on %ro*le"ati6in# the %ractice itself : not ' st its e5cesses : as %art of confrontin# syste"s of %atriarchal !o"ination.

A+('8)i) A+d I+te"C"et(tio+

GENERAL ASSESSMENT OF DATA AND ANALYSIS! Table-1: Educational status among different groups -o n# -o n# 2ran! Men ,o"en &arents Total /! cation No. O No. O No. O No. O No res%onse F 1.G0 35 1.GG 22 1.5I HH 1.HJ No .choolin# &ri"ary Hi#h school &re $e#ree $e#ree &ost 2ra! ation &roffessional 2ran! Total 3 0.5G 20 3.GJ 1H030.25 11521.GI 1G232.51 2F 5.IJ 21 3.FG 52F 1F 0.FH 100 5.0G H0230.5I IF325.00 IHF23.GJ 3F 1.FJ 21510.F0 G5 5.25 I1J2F.25 FG 2.IG 53J13.HF

H55I5.J3 1I1G3H.0H 133 F.31 H0 I.20 I1 2.JG 25 1.G5 GI11J.J5 G011G.JI 10F 2.GG 2H1 H.HI 100

100 1FG2

100 1I2F

100 3F30

Table-2: Occupational status of the respondents -o n# Men +cc %ation No. No res%onse A#ric lt re &rivate/2ovt. N siness Booli .elf e"%loy"ent Ho se )ife .t !ents Han! )or4 &rofessional +ther 2ran! Total O No. O No. O No. O -o n# ,o"en 2ran! Total


1G 3.22 GH 3.J5 25 1.G5 11J 3.00 3J G.1J 33 1.HG 1JG13.0G 25J H.5H IF F.2H 1I2 G.20 10J G.5H 2FF G.H2 2F 5.IJ 3 0.1H 1H 1.12 IJ 1.22 F51G.FH F1 I.H1 2051I.35 3F1 F.F5 IJ F.0G 15G G.FH 11F J.33 32I J.2I G 1.32 IJJ2I.G5 H52I5.H3 11IG2F.1F 2113F.JF G323G.12 3 0.21 FIH2I.0G 1I 2.H5 115 5.J3 I0 2.J0 1HF I.30 1G 3.21 121 H.1I I2 2.FI 1J0 I.5J I 0.GH 1I 0.G1 32 2.2I 50 1.2G 52F 100 1FG2 100 1I2F 100 3F30 100

Perceptions about ingredients of dowry

. * 3 estions of R. No.2 -o n# Men -es No -o n# ,o"en $onD $onDt t -es No 4no 4no) ) &arent s -es No $onD t 4no )

7i3 i! Bash 8i5e! $e%osits

FI.I J I.I2 1.10 F1.J2 5.G0 2.IJ JH.JJ G.H5 5.IG 51.5 21.1 G 2G.2H J IF.H3 25.0I 25.33 I3.1J 2J.JH 2G.FH 30.0 3J.H 2 31.31 G 2G.J1 2H.GI I5.I5 2H.1H 30.13 I3.G0 I2.F 2G.J 1 2F.2J 1 I1.I5 2H.HI 31.F0 35.FJ 2J.HI 35.3J HI.J 11.H 3 23.5G 0 HH.G3 20.5H 12.G1 G1.2F 13.12 15.5F JI.1 H F.5J H.2H J3.00 JJ.F 5 J.10 2.F5 F0.2H HG.0 10.J 3 22.10 G G2.GG 3G.5 1J.G G I3.H5 J IG.GJ

M t al 8 n!s

.hare an! .toc4s Marria#e /5%enses &ro%erty S Ho se, 7an! etc. +rna"ents Ho se:hol! Articles .)eet"eats Blothes for relatives an! *ri!e Co*/+ffer of Co* Arran#e"ents for hi#her st !ies Acco""o!ation an! "eetin# nee!s for a fi5e! %erio! N siness %artnershi%

F.1H 5.2H

G.JI GH.2I 10.0I 13.G2 I.IJ JG.1J 5.25 G.5G

15.FJ 11.25 G2.0I 13.1F 1I.GG 32.2F 1F.F2 IF.I0 2H.1H 2I.II

IJ.H 15.J 2 35.5I I 52.H5 2F.H2 1G.G3 5I.JG 23.5I 21.5F 5H.F 1G.H 1 25.I1 J 50.51 25.I3 2I.0H IH.1J 2H.H1 2G.21 I1.0 2I.1 G 3I.J1 3 I0.2J 31.1G 2J.5I 3J.HJ 30.0H 31.2H

I0.G 32.G 0 2H.52 J 2J.JI 2F.52 I1.H5 30.JJ 30.G3 3J.3J 5H.F 21.1 1 21.F2 J IH.I2 2I.FF 2J.5F I1.G5 2J.IF 2F.GH GF.F 3 11.05 F.02 G5.H0 13.J3 10.5G 5F.FG 1F.GF 20.2I 2 3 I

=ehicle 1

Table-3: Index calculated for finding the preferences of educational level groups to ingredients of dowry. . * 3 estions 7i3 i! Bash 8i5e! $e%osits M t al 8 n!s .hare an! .toc4s Marria#e /5%enses &ro%erty S Ho se, 7an! etc. +rna"ents Ho se:hol! Articles .)eet"eats Blothes for relatives an! *ri!e Co*/+ffer of Co* Arran#e"ents for hi#her st !ies Acco""o!ation an! "eetin# nee!s for a fi5e! %erio! N siness %artnershi% =ehicle U%to &ri"ary G2.H0 2.20 0.GF 1.I2 2G.2I 3G.IJ HF.H1 20.FI 3.31 2.J3 1.10 0.FI Hi#h school T &l s 11 GJ.HI 3.0H 0.GI 1.3F 2I.JJ 3F.H2 G2.G5 12.1F 2.I1 3.0H I.5I 1.02 &2 0 $e#ree &roffesion al J3.1G JF.G3 3.2J 2.FG 0.5G 0.5I 1.5G 1.35 10.FJ 1G.03 3I.0F GH.H0 J.FF 1.1I 1.J5 I.1I 0.G1 3H.22 J5.I1 J.11 1.0J 1.0J I.32 0.5I

0.H3 1.5G G.G2

1.25 1.53 13.02

1.2J 1.5G 30.10

0.J1 0.J1 33.2I

FI.IJO of yo n# "en, F1.J2O of yo n# )o"en an! JH.JJO of %arents hel! the vie) that cash sho l! *e treate! as #oo! !o)ry, )hile JJ.F5O of yo n# "en, F0.2HO yo n# )o"en an! JG.1JO %arents consi!ere! orna"ents as e3 ally #oo!. They %refer to #ive their #irls orna"ents than cash in han! that is "ore li4ely to *e e5%en!e! on nnecessary ite"s. 8 rther, JI.1HO of yo n# "en, J3O of yo n# )o"en an! GH.2IO of %arents s ##este! that lan!e! %ro%erties, resi!ential * il!in#s an! flats co l! *e consi!ere! as S co"%onents of !o)ry. ,here as GF.F3O of yo n# "en an! G5.H0O yo n# )o"en an! 5F.FGO %arents s %%ort vehicles as another for" of !o)ry. Ho se hol! articles an! e3 i%"ents )ere also consi!ere! as !o)ry *y these #ro %s. An in!e5 )as calc late! for each ite" to fin! o t the %reference for the ite"s to *e ta4en as !o)ry.

Table-4: Index calculated for selecting the ingredients of dowry by respondents . * 3 estions 7i3 i! Bash GG.G2 8i5e! $e%osits 1.HH M t al 8 n!s 0.F2 .hare an! .toc4s 1.IG Marria#e /5%enses 1H.3F &ro%erty S Ho se, 7an! etc. 3J.IF +rna"ents HI.HI Ho se:hol! Articles G.F2 .)eet"eats 0.F2 Blothes for relatives an! *ri!e 2.F5 Co*/+ffer of Co* 5.JF Arran#e"ents for hi#her st !ies 1.JI Acco""o!ation an! "eetin# nee!s for a fi5e! %erio! 3.HJ N siness %artnershi% 3.13 =ehicle 2H.3I 20.H5 G.F5 1G.12 1t is a ratio of in!ivi! als res%on!e! to that ite" to total n "*er of in!ivi! als e5%resse! as %ercenta#es. As "any as GG.G2O, of the total yo n# "en intervie)e!, attach %riority to !o)ry in cash, follo)e! *y !o)ry in orna"ents ;HI.HIO< an! thir!ly as ho se hol! ite"s ;3J.IFO<. The other t)o sections S yo n# )o"en an! a#e! %arents S also e5%resse! the sa"e o%inion. 1.0G 1.35 1.I5 0.J3 0.52 1.12 0.G3 1.05 0.FF 3.J0 3.3G 3.FI 2.1F 3.0G 2.H0 2.HJ 2.02 2.21 11.5I 1H.2G 12.H5 GG.GI G1.J1 G3.F2 3H.00 I0.25 3G.GF 20.IH 2H.3F 21.F1 1.I1 1.35 1.I0 0.5J 0.G5 0.HF 3.2H 2.F2 2.F3 J2.32 GI.JF GF.1H -o n# Men -o n# ,o"en 2ran! &arent Total

Table-5: Justification for demanding dowry

-o n# Men . * 3 estions -es 1t is *ri!eDs share in %arental %ro%erty To "aintain )ife for f t re life Neca se #roo"Ds sister )as %ai! !o)ry. No $onD t 4no ) -o n# ,o"en $onD t 4no ) &arent s





$onD t 4no )

10.5 G2.1 10.3 F 1G.50 1 GH.3J 12.HH 10.FH GJ.IF 10.FI G

13.G H1.J 11.F J 2H.15 G G1.12 1G.H3 11.25 G1.5F 1I.HF 2 1H.I H2.F 13.2 J 23.GH H HH.HJ 1J.12 15.20 HJ.22 15.2F F

22.2 8or e3 ality in stat s an! IH.0 20.H I 33.33 3 5F.13 1J.J5 22.02 5F.I5 1J.2F H "anifestation of stat s
To follo) tra!ition To co"%ensate e5%ense inc rre! for e! catin#/'o* of the #roo". To #et *ac4 )hat )as lost ! e to "arryin# off !a #hter/#roo"Ds sister. To set % a life of their o)n. As ri#htf l e5%en!it re for #ettin# s ch a #oo! alliance.

1H.1 HG.I 11.G 0 20.J1 F G3.02 1I.52 12.IG G0.HF 13.1F 2 25.I 3F.2 20.H 3 I0.15 3 IF.20 25.FH 2I.JI 52.H2 21.JF F

20.0 5I.5 1J.H 1 2H.JF 0 5J.GI 20.G0 20.5H H0.1F 1F.G2 F

G1.J 12.5 2 15.H5 2 G5.GI 11.HF 12.5G GH.5I F.52

13.F I 11.J I

HG.G 12.3 G 1F.JF I J0.0J 10.3J F.55 J0.21 G.F5

Table-06: Index calculated for justification of demanding dowry based on educational status . * 3 estions 1t is *ri!eDs share in %arental %ro%erty To "aintain )ife for f t re life Neca se #roo"Ds sister )as %ai! !o)ry. 8or e3 ality in stat s an! "anifestation of G.I0 stat s To follo) tra!ition To co"%ensate e5%ense inc rre! for H.H1 e! catin#/'o* of the #roo". To #et *ac4 )hat )as lost ! e to "arryin# 11.FG off !a #hter/#roo"Ds sister. To set % a life of their o)n. As ri#htf l e5%en!it re for #ettin# s ch a 3I.FH #oo! alliance. 3J.2J 33.J1 3F.1F 32.II 35.3H 2J.J2 3H.GH 10.FJ 10.I1 G.JI H.GG H.I2 F.G3 3F.53 3H.2J 3G.HH I0.2G G.F2 F.2G 12.FG U%to &ri"ary Hi#h school T $e#ree &2 0 &rofession &l s 11 al II.53 I3.3G 5F.IH










Table-07: Index calculated for justification of demanding dowry based on income . * 3 estions U I000 I000 : G000 50.I3 3I.I0 G000 : 20000 IF.03 22.5J V2000 0 I1.1J 35.2F

1t is *ri!eDs share in %arental %ro%erty I3.5F To "aintain )ife for f t re life Neca se #roo"Ds sister )as %ai! !o)ry. 8or e3 ality in stat s an! "anifestation of stat s To follo) tra!ition To co"%ensate e5%ense inc rre! for e! catin#/'o* of the #roo". To #et *ac4 )hat )as lost ! e to "arryin# off !a #hter/#roo"Ds sister. To set % a life of their o)n. As ri#htf l e5%en!it re for #ettin# s ch a #oo! alliance. 3G.22





G.JH 3H.F5

11.5I 3H.32

5.J1 I1.2F

11.GH 31.3G





11.33 3I.13

10.0I 33.55

10.FG 30.FG

3.F2 35.2F





Nine ' stification %oints )ere en "erate! *y res%on!ents for !e"an!in# !o)ry. 1n all the #ro %s to% ran4s for ' stification for !e"an!in# !o)ry )ere (*ri!eDs share in %arental %ro%erty@, (to set % a life of their o)n@ an! (ri#htf l e5%en!it re for #ettin# #oo! alliance@.

Table-08: Methods of raising money

-o n# Men . * 3 estions $onD t 4no ) -o n# ,o"en $onD t 4no ) &arent s $onD t 4no )







8ro" 2&8/1nstit tions 7oan raise! on lan! .avin#s as !e%osit/lan!/" t al

H2.I 3 1J.23 1F.3I H3.G1 12.HH 23.H2 5J.J5 1G.H2 23.5I J0.2 F 10.50 F.21 JJ.1H H.J2 5.02 JF.0H I.I2 H.52

f n!s Ai! fro" GH.H frien!s/relatives/others 1 11.23 12.15 JI.5H G.FI G.50 J1.11 H.J2 12.0G .ale of assets/#ol! $o)ry receive! for *rothers/"other .ell off 'o*/*a!#e Borr %tion/theft an! other nla)f l "eans GG.G 2 10.JG 11.I2 J2.51 J.I3 F.0H GF.31 G.5G 13.12

GH.F J F.GH 13.2H J0.F5 J.HG 10.3J G5.I1 11.02 13.5G

52.3 0 25.GJ 21.F2 5H.1H 22.G0 21.1I 5G.J0 21.3H 20.JI

35.F 1 3H.10 2G.FF 3F.3H 2J.5I 32.10 I0.F3 25.5H 33.51

2F.I G I0.52 30.02 2H.50 I1.JI 31.HH 32.01 3I.03 33.FH

Bhit f n!s Panapayatt ;.ocial "eas res<

GH.F J 10.13 12.JF J5.GJ 5.H0 J.H2 J2.31 5.F2 11.GG 53.0 I 1J.05 2J.F1 52.J5 1H.03 31.13 53.0G 1H.12 30.J1

Table-09: Index calculated for methods of raising money based on educational status Sub Due)tio+) 8ro" 2&8/1nstit tions 7oan raise! on lan! .avin#s as !e%osit/lan!/" t al f n!s Ai! fro" frien!s/relatives/others .ale of assets/#ol! $o)ry receive! for *rothers/"other .ell off 'o*/*a!#e Borr %tion/theft an! other nla)f l "eans Bhit f n!s Panapayatt ;.ocial "eas res< U%to &ri"ary 11.J1 G1.J1 Hi#h school $e#re T e &2 0 &rofession &l s 11 al 1H.31 22.I0 32.G0 G3.I5 HH.05 HF.G3





2J.35 3I.FH

31.FG 3H.FJ

20.HJ 32.10

2J.F2 I0.J1


G.GI 2.I1

H.J5 2.2J

J.3J 0.J1

2.J3 IH.GG

2.JG I1.H1

2.1I 3H.F5

3.GJ 3J.F2





Table-10:. Index calculated for methods of raising money based on income . * 3 estions 8ro" 2&8/1nstit tions 1H.03 7oan raise! on lan! G3.H3 .avin#s as !e%osit/lan!/" t al f n!s 2J.GF Ai! fro" frien!s/relatives/others 30.1J .ale of assets/#ol! 3G.02 $o)ry receive! for *rothers/"other G.GF .ell off 'o*/*a!#e 2.0J Borr %tion/theft an! other nla)f l "eans 2.JH Bhit f n!s I2.2F Panapayatt ;.ocial "eas res< 11.53 11.G5 15.IJ 5.JJ There )ere ten "etho!s o%inione! *y res%on!ents for raisin# "oney for !o)ry. All #ro %s %referre! to (loan raise! on lan!@ as the first "etho! for raisin# "oney. The other to% ran4e! "etho!s )ere (*y )ay of chit f n!s@ an! (fro" frien!s/relatives@ for raisin# "oney. The e5tent of %revalence of !o)ry )as analyse! an! in the case of reli#ion, Hin! association ;non si#nificant< )hile sin# - leDs Boefficient 3F.GI I0.H5 3F.22 2.FF 3.JG 3.F2 2.5H 3.JG 5.JJ J.55 3.23 F.J0 32.HF 3I.1F 2G.I5 2H.2J 1J.G1 1G.H5 35.IG 3I.1F 35.2F HG.F5 5H.13 IG.0H 2H.F2 23.JG 25.IF I000 : U I000 G000 G000 : 20000 V2000 0

res%on!ents sho)e! a ne#ative

Bhristian res%on!ents an! M sli" res%on!ents sho)e! a %ositive association ;non si#nificant<. 1n all the #ro %s, hi#her e! cation an! %reference for !o)ry )as fo n! %ositively relate!. The %ossi*le reason co l! *e attit !e to)ar!s the !o)ry %reference in the case of yo n# "en an! yo n# )o"en )o l! *e re%resentatin# a )e! *ase! !e"an! to "aintain the hi#her livin# stan!ar! at %ar )ith the hi#her e! cational level. The sa"e )as fo n! tr e in the attit !e of the e! cate! %arents also. ;here the - leDs Boefficient is 0.3H for e! cate!<. As o*vio s fro" the ta*le ;the !ata %rovi!e! *y the "arria#e * rea <, the hi#hly e! cate! can!i!ates an! their %arents !o loo4 for)ar! to alliances of the sa"e stan!ar!, in e! cation, in financial sec rity an! in social stat s. 1f a yo n# "an an! a yo n# )o"an ha%%ene! to *e in love affair an! #ot in the )e! loo4 *y "arria#e )itho t any !e"an! of !o)ry, there is every li4elihoo! of a cala"ity an! catastro%hic en! in their "arrie! life. - leDs Boefficient of association )as )or4e! o t se%arately for yo n# "en, yo n# )o"en an! %arents in !ifferent inco"e #ro %s. oung men ! women" 1n the case of lo)er inco"e #ro %s, a %ositive association ;0.33< )as fo n! *et)een the lo):inco"e #ro % an! %reference of !o)ry )here as a ne#ative association )as fo n! in the case of "i!!le an! hi#her inco"e #ro %s of yo n# "en. This clearly in!icates that lo)er inco"e

#ro % has #ot a ten!ency for the %reference of !o)ry )hereas it )as not e5istin# in the case of "i!!le an! hi#h inco"e #ro %s. Parents" The coefficient of association )or4e! o t for %arentDs attit !e to)ar!s !o)ry on the *asis of inco"e sho)e! that a %ositive association )as fo n! for lo) inco"e an! hi#h inco"e #ro %s. N t in the case of "i!!le inco"e %arents, the coefficient )as ne#ative )hich sho)s that the %reference for !o)ry in this #ro %s )as !ifferent. &ositive association )as fo n! in the #ro %s of * siness "en an! %rofessionals )hile other #ro %s sho)e! no si#nificant association )hich in!icates that the * siness "en an! %rofessionals !o !iffer in their vie)s. Un!erstan! the social, c lt ral an! historical *ac4#ro n!s )hich n rt re! the syste" of %ay"ent of !o)ry in ?erala $ rin# this %ro'ect %erio!, Cananeethi ha! visite! all the 1I !istricts of ?erala .tate, an! con! cte! 8oc s 2ro % $isc ssion at vario s centres in each !istrict. The !isc ssions )ere hel! *ase! on 3 estions ans)ers of )hich )ill reflect the social, c lt ral an! historical reasons an! !i"ensions of the e5istin# !o)ry syste". The 3 estions )ere for" late! )ith an ass "%tions that !o)ry )as *ein# %ractice!. The follo)in# )ere the 3 estions. )hat ha%%ene! to the !o)ry ;incl !in# cash, che3 e, %ro%erty, * il!in#s, f rnit re, vehicles an! other #oo!s< an! ho) )as it se! / a%%ro%riate!A ,ere yo cons lte! )ith res%ect to its a%%ro%riationA

The % r%ose of the 3 estion )as to ascertain )hether the consent of the )o"an )as o*taine! *efore a%%ro%riatin# her !o)ry a"o nt. This is very i"%ortant *eca se in "a'ority cases, the )o"an !oes not have any sta4e on her !o)ry. An! she has no PsayD )ith res%ect to the a%%ro%riation of the !o)ry. Here, )o"en *elon# to fo r #ro %s S ;1< ;2< ;3< ;I< No a)areness an! no consentL 1s a)are of, * t !oes not #ive consentL 1s a)are of, * t consent )as o*taine! *y coersive "etho!sL =ery )ell a)are of an! free consent )as #iven *y concerne!

)o"an in f ll a#ree"ent of the reasons lea!in# to a%%ro%riation of !o)ry. The trainin#, the fa"ily val es i"%arte! to yo n# #eneration *y the or!er ones, the reli#ions a!"onitions, the tra!itional %ractices an! the conse3 ent "in! S set of )o"en in ?erala )ere e5%ose! ! rin# this s rvey. Al"ost all S "ore than F0O : )o"en !o *elieve that the h s*an! or his fa"ily has a*sol te ri#ht over their !o)ry an! that they co l! a%%ro%riate it, then )hy they )ant to !o a)ay )ith it. Therefore )o"en, a%%arently, have no co"%laints, )hat so ever. 1t a%%ears that they have a%%rove! the a*sol te a thority of their "en co nter%art over their !o)ry.

Nat rally, this as%ect )as a#ain !e*ate! in the 82$s )here the res%on!ents )ere as4e! their 3 estionsM ;i< To )ho" !oes the !o)ry ;cash / che3 e / lan!e! %ro%erty /

co"%any share etc< *elon#A ;ii< To )ho" !oes the *o!y of the )o"an in "arria#e *elon#A

Herself, her h s*an!any otherA ;This also contains the 3 estion )hether a )o"an has the ri#ht / free!o" to say PN+D to her h s*an! )ho "a4es a se5 al !e"an! to her. ;iii< $oes the h s*an! have the a thority to re%ri"an! / % nish /

%enali6e his )ife )ith or )ith o t reasonA The social res%onses to)ar!s "arria#es, )here !o)ry is not %ai! are ta* late!

HYPOTHESIS .everal theories have *een a!vance! to e5%lain )hy the "i!!le an! lo)er classes in 1n!ia re%lace! the c sto" of *ri!e %rice )ith the !o)ry syste". .o"e s ##est that it )as an atte"%t *y lo)er casts to e" late hi#her castes. $o)ry %ay"ent *eca"e a stat s sy"*ol, one that *esto)e! #reater res%ecta*ility on the *ri!e an! her fa"ily an! increase! the li4elihoo! of the *ri!e ("arryin# %@. 1t contin es to!ay *eca se of caste:relate!

syste"s of )ealth !is%ersion. Another hy%othesis conten!s that the interrelate! infl ences of colonialis" an! the rise of a "ale: !o"inate! "ar4et econo"y le! to the !eval ation of )o"en, )ho lost their %ro! ctive )orth. +thers cite !e"o#ra%hic shifts in .o th Asia as a %ossi*le reason for the chan#e. Re! ctions in overall "ortality that *e#an a*o t H0 years a#o have res lte! in there *ein# "ore yo n# %eo%le than ol! in the re#ion. Neca se )o"en are li4ely to "arry at a yo n#er a#e than "en, there is a s r%l s of "arria#ea*le )o"en. 1ncreasin#ly inflate! !o)ry %ay"ents are so"eti"es si5 ti"es the *ri!eDs fa"ilyDs ann al inco"e. These !o)ries no) f nction as a #roo" %rice S a "eans for yo n# )o"en to co"%ete for res%ecta*le h s*an!s. Accor!in# to this hy%othesis,

recent !eclines in fertility an! increases in se5:selective a*ortions sho l! reverse the tren! of escalatin# !o)ries over ti"e an! "ay even res lt in a ret rn to *ri!e %rice as the shorta#e of eli#i*le )o"en an! #irls res lts in "en co"%etin# for )ives.@

CONCLUSION /li"ination of !o)ry an! of the ne#ative i"%act it

i"%resses on 1n!ian social )elfare re3 ires a t)ofol! syste" of %olicies. 8irstly, the !o"estic violence, " r!er, an! fe"ale infantici!e that res lt fro" the !o)ry tra!ition " st *e a*olishe! thro #h increase! enforce"ent of le#al %rovisions s ch as those in the $o)ry &rohi*ition Act of 1FH1. Ny vehe"ently %rosec tin# an! convictin# %er%etrators of !o)ry violence, the e5%ecte! % nish"ent co l! *e increase! eno #h to offset the *enefits of co""ittin# s ch !o)ry: relate! cri"e, there*y re! cin# the overall fre3 ency of occ rrence. .econ!ly, #iven that cri"es relate! to !o)ry are roote! in !o"inant 1n!ian social, reli#io s, an! i!eolo#ical forces, the co"%lete era!ication of !o)ry can only *e attaine! )hen these social an! reli#io s attit !es are force! to chan#e. 1t has *een e5a"ine! in this %a%er that the t)o %ri"ary ca ses of !o)ry are the e5cess s %%ly of )o"en in the 1n!ian "arria#e "ar4et "ar4et s%ecific an! the syste"atic *y n!er:acc " lation )o"en that ca ses of a

h "an


!iscre%ancy in "arital #ains for "en an! )o"en. 1n or!er to sto% the %er%et ation of the !o)ry tra!ition an! its associate! social

ills, the relative #ains fro" "arria#e for "en an! )o"en " st first *e e3 ali6e!. This can only *e acco"%lishe! thro #h a f n!a"ental shift in 1n!ian social attit !es a*o t *oth "arria#e an! )o"en. &erce%tions a*o t a%%ro%riate roles for )o"en " st evolve to incl !e e! cation an! e"%loy"ent, the c rrent re3 ire"ent that *ri!es s rren!er all f t re assets to in:la)s " st *e chan#e! so that %arents can !e%en! on !a #hters as )ell as sons in their ol! a#e, an! finally, the #overn"ent " st n!erta4e s staine! action

to %revent e"%loy"ent an! )a#e !iscri"ination a#ainst )o"en in the la*or "ar4et. Unfort nately, there is an enor"o s %erio! of la# ti"e *et)een the ti"e )hen calls for social chan#e are act ally "a!e an! the ti"e )hen societal *eliefs an! c sto"s act ally *e#in to transfor". To!ay, !o)ry contin es to *e a socially acce%te! an! rational o tco"e of the c rrent 1n!ian "arria#e "ar4et. Tr e %ro#ress in the eli"ination of the !o)ry syste" )ill only co"e thro #h en!eavors a*o t to the create ne#ative a)areness effects of a"on# !o)ry, 1n!ian thro #h

co"" nities

%ro#ra"s an! #overn"ent sanctions that en!orse e! cation an! e"%loy"ent for )o"en of all a#es, an! thro #h a f n!a"ental chan#e in the attit !es of 1n!ian %eo%les.

SUGGESTION Bo"e festivals li4e $i)ali or Holi, an! the %arents of the !a #hter floo! her in:la)s )ith #ifts. 1f #ifts are e5%ecte! : yo r !a #hter is "arrie! into the )ron# fa"ily. 1f s ch #ivin# is self:inflicte!, yo Dre "a4in# a "ista4e. 2ive a to4en %resent to yo r !a #hter. 1f yo )ant to #ive her so"ethin# "ore, !o so, * t !on9t feel receive to her in:

%ress re! to #ive anythin# "ore than yo la)s. -o

!on9t nee! to if yo r !a #hter is ha%%ily "arrie! an! has

a s %%ortive h s*an! : so $+N9T. 2et serio s a*o t yo r !a #hter9s e! cation.

/nco ra#e her to have a career of her o)n, no "atter )hat yo r financial stan!in#. +ne of the reasons %arents of the *oy as4 for !o)ry, is that they often e5%ect that their son )ill *e earnin# an! s %%ortin# the )ife, an! it is only fair that she contri* te so"e)hat to)ar!s the ho sehol! *y )ay of !o)ry. 1f yo r !a #hter is e! cate! an! has as #oo! a career as her h s*an! to *e, yo Dve #ot a stron# ste% in yo r favo r.



Jou"+(')! 1. 2. 3. I. 5. H. 1. 2. 3. I. 5. H. $iary of &olitical /vents. 8rontline 1n!ia to!ay + tloo4 &olitics 1n!ia The 7in4. 8ree &ress Co rnal Hin! stan Ti"es The 1n!ian /5%ress National Heral! The Hin! The Ti"es of 1n!ia

Ne=) P(Ce")!

I+te"+et! 1. 2. 3. 4. )))" ))).*olo'" )))" htt%M//s *site.ic .ac.'%


R:2 ,hich for"s of $o)ry .yste" are yo a)are ofA 1. 2est ral 2. .e5 al 3. &hysical I. Any other

R:3 Have yo ha! any %ersonal e5%erience a*o t $o)ryA a. 1n -o r fa"ily *. Nearest Nei#h*or R:I ,here have yo )itnesse! $o)ryA ;&ersonal or other)ise< a. .ociety *. 8a"ily R:5 ,hat is reason *ehin! $o)ry accor!in# to yo A a. 2ift *. Nrive b. .ho) off c. ,ealth for 2irl R:H $o yo s %%ort !o)ry in the na"e of s"artnessA a. A#ree *. Not A#ree R:G ,hat is yo r vie) a*o t the fact that $o)ry sho l! *e allo)e! n!er so"e li"itationsA a. .ociety *. Reli#ion R:J ,hat role can society %lay in sto%%in# $o)ryA a. /! catin# *. Mass Me!ia R:F ,hat role can yo %lay in sto%%in# $o)ryA

R:10 ,hat are the *roa! ter"s an! con!itions ne#otiate!/!isc sse! for #ettin# yo r !a #hter "arrie!A a. $o)ry c. !o)er ;"eher< *. &ro%erty

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