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Draft as June 2013

MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND SURFAID INTERNATIONAL ON PROMOTION OF COMMUNITY HEALTH AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT & RESPONSE Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, hereinafter referred to as MOH, and SurfAid International, hereinafter referred to as SurfAid, hereinafter jointly referred to as The Parties NOTING that SurfAid is an international non!"o#ern$ental or"ani%ation &I'(O) that is non! sectarian, non political and non!profit non!profit or"ani%ation *hose ai$ is to i$pro#e the health, *ellbein" and self!reliance of people li#in" in isolated re"ions connected throu"h surfin"+ ACKNOWLEDGING the fruitful cooperation bet*een the Parties *hich *as for$ed based upon the Me$orandu$ of ,nderstandin" on Pro$otion of -o$$unity Health and .isaster Mana"e$ent / Response, si"ned in 0a1arta on 'o#e$ber 23, 4525 that has been e6pired DESIRING to continue the cooperation bet*een the Parties in the i$pro#e$ent of co$$unity health status, especially related to pro$ote co$$unity health and disaster $ana"e$ent / response pro"ra$s PURSUANT TO the pre#ailin" la*s and re"ulations of the Republic of Indonesia and Indonesian (o#ern$ent policies and procedures concernin" international technical cooperation HAVE REACHED the follo*in" understandin"7 ARTICLE 1 OBJECTIVE OF COOPERATION

Draft as June 2013

The objecti#e of this Me$orandu$ of ,nderstandin" &MO,) is to continue co!operation bet*een the Parties to7 a+ establish cooperation bet*een MOH and SurfAid in de#elopin" projects related to the Pro$otion of -o$$unity Health and .isaster Mana"e$ent / Response *hich *ill stren"then the capacity of e6istin" health deli#ery syste$ and the need of local co$$unities and, b+ i$pro#e the health status, *elfare and self reliance of co$$unities in re$ote and isolated areas *ith a lin1 to surfin"+

ARTICLE 2 SCOPE OF COOPERATION The Parties a"ree to i$ple$ent pro"ra$s in *ith scope of cooperation concernin" the Pro$otion of co$$unity health and disaster $ana"e$ent / response follo* the priorities as deri#in" fro$ the health Millenniu$ .e#elop$ent (oals &M.() and (o#ern$ent of Indonesia &(OIs) priorities in deli#erin" health ser#ices and Pro$1es priorities for health pro$otion on7 &2) Mother and -hild Health &4) 8ater and sanitation 9 -lean and healthy li#in" &PH:S) &;) 'utrition &<) Iinfectious diseases &3) =$po*erin" co$$unities and encoura"e the efforts of co$$unity!based sur#eillance, e$er"ency health and disaster $ana"e$ent and en#iron$ental health &,>:M)

ARTICLE 3 LOCATION OF ACTIVITIES 2+ The Parties a"ree to i$ple$ent pro"ra$s stated in Article 4 at7 &2) Pro#ince 8est Su$atra, .istrict Menta*ai Islands &4) Pro#ince 'orth Su$atra, 'ias Islands , &;) Pro#ince .I Aceh, .istrict Sin"1il (until 2014) &<) Pro#ince 8est 'usa Ten""ara, Su$ba*a .istrict :i$a, &3) Pro#ince 'orth Malu1u, .istrict Morotai or Hal$ahera Ten"ah, pending funding &?) Pro#ince 8est 'usa Ten""ara, Su$ba Island &@) Other areas in Indonesia in consultation *ith the MOH as lon" as such area are consistent *ith the philosophy of SurfAid of assistin" in hi"h ris1 natural disaster

Draft as June 2013

areas or *here and local populations suffer fro$ diseases, $alnutrition and disease outbrea1 threat, connected to SurfAid throu"h Surfin"+ 4+ Any chan"e of location of acti#ities shall be a"reed in *ritin" by the Parties ARTICLE 4 E ECUTING AGENCY Aor the i$ple$entation of this MO,7 &2)+ MOH appoints the -enter of Health Pro$otion &hereinafter referred to as Pro$1es)+ &4)+ SurfAid International appoints SurfAid Representati#e Office in Indonesia &hereinafter referred to as SurfAid Indonesia)+

ARTICLE ! PROGRAM DIRECTION &2)+ SurfAid Indonesia and Pro$1es shall prepare a Pro"ra$ .irection, containin" pro"ra$ focus, pro"ra$ scope, pro"ra$ fundin", the locations for pro"ra$ i$ple$entation, $echanis$s of i$ple$entation, $onitorin" and e#aluation, reportin" and publication, as *ell as conclusion+ The Pro"ra$ .irection shall constitute an inte"ral part of this MO, as an anne6+ &4)+ All pro"ra$s to be i$ple$ented under this MO, shall be in line *ith the national and re"ional de#elop$ent strate"ies of MOH+ &;)+ The details of pro"ra$s shall be for$ulated in the Master Plan+

ARTICLE " PLAN OF OPERATION &2)+ &4)+ SurfAid shall prepare and sub$it a Master Plan containin" o#erall three!year pro"ra$s to MOH to "et appro#al+ SurfAid, facilitated by MOH, $ay consult *ith Bocal (o#ern$ent and9or other related a"encies in preparin" an Annual Action Plan containin" the o#erall annual action plan of acti#ities+ &;)+ The Master Plan and Annual Action Plan shall be a"reed upon by the Parties+

Draft as June 2013


a. Aacilitate the Bocal (o#ern$ent and SurfAid in for$ulatin" the Annual Action Plan
*hen reCuired+ b+ Monitor and to e#aluate the i$ple$entation of the pro"ra$ acti#ities described *ithin this MO, in cooperation *ith related Indonesian "o#ern$ent institutions+ c+ Aacilitate SurfAid Indonesia in arran"in" the #isa, *or1in" per$it, stay per$it, entry and re!entry per$it for $a6i$u$ of ; &three) SurfAid Indonesia forei"n staff+ The issuance of per$its shall be in accordance *ith the pre#ailin" la*s and re"ulations of the Republic of Indonesia+ d+ Aacilitate SurfAid in obtainin" custo$s and ta6 e6e$ption facilities in accordance *ith the pre#ailin" Indonesian la*s and re"ulations+ e+ ,se the assistant strictly for the purpose and objecti#e of the Pro"ra$ f+ Re"ister the receipt of the financial assistance throu"h the -enter for International -ooperation, attention to the .irectorate of =#aluation, Accountin" and Settle$ent of the Ministry of Ainance "+ Reco"ni%e SurfAid in its capacity as a non!"o#ern$ental or"ani%ation+ Aor fundin" of the pro"ra$s $entioned in this Me$orandu$ of ,nderstandin" SurfAid depends on ;rd parties, includin" "o#ern$ents outside of Indonesia, foundations and pri#ate donors+ SurfAidDs deli#ery capacity is dependent on these fundin" arran"e$ents and SurfAid needs to co$ply *ith the reCuire$ents of its fundin" contracts+ 4+ SurfAid shall7 a+ b+ c+ -o$ply *ith all applicable la*s and re"ulations in Indonesia+ I$ple$ent all pro"ra$s that ha#e been $utually a"reed under this MO,+ Pro#ide necessary fundin", eCuip$ent and facilities for the i$ple$entation of all pro"ra$s, and pro#ide forei"n e6perts only if Indonesian e6perts are not a#ailable, *ithin the fra$e*or1 of transfer of 1no*led"e and technolo"y to local staffs and

Draft as June 2013

co$$unities in accordance *ith the pre#ailin" la*s and re"ulations of Republic of Indonesia+ d+ e+ Prioriti%e the use of locally $ade and en#iron$ental friendly products for all eCuip$ent and $aterials used in the i$ple$entation of the pro"ra$ acti#ities+ Pro#ide trainin" and technical assistance in the i$ple$entations of the pro"ra$s *hich are focused on co$$unity and buildin" the capacity of hu$an resources as *ell as the *elfare of the beneficiaries+ f+ "+ h+ i+ j+ 1+ l+ Bi$it the nu$ber of forei"n staff in the $ana"e$ent structure as $any as ; &three) persons+ Ha#e a representati#e office in 0a1arta+ ReCuire all forei"n hu$an po*er resources of SurfAid Indonesia to follo* orientation held by the MOH+ ReCuire all forei"n staff of SurfAid to co$ply *ith i$$i"ration re"ulations relatin" to per$its and forei"ners $onitorin" procedure+ Maintain IndonesiaDs "ood i$a"e in the International foru$ and refrain fro$ publishin" any ne"ati#e infor$ation that $ay da$a"e Indonesian reputation+ -oordinate *ith the MOH re"ardin" any national or international publication on Indonesia initiated by SurfAid Indonesia+ :e responsible for all reasonable e6penses pre#iously a"reed in *ritin" accordin" to SurfAid Indonesia accountin" procedures for orientation, $onitorin" and e#aluation of the project conducted by MOH to"ether *ith related institutions+ $+ -onsult and coordinate *ith the MOH and Bocal (o#ern$ent as *ell as related institution to ensure a s$ooth pro"ra$ i$ple$entation+ n+ o+ Sub$it annual pro"ress reports to MOH throu"h Pro$1es and if dee$ed necesarry any additional reports+ Appropriately place the MOH lo"o on e#ery pro"ra$ board, annual report and all type of publication+ ARTICLE $ LIMITATION ON THE ACTIVITIES OF SURFAID INDONESIA AND ITS PERSONNEL &2)+ SurfAid assures that its acti#ities and staff assi"ned in their official status under this MO,, shall7 a+ Obser#e, respect and co$ply *ith the la*s and re"ulations, as *ell as policies of the (o#ern$ent of the Republic of Indonesia+ b+ :e in line *ith Indonesian national interest+

Draft as June 2013

c+ Respect the inte"rity, political freedo$ and so#erei"nty of the ,nitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and refrain fro$ supportin" any separatist $o#e$ents+ d+ Respect the custo$s, traditions, culture, reli"ions, and beliefs of the local co$$unity+ e+ Refrain fro$ in#ol#in" in any intelli"ence9clandestine acti#ities+ f+ Refrain fro$ en"a"in" in any political and co$$ercial acti#ities+ "+ Refrain fro$ conductin" any reli"ious and or belief propa"ation that potentially sabota"e the reli"ious har$ony stability condition in Indonesia+ h+ Refrain fro$ conductin" funds raisin" acti#ities fro$ indi#iduals or local or"ani%ations in Indonesia to support its pro"ra$s and acti#ities+

i. 'ot usin" the facilities of (o#ern$ent Institutions and Bocal (o#ern$ent for
acti#ities other than appro#ed under this MO,+ j+ Refrain fro$ doin" acti#ities other than appro#ed under this MO, &4)+ Any #iolation of the abo#e pro#isions $ay result in the re#ocation of the per$its of the concerned person and or acti#ities and other $easures reCuired by the pre#ailin" la*s and re"ulations of the Republic of Indonesia as *ell as Indonesian (o#ern$ent Policies+ ARTICLE % STATUS OF E&UIPMENT AND MATERIALS SUPPORTER &2)+ =Cuip$ent and $aterials pro#ided9purchased by the SurfAid to support the i$ple$entation of the pro"ra$ shall be used solely for the purpose of the i$ple$entation of the pro"ra$+ &4)+ =Cuip$ent held9purchased and placed by SurfAid durin" the pro"ra$ are o*ned by the .onor after the e6piration of the fundin" for SurfAid, .onor *ith SurfAid Indonesia and Ministry of Health *ill re#ie* the status of the eCuip$ent, in accordance *ith the .onor contract+ &;)+ If there is a chan"e of purpose and or abolition of the eCuip$ent and $aterials before co$pletion of the pro"ra$, then it shall be discussed *ith and appro#ed by MOH+ &<)+ After the co$pletion of the pro"ra$, disposal of the ta6 e6e$pted eCuip$ent and $aterials shall be discussed and a"reed by The Parties+ &3)+ The said handin" o#er of the $aterials and eCuip$ent shall be docu$ented in a Hando#er Minutes+

Draft as June 2013

ARTICLE 1' CORESPONDENCE Any notice, report, reCuest, appro#al, consent and other co$$unication reCuired or per$itted under this MO, shall be $ade in *ritin", deli#ered in person, and sent by re"istered $ail, e$ail, or by facsi$ile trans$ission to the Parties respecti#ely at the follo*in" addresses7 M()(*+,- ./ H012+3 ./ +30 R04562(7 ./ I)8.)0*(1 C0)+0, /., H012+3 P,.9.+(.) 0alan HR Rasuna Said :loc1 E3 >a# <!F, 243F5 Indonesia Aa6 no7 542 ! 344244< =$ail7 ++++ --7 -enter for International -ooperation Aa6 no7 &542) 342<G@5 =!$ail7 pusat+1slnH"$ail+co$ S5,/A(8 : I)8.)0*(1 Ta$an >o$ple1 Setia :udi Indah :lo1 II 'o+ ;; 0alan Setia :udi, Medan, 'orth Su$atra 45244 Aa67 &5?2) G44?G3@ =!$ail7 ad$inHsurfaidinternational+or" &Any chan"e of address shall be infor$ed to the MOH)

ARTICLE 12 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES Any dispute concernin" the interpretation and9or application of this MO, shall be settled a$icably throu"h consultation or ne"otiation bet*een The Parties+ ARTICLE 13 AMENDMENT &2)+ This MO, $ay be a$ended at any ti$e by $utual *ritten consent of The Parties+

Draft as June 2013

&4)+ Such a$end$ent or re#ision shall co$e into force on the date as $ay be deter$ined by the Parties+ ARTICLE 14 ENTRY INTO FORCE; DURATION AND TERMINATION &2)+ This MO, shall enter into force on the date of its si"nin", shall be effecti#e for a period of three years, and $ay be e6tended by $utual *ritten consent of the Parties+ &4)+ =ither party $ay ter$inate this MO, at any ti$e by sendin" a *ritten notification to the other Party at least ? &si6) $onths prior to the intended date of ter$ination+ &;)+ In the e#ent that this MO, is ter$inated, the SurfAid Indonesia shall co$plete on!"oin" acti#ities under this MO, no later than ; &three) $onths after the ter$ination date, unless the Parties decide other*ise+

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersi"ned, ha#e si"ned this MO,+ MADE in duplicate at 0a1arta on the day of in the year in Indonesian

and =n"lish lan"ua"es, both of the te6t bein" eCually authentic+ In case of any di#er"ence of interpretation, the Indonesian te6ts shall pre#ail+


S5,/A(8 I)8.)0*(1

8,< L(2- S< S52(*+-.=1+(; MM H018 ./ +30 C0)+0, ./ H012+3 P,.9.+(.)

A))0 W5(>+* C.5)+,- D(,07+., ./ S5,/A(8 I)8.)0*(1

Draft as June 2013


Acti#ities that *ill be conducted in the ne6t ; years7 &for details see Matri6 Master Plan) 1< P,.A,19B M.+30, 1)8 C3(28 H012+3 : EHOWU a+ Objecti#eB I$pro#in" $aternal and child health status in Hiliduho Sub .istrict, 'ias Indu1 .istrict b+ Outco$e7 Outco$e 2+ I$pro#in" Posyandu le#el in each of the 2; #illa"es of Hiliduho sub! district Outco$e 4+ I$pro#ed co$$unity 1no*led"e and practi#es on M-H and sanitation Outco$e ;+ =ffecti#e Pus1es$as support for basic M-H acti#ities at Posyandu c+ Main acti#ities7 &2) &4) &;) &<) &3) &?) &@) &G) &F) Posyandu 1aders selection in 2; #illa"es -oachin" and trainin" for selected 1aders Aacilitatin" Posyandu i$ple$entation re"ularly Aacilitatin" technical assistance Pus1es$as to Posyandu 1aders+ In#entory basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterials for Posyandu+ -oordination $eetin" Pus1es$as and .in1es for listin" Posyandu basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterial Procure$ent anthropo$etry and Posyandu basic eCuip$ent+ .e#elop a culture of routine contribution for Posyandu .e#elop a culture of auction for Posyandu fundraisin"

&25) I$ple$entation >aderDs .ay in for$ of co$petition+ &22) Iisit a$on" outstandin" 1aders inside or outside 'ias+ &24) .ocu$entary #ideo $a1in" for Posyandu acti#ities &2;) Iideo screenin" for health $essa"es in co$$unity &2<) Identifyin" P>>, Reli"ious leader, -o$$unity leader and T:A to be an healhty $essa"ers &23) -onductin" *or1hop and trainin" for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader dan T:A

Draft as June 2013

&2?) Procure$ent I=- $aterials for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader and T:A &2@) Aocused "rup special tas1for$+ &2G) Re"ular coo1in" class &2F) Iilla"e $eetin" to en"a"e *ater facilities constuction in e#ery #illa"e &45) 8ater facilities construction by co$$unity+ Pelatihan 1onstru1si air bersih &42) =stablishin" *ater co$$ittee &44) Aacilitatin" health staff trainin" &4;) Aacilitatin" establish$ent Po1janal &4<) Aacilitatin" re"ular $eetin" Po1janal d+ Ouputs7 o I$pro#e 42 Posyandu le#el in Hiliduho sub!district o 3 1aders selected, acti#e and *ell trained in each Posyandu+ o :asic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable and $id*i#e!1it for e#ery $id*i#e+ o Posyandu is able to independenly fundriase for Posyandu operational cost+ o -onductin" $ini$u$ 2 J>ader .ayJ celebration in for$ of co$petition o Iisit a$on" outstandin" 1aders fro$ inside or outside 'ias+ o ; $e$bers of each "roup9#illa"e as the M-H $essa"ers consists of P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader, Iilla"e "o#ern$ent, and T:A o =stablish 2 focused "roup to support the M-H ser#ices in each #illa"e+ o Pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plan o -lean *ater a#ailability supportin" M-H acti#itiy in 2; #illa"es in Hiliduho subdistrict o =stablish$ent 2 *ater co$$itte in each #illa"e o 8ell!trained Pus1es$as staff to support M-H o -onductin Po1janal Posyandu $eetin" at district and sub!district le#el $ini$u$ t*o ti$es a year+ e+ Schedule &date of acti#ities)7 4F 0une 4524 K ;5 'o#e$ber 452< f+ Tar"et "roup7 $others and children under fi#e, husbands, $other in la*, reli"ious leader, co$$unity leaders, $id*i#es, health staff Pus1es$as, 1aders, Po1janal, Po1ja Posyandu+

Draft as June 2013

"+ Bocation7 +Pro#ince 'orth Su$atra, .istrict 'ias, Sub!district Hiliduho7 all #illa"es &2; #illa"es) h+ ,nit9Bocal Partner7 AOR'IHA for establishin" #illa"e re"ulation i+ Success indicators7 42 Posyandu le#el7
P.*-1)85 L0C02 Prata$a Madya Purna$a Mandiri B1*02()0 2 ? 2< 5 E)82()0 5 5 2? 3

Mini$u$ 3 acti#e and trained Posyandu 1aders 'u$bers of anthropo$etry tools and basic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable in each Posyandu
P.*-1)85 0D5(490)+ ! Steelyard ! Meter ! BIBA &upper ar$ $easure paper) ! :u1u >IA &>IA boo1) ! :u1u pencatatan Posyandi &record boo1s) ! Plan" Posyandu &Posyandu si"n) ! Alat per$ainan edu1atif &AP=) B1*02()0 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! E)82()0 255L 255L 255L 2555 42 42 42

2 $id*i#e 1it for each $id*i#e < Posyandu able to funds their operational cost independently -onductin" 2 >aderDs .ay celebration in for$ of co$petition+ 2 #isit a$on"st outstandin" 1aders #isit ; $e$bers in each "roup9#illa"e as M-H $essa"er that is ca$es fro$ P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader, Iilla"e "o#ern$ent, and Traditional birth attendant 2 focused "roup to support M-H in e#ery #illa"e+ G5L pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plannin"9 rencana 1esehatan 1eluar"a &R>>) 255 *ater facilities in 2; #illa"es in Hiliduho!subdistrict 2 *ell!trained *ater co$$ittee in each #illa"e 8ell trained Pus1es$as staff to support M-H acti#ities in each #illa#e77

Draft as June 2013

T-40 ./ +,1()()A a+ AP' b+ Mana"e$ent Posyandu c+ Mana"e$en Pus1es$as B1*02()0 ! ! ! E)82()0 @ people 45 people 45 people

4 Po1janal Posyandu $eetin" in district and subdistrict j+ :ud"et7 =sti$ated for ; years I.R 4,34<,@55,FG2 &Subject to chan"e due to =6chan"e Rate) 2< P,.A,19B L.)A T0,9 P.*+ T*5)19( C.995)(+- R07.C0,- : SESE a+ Objecti#e7 to i$pro#e the health status of $other and child for 2F tsuna$i!affected co$$unities in South Pa"ai and South Sipora Menta*ai Islands b+ Outco$e7 Outco$e 27 I$pro#ed hy"iene and sanitation practices in each tar"et co$$unity Outco$e 47 I$pro#ed access to and Cuality of co$$unity health ser#ices in each tar"et co$$unity Outco$e ;7 I$pro#ed nutritional status and preparedness for co$$ercial acti#ities throu"h establish$ent of sustainable #e"etable "ardens and s$all! scale chic1en practices in each tar"et co$$unity c+ Main acti#ities7 2+ 4+ ;+ <+ 3+ ?+ @+ G+ F+ Aacilitatin" co$$unity on *ater facilities construction in 2F ha$lets in South Pa"ai and South Sipora =stablish or re!acti#ate 2 *ater co$$itte in each #illa"e+ Tri"errin" co$$unity $a1e their o*n latrine+ Hand *ashin" ca$pai"n in @@< households in tar"et co$$unity throu"h schools, Posyandu acti#ities and co$$unity $eetin"+ Selectin" Posyandu 1aders in 2F ha$lets -oachin" and traini" for selected Posyandu 1aders Aacilitatin" Posyandu i$ple$entation re"ularly Aacilitatin" technical assistance fro$ Pus1es$as staff to Posyandu 1aders Aacilitatin" Po1janal Posyandu $eetin" at district and sub!district le#el $ini$u$ t*o ti$es a year+ 25+ Aacilitatin" trainin" of A"riculture .epart$ent field staff e#ery year to assist nutrition "arden pro"ra$ in co$$unity+ 22+ 'utrition "arden de$onstration at Pus1es$as South Pa"ai d+ Outputs7

Draft as June 2013

o 3 *ater facilities constructed in 2F ha$lets in South Pa"ai and South Sipora sub! district+ o 2 *ater co$$itte established9re!acti#ated in each #illa"e o ;35 latrines constructed o Hand *ashin" ca$pain" conducted for @@< household in the tra"et area o Mini$u$ ; 1aders selected and *ell!trained in each Posyandu+ o Sessions9trainin" for .in1es9Pus1es$as staff conducted e#ery year+ o Po1janal Posyandu $eetin" conducted at district and sub!district le#el $ini$u$ 4 ti$es a year+ o Sessions9trainin" for A"riculture .epart$ent field staff conducted e#ery year to assist nutrition "arden pro"ra$ in co$$unity o 2 nutrition "arden in each ha$lets and < s$all!scale chic1en far$in" created in 2< ha$lets in South Pa"ai sub!district o 'utrition "arden de$ontrated by Pus1es$as e+ Schedule &date of acti#ities)7 2 April 4524 K ;2 March 4523 in South Pa"ai sub!district 2 April 4524 K ;2 March 452< in South Sipora sub!district f+ Tar"et "roup7 $others and children under fi#e, husbands, $other in la*, reli"ious leader, co$$unity leaders, $id*i#es, health staff Pus1es$as, 1aders, Po1janal, Po1ja Posyandu "+ Bocation7 + 2< ha$lets in South Pa"ai sub!district, Menta*ai Islands Pro#ince and 3 ha$lets in South Sipora sub!district, Menta*ai Islands Pro#ince h+ ,nit9Bocal Partner7 Palan" Merah Indonesia for *ater facilities construction i+ Success indicators7 3 *ater facilities constructed in 2F ha$lets in South Pa"ai and South Sipora sub! district 2 *ater co$$ittee in each #illa"e+ ;35 latrine constructed in di in 2F ha$lets in South Pa"ai and South Sipora sub! district @@< HH e6posed by hand*ashin" facilities ca$pai"n Mini$u$ ; 1aders selected and *ell trained in each Posyandu 4 trainin" for .in1es9Pus1es$as staff e#ery year+

Draft as June 2013

Mini$al 4 Po1janal Posyandu $eetin" conducted e#ery year at district and sub! district le#el 4 trainin" conducted e#ery year for A"riculture staff to assist nutrition "arden pro"ra$ in the co$$unity 2 nutrition "arden and < s$all!scale chic1en far$in" created in 2< ha$lets in South Pa"ai sub!district 2 nutrition "arden in Pus1es$as South Pa"ai beca$e nutrition $odel9de$onstration j. :ud"et7 =sti$ated for ; years I.R @,;5<,F;4,323+F; &Subject to chan"e due to =6chan"e Rate) 3< P,.A,19B E90,A0)7- P,041,08)0** 1)8 D(*1*+0, R(*E M1)1A090)+ : EP,04 a+ Objecti#eB 7 i$pro#e the a*areness and capacity of co$$unity li#ed in the *est coast Su$atra disaster $ana"e$ent in for$ of tsuna$i and earthCua1e+ b+ Outco$e7 Output 27 'eeds assess$ent and trainin" in 4G co$$unities *ith trainin" $aterials de#eloped Output 47 .e#elop$ent and i$ple$entation of .RR plans in < co$$unities Output ;7 School!based .RR and classroo$ disaster preparedness i$ple$ented in 2 school Output <7 4 8or1shops i$ple$ented *ith health depart$ent staff and health!related $aterials transferred Output 37 A net*or1 is established that co#ers three areas *ith $e$bers trained to $aintain an appropriate co$$unications syste$ Output ?7 =stablish, train, resource and $onitor a sin"le point contact to be accessed durin" e$er"ency response c+ Main acti#ities7 2+ 4+ ;+ <+ 3+ ?+ @+ G+ -onductin" roadsho* on disaster $ana"e$ent $o#ie t*o ti$es e#ery year+ =stablish .isaster Mana"e$ent Tea$ &.M tea$) at #illa"e9ha$let le#el -onductin" disaster $ana"e$ent trainin" for .M tea$ in 4G #illa"es9ha$lets .e#elopin" and producin" I=- $aterials on disaster ris1 a*areness .e#elopin" radio pro"ra$ on disaster $ana"e$ent in ; districts+ Aacilitatin" .M tea$ on de#elopin" disaster $ana"e$ent plan at #illa"e9ha$let le#el Aacilitatin" disaster $iti"ation project in each #illa"e9ha$let -onductin" trainin" for school teachers on ready school

Draft as June 2013

F+ -onductin" trainin" on Phsicolo"ist post disaster for .in>es9Pus1es$as, :P:. and Ti$ P: 25+ Aacilitatin" *or1shop on prioriti%in" health and physicolo"y in the .istrict .isaster Mana"e$ent Plan colaborated *ith .inas >esehatan 22+ Identifyin" "ood or"ani%ation, to establish for$al net*or1 and e6ecute co$$unication strate"y durin" disaster+ 24+ Aacilitatin"9establish for$al net*or1 on disaster to share "ood practices+ 2;+ I$ple$ent e#acuation drill for syste$9facilities testin"

d+ Outputs7 o Roadsho* of disaster $ana"e$ent $o#ie conducted t*ice a year in each #illa"e9ha$let o .isaster $ana"e$ent tea$ &.M tea$) established in each #illa"e9ha$let o .isaster $ana"e$ent trainin" for .M tea$ conducted in 4G #illa"es9ha$lets o I=- $aterials on disaster ris1 a*areness de#eloped and printed o Radio pro"ra$ on disaster $ana"e$ent aired in ; districts o .isaster $ana"e$ent plan de#eloped in each #illa"e9ha$let o .isaster $iti"ation project i$ple$ented in each #illa"e9ha$let o Trainin" for school teachers on ready school concept conducted o Trainin" on physicolo"y post disaster conducted for .in1es 9Pus1es$as, :P:. and .M Tea$ staff o 8or1shop conducted on prioriti%in" health and phsycolo"y in .istrict .isaster Mana"e$ent Plan collaboratin" *ith .in>es o (ood or"ani%ation identified to create for$al net*or1 and i$ple$ent co$$unication strate"y that can fulfill the needs durin" disaster9e$er"ency o Aor$al net*or1 for co$$unication on "ood practices sharin" established o .rills9si$ulation i$ple$ented for syste$ and facilities testin"+ e+ Schedule &date of acti#ities)7 2 0une 4522 K ;2 May 452< &; years) f+ Tar"et "roup7 fa$ilies, co$$unities, .istrict Health Office9Pus1es$as staf, :P:.+ "+ Bocation7 + 4G ha$lets9#illa"es in Menta*ai Islands, 8est Su$atra Pro#ince :anya1 Island, Sin"1il .istrict, Aceh Pro#ince and Telo Islands, South 'ias .istrict, 'orth Su$atra Pro#ince+

Draft as June 2013

h+ ,nit9Bocal Partner7 -risis -enter ,ni#ersity of Indonesia for trainin" .in1es staff on Psycolo"ist for =$er"ency i+ Success indicators7 4 round roadsho* e#ery year on disaster $ana"e$ent $o#ie di 4G #illa"es9ha$lets Mini$u$ ; trainin" on .isaster Mana"e$ent for .M tea$ in 4G #illa"es9ha$lets ; jenis $ateri 1esadaran sosial resi1o bencana di produ1si dan atau didistribusi1an Radio pro"ra$ on disaster $ana"e$ent aired in ; districts 2 .M tea$ established in each #illa"e9ha$let .isaster Mana"e$ent Plan established in each #illa"e9ha$let 2 disaster $iti"ation project i$ple$ented in each #illa"e9ha$let All teachers in 2; schools participated on Ready School concept trainin"+ Mini$u$ 4 .in1es9Pus1es$as staff, :P:. and .M tea$ participatin" in a trainin" on phsycolo"ical post disaster+ ;5 officials in#ol#ed in prioritisin" health and phsycolo"y in .istrict .isaster Mana"e$ent Plan collaboratin" *ith .inas >esehatan 2 for$al net*or1 for co$$unication on "ood practice sharin" 2 ti$e drill9e#acuation si$ulation for syste$ and facilities testin"+ j+ :ud"et7 =sti$ated for ; years I.R 2,4;;,;;@,4F2+;4 &Subject to chan"e due to =6chan"e Rate) 4< P,.A,19B M121,(1 F,00 M0)+1=1( : MFM a+ Objecti#eB to reduce $orbidity and $ortality on $alaria in the tar"et coo$unity+ b+ Outco$e7 Outco$e 27 .ecrease the incidence of $alaria in tar"et co$$unities Outco$e 47 =stablish$ent of Pos Malaria .esa in tar"et co$$unities Outco$e ;7 Increase the 1no*led"e and s1ills of Health .epart$ent staffs in $ana"in" $alaria pro"ra$s+ c+ Main acti#ities7 2+ -onductin" >AP Sur#ey on $alaria in tar"eted area 4+ -onductin" Parasite test

Draft as June 2013

;+ =stablishin" Pos Malaria .esa &Pos$aldes) <+ Pos$aldes 1aders identification and trainin" 3+ Insectiside $alaria net distribution for pre"nant *o$en throu"h .istrict .in>es ?+ Aacilitatin" trainin" of .in1es staff on $alaria pro"ra$ $ana"e$ent, $icroscopy and R.T &Rapid .ia"nostic Test) d+ Outputs7 o >AP sur#ey in each ha$let i$ple$ented o Parasite test identified o Pos$aldes *ell functioned in each #illa"e o Trainin" for Pos$aldes 1aders conducted o Pre"nant *o$en slept under insectiside $alaria net o Pre"nant *o$en free fro$ $alaria o Technical trainin" for .in1es staff conducted e+ Schedule &date of acti#ities)7 2 0anuary 452; K ;2 .ece$ber 452? f+ Tar"et "roup7 fa$ilies in the co$$unity, 1aders, Pus1es$as "+ Bocation7 first phase 4 #illa"es7 Mala1opa &4 ha$lets) South Pa"ai sub!district and Tai1a1o &; ha$lets) 'orth Pa"ai sub!district, Menta*ai Islands .istrict+ h+ ,nit9Bocal Partner7 '9A i+ Success indicators7 >AP sur#ey in each ha$let in the be"innin" and end of the pro"ra$ 255L blood test identified 2 Pos$aldes *ell functioned in each #illa"e Mini$u$ 4 1aders participatin" in Pos$aldes trainin" e#ery year 255L pre"nant *o$en in tar"et area slept under insecticide $alaria net 35L pre"nante *o$en free fro$ $alaria 2 technical trainin" for .in1es staff in e#ery pro"ra$ phase j+ :ud"et7 =sti$ated for ; years I.R + ?55,555,555 &Subject to chan"e due to =6chan"e Rate) !< P,.A,19B M.+30, 1)8 C3(28 H012+3 : SIMBO

Draft as June 2013

a+ Objecti#e7 I$pro#in" $aternal and child health status in Parado Sub .istrict, :i$a .istrict b+ Outco$e7 Outco$e 2+ Posyandu in each of the 3 #illa"es of Parado sub!district Outco$e 4+ I$pro#ed co$$unity 1no*led"e and practi#es on M-H and sanitation Outco$e ;+ =ffecti#e Pus1es$as support for basic M-H acti#ities at Posyandu c+ Main acti#ities7 2+ 4+ ;+ <+ 3+ ?+ @+ G+ F+ Posyandu 1aders selection in 3 #illa"es -oachin" and trainin" for selected 1aders Aacilitatin" Posyandu i$ple$entation re"ularly Aacilitatin" technical assistance Pus1es$as to Posyandu 1aders+ In#entory basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterials for Posyandu+ -oordination $eetin" Pus1es$as and .in1es for listin" Posyandu basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterial Procure$ent anthropo$etry and Posyandu basic eCuip$ent+ .e#elop a culture of routine contribution for Posyandu .e#elop a culture of auction for Posyandu fundraisin"

25+ .ocu$entary #ideo $a1in" for Posyandu acti#ities 22+ Short #ideo $a1in" on health $essa"es 24+ Identifyin" P>>, Reli"ious leader, -o$$unity leader and T:A to be an healhty $essa"ers 2;+ -onductin" *or1hop and trainin" for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader dan T:A 2<+ Procure$ent I=- $aterials for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader and T:A 23+ Aocused "rup special tas1for$+ 2?+ Re"ular coo1in" class 2@+ Iilla"e $eetin" to en"a"e *ater facilities constuction in e#ery #illa"e 2G+ 8ater facilitiies constuction trainin" 2F+ 8ater facilities construction by co$$unity+ 45+ =stablishin" *ater co$$ittee d+ Outputs7 o o I$pro#e 2< Posyandu le#el in Parado sub!district 3 1aders selected, acti#e and *ell trained in each Posyandu+

Draft as June 2013

o o o o o o o :asic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable and $id*i#e!1it for e#ery $id*i#e+ Posyandu is able to independenly fundriase for Posyandu operational cost+ ; $e$bers of each "roup9#illa"e as the M-H $essa"ers consists of P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader, Iilla"e "o#ern$ent, and T:A =stablish 2 focused "roup to support the M-H ser#ices in each #illa"e+ Pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plan -lean *ater a#ailability supportin" M-H acti#itiy in 3 #illa"es in Parado subdistrict =stablish$ent 2 *ater co$$itte in each #illa"e+

e+ Schedule &date of acti#ities)7 2 Septe$ber 452; K ;2 Au"ust 452? f+ Tar"et "roup7 $others and children under fi#e, husbands, $other in la*, reli"ious leader, co$$unity leaders, $id*i#es, health staff Pus1es$as, 1aders+ "+ Bocation7 Pro#ince 8est 'usa Ten""ara, .istrict :i$a, Sub!district Parado7 all #illa"es &3 #illa"es) h+ ,nit9Bocal Partner7 BP4.=R &under confir$ation) i+ Success indicators7 2< Posyandu le#el7
P.*-1)85 L0C02 Prata$a Madya Purna$a Mandiri B1*02()0 5 24 4 5 E)82()0 5 5 25 <

Mini$u$ 3 acti#e and trained Posyandu 1aders 'u$bers of anthropo$etry tools and basic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable in each Posyandu
P.*-1)85 0D5(490)+ ! Steelyard ! Meter ! BIBA &upper ar$ $easure paper) ! :u1u >IA &>IA boo1) ! :u1u pencatatan Posyandi &record boo1s) ! Plan" Posyandu &Posyandu B1*02()0 ! ! ! ! ! ! E)82()0 255L 255L 255L 355 2< 2<

Draft as June 2013

si"n) ! Alat per$ainan edu1atif &AP=)


2 $id*i#e 1it for each $id*i#e < Posyandu able to funds their operational cost independently ; $e$bers in each "roup9#illa"e as M-H $essa"er that is ca$es fro$ P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader, Iilla"e "o#ern$ent, and Traditional birth attendant 2 focused "roup to support M-H in e#ery #illa"e+ G5L pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plannin"9 rencana 1esehatan 1eluar"a &R>>) 3 *ater facilities in 3 #illa"es in Parado!subdistrict 2 *ell!trained *ater co$$ittee in each #illa"e+ j+ :ud"et7 =sti$ated for ; years I.R 4,555,555,555 &Subject to chan"e due to =6chan"e Rate) "< P,.A,19B M.+30, 1)8 C3(28 H012+3 ?F5)8()A ).+ -0+ 7.)/(,908@ a+ Objecti#e7 I$pro#in" $aternal and child health status in 2 &one) Sub .istrict in Hal$ahera Ten"ah, 'orth Malu1u+ b+ Outco$e7 Outco$e 2+ Posyandu in each of the #illa"es of 2 sub!district Outco$e 4+ I$pro#ed co$$unity 1no*led"e and practi#es on M-H and sanitation Outco$e ;+ =ffecti#e Pus1es$as support for basic M-H acti#ities at Posyandu c+ Main acti#ities7 2+ 4+ ;+ <+ 3+ ?+ @+ G+ F+ Posyandu 1aders selection in all #illa"es in 2 sub!district, Hal$ahera Ten"ah -oachin" and trainin" for selected 1aders Aacilitatin" Posyandu i$ple$entation re"ularly Aacilitatin" technical assistance Pus1es$as to Posyandu 1aders+ In#entory basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterials for Posyandu+ -oordination $eetin" Pus1es$as and .in1es for listin" Posyandu basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterial Procure$ent anthropo$etry and Posyandu basic eCuip$ent+ .e#elop a culture of routine contribution for Posyandu .e#elop a culture of auction for Posyandu fundraisin"

Draft as June 2013

25+ .ocu$entary #ideo $a1in" for Posyandu acti#ities 22+ Short #ideo $a1in" on health $essa"es 24+ Identifyin" P>>, Reli"ious leader, -o$$unity leader and T:A to be an healhty $essa"ers 2;+ -onductin" *or1hop and trainin" for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader dan T:A 2<+ Procure$ent I=- $aterials for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader and T:A 23+ Aocused "rup special tas1for$+ 2?+ Re"ular coo1in" class 2@+ Iilla"e $eetin" to en"a"e *ater facilities constuction in e#ery #illa"e 2G+ 8ater facilitiies constuction trainin" 2F+ 8ater facilities construction by co$$unity+ 45+ =stablishin" *ater co$$ittee d+ Outputs7 o o o o o o o o o I$pro#e Posyandu le#el in 2 sub!district, Hal$ahera Ten"ah 3 1aders selected, acti#e and *ell trained in each Posyandu+ :asic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable and $id*i#e!1it for e#ery $id*i#e+ Posyandu is able to independenly fundriase for Posyandu operational cost+ ; $e$bers of each "roup9#illa"e as the M-H $essa"ers consists of P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader, Iilla"e "o#ern$ent, and T:A =stablish 2 focused "roup to support the M-H ser#ices in each #illa"e+ Pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plan -lean *ater a#ailability supportin" M-H acti#itiy in 3 #illa"es in 2 subdistrict =stablish$ent 2 *ater co$$itte in each #illa"e

e+ Schedule &date of acti#ities)7 plan to start on 452< &not yet identified) f+ Tar"et "roup7 $others and children under fi#e, husbands, $other in la*, reli"ious leader, co$$unity leaders, $id*i#es, health staff Pus1es$as, 1aders+ "+ Bocation7 Pro#ince 'orth Malu1u, Hal$ahera Ten"ah .istrict, 2 sub!district+ h+ ,nit9Bocal Partner7 '9A i+ Success indicators7

Draft as June 2013

Posyandu le#el i$pro#ed in 2 sub!district, Hal$ahera Ten"ah Mini$u$ 3 acti#e and trained Posyandu 1aders 'u$bers of anthropo$etry tools and basic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable in each Posyandu 2 $id*i#e 1it for each $id*i#e < Posyandu able to funds their operational cost independently ; $e$bers in each "roup9#illa"e as M-H $essa"er that is ca$es fro$ P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader, Iilla"e "o#ern$ent, and Traditional birth attendant 2 focused "roup to support M-H in e#ery #illa"e+ G5L pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plannin"9 rencana 1esehatan 1eluar"a &R>>) 8ater facilities in 2 subdistrict, Hal$ahera Ten"ah 2 *ell!trained *ater co$$ittee in each #illa"e+ j+ :ud"et7 =sti$ated for ; years I.R 2+455+555+555 &Subject to chan"e due to =6chan"e Rate) #< P,.A,19B M.+30, & C3(28 H012+3 1)8 M121,(1 F,00 S5961 ?F5)8()A 7.)/(,908; )008 1**0**90)+ +. *+1,+ +30 4,.A,19@ a+ Objecti#e7 I$pro#in" $aternal and child health status in 4 &t*o) Sub!districts in Su$ba Island, =ast 'usa Ten""ara+ b+ Outco$e7 Outco$e 2+ Posyandu in each of the #illa"es of 4 sub!districts Outco$e 4+ I$pro#ed co$$unity 1no*led"e and practi#es on M-H and sanitation Outco$e ;+ =ffecti#e Pus1es$as support for basic M-H acti#ities at Posyandu Outco$e <+ .ecrease the incidence of $alaria in tar"et co$$unities Outco$e 37 =stablish$ent of Pos Malaria .esa in tar"et co$$unities &if appropriate *ith "o#ern$ent plan) Outco$e ?7 Increase the 1no*led"e and s1ills of Health .epart$ent staffs in $ana"in" $alaria pro"ra$s+ c+ 2+ 4+ ;+ Main acti#ities7 Posyandu 1aders selection in all #illa"es in 4 sub!districts, Su$ba Island -oachin" and trainin" for selected 1aders Aacilitatin" Posyandu i$ple$entation re"ularly

Draft as June 2013

<+ 3+ ?+ @+ G+ F+ Aacilitatin" technical assistance Pus1es$as to Posyandu 1aders+ In#entory basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterials for Posyandu+ -oordination $eetin" Pus1es$as and .in1es for listin" Posyandu basic eCuip$ent and I=- $aterial Procure$ent anthropo$etry and Posyandu basic eCuip$ent+ .e#elop a culture of routine contribution for Posyandu .e#elop a culture of auction for Posyandu fundraisin"

25+ .ocu$entary #ideo $a1in" for Posyandu acti#ities 22+ Short #ideo $a1in" on health $essa"es 24+ Identifyin" P>>, Reli"ious leader, -o$$unity leader and T:A to be an healhty $essa"ers 2;+ -onductin" *or1hop and trainin" for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader dan T:A 2<+ Procure$ent I=- $aterials for P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader and T:A 23+ Aocused "rup special tas1for$+ 2?+ Re"ular coo1in" class 2@+ Iilla"e $eetin" to en"a"e *ater facilities constuction in e#ery #illa"e 2G+ 8ater facilitiies constuction trainin" 2F+ 8ater facilities construction by co$$unity+ 45+ =stablishin" *ater co$$ittee 42+ -onductin" >AP Sur#ey on $alaria in tar"eted area 44+ -onductin" Parasite test 4;+ =stablishin" Pos Malaria .esa &Pos$aldes), if appropriate *ith "o#ern$ent Malaria pro"ra$ plan+ 4<+ Pos$aldes 1aders identification and trainin" 43+ Insectiside $alaria net distribution for pre"nant *o$en throu"h .istrict .in>es 4?+ Aacilitatin" trainin" of .in1es staff on $alaria pro"ra$ $ana"e$ent, $icroscopy and R.T &Rapid .ia"nostic Test) d+ o o o o Outputs7 I$pro#e Posyandu le#el in 4 sub!districts, Su$ba Island 3 1aders selected, acti#e and *ell trained in each Posyandu+ :asic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable and $id*i#e!1it for e#ery $id*i#e+ Posyandu is able to independenly fundriase for Posyandu operational cost+

Draft as June 2013

o o o o o o o o o o o o e+ f+ ; $e$bers of each "roup9#illa"e as the M-H $essa"ers consists of P>>, -o$$unity leader, Reli"ious leader, Iilla"e "o#ern$ent, and T:A =stablish 2 focused "roup to support the M-H ser#ices in each #illa"e+ Pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plan -lean *ater a#ailability supportin" M-H acti#itiy in 3 #illa"es in 2 subdistrict =stablish$ent 2 *ater co$$itte in each #illa"e >AP sur#ey in each ha$let i$ple$ented Parasite test identified Pos$aldes *ell functioned in each #illa"e Trainin" for Pos$aldes 1aders conducted Pre"nant *o$en slept under insectiside $alaria net Pre"nant *o$en free fro$ $alaria Technical trainin" for .in1es staff conducted Schedule &date of acti#ities)7 Mear 452< &period is not yet identified) Tar"et "roup7 $others and children under fi#e, husbands, $other in la*, reli"ious leader, co$$unity leaders, $id*i#es, health staff Pus1es$as, 1aders, co$$unities+ "+ h+ i+ Bocation7 Pro#ince 8est 'usa Ten""ara, Su$ba Island, 4 sub!districts+ ,nit9Bocal Partner7 '9A Success indicators7 Posyandu le#el i$pro#ed in 4 sub!districts, Su$ba Island Mini$u$ 3 acti#e and trained Posyandu 1aders 'u$bers of anthropo$etry tools and basic Posyandu eCuip$ent is a#ailable in each Posyandu 2 $id*i#e 1it for each $id*i#e < Posyandu able to funds their operational cost independently ; $e$bers in each "roup9#illa"e as M-H $essa"er that is ca$es fro$ P>>, reli"ious leader, co$$unity leader, #illa"e "o#ern$ent, and attendant 2 focused "roup to support M-H in e#ery #illa"e+ traditional birth

Draft as June 2013

G5L pre"nant *o$en has safety deli#ery plannin"9 rencana 1esehatan 1eluar"a &R>>) 8ater facilities in 4 subdistricts, Su$ba Island+ 2 *ell!trained *ater co$$ittee in each #illa"e+ >AP sur#ey in each ha$let in the be"innin" and end of the pro"ra$ 255L blood test identified 2 Pos$aldes *ell functioned in each #illa"e Mini$u$ 4 1aders participatin" in Pos$aldes trainin" e#ery year 255L pre"nant *o$en in tar"et area slept under insecticide $alaria net 35L pre"nante *o$en free fro$ $alaria 2 technical trainin" for .in1es staff in e#ery pro"ra$ phase j+ :ud"et7 =sti$ated for ; years I.R ?+555+555+555 &Subject to chan"e due to =6chan"e Rate) II< MECHANISM OF IMPLEMENTATION a+ The pro"ra$ *ill carried out in the close coordination *ith the appropriate pro#incial ser#ices in a co$ple$entary $anner to the reali%ation of such ser#ices+

b+ SurfAid *ill consult *ith MOH and the respecti#e rele#ant "o#ern$ent
depart$ent in the plannin" and preparation of ne* pro"ra$ and acti#ities to ensure that pro"ra$ and acti#ities are in accordance *ith the de#elop$ent strate"y, policy and priority of the .istrict, Pro#incial or 'ational de#elop$ent plan+

c+ In order to a#oid duplication of efforts and o#erlap *ith si$ilar acti#ities or inter#entions, SurfAid shall coordinate its effort *ith other actors of assistance
in the concerned fields of e6pertise and the tar"et area+

d+ Analysis of needs and for$ulation of acti#ities *ill be discussed and $utually a"reed by MOH and SurfAid+ e+ The MOH and SurfAid understand that each acti#ity *ill be i$ple$ented usin" a
co$$unity based approach in#ol#in" the tar"ets "roup of the pro"ra$s+


REPORTING 2+ SurfAid Indonesia *ill prepare the annual pro"ress report to be sub$itted to Pro$1es cc!ed -enter for International -ooperation, local "o#ern$ent and pro#incial "o#ern$ent+ The content of the report *ill co#er7

Draft as June 2013

2) Acti#ities and achie#e$ent of the co$pleted and on"oin" project and pro"ra$s 4) -ontinuation and e#aluation of the co$pleted and on"oin" projects and pro"ra$s ;) Ainancial report, re"ardin" e6penditures for the pro"ra$s and projects includin" eCuip$ent and e6pert e6penses <) Assess$ents and reco$$endation for further actions 3) ,nforeseen e#ents and constraints faced 4+ The annual pro"ress report should be reported at least once e#ery year or at there is a reCuest fro$ MOH+


MONITORING AND EVALUATION 2+ Monitorin" and e#aluation shall be conducted by SurfAid Indonesia to"ether *ith MOH and other related institutions, if needed e#ery year, on an on"oin" basis as part of specified projects acti#ities 4+ SurfAid Indonesia shall coordinate and pro#ide any arran"e$ents for each of these representati#es ;+ The results of the $onitorin" and e#aluation shall be sub$itted by SurfAid Indonesia to the MOH and related (o#ern$ent Institutions+ <+ Prior to the Monitorin" and =#aluation pro"ra$s, a Ter$s of Reference re"ardin" the content of the #isit, the hu$an resources and financial settle$ents of conductin" this #isit, *ill be discussed and si"ned by both parties+


CONCLUSION This Pro"ra$ .irection has "i#en just a brief o#er#ie* on the strate"y and the inter#entions of SurfAid Indonesia in Indonesia as a"reed in the MO,+ Hence it sets out the $echanis$s of inter#ention and collaboration *ith the Ministry of Health at different le#els+ In the co$in" years partnerships *ith local '(ODs and ci#il society net*or1s *ill be encoura"ed and stren"thened+ The pro"ress of the projects *ill be $onitored and e#aluated by SurfAid Indonesia internally, the donor, and by MOH, throu"h sub$ission of annual reports by SurfAid Indonesia and annual #isits to the field+

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