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Write your name here

As a high school student, there are certain things that you should experience before you graduate. What you have in your hand is a list of 77 of the most random and spiritually meaningful checkpoints that you can accomplish during your high school years. This book is designed to help challenge you to become all that God intends for you to become with the support of a mentor. Before you start working through this book, you are expected to choose a mentor. We believe that anyone can check off a to do list alone, but we believe you will get more out of it if you have someone to share it with along the way besides just your friends and family. What is a mentor? A mentor is someone older than you who is willing to journey with you in life. A mentor has your best interest in mind and you completely trust this person with your life.

All the information you will need about your mentor is found in Checkpoint 1.


Once you pick your mentor, it is time to check off Checkpoint 1 and begin working on the rest of the list. Each checkpoint is intended to be experienced independently, so you dont have to do them in order. In fact, we encourage you to look through the list and check off the ones you have already completed. Hopefully, it is not too many! After that, pick your top five and accomplish those and then just work your way through the book over the next few years of high school. Each time you complete a checkpoint make sure your mentor signs and dates it in the space provided. You can work on two or more things at the same time so dont feel the need to complete one before you move on to the next one. Some of them can be worked on together. Each checkpoint will have 4 components: Check It Out! Reality Check! Check It Off! Check In! Check It Out is a description of the checkpoint. Reality Check is a place for you to record your memories and experiences while you completed the checkpoint. Check It Off is a place to indicate that you completed the checkpoint. Check In is a place where you check in with your mentor to get it signed and dated. While not every checkpoint is intended to be recorded in this book in full detail, there is a section in the back of the book for additional notes. Use this section to record memories and experiences that didnt fit in the Reality Check section. In the back of the book, there is a section where you can add some of your own checkpoints. Dont create your own checkpoints without some thought and prayer. What are some things that God wants you to accomplish that are not in the list provided? What are some things that you have always wanted to do for fun that are not included in the list provided? Hint: Pick your checkpoints off of the top-ten bucket list that can be accomplished before you graduate and transfer them to the My Own Random Checkpoints in the back of the book.

It is going to be incredible to see how God shapes you to become more like Jesus as you experience 77 CHECK!

Are YoU reaDY To GeT STarTeD? Check! More imPorTaNTLY, are YoU reaDY To FiNiSh? Check!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Find a mentor. Write out your testimony. Watch 6 inspirational movies in a row. Get your parents or guardians to come to church. Spend a day with someone over 60. Ask for help. Take your mom, dad or guardian on a date. Create a budget. Read at least 3 books on leadership. Fill out at least 4 job applications. Teach an elementary class. Create a bucket list. Save $1000.00. Throw a surprise party for a friend. Get a drivers license. Write a letter to your future spouse. Read one book on common etiquette. Invest in someone younger than you. Share your testimony with a friend or family member. Befriend 5 new people. Attend a leadership conference. Fix a broken relationship. Lead a Bible study at your school. Complete the experience. Serve weekly in your youth ministry and/or church. Complete all the modules at Baptize someone. Recruit 3 friends to serve with you at church. Memorize Matthew 6:9-13 and Psalm 23. Fast from food for at least 24 hours. Record the names of those you helped lead to Christ. Read the whole Bible. Interview someone doing a job that you want to do someday. Memorize the books of the Bible in order. Pray aloud in a group publically. Plan an event for your friends with your mentor. Lead a small group. Find an accountability partner who is your peer. Spend a weekend as a homeless person. Journal about your life for 30 days in a row. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. Make the honor roll at least one semester. Make a purity promise. Go crowd surfing. Serve at a local mission organization. Take a picture of yourself 90 days in a row. Encounter God in a new way. Record your 12 favorite memories from high school. Take a nap in a park. Milk a cow. Learn your favorite song on the harmonica. Commit your favorite poem to memory. Go on an international missions trip. Spend 24 hours not saying a word. Dont drink soda for 30 days in a row. Apply for at least 3 college scholarships. Help someone in need. Become an answer to someones prayer. Make a list of your favorite websites. Do a public speech. Raise $500.00 for a social justice cause. Make a short film of your best friend. Plant a tree. Donate blood. Take a kid on a toy-shopping spree. Run a lemonade stand with a neighborhood kid. Visit a prison. Get baptized. Start a dance in a public place. Write your parents or guardians a thank you note. Walk or run a mile everyday for 15 days. Lead a local mission project. Dress up like your favorite superhero for a day. Host a bonfire. Spend 14 consecutive days doing random acts of kindness. Conquer your biggest fear at least once. Plan a family vacation with your parents or guardians. Fill up your parents gas tank once with your own money.

FiND a meNTor
Check IT OUT!
This is the first step to completing this book! Before you start working through this book, you are expected to choose a mentor. We believe that anyone can check off a to do list alone, but we believe you will get more out of it if you have someone to share it with along the way besides just your friends and family. What is a mentor? A mentor is someone older than you who is willing to journey with you in life. A mentor has your best interest in mind and you completely trust this person with your life. A few questions to consider when picking a mentor: Are they at least 21 years of age? Is it someone of the same gender? Do you look up to them spiritually? Are they willing to follow you in your journey through this experience? Do your parents and/or youth pastor know this person? Will they sign the mentor contract included in this book? What will be expected of my mentor? Your mentor will need to check in with you at least once a week. Your mentor must be someone who has been following Christ for at least a year. Your mentor will need to sign your completed activities. Your mentor will need to meet your parents and youth pastor. Your mentor will need to follow up with your parents and youth pastor monthly. Your mentor will need to commit to pray for you daily.

ReaLiTY Check!
Please fill out the following information once you pick your mentor. Mentors name ___________________________________________________________ Why did you choose this mentor? _______________________________________________ What does your mentor do for a living? ___________________________________________ What is your mentors favorite scripture? _________________________________________ How long has your mentor been a Christian? _______________________________________ When was your mentor baptized? _______________________________________________ What is your mentors favorite food? _____________________________________________ Who is your mentors role model? _______________________________________________ Anything else I think is interesting about my mentor. _________________________________


I, ______________________________, the mentor for ___________________________ agree to pray for my mentee everyday and check in at least once week. I will support my mentee as they strive to complete each of the 77 checkpoints in this book. I agree to sign each completed checkpoint.


I, ______________________________, the mentee of ___________________________ agree to complete these 77 checkpoints to the best of my ability during the course of my high school years. I will listen to the advice of my mentor and do my part to help in my own spiritual development.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

WriTe oUT YoUr TeSTimoNY

Check IT OUT!
Your spiritual story is unique to you. No one has the same story as you do so it is important to be able to share it with others. A few tips to get you started would be to ask a few people you know to share their story with you. You can also ask your parents to share their testimony with you. When you are finished listening, take some time to write down what you liked about their stories. Take the elements of their story that you liked and include those in your story. Maybe they included where they were born, where they accepted Christ, how many siblings they had, their best memory, and their worst memory. Remember, there is no wrong answers so just relax and have fun writing your life story.

ReaLiTY Check!
Once your story is written, go through your story and splash this page with key words and pictures from your story. Treat it like a graffiti wall. Words and images may include your birthplace, siblings names, parents names, location of where you accepted Christ, place you were baptized, favorite subject in school, places youve lived and anything else you think is important to you. Make it as unique as you are!

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

WaTch 6 iNSPiraTioNaL moVieS iN a row

Check IT OUT!
What are the 6 most inspirational movies you have ever watched? Get a group of your friends together and have a movie marathon. Spend the next 12 hours or so just hanging out and watching movies together. As you are watching, look for some life lessons that you can take with you. By the way, popcorn is an essential ingredient to this experience along with a really comfortable chair or couch!

ReaLiTY Check!
Movie Watched Lesson Learned Movie Watched Lesson Learned

Movie Watched Lesson Learned

Movie Watched Lesson Learned

Movie Watched Lesson Learned

Movie Watched Lesson Learned

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

GeT YoUr PareNTS or GUarDiaNS To come To chUrch

Check IT OUT!
This one will have levels of difficulty depending on your situation. Some of you may have parents that already go to church so this shouldnt be an issue at all for you. Others of you may have parents who have talked about going to church, but just havent gone yet. And others of you may have parents that have never expressed an interest at all. Last but not least, some of you may have parents that have told you how much they dont like church. Well, if you find yourself in a difficult situation with this, pray and be patient. Set a good example at home and continue to show your parents Gods love. At some point they may just decide to go to church with you even if it is just to help you complete your book!

ReaLiTY Check!
What date did they go to church with you? What was the best part about asking your parents or guardians to go to church with you? What was the worst part about asking your parents or guardians to go to church with you? What advice would you give someone whose parents or guardians do not go to church? How did they respond about going to church?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

SPeND a DaY wiTh SomeoNe oVer 60

Check IT OUT!
The older generation has so much wisdom. The younger generation has so much energy. I wonder what it would look like if you combined wisdom and energy? I bet the world would be a better place. Make arrangements to spend an entire day with someone over 60. Just join them in their day. You dont have to plan anything special. The important thing to keep in mind is that you are spending quality time with someone older. While you are hanging out with this older person, ask a bunch of questions and just listen. Take the wisdom you learn and use your energy wisely!

ReaLiTY Check!
Who did you spend your day with? How old were they? What did you do?

What was your favorite story they told?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

ASk For heLP

Check IT OUT!
This one is actually more difficult than it looks. Are you struggling with a particular addiction? Do you keep re-visiting the same sin? Are you keeping anger inside you toward a particular person? Do your grades continue to suffer? What are you doing about your failed relationships with parents, girlfriend, boyfriend, teacher and/or coach? Can you think of anything else that is suffering where you havent asked for the appropriate help? The goal of this checkpoint is to give you the courage to simply ask for the help you need. You were not created to walk through life alone. So go ahead and ask for help!

ReaLiTY Check!
What did you ask for help with? Who did you ask? How did it help?

Would you feel comfortable helping someone with the same problem?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

Take YoUr mom, DaD or GUarDiaN oN a DaTe

Check IT OUT!
Taking your mom, dad or guardian on a date may seem like a crazy thing to do. However, it accomplishes a few things. It lets you spend some time just hanging out. It is a great way to practice going on a date. Let your parent or guardian give you pointers and suggestions on how to make your date feel appreciated. They do have insight that you do not have in this area. We would also recommend that you spend your own money and use the date as a way to say thank you. So, what are you waiting for? Go make a reservation!

ReaLiTY Check!
Where did you go? What did you order from the menu? What was the funniest thing that happened?

What would you do differently next time?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

CreaTe a BUDGeT Check IT OUT!

Money is a necessary part of life. Many people let money control and manipulate them. However, many people manage and control their money for their own good and the good of others. So, it is time for you to create a budget. A budget is just a way for you to see exactly what you are doing with the money that God has given you to manage. Remember, God is the owner and you are just the manager. We recommend that you do not do this alone. Talk to someone you know who is really wise with their money and ask them to help you create your budget. Cha-Ching!

ReaLiTY Check!
What did you learn about creating a budget?

What was the best part about creating a budget? What was the worst part about creating a budget? How does knowing that God is the owner and you are manager change your perspective about money?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!

ReaD aT LeaST 3 BookS oN LeaDerShiP

Check IT OUT!
We all know that readers are leaders! We hear this all the time, but so many people still refuse to read. Not you though! Ask a few leaders that you respect about the kind of books they have read about leadership. Gather a good list and then pick the top three that you think you would like. As you read, underline and take notes so you can record what you learned from each book. Oh, it may be a good idea to get a bookmark too!

ReaLiTY Check!
Book Read Lesson Learned Book Read Lesson Learned

Book Read Lesson Learned

Book Read Lesson Learned

Do you think you will make reading more of a habit? If no, why? If yes, why?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


FiLL oUT aT LeaST 4 JoB aPPLicaTioNS

Check IT OUT!
OK, I can hear you already. I dont need a job! I dont want a job! My parents wont let me get a job! I already have a job! So, heres the deal. None of that matters for this checkpoint. Think of four jobs that you would really like to do and then go get the applications. Take them home and fill them out. This will give you some experience in what employers are looking for. Who knows, maybe there will come a time when it actually makes sense to turn in one of those applications.

ReaLiTY Check!
Company name for job application Job applied for Company name for job application Job applied for

Company name for job application Job applied for

Company name for job application Job applied for

What did you learn from this process?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Teach aN eLemeNTarY cLaSS

Check IT OUT!
Partner with an elementary teacher and ask them if you can teach one of their classes. This is a great way to invest in the life of someone younger than you and also give you a glimpse into the life of a teacher. Let the teacher know your favorite subject so your teaching will be effective. Take it seriously, but have fun with it. Brainstorm with the teacher about some creative ways to teach your subject. By the way, it is always a good idea to bring that teacher an apple on the day you get to teach!

ReaLiTY Check!
What school did you do your teaching? What was the teachers name? What subject did you teach? What did you learn from your experience?

What would you do differently next time?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


CreaTe a BUckeT LiST

Check IT OUT!
A bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die, from the saying, kick the bucket. It is a practical way for you to dream about what you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. Think spiritually! Think practically! Think fun! Try to think of things that are not already listed in the 77 checkpoints in this book. See if you can think of at least 10 things to put on your list!

ReaLiTY Check!

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


SaVe $1,000.00
Check IT OUT!
Yep! Its time to start saving some money! If you already have $1000.00 saved, save at least another $1000.00. Open up a savings account and start putting money into it. Its really that simple. Keep a checklist of the amount and the date you put money in your account. When you reach your goal, buy a couple of cupcakes and throw yourself a celebration party!

ReaLiTY Check!
Amount Deposited Date Amount Deposited Date

Amount Deposited Date

Amount Deposited Date

Amount Deposited Date

Amount Deposited Date

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Throw a SUrPriSe ParTY For a FrieND

Check IT OUT!
Planning a surprise party for a friend is a great way to develop your planning skills while making your friends day. Dont wait for their birthday. Plan it for a random day as a way to tell them how much you appreciate and love them. Make it a big deal that comes complete with a cake, balloons, party favors, games and anything else you think your friend would like. Try to get as many of their friends there as possible so it is truly a day they never forget! Have everyone sign a guest list so they can keep it as part of their memory.

ReaLiTY Check!
What friend did you throw a party for? Where was the party? What did you do? How do you think it made your friend feel?

What did you learn from the experience?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


WriTe a LeTTer To YoUr FUTUre SPoUSe

Check IT OUT!
Getting married is a big decision. Before you get married three things should happen. You need to marry the right person at the right time for the right reasons. So, the right person is number one. The right time is number two and the right reasons is number three. Many people get married with only one or two of the three matching up. Which is probably a good reason why half of marriages end in divorce. Take the time to write a letter to your future spouse. Include the character qualities that you want your future spouse to have and include the kind of person you would like to be for your future mate. What habits can you develop now to be the kind of husband or wife that honors God and one another?

ReaLiTY Check!
Take your letter and condense it down to a set of vows that you hope to say to your future spouse and that you hope they say to you.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


GeT a DriVerS LiceNSe

Check IT OUT!
Thats it! Study for the test. Go take it. Pass it. It may take you a few times, but dont get discouraged. Keep trying until you pass. If you pass your first time, ask your parents if you can borrow the car and take a few victory laps around your neighborhood. Make sure to drive the speed limit and watch for children. Getting your license is a big deal because it means you have more freedom. It also means that you get more responsibility. Finding a balance between the two is a skill worth developing. On your mark, get set, go!

ReaLiTY Check!
How long did you study for the test? How many times did it take you to pass? Who took you to take it? What was the toughest part of the test? Do you have any memories about the experience that stick out?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


ReaD oNe Book oN commoN eTiQUeTTe

Check IT OUT!
Have you ever thought about the correct way to set a table, make introductions, open a door or walk a dog? I know it may sound crazy, but there are some common practices when it comes to good manners or etiquette. Pick out a book on common etiquette and learn a few things you didnt know about manners and how to treat others. You may not use everything in the book, but you may be surprised at what you didnt know. Polite people tend to get much further in life than those who are rude!

ReaLiTY Check!
What book did you get? Who was the author? Why did you pick that particular book? What was the most eye opening etiquette? Which one seemed the most ridiculous? Were you inspired to start using more etiquette? If so, how?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


INVeST iN SomeoNe YoUNGer ThaN YoU

Check iT OUT!
Investing in someone younger than you is a memory you want to create. The benefit to you and the younger person can be life-changing. Your investment may be reading a book, going to a movie, helping with homework, enjoying a lunch, going on a bike ride, taking a walk, or all of the above. Plan a whole days worth of events. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it is meaningful. Choose a person to invest in who is not a relative. However, you can always invest in more than one person!

ReaLiTY Check!
Who did you decide to invest in? What did you do? What was the best part of the day? What was a challenging part of the day? What was the most meaningful lesson you learned? Would you consider doing it again? Why or why not?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Share YoUr TeSTimoNY wiTh a FrieND or FamiLY memBer

Check IT OUT!
Hopefully, you accomplished Checkpoint 2, which was writing out your testimony. If not, you will want to do that one before you do this one. Once you finish writing out your testimony, it is time to share it with a friend or family member. Just read it from start to finish and ask them what they think about your story. As a side note, it would be a great idea to memorize your story so it becomes easier to share with others. Remember, you are unique so no one has your same story! Pretty cool huh?

ReaLiTY Check!
Who did you read your story to? What did they think about it? Do you feel you need to make any changes to make it more clear and interesting? On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to memorizing your testimony, with 10 being fully committed? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Take your story and write down one sentence that summarizes it.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


BeFrieND 5 New PeoPLe

Check IT OUT!
Having a great group of friends is critical to your success. However, sometimes building close friends leads to cliques. We have to be very intentional about including new people in our lives and befriending people who are not that friendly. This is not a skill that many people do naturally. If you struggle with this, begin by talking to someone you think is really good at making new friends. Ask them questions to help you get better. If you are really good at it already, try to help an existing friend get better at it too! Lets make the world a better place by simply being friendly!

ReaLiTY Check!
How was your experience developing new friends?

Name oF New FrieND

1 2 3 4 5

oNe iNTereSTiNG ThiNG aBoUT Them

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


ATTeND a LeaDerShiP coNFereNce

Check IT OUT!
Getting around great leaders will make you a better leader. Learning to learn from other leaders is critical in your development. Talk to a few leaders you trust in your life to give you direction about what leadership conference would work best for you. Go to the conference and just soak up as much as you can. If there is an opportunity for you to participate, jump in and contribute. If at all possible, go with a group of your peers so you can discuss everything you have learned. Its time to lead!

ReaLiTY Check!
What conference did you go to? Who did you go with? What leadership principles did you learn? On a scale of 1-10, how good of a leader are you, 10 being an amazing leader. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What are some things you need to do to improve your leadership?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


FiX a BrokeN reLaTioNShiP

Check IT OUT!
We all know the pain of a relationship gone wrong. We also know the pain of that relationship continuing to be wrong. This is normally due to a misunderstanding, stubbornness and/or selfishness. Sometimes these broken relationships can go on for days, months or even years. It is time to take steps in fixing a relationship that you know is broken. This is something that you really need to pray about before you launch into trying to fix it. Make sure that you are completely honest and open with God before you go try and be honest and open with another person. This may be difficult, but it will be totally worth it! What if you dont have a relationship that is completely broken? Well, think about a relationship that you know can be better and begin to work on that.

ReaLiTY Check!
What broken relationship did you fix? What was the most uncomfortable part of it? What was the best part of making the effort to make things right? What did you learn about conflict resolution?

What advice would you give to someone trying to fix a broken friendship?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


LeaD a BiBLe STUDY aT YoUr SchooL

Check IT OUT!
If you had to put together a group of people who were willing to study the Bible at school, where would you start? Here are some helpful questions to get you thinking in this direction. Is there a teacher that would let us use a room? Is it just for Christians or can anyone come to it? What are we going to talk about? How long will it last? Will we provide food? What time of day will work the best? What is the goal of the meeting? Can I learn from another group that is already doing a Bible study? Should we just partner with them or is there a need for another one? When is a good time to start one?

ReaLiTY Check!
Write down everything that was necessary to get your group going. You can use full sentences or key words.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


ComPLeTe The eXPerieNce

Check IT OUT!
Chazown is the Hebrew word for vision. The Bible says without vision, people perish. God has a vision for your life, a chazown. You will experience the best of this life if you are living in Gods vision. You can participate in a Chazown experience either online or ask your youth pastor if you can do Chazown in a group. Its time to get a clear picture of what God wants for your life! Its time to live your Chazown!

ReaLiTY Check!
Record your core values here:

Record your spiritual gifts here:

Record your purpose statement here:

What was your favorite part about the Chazown experience?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


SerVe weekLY iN YoUr YoUTh miNiSTrY aND/or chUrch

Check IT OUT!
Developing a habit of being a servant is one of the most difficult things to do. You will never be a servant until you learn to serve. Profound huh? Serving must be done with some very intentional steps. One of the best ways to get started in this is to volunteer to serve in your church or youth ministry on a weekly basis. Just walk up to the volunteer coordinator, pastor or youth pastor and say, I would like to serve. Do you have something for me to do? Thats all there is to it!

ReaLiTY Check!
Where are you serving? What are some things you have learned serving this way?

What have been some of your biggest challenges?

Who do you serve with? What changes have you noticed in yourself since you started serving regularly?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


ComPLeTe aLL The moDULeS aT

Check IT OUT!
This one is going to be quite an undertaking so dont say we didnt warn you! Go to and get started. This experience will get you familiar with the Bible. You may want to consider accomplishing this one along with Checkpoint 32, which is reading through the entire Bible. The Bible is more than just a book. It is a letter that God wrote for us so we could get to know Him better. It also helps us understand who we are as followers of Jesus. Point. Click. Learn.

ReaLiTY Check!
Use this page to journal some key things you have learned from

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


BaPTiZe SomeoNe
Check IT OUT!
This is an interesting checkpoint! You may want to use Checkpoint 31 to help you complete this checkpoint. Baptism is the first step of obedience for a follower of Jesus. It is an outward expression of an inward life change. The goal with this one is to be involved in seeing someone get baptized. By involved we mean that you may have been a part of seeing this person accept Christ. In other words, it is not just observing a stranger getting baptized, but actually being personally involved with this person. Depending on your church, you may even be allowed to do the actual baptizing. Wouldnt that be cool?!

ReaLiTY Check!
Who did you get to baptize or be a part of seeing baptized? Where did the baptism take place? Tell the story of how it all came together.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


RecrUiT 3 FrieNDS To SerVe wiTh YoU aT chUrch

Check IT OUT!
It would be helpful if you completed Checkpoint 25 before you complete this one, but it is not necessary. This checkpoint may just be a one-time event where you decide to serve. The goal with this one is to be a positive influence in your friendships. Friendships grow when you do something meaningful together. Serving others is one of the most meaningful things you can do as a person so why not serve with your friends. In fact, this checkpoint may be the thing you need to inspire you to complete Checkpoint 25. Go grab a towel and learn what it means to wash some feet! Get your serve on!

ReaLiTY Check!
Which three friends did you recruit to serve with you?

1 3

How did you serve? Is it something you plan on doing again? Explain what kind of difference you think you made.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


MemoriZe MaTThew 6:9-13 aND PSaLm 23

Check IT OUT!
Memorizing scripture is a great way to hide Gods word in our hearts. The above passages of scripture are two of the most common in the Bible. The Lords Prayer is not just something that we should say mindlessly, but is an actual guide to help us know how to pray. Psalm 23 is a great way to remind ourselves of the kind of relationship we have with God. He is a loving Father who desires for our best. Taking the time to memorize these two passages of scripture will remind you of the importance of prayer and keeping a close relationship with Jesus.

ReaLiTY Check!
As you go, write down the passages of scripture as you memorize each section.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


FaST From FooD For aT LeaST 24 hoUrS

Check IT OUT!
Before you just jump into this one, make sure you are not going to harm your body physically. Talk to your parents and your doctor if necessary. Fasting is a way to focus on God. The reason we are specific about fasting from food is because food is something that we all have in common. By denying yourself food, you tend to become more intentional about things that really matter in life. Some people fast so they slow down and really listen to God. Every time you feel the urge to eat, spend that time praying or reading the Bible. Really take this opportunity to get in tune with God!

ReaLiTY Check!
What was the date of your fast? M

D / Y

Describe your experience in as much detail as possible.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


RecorD The NameS oF ThoSe YoU heLPeD LeaD To ChriST

Check IT OUT!
As followers of Jesus, we are expected to introduce others to Jesus. These can be people that you directly lead to Christ or maybe you were a part of someones journey, but didnt get to actually lead them to Christ. You can record those names too. Keeping this list will help remind you of how important it is to be aware of how much people around you need to know Jesus. It will also be a great list to keep so you can continue to pray for those people. As an added bonus, come up with a top ten list of those you would like to see know Jesus.

ReaLiTY Check!
Name Accepted Christ date M / D / Top Ten List of Those I Would Like to See Know Jesus M M M M Y Y Y Y Y

/ / / /


/ / / /

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


ReaD The whoLe BiBLe

Check IT OUT!
This checkpoint is pretty straightforward. Just read the whole Bible. We recommend that you go to and pick a reading plan to help you accomplish this goal. This is probably the most difficult checkpoint on the list, but it will also come with the biggest reward as well. Because it is the toughest one with the most reward, the enemy is going to give you a bunch of excuses not to finish. Resist the temptation to quit. Just take it one chapter at a time a time and one day at a time and before you know it, you will be finished.

ReaLiTY Check!
Use this page to record some A-ha moments while you are reading.

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INTerView SomeoNe DoiNG a JoB ThaT YoU waNT To Do SomeDaY

Check IT OUT!
You may not know exactly what you want to do as a career, but think about it for a moment and pick the top five things you could see yourself doing. Maybe you already know exactly what you want to do. Either way, schedule a time to interview someone who is doing a job that you may want to do someday. Be prepared with a list of questions before you go to the interview. Seek advice for your questions from your parents, a teacher, youth pastor, mentor or another adult that you trust. Be respectful of their time and try to be as professional as you can.

ReaLiTY Check!
Who did you interview? What job position do they have? What is best part of their job? What is the worst part of their job? What did you learn from interviewing them?

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MemoriZe The BookS oF The BiBLe iN orDer

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This one may seem a bit outdated for the digital world, but it doesnt hurt to know how to navigate your way through a printed Bible. Do some research and see if anyone has written a clever song or rap to help you memorize it. Get creative and write your own song or rap. The key to memorize this long term is to memorize a little bit each day and then review.

ReaLiTY Check!
Write all 66 books in order on this page.

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PraY aLoUD iN a GroUP PUBLicaLLY

Check IT OUT!
Many people have a fear of praying aloud in public. If you do, this one may be a bit scary for you. If you dont, then this one will be a breeze. The point of this Checkpoint is not to draw attention to yourself as someone who prays in public, but to help you understand that praying in public is not about saying the right words, but praying from your heart. It is better to intentionally pray in public when you are ready than to have someone call on you when you are not ready. So, get ready and the next time a volunteer is needed to pray, raise up your hand and then raise up your voice!

ReaLiTY Check!
Where did you pray in public? Who asked you to pray? What emotions did you experience? Would you do it again? Write a prayer thanking God for allowing you to conquer your fear.

Check IT OFF!

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PLaN aN eVeNT For YoUr FrieNDS wiTh YoUr meNTor

Check IT OUT!
This event can be anything you want it to be. Get with your mentor and friends and just plan an event that everyone wants to do. It can be as simple as bowling or as complex as a weekend retreat out of state. It is totally up to you. The goal of the event is introduce your friends to your mentor and maybe inspire them to find a mentor of their own and join you in 77 // Check. You dont have to create a rigid schedule that everyone follows, but it is a good idea to let people know what to expect and why you are planning the event.

ReaLiTY Check!
What event did you plan? List the name of your friends who came to it.

What is the best memory from the event?

Were any of your friends inspired to find a mentor? What would you do differently next time?

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LeaD a SmaLL GroUP

Check IT OUT!
It is assumed that if you are going to lead a small group that you are already participating in one. If you are not currently participating in a small group, this is your first step. Once you get involved in a small group, it is time to let your small group leader know that you have a desire to help lead it. Go slowly at first and learn what it means to be a part of a small group before you begin leading it. Get the necessary training from your small group leader so you can not only lead the small group, but also be effective while you are doing it. This kind of a ministry takes much prayer and wisdom so it will help you really learn to trust God as He develops you while you develop others. Neat huh?

ReaLiTY Check!
Where are you leading your small group? What are the names of the people in your small group?

What was the topic of the first discussion you talked about? What frustrations have you had while leading it? What has made the biggest impact on your personally?

Check IT OFF!

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FiND aN accoUNTaBiLiTY ParTNer who iS YoUr Peer

Check IT OUT!
An accountability partner is someone your age that you can trust spiritually. They also should be able to trust you spiritually. This person is someone who asks you questions about how you are doing in life and also a person that you ask questions too. Questions may include things like: What sins are you struggling with right now? How is Jesus changing you to be more like Him? What have you been learning from the Bible lately? Is there anything I can be praying about for you? An accountability partner is so important to have if you really want to become like Jesus. They dont have to be your best friend, but they do have to be someone who you are growing with spiritually. Oh, they should be someone of the same gender too!

ReaLiTY Check!
Who is your accountability partner? What do you like the most about this person? How often do you get together to ask each other life-changing questions? What have you learned from spending time with them?

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SPeND a weekeND aS a homeLeSS PerSoN

Check IT OUT!
You will for sure want to get permission from your parents and/or legal guardian before you take on this checkpoint. Depending on your situation, we also strongly encourage you to take along an adult with you, preferably your mentor or parent and also at least one other friend. You are literally going to spend two nights without the promise of food, money or shelter. This can be a dangerous checkpoint if you dont take the necessary precautions. Do some research about a safe place to stay at night. Stay within the realm of what you think you can handle. There are varying degrees of difficulty as you consider this checkpoint. Stretch yourself, but be wise about how you go about it.

ReaLiTY Check!
Journal here about the highlights of your experience.

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JoUrNaL aBoUT YoUr LiFe For 30 DaYS iN a row

Check IT OUT!
Set aside a time each day to write or voice record about your day. You can focus on many details or one particular thing that was awesome or anything in-between. You can do this with a standard pad of paper and pen, create a blog, generate a Facebook note each day or voice-record it. The point is to just take some time each day to reflect on what happened. We also recommend that once you are finished to save your work somewhere. You may be surprised at how much more you get out of the day when you plan to write about it later. You may even find that you like it so much that it becomes a habit.

ReaLiTY Check!
At the end of your 30 days, use this space to write about your general thoughts about the experience of journaling for 30 days.

Check IT OFF!

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Make The hoNor roLL aT LeaST oNe SemeSTer

Check IT OUT!
If you have never made the honor roll, this one may seem crazy difficult. If you make the honor roll all the time, this one will be so easy of you. Most students spend their school day thinking about how little they have to do to get by. For one semester, challenge yourself to actually do your absolute best and see how much you can improve. If you are already a straight A student, make it a semester of learning for the sake of learning and not just to make a good grade. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you try to improve your grades. Ask questions. Pay attention. Do all of your work. Study for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. Have fun. Well, its up to you now!

ReaLiTY Check!
Record the grades for the semester you made the honor roll.


On a scale of 1-10, 10 being really difficult, how difficult was it for you to make the honor roll? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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Make a PUriTY PromiSe

Check IT OUT!
A purity promise is a promise you make to God and your parents and/or guardian that you are going to be sexually pure until you are married. Sexually pure means that you are going to live Gods standards for sexuality. His standards are that you realize that your body is not your own. If you are a follower of Jesus, you have been purchased by the blood of Jesus, so your body belongs to Him. A purity promise is more than just staying a virgin until you are married. It means that you are going to do your best to honor God with your mind, heart and body. If you have already given up your virginity, you can still make a purity promise from this moment forward. God sees you as pure! Lets live up to His standards!

ReaLiTY Check!
Write out your purity promise and read it to God, your parents or guardians and your mentor.

Sign and date your purity promise. Signature Date

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Go crowD SUrFiNG
Check IT OUT!
What!? Thats right! Its time to go crowd surfing. Go to a venue that you know they allow crowd surfing and give it a try. Be careful. This is going to be an exercise in what it means to trust others to care for your life. Think about it. You are going to be up in the air with only the support of several hands moving you along. We recommend that you pray for safety!

ReaLiTY Check!
Where did you crowd surf? What were some of your fears?

What did you look forward to the most about it? How many people were at the event? How long did you crowd surf? Would you do it again? What did you learn about trust?

Check IT OFF!

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SerVe aT a LocaL miSSioN orGaNiZaTioN

Check IT OUT!
Contact a local mission organization and ask them how you can volunteer. Follow exactly what they ask you to do. Show up and get to work serving. Get to know the names of the people you are serving. One of the most important things to keep in mind while serving is to recognize mutual brokenness. While the people you are serving may be suffering from poverty, there may be areas of poverty in your life that you have not stopped to recognize. How can serving others in a posture of humility be something that God uses to change you?

ReaLiTY Check!
What organization did you partner with? How did you serve? How was your life impacted the most?

How do you think you helped those you were trying to help?

Would you do it again?

Check IT OFF!

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Take a PicTUre oF YoUrSeLF 90 DaYS iN a row

Check IT OUT!
This may seem like a strange checkpoint, but it really does have a point. Whether you realize it or not, each day you change just a little bit physically. This reality should relate to us spiritually as well. We should be changing every day to be more like Jesus. Each time you take a picture of yourself, ask yourself how you are going to be more like Jesus today. Keep all of your pictures and then arrange them in order at the end. Do you notice subtle changes? Did anything change drastically? How are you changing spiritually?

ReaLiTY Check!
Did you stay the same spiritually? Did you change at all? If so, how?

Print your favorite picture out of the 90 and put in on this page.

Check IT OFF!

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ENcoUNTer GoD iN a New waY

Check IT OUT!
You are going to have to get creative with this one. What does it even mean to encounter God in a new way? It simply means that you are going to look for Him in places you have never looked for Him before. You may see Him in a kid at school that is being picked on. Go help Him out. You just encountered God in a new way. You may see Him in creation in a new way. Take a bunch of pictures of nature. You just encountered God in a new way. You may hear Him in a song. You just encountered God in a new way. You get the point, right? Be specifically open to see God in your everyday surroundings and begin to give Him the praise and credit for being such an amazing Creator!

ReaLiTY Check!
How did you encounter God in a new way? Write about your experience below.

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RecorD YoUr 12 FaVoriTe memorieS From hiGh SchooL

Check IT OUT!
Keep a record of your favorite memories from high school in a separate location. When you graduate, transfer your top 12 to this page. It may seem like something that is not worth doing, but at the end of your high school years, you will be glad you took the time to capture the moments. You can just write down the event, but we encourage you to describe the event in as many details as you can remember. Who was there? What were you feeling? Why was it so memorable?

ReaLiTY Check!
Write down your 12 favorite memories from high school.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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Take a NaP iN a Park

Check IT OUT!
Zzzzzzzzzz.Sometimes it is just necessary to rest, snooze, sleep, crash, and zonk out! Even God rested on day seven of creation. So often we get so busy that we forget to give our bodies a chance to just rest. It is not only a suggestion to rest, God expects us to slow down. He even says to be still and know that He is God. Pick a day that you are especially tired and go to a local park that is safe. Bring a blanket and a pillow, lie down and just go to sleep. If you are having a hard time sleeping just start telling God all of the things you like about Him. Learn to develop a habit of taking the time to really rest.

ReaLiTY Check!
Was it difficult to go to sleep in a park? What did you like about the experience? What didnt you like about the experience? Why do you think it is so necessary to rest? Why do you think God rested? Did He need it?

Check IT OFF!

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MiLk a cow
Check IT OUT!
This checkpoint may seem udder-ly ridiculous! Ha! Anyway, instead of asking you to try something new, we thought we would suggest one that most students have not experienced. However, if you milk cows all the time, we encourage you to teach someone else how to milk a cow. This one honestly does not have a real point to it other than to do something that you are not used to doing. We also recommend that you come up with a clever name for the cow you milk!

ReaLiTY Check!
What was the name of the cow you milked? Where did your cow live? Who helped you milk the cow? Did you love it, hate it, or didnt really care either way? Would you recommend milking cows to others?

Check IT OFF!

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LearN YoUr FaVoriTe SoNG oN The harmoNica

Check IT OUT!
This checkpoint is going to take a little work unless, of course, you already know how to play the harmonica. If you already know how to play, teach someone else how to play his or her favorite song. Music is part of us so why not learn how to play a little music, especially on an instrument as fun as a harmonica. If you really want to get creative, have someone accompany you on the piano and perform it somewhere. Of course, you could skip the piano addition and just play a harmonica solo. We dare you!

ReaLiTY Check!
What song did you learn? How long did it take you to learn it? Did you perform it anywhere? Are you going to learn another song?

Check IT OFF!

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CommiT YoUr FaVoriTe Poem To memorY

Check IT OUT!
Most of us have heard a poem that has inspired and motivated us in a positive way. Take the time to memorize it. If you do not have a favorite poem, take some time to research some classic poems and memorize your favorite one. It has been said that poetry is made for the stage, not the page so take the extra step and perform your poem somewhere. If you really get inspired, write a poem of your own and see if you can make it better than your favorite poem. There is no shame in saying that a poem you wrote is your favorite. However, the only requirement for the checkpoint is to memorize your favorite poem. You can ignore the other suggestions! (Or try emwhatever works!)

ReaLiTY Check!
What is your favorite poem? How long did it take you to memorize it? Why is it your favorite poem? If you have space, write it on this page.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Go oN aN iNTerNaTioNaL miSSioNS TriP

Check IT OUT!
We recommend that you go with a group. Do some research to find a group that takes international mission trips and just join it. This checkpoint is going to require much planning, prayer and preparation. We recommend that you start planning an international mission trip at least 6 months in advance. You may have to get shots and a passport and several other things that can take awhile. Of course, you will also need quite a bit of money for a trip like this. A trip like this can be life-changing not only for you but also for the people that you are going to serve!

ReaLiTY Check!
What group did you go with? Where did you go? What was your favorite food? Did you bring anything home with you? How did you grow spiritually? What was your best memory?

Write down anything else you dont want to forget.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


SPeND 24 hoUrS NoT SaYiNG a worD

Check IT OUT!
Even a fool when he doesnt say anything is considered wise. Too many of us open our mouth only to insert our foot. When we go to the movies, we are reminded that silence is _______________. Too bad more people dont practice silence in their everyday lives. We want to be heard so badly that we forget to listen most of the time. Spending an entire day in silence will stretch you in ways that you cant even think of right now. Posture yourself as a listener and learner for the day and see how much you actually learn when you dont spend your time talking. Shhhh..

ReaLiTY Check!
What day of the week did you stop talking? What time did you stop talking? What time did you start talking again? On a scale of 1-10, 10 being difficult, how hard was it to stay quiet for 24 hours? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What did you learn?

Check IT OFF!

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DoNT DriNk SoDa For 30 DaYS iN a row

Check IT OUT!
Oh boy! This may sound torturous for you! This is sort of like fasting only different. Giving up something you love will help you with self-discipline and self-denial. These two things are often neglected. If you dont drink soda anyway, choose something else that would be difficult for you to give up for 30 days in a row. Every time you want to drink soda or whatever else you choose to give up, replace that desire with something positive. Write a thank you letter. Call a friend to tell them how much you appreciate them. Spend extra time with a younger sibling. Go on a walk. You get the idea. Learn what it means to deny yourself of something you love.

ReaLiTY Check!
What is your favorite soda? What day did you start your denial? What day did you end? M M D

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Did you have to start over at any point? What did you learn through this experience?

Would you do it again?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


APPLY For aT LeaST 3 coLLeGe SchoLarShiPS

Check IT OUT!
Regardless of whether or not you plan to go to college, the process of applying for scholarships is a great experience. The process is even more valuable if you are planning to go to college. It never hurts to have plenty of options when thinking about college. While money is not always a deciding factor when determining a college, sometimes it helps when trying to focus on a decision. Applying for scholarships will also help you understand your personal strengths and weaknesses when it comes to your skill set. Go grab a few applications and get started.

ReaLiTY Check!
What three scholarships did you apply for?

1 2 3
What did you learn about yourself in the process?

Did you get any of the scholarships?

Check IT OFF!

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HeLP SomeoNe iN NeeD

Check IT OUT!
The only thing required to complete this checkpoint is to open your eyes and really see those around you in need. It doesnt have to be something spectacular, but it should be meaningful to both you and the recipient of your help. We would give you some ideas, but we really want this one to come straight from your heart. Take some time and pray about how God may use you in the life of someone in your life. Who knows, it may even be a complete stranger!

ReaLiTY Check!
Who did you help? What did you do? What emotions did you experience before, during and after you helped them?

Did it inspire you to help more people?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Become aN aNSwer To SomeoNeS PraYer

Check IT OUT!
Begin to listen carefully to those around you who pray. It may be in your youth ministry, church, small group or someone in your family. As they pray, ask yourself if there is any way that you could possibly be the answer to someones prayer. How amazing would it be if God used you to answer a prayer request? I suppose it may become something that could easily become a habit. God loves to use those who are willing to be used by Him not for their glory, but for His glory.

ReaLiTY Check!
What prayer request were you able to become an answer for?

Where were you when you heard the prayer request? Who was it that you were able to bless? Why is it important to really listen when people are praying?

Write down a few of your own prayer requests.

Check IT OFF!

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Make a LiST oF YoUr FaVoriTe weBSiTeS

Check IT OUT!
Which websites have been your favorites throughout high school? Take some time to write them down so later in life you can look back on them and see if they still exist. Maybe you want to categorize them, like fun, educating, productivity, informative, life-changing and any other category you can think of. We are pretty sure things will change as you grow older, but it is always fun to look back to see what you thought was cool way back when.

ReaLiTY Check!
Use this page to write down your favorite website. Write a reason why you liked the particular sites as well.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Do a PUBLic SPeech
Check IT OUT!
Public speaking is the biggest fear next to dying for most people. So, it is time to face this challenge. Perhaps you are really good at public speaking or maybe you struggle with it big time. Either way, it is time to sign up for a public speech and deliver it. We recommend that you practice it several times in front of friends and family before you go public. Listen to their feedback so each time you give you speech it gets better and better.

ReaLiTY Check!
What was your speech about? Where did you deliver your speech? What were some of the biggest fears you had?

How do you think you did?

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RaiSe $500.00 For a SociaL JUSTice caUSe

Check IT OUT!
We do not want to offer you too much direction for this one. However, we will give you some questions to consider as you think about raising money. What social justice cause is close to your heart? What is the point of raising the money? Who can you ask? What avenues can you use to promote your fundraiser? Is $500.00 enough or should you go for more? Should you talk to the social justice cause leaders to get some ideas? Are you willing to give some of your own money? How will you celebrate with those that helped you reach your goal? That should be enough to get started. Now its up to you. Go get em!

ReaLiTY Check!
Which social justice cause did you pick? How much money did you raise?

How did you celebrate with those who helped you?

What is the most memorable thing about raising the money?

What did you learn from leading a fundraising cause?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Make a ShorT FiLm oF YoUr BeST FrieND

Check IT OUT!
Use this opportunity to capture your best friend on film. You can use any style of filming you desire. However, a documentary style may be the most appropriate depending on which direction you decide to go. The length of the film is up to you. The style of the film is up to you. The content of the film is up to you. Use your imagination and have some fun capturing the life of your friend.

ReaLiTY Check!
Use this page to describe your film in words.

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PLaNT a Tree iN YoUr YarD

Check IT OUT!
Planting a tree and seeing it survive is not as easy as it seems. It is a simple thing to experience but not enough people try it. Decide on what kind of tree you want to plant. Do some research into the type of conditions necessary for your tree to survive. Go to the store and get the necessary supplies to plant your tree. You will need to give this tree some attention so it continues to survive. Now all you need to do is watch it grow.

ReaLiTY Check!
What kind of tree did you plant? Why did you pick it? Draw a picture of what your tree will look like full-grown.

Check IT OFF!

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DoNaTe BLooD
Check IT OUT!
Your blood could save another life. Go to a local blood bank and ask them what it takes to donate blood. Make a commitment to at least try it once. Dont just give the blood, but take some time to really look at the reasons why people give blood and the benefits it provides to others. Giving blood is just another example of what it means to give of ourselves to serve someone else. After all, isnt that what Jesus did for us? He gave His blood so we could live! Pretty powerful!

ReaLiTY Check!
Where did you give blood? What did you like about the experience?

What didnt you like about the experience?

What did you learn from being a blood donor?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Take a kiD oN a ToY-ShoPPiNG SPree

Check IT OUT!
Have you ever looked into the eyes of a child when they received one of their favorite toys? It is quite remarkable. Pick out a child that you know who is underprivileged and would totally appreciate being taken on a shopping spree. Remember, this spree is for them to feel loved. It isnt so much about the toys, but about them experiencing the generosity and love flowing from you as a person. It is also a way for you to experience what it means to sacrifice for another. Shop it up!

ReaLiTY Check!
Who did you take shopping? Where did you go? What feelings did you experience as you shopped?

What was the favorite toy that the child bought?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


RUN a LemoNaDe STaND wiTh a NeiGhBorhooD kiD

Check IT OUT!
Did you ever try to run a lemonade stand as a kid? If not, here is your chance. If you did, here is your chance to train someone else. Pick a kid in your neighborhood that you think would like to run a lemonade stand and offer to run it with them. You buy the supplies and make the signs together. Set up your stand together. Sell the lemonade together. Let the neighborhood kid keep the profits. Sounds pretty fun doesnt it!

ReaLiTY Check!
Use this page to write about your experience running a lemonade stand.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


ViSiT a PriSoN
Check IT OUT!
We recommend that you accomplish this checkpoint with an adult. Obviously, prison is not a place you want to end up in life. However, so often we forget to pray for those who really messed up something in their lives. Your prison visit is designed to help you remember to pray for those behind bars. God can still reach a person in prison so it doesnt hurt at all to pray for them. Your prison visit should also make you more aware of how important it is for you to make the right decisions. If you get a chance, perhaps you can interview a few of the prisoners to hear their life story.

ReaLiTY Check!
Which prison did you visit? What was your general impression?

Was it different than you expected? Did you get a chance to interview anyone? How important is it to make the right choices in life?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


Check IT OUT!
If you have already been baptized, then this one is probably the easiest checkpoint for you. If you are a follower of Christ and have not been baptized yet, it is time for you to get baptized. Talk to your pastor and/or youth pastor about what it means to get baptized. Generally speaking, baptism is an outward expression of what Jesus has done for you on the inside. It is a way to publically say that you are a follower of Jesus and are not ashamed to admit it.

ReaLiTY Check!
What date were you baptized? Who baptized you? Write about your baptism experience.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


STarT a DaNce iN a PUBLic PLace

Check IT OUT!
This checkpoint is designed to bring out your courage. It is pretty straightforward. Try to get a dance started in a public place. It is important that you practice the dance you are going to try to get others to follow. Your public place can be anywhere. Maybe you try it in an elevator where everyone is trapped anyway. It doesnt matter where it is. The point is that you try it and see what happens. Get your groove on!

ReaLiTY Check!
What dance did you try to get people to do? Where did you lead the dance? What were some expressions on peoples faces?

Draw a picture of your most memorable face in the crowd.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


WriTe YoUr PareNTS or GUarDiaNS a ThaNk YoU NoTe

Check IT OUT!
Your parents or guardians should be the most important people in your life. They do so much for you that you probably dont even realize. Parents sacrifice every day for the sake of their children. It is your turn to let them know how much you love and appreciate them. Take your time with it. Dont just rush to get words on the paper. Make it meaningful and heartfelt. This is a great opportunity for you to really think about all they do for you and then express to them how grateful you really are.

ReaLiTY Check!
Write down a summary of the thank you note you gave to your parents or guardian.

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


WaLk or rUN a miLe eVerYDaY For 15 DaYS

Check IT OUT!
Physical health is very important. The goal of this checkpoint is to help you think about the importance of physical health. If you are already in good shape, then invite a friend to go on the walk with you for 15 days. If you are not in good shape, but have been meaning to address this issue, use this as an opportunity to get started. Procrastination is never a good thing especially when it comes to your health. Pick a day and then commit to walking or running at least one mile for the next 15 days. You will feel better and maybe this will be the start of a good habit. Oh, remember to breathe, too!

ReaLiTY Check!

How important is your physical health to you? What have been some obstacles for getting in shape?

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being in great shape, where would you rate yourself? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Where did you walk or run? Did anyone go with you? Did it cause you to develop a habit?

Check IT OFF!

Check IN!


LeaD a LocaL miSSioN ProJecT

Check IT OUT!
The difference between Checkpoint 44 and this one is that Checkpoint 44 was simply serving at a local mission. This one is about leading a group to serve. Contact a local mission organization and ask them what is necessary to lead a group to partner with them. Follow exactly what they ask you to do. Get a group of people together who are willing to follow you as you lead them in the mission project. We also recommend getting a few adults involved to help out the group. Spend a bunch of time in prayer for your group and the group you will be reaching out to with the love of Jesus. Remember, we look the most like Jesus when we are serving others!

ReaLiTY Check!
What organization did you partner with? Who was a part of your team? What mission project did you do? How was your life impacted the most? How do you think you helped those you were trying to help?

Would you do it again?

Check IT OFF

Check IN!


DreSS UP Like YoUr FaVoriTe SUPerhero For a DaY

Check IT OUT!
I think we all wish as some point that we had super powers and could save the world. Guess what? As a follower of Jesus you do have super powers and you have a message that can save a soul. Use your superhero day to remind you that you are more than just a human. You are Gods messenger! You are a child of the King! You can make a difference! You have the power to change a life! You dont have to apologize for living the way God wants you to live. Plus, it is always a good time to pretend to have the power of invisibility or shoot webs from our hands!

ReaLiTY Check!
Write about your superhero day.

Check IT OFF!

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HoST a BoN Fire Check IT OUT!

A bonfire is a symbol of community. Invite some of your closest friends to your house and host a bonfire. Get out the hot dogs, buns, marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. Just sit around the bonfire, sing some songs and tell one another what you appreciate most about them. Let it be a relaxing time of hanging out with close friends.

ReaLiTY Check!
Draw a picture of a fire and put some key words around it as a way to remember your time with your friends.

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SPeND 14 coNSecUTiVe DaYS DoiNG raNDom acTS oF kiNDNeSS

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This checkpoint can be a ton of fun. You just decide that for 14 days in a row you are going to do something nice for someone. Maybe it is buying the person in line behind you some lunch. Maybe it is washing your neighbors car or mowing a yard. It doesnt matter what it is as long as it was kind and you did not receive anything in return. Random means that it was not planned out all that much, but that you were living in the moment and just decided to do what God put on your heart. You dont think about it too much. You just jump in and do it because you want to be obedient to what God wants.

ReaLiTY Check!
List the random acts and the dates you did them. M M M M M

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CoNQUer YoUr BiGGeST Fear aT LeaST oNce

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Everyone has a biggest fear. You will determine what it is and then decide to conquer it at least once. Overcoming a fear requires you to put faith in someone bigger than yourself. In this case, hopefully it is God. Look your biggest fear in the face and tell it that your God is bigger. It doesnt matter what your fear is, you are going to conquer it at least once to remind yourself that all things are possible with God. You may take a few days to work up to it, but eventually you are going to see God get the victory. It is time to conquer your fear!

ReaLiTY Check!
What is your biggest fear? What day did you conquer it at least once? Write about your experience. M

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PLaN a FamiLY VacaTioN wiTh YoUr PareNTS or GUarDiaNS

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Where have you always wanted to take a vacation? It is time to work with your parents or guardians and plan it out. Come up with a budget. Come up with the dates. Put down your travel plans. Plan your meals. Plan your lodging. Really get into it and show your parents or guardians how important it is that you get to take a vacation together. It doesnt have to be expensive or elaborate. The important thing is that you all get to spend time together. Its time to plan a family vacation!

ReaLiTY Check!
Where did you go? What the most favorite part about it?

What would you do differently if you had to do it again?

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FiLL UP YoUr PareNTS or GUarDiaNS GaS TaNk oNce wiTh YoUr owN moNeY
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If gas prices keep going up, we are all going to have to get second and third jobs. Save up your money for as long as it takes to fill up your parents or guardians gas tank with your own money. This is a great way to show them how much you appreciate them driving you around all the time. Generosity is a learned behavior. Granted, some people are better at it than others, but sacrificing is a great quality to have. Prove your generosity!

ReaLiTY Check!
How much was your tank of gas?

Why is it so important to learn how to be generous?

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