Programs of Bca 2nd Sem 106 P

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Enter and display 1 D Array . Find sum and average of n numbers. Find even numbers among n numbers . Reverse a 1 D array . Sum of all even and odd numbers among nos . Find largest and smallest among n nos . Delete an element with a speciffic postion among n elements . Enter and display a 2 D array . Transpose of a square matrix Check the Symmetric of a square matrix . Multiplication of two matrix . Addition of two matrix . Sum of elements on both diagonals of a square matrix . Sum of elements of a matrix row wise and column wise . Find standard deviation of n numbers using user defined function . UNIT 2

Write the following programs using user defined function : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Enter and display 1 D Array . Find sum and average of n numbers. Find even numbers among n numbers . Reverse a 1 D array . Sum of all even and odd numbers among nos . Find largest and smallest among n nos . Delete an element with a speciffic postion among n elements . Enter and display a 2 D array . Transpose of a square matrix Check the Symmetric of a square matrix . Multiplication of two matrix . Addition of two matrix . Sum of elements on both diagonals of a square matrix . Sum of elements of a matrix row wise and column wise .

Write the following programs using malloc and calloc : 1. Enter and display 1 D Array .

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Find sum and average of n numbers. Find even numbers among n numbers . Reverse a 1 D array . Sum of all even and odd numbers among nos . Find largest and smallest among n nos . Delete an element with a speciffic postion among n elements . UNIT 3

Write programs : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Count number of character in a string . Calculate frequency of a particular character in a stream of data . Reverse of a given string . Illlustration of scanf () and printf() for string input output here scanf () accepts multiword string . Concatenation of string using library function . Concatenation of sting without using library function . Compare string using library function . Compare string without using library function . Copy a string using library function . Copy a string without using library function . Find length of a string and count number of vowels in it . Input a string and a character and check if that character is present in the string or not . Find length of string without using library function . Check a string for palindroe using library function . Check a string for palindroe without using library function .

Unit-4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read an employee record using a structure and print it. Read employee records using array of structure and display them. Accept student data and print students performance using structure. Write a program to find out the sum of two integer numbers using structure. WAP to find out the table of a given number using structure.

6. Calculate the area of circle ,rectangle or triangle depending upon the users choice using structure. 7. Copy a structure to another and print these structures. 8. Illustration of passing individual structure element. 9. Passing a copy of the entire structure. 10. Passing structure to function by value here two times are entered in hh mm ss format and then added up. 11.Return structure from a function here two times are entered in hh mm ss format and then added up. 12.Passing structure to function by reference here second are entered as input and converted to hh mm ss. 13.Accessing structure using pointer. 14.Returning references to structure to structure from a function here two times are entered in hh mm ss format and then added up. 15.Read an employee record using nested structure and print it. Unit-5 1. Sum of two numbers and find which one is larger using macro substitution. 2. Demonstration of #ifdef #else #endif. 3. Demonstration of #ifndef #else #endif. 4. Demonstration of #if #else #endif. 5. Demonstration of #if #elif #endif. 6. Print binary equivalence of integer using show function. 7. Illustration of bitwise AND & OR operator. 8. Check the entered number is even or odd using bitwise AND. 9. Illustration of bitwise XOR. 10.Illustration of bitwise NOT operator. 11.Illustration of bitwise right Shift operator. 12. Illustration of bitwise left Shift operator.

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