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Why do we have friends? The obvious answer is that friends make us happy. They make our life more interesting and fun for us.they share our tastes, share our desires,our sense of humor. But real friendship is based on more than just hanging around with each other and joking with each other. "We may describe friendly feeling toward any one as wishing for him what you believe to be good things, not for your own sake but for his,and being inclined,so far as you can,to bring these things about." In other words, real friends give each other virtues or "good things".Friends give loyalty to one another. They give trust to each other. They also give help in times of need. Friends naturally try to make each other better people. They try to lift each whenever each other is having problem.They help each other make the right decisions and aim for worthy goals. Being a friend does not always require doing what your friend wants you to do. Rather, it requires doing what you believe is best for your friend. All this means you must choose your friends wisely. Your friends tell you a lot about yourself. They tell you what kind of person you may turn out to be.Good friends lift you up .Bad friends will drag you down. If they have bad habits , there's a good chance you'll end up with those bad habits,too. So if you can't persuade them to change their ways,you'll do better to find some new friends. Of course , for many people, finding and making new friends is a tough process. But it doesn't have to be so hard if you think less about having friends and more about being a friend. You'll make many more friends by being interested in people than you will by trying to get people interested in you. And by being genuinely interested in other people,you'll discover that friendship does not just bring you happiness. It will improve your happiness by making you a better person. Beatriz MarieAraja

Glimpse on a Journey When I was a child, I dreamed of being an adventurer someday. Having an adventure is really fun and exciting for the reason that there are a lot of tremendous stuffs that we can discover while were on our way to our journey. The time my aunt informed me that she would like to invite me in leaving to Puerto Galera, without any doubt, quickly and as fast as a lightning, I replied Yes. Iimagined about the exciting activities that we would do when we got there. I was so thrilled and overjoyed that made me feel like I wouldnt like to go to bed anymore.

The following day, we started to take off to our destination. We travelled by means of riding on aboat. As we were on our way, I heard huge waves of water striking our vessel and it feels like it was about to turn upside down. And as I looked down outside the window, tiny splashes of water sprinkled on my face. The first time I stepped foot on the island of Puerto Galera, I was startled by its pristine white sand. The time I laid my hand on it, it was like one of my achievements. While we were walking, I had nearly stumbled on a rock because my attention was caught by the exquisiteness of the place. It was really an ideal place for unwinding. The ambience was fresh and cool. Then, we settled in a hotel in which there was a complete supply our needs. First thing that we did was snorkelling. We travelled to different parts of the island of Puerto Galera. Its beauty and perfection could be seen anywhere. As we reached one isle, we searched for exceptional sights and didnt fail to remember about taking group pictures. The most motivating activity that we did was when we submerged underwater. We were provided some diving gears such as goggles and life jackets. Different varieties of small fish could be witnessed undersea. I had even stepped on a bulkyman-sized coral reef. It was such an incredible experience. The next day, when my aunt was about to took a photo of me; a Korean man suddenly went beside me and smiled in front of the camera. The image appeared just fine. We turned out to be friends with them and had a group picture. When it was already night-time, we were supposed to go back to our hotel. But out of the blue we encountered a tall good-looking Korean guy. I was so speechless at that time and all I could do is to stare at him. Suddenly, he said Hi. It felt like my vacation was all worth it specially when we had a picture; just the two of us. This was one of the best moments in my life! Aftermath, its time for us to set off from Puerto and go back home. Its the end of our journey. Its kind a heart-rending cause I had to leave a lot of good memories in that place. But, its alright, Ill just treasure all those memories and share my incredible adventure with my family and friends when we got

home. By: Ma. Rizelle T. Fajilan

They explore every means within their purview to make us feel comfortable and encourage us to learn. They comforted us when were in distressed situations. They mourn with us when we are bereaved. They ululate by rejoicing with us in most of our endeavors depending on the situations we find ourselves.

Out of the smile on their faces when they teach, it illuminates the entire class with delectation that, you dont want to hear the sound of the closing bell. Embarrassing situations are always turned into badinage and humor to make us feel relaxed. Their words of encouragement always motivate you to wake up in the midnight full of enthusiasm ready to go to school in the morning. If you come across such dedicated teachers, nobody in their class goes to school late and most do their best no matter how stupid they may have already been assessed.

In the class, they showed extraordinary leadership skill, in the field of study they are so patient and tolerant even though our shortcomings and will assist along the way without any sign of resentment. In our moments of success, when we do great in our exams, they rejoice with us exhilaratingly. Will encourage us to cogitate and to feel so good about ourselves; edge us to envision theres nothing impossible we cannot achieve in this world. They will call or visit our homes to ascertain the reason why we abstained from school. Thats the distinguishing mark of a

true dedicated teacher.

Their insistence for the right things to be done has shaped our lives tremendously. Their compelling guidance for us to obey our parents, respect our elders, leaders, and to fear God will forever be the guiding principle for the rest of our lives.

By: Jerrizza Ramirez

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