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Raymond Cattell's 16 Personality Factors (16 PF)

Descriptors of Low Range Impersonal, distant, cool, reserved, detached, formal, aloof (Sizothymia) Concrete thinking, lower general mental capacity, less intelligent, una le to handle a stract pro lems (!ower Scholastic "ental Capacity) Primary Factor Descriptors of High Range Warm, outgoing, attentive to others, kindly, easy going, participating, likes people (Affectothymia) A stract$thinking, more intelligent, right, higher general mental capacity, fast learner (%igher Scholastic "ental Capacity) &motionally sta le, adaptive, mature, faces reality calmly (%igher &go Strength) 'ominant, forceful, assertive, aggressive, competitive, stu orn, ossy ('ominance) !ively, animated, spontaneous, enthusiastic, happy go lucky, cheerful, e(pressive, impulsive (Surgency)



#eactive emotionally, changea le, affected y feelings, emotionally less &motional sta le, easily upset Sta ility (!ower &go Strength) 'eferential, cooperative, avoids conflict, su missive, hum le, o edient, easily led, docile, accommodating (Su missiveness) Serious, restrained, prudent, taciturn, introspective, silent ('esurgency) !iveliness


#ule$conscious, dutiful, &(pedient, nonconforming, disregards conscientious, conforming, rules, self indulgent #ule$ moralistic, staid, rule ound Consciousness (!ow Super &go Strength) (%igh Super &go Strength) Shy, threat$sensitive, timid, hesitant, intimidated ()hrectia) ,tilitarian, o -ective, unsentimental, tough minded, self$reliant, no$ nonsense, rough (%arria) )rusting, unsuspecting, accepting, unconditional, easy (Ala(ia) Social *oldness Sensitivity .igilance Socially old, venturesome, thick skinned, uninhi ited (+armia) Sensitive, aesthetic, sentimental, tender minded, intuitive, refined (+remsia) .igilant, suspicious, skeptical, distrustful, oppositional

(+rotension) /rounded, practical, prosaic, solution A stract, imaginative, a sent oriented, steady, conventional A stractedness minded, impractical, a sor ed in (+ra(ernia) ideas (Autia) 0orthright, genuine, artless, open, guileless, naive, unpretentious, involved (Artlessness) +rivateness +rivate, discreet, nondisclosing, shrewd, polished, worldly, astute, diplomatic (Shrewdness) Apprehensive, self dou ting, worried, guilt prone, insecure, worrying, self laming (/uilt +roneness) 1pen to change, e(perimental, li eral, analytical, critical, free thinking, fle(i ility (#adicalism) Self$#eliance Self$reliant, solitary, resourceful, individualistic, self sufficient (Self$Sufficiency) +erfectionistic, organized, compulsive, self$disciplined, socially precise, e(acting will power, control, self$sentimental (%igh Self$Concept Control) )ense, high energy, impatient, driven, frustrated, over wrought, time driven3 (%igh &rgic )ension)

Self$Assured, unworried, complacent, secure, free of guilt, confident, self Apprehension satisfied (,ntrou led) )raditional, attached to familiar, conservative, respecting traditional ideas (Conservatism) /roup$oriented, affiliative, a -oiner and follower dependent (/roup Adherence) )olerated disorder, une(acting, fle(i le, undisciplined, la(, self$ conflict, impulsive, careless of social +erfectionism rules, uncontrolled (!ow Integration) #ela(ed, placid, tran2uil, torpid, patient, composed low drive (!ow &rgic )ension)

1penness to Change


+rimary 0actors and 'escriptors in Cattell4s 56 +ersonality 0actor "odel (Adapted 0rom Co7n 8 #ieke, 599:)3 Cattell referred to these 56 factors as primary factors, as opposed to the so$called ;*ig 0ive; factors which he considered global factors. All of the primary factors correlate with glo al factors and could therefore e considered su factors within them3

he !lo"al Factors
)he chart elow presents the glo al factors derived from the si(teen primary factors3

Descriptors of Low Range Introverted, socially inhi ited !ow an(iety, unpertur a le, ad-ustment #eceptive, open$ minded, intuitive, emotionality, feeling (Pathemia) Accommodating, agreea le, selfless, su duedness ,nrestrained, impulsive, uncontrolled

!lo"al Factors #$tra%ersion &n$iety

Descriptors of High Range &(traverted, social participant %igh an(iety, pertur a le, histrionic

)ough$minded, resolute, unempathetic, tough o'gh()indedness poise (Cortical Alertness) *ndependence Independence, persuasive, willful Self$controlled, inhi itory of impulses


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