2014 Nike COY Clinic (Vegas)

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2014 Nike Coach of the Year Clinic th th

February 14 16 in Las Vegas, NV

Hunkie Cooper Head Coach @ Canyon Springs HS in NV 5 Ps o Purpose What is your purpose? Win/Lose games? Build young men? Dont lose sight of your purpose and always make decisions with that purpose in mind o Personnel Coaches They are the most important You have to have the right coaches or everything will unravel Identity What is the identity of your team? o Smart, strong, fast, etc o Decide what you are, and play to it Kids Do you have good kids? Academics first, athletics second o Potential If you have potential, you have a POTENTIAL PROBLEM Dont rely on potential 8 year olds have potential, high school kids dont If you are looking at the potential of a kid, it better come thru in sh ort time Potential gets people fired Performance wins games o Playmaker How do they help the team? They are the ones not going to class Expect an A, B, C because Im on the football team They will lose you just as many games as they win you o Players Respect football and academics alike Accept criticism and praise Desire to get better in the classroom, on the field, and off the field You need PLAYERS, not PLAYMAKERS to be successful! Coach is a sacred trust! o Dont lose it. You are probably the only male figure in any of these young mens lives. o Love them hard and coach them hard

Jeff Steinberg Head Coach @ Santiago HS in CA (Session #1) Make the Big Time Where You Are book by Frosty Westering o Must-Read Create a good program, not a good team! o Get on the Bus Energy needed to kickoff program is high Must have a vision Sell the vision to Admin, Boosters, and Staff Cant do it alone Surround yourself with people who share the same vision Get right people on the bus and figure out where they sit after they are on Just hire everyone you trust and find spot for them later

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Create an Edge Dont worry about athletes you dont have Dont allow coaches to complain about what you dont have Pattern your program on what top programs in the country are doing Create an edge by doing things better than they have ever been done Pete Carol o On a Mission Core Values, Vision, Mission Statement Really only have 2 options: Winning Winning games is main focus Impacting Others Main focus is on the relationships Core Honesty and Caring = Great Relationships Vision Have the top program in the state Mission Statement Excellence on the field, in the classroom and around the community Woodens Pyramid of Success Practice is Everything! Key Ingredients to a Program o #1 = Staff o #2 = Athletes o #3 = Support of Parents o #4 = Support of Admin Todays Athletes o Attention span what attention span? o Me, me, me Selfish o Helicopter parents Dont allow their kids to fail and learn from failure o Backwards Safety is more important than growth!!! What Hinders Motivation o Cafeteria Lifestyle No delayed gratification, everything they want now o Faced paced No patience o Credit Bubble Work for things no, put it on credit cards. o Celebrity Culture Beiber is role-model rather than guys who are honest, hard working, and good people o Social Media I have 250 twitter followers Im the most popular person ever!!! o Self Esteem Movement Parents telling them how great they are and how smart or beautiful or whatever work and effort not praised, but just good self esteem How you are remembered & how you are is by how you respond to adversity Use Themes o Yearly Burn the Ships, Restore the Pride, etc o Weekly Themes Wooden stuff o Daily Themes Pete Carol Win Forever Challenging but Obtainable Goals o Yearly, Weekly, Daily, Game Measureable & Objective Chart Everything PROCESS. NOT PRODUCT!!!

Jeff Steinberg Head Coach @ Santiago HS in CA (Session #2) OKG Our Kind of Guy o Character, Academics, and Intangibles ALL PROGRAMS HAVE A COMMON LIMITATION TIME!!! o What we do with it determines our success vs. our opponents with the same time as us!!!

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Yearly Plan o Jan = No official QB/WR workouts. Team in weightroom & agilities o Feb = QB workouts. QB meetings 1x a week o Mar = QB meetings 2x a week. WRs in meetings. Team practice 1x a week o April = QB meetings 2x a week. Team practice 1x a week. Host 7on7 & Trench War o May = QB meetings 2x a week. Spring football. Attend 1 7on7 tournament o June = Dead Period! Weights only 5:30-7:15 AM. Nothing Else o July = QB meetings 4x a week. Summer workouts. 7on7 tournament Always give 2 weeks off no weights, meetings, ANYTHING o August = Fall Practices QB Selection o Competitors o Grades o Good Decisions o Head Coach decides who all QBs in program will be o Cannot tryout for QB Coach must pick you! QB School o Daily Drills Mechanics, Feet, & All Things Needed o Classroom Meetings Video, Powerpoint, Chalkboard Software o Review on Own HUDL Game Week Preparation o Saturday AM Review & Evaluate Fridays Game. Comments and Points of Emphasis Coaching points on HUDL by Noon! Preview upcoming opponent o Saturday PM Reports and Films on HUDL Never give entire game to players just 5-10 play clips of important things Characteristics and preparation online Scripts and cards Assess needs for week at practice Gameplan sheet Prepare locker room boards o Sunday System & Personnel Staff meeting and meet with OC and DC Finish reports and cards Practice plan for Monday Theme for the week What will it take to win? o Tone Setter Monday QBs film at lunch Commitment cards Strength training Film before practice Post-practice film study Players watch HUDL Coaches meet to discuss practice plan for Tuesday o Takeaway Tuesday Film review before night practice Discuss preliminary game plan with team Coaches meet to discuss practice plan for Wednesday

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Competition Wednesday Strength training Film before practice Game situations Pot practice film study Coaches meet to discuss practice plan for Thursday Perfect Thursday Gameplan on field Opening script Special teams Situation and sideline procedures Print up wrist coaches Gameplan sheets and pressbox sheets Payday Friday ST & 2-pt Plays Subs, situations, and sideline procedures Opening script Gameplan & special plays Team meal and Player of the Week awards th Staff meeting for coin toss, special situations, 4 downs th Make sure all coaches know when we are going on 4 , going for 2, or what we will do so there is no friction on sideline

Robbie Owens = Head Coach @ Grand Junction HS in CO) Philosophy o Defensive Background What caused me issues on Defense? Multiple Formations & Personnel Shifts, Motions, & Unbalanced o Coaching History While in FL, tons of Meyer and Tebow stuff All the pistol stuff from Nevada Growing pains Couldnt get HS kids to do the true zone-blocking, so modified it No Huddle to make defense show their hand Why the Pistol? o Eliminate Tendencies with FB o Use whole off in no-huddle (cant run some plays with FB on rt/lt without flipping him) o Flip plays without moving back o Use formations & motions both ways o Force defense to play option every play o Run 1 and 2 back plays easily o RBs enter LOS forward with square shoulders Our Identity o Build a system Easy to teach, easy to install, easy to make adjustments o Multiple formations o Multiple personnel groups o Conflict assignment run game o Vertical pass game o System concepts for pass 7 run o Up-Tempo no-huddle

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We Want o Play fast, play physical, finish o DWWD DO WHAT WE DO!!! o Win the play 6 second players Gun & Pistol o Advantages of Gun while still having advantages of I Base Formation

Run Game DOUBLE TEAMS!!! o Veer/Zone concept run zone, block veer o Power run game o Speed option o Outside zone o QB run game Went into his offensive playcalling system o Numerical system for direction, playtype, and player to read/block o Tags for who is pulling to block the defender identified by the number system

BretBielema = Head Coach @ University of Arkansas Identify Areas of Need o Offense/Defense/Specials Scheme changes Personnel changes Staff changes o Program Changes Emphasis on Family Care Factor Strength and Conditioning Program Planning Year Round Development o Season Analysis Bottom Line Results st 4+ yards on 1 down on Offense st 3- yards on 1 down on Defense Statistical Review and Anlysis No shit!!! stats are useless rd rd Find out WHY we were 3 & 10, not that we suck at 3 and 10! Staff Analysis Use Resources Off does scout of Def Def does scout of Off No names, just numbers See what we notice about ourselves

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Moving Forward to Success o Identify indicators of success o Adapt and adjust needs o Overall program analysis o Individual analysis o Keep the faith in principles 10 Commandments of coaching o Always tell the truth and you wont have to remember what you said o Lost potential is poor coaching o It is not what we know it is what they know o Never ignore something you know o Never coach something you dont know o Praise loudly and criticize softly o Choose your points of emphasis o Undersized & underdeveloped both can be changed Of the 2 superbowl teams more than 75% of them were 3-star or worse recruits o Maximize your bell cows o We are in the greatest profession in the world. Choose a job you love and you will never work a day in your life 4 MUST HAVES st o Yards on 1 Down 4+ on Off 3- on Def o Critical Downs Offense stay on the field Defense get off the field o Redzone Success 7 points on offense 3 or less on defense o Turnovers (penalties = turnovers) Offense dont give it away Defense take it away Offensive penalties mean punts (lost possession) st Defensive penalties give 1 downs (another possession) OFFICIALS AND REPLAYS DONT CHANGE THE OUTCOME!!! o Players and coaches are responsible for the outcome Men think we are invincible o If you are married and want to know your greatest weakness just ask o Adversity is when a man is first introduced to himself

Gary Pinkel = Head Coach @ University of Missouri Missouri Culture Mutual respect between players and coaches o #1 = Positive Attitude o #2 = No Excuses o #3 = Response to Communication o #4 = Complete Honesty o #5 = No Back-Talking Our Culture is NOT o we are in trouble o we cant handle this o we cant win because

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THIS IS NOT OPTIONAL!!! EVERYONE CAN DO THESE REGARDLESS OF TALENT o Be a team player o Have a great attitude o No excuses o Great work ethic Core Values o Honety o Treat women with respect o No Drugs o Respect cultural differences o Always protect your family!!! Team Bottom Line o Enthusiasm o 6 second competitors o Know your assignments o Tough and physical o 1 play at a time & deliver your best on every slide in presentation Whistle to Snap o Step 1 = 5 second rule park it (+/- emotion for less than 5 sec) o Step 2 = Positive self-talk think right (get over the last play) o Step 3 = Find what matters next play (prepare for next play) o Step 4 = Optimal Arousal not too high or too low (redial in the focus) Attitudes and Excuses destroy teams and individuals!!! Went over all of their 4-verts stuff on video

Dan McCarney = Head Coach @ University of North Texas DL is the most important unit on the field o DL must be most physical unit on team o DL must be most relentless unit on team o Light up the performance chart o Inspire teammates by the way you practice and prepare every day What is a loaf? o Passed up running to the ball o Changed speed running to the ball o Staying on the ground o Not playing through the whistle Front 4 rules for stopping the run o Alignment No advantage to the offense presnap o Visual Key Know your visual key and attack it o Butt Technique KICK HIS ASS Hit him every play let him know hes in a fight Control the line take it personally st Do your job 1 believe in the system GO ALL THE WAY!!! Concentration and Intensity be a time bomb ready to go off o Rock (stunt) Technique Attack the LOS and walk through the keel line Be disruptive TFL, break glass, keep pullers from pulling Read and react on the run change direction of run plays Must be violent with hands Transition from one to another know what you are doing o Key the ball

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Visual Key Pressure Key Pass Rush Philosophy o Should be passionate about rushing the passer st o Stop the run 1 Cant rush the passer if they shove the ball up your ass all game long o Sack is the most exciting play in football Makes offense cry and feel sorry for their pathetic asses Gets everyone on defense fired up! o Pass rush is an art You vs. him in 1on1 Best rushers have 1 move and 1 counter that they are experts at o Pass rush takes passion, pride and hours of film and practice study o Refuse to be blocked and never quit o Do ordinary things in an extraordinary manner o Predetermine our move picture what you are going to do o Explode on snap, good angle to contact, and good approach Dont run more than necessary o Blockers hate having hands taken away o Bull technique Hands punch and not place hit his ass On approach keep loose and comfortable o Dont telegraph what you are doing o You are gonna miss sometimes!!! Reload and hit his ass again o 2.5 3.0 seconds Kick ass for 3 seconds no time for 3-4 moves DL Drills o Ropes everyday o Bags everyday o Change direction o Chutes o Tackling drills POWER OF THE UNIT Can be applied to all units. As position coach you must: o Be the head coach of your unit Anticipate problems Take pride and manage your guys o Straight truth Players know where they stand Get their respect o Have a plan Tell them the plan Meet & let them know what they are doing or need to do o Do they feel you can help make them better? Good teacher with bog toolbox Be confident and make them great o Get them to buy into the plan Be thorough and take ownership o DONT BE AN ENABLER o Tough Love Challenge them Kids want discipline

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o o o

Conflict resolution builds character Best bonds are built after disagreements People connect to show of emotions Get it raw to grow Hold oldest and best players most accountable Others will follow holy shit, he jumped our best players ass I better fall in line Consistent, not equal Entitlement and empowerment Always keep players guarded Know when to have fun! Gonna be a dad/husband Camp fire talks Stand up for them Fight for them Tell them when you screw up Apologize and be real Love them hard and coach them hard

Jeff Steinberg Went over his screen game (basics of multiple screens bubble, smoke, delay, tunnel, etc) Blaise Winter Went over importance of use of hands in football (SUPER ENTHUSIASTIC!!!) Stan Davis Went over 4-3 Cover 2. Lots of video and examples of correct/incorrect Mike Leach Went over mesh concept. Showed clips and coaching points Matt Wells Lots of video examples of triangle reads and progression reads in playaction game

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