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SUCCRUMBED An apocalyptic thriller.

written by Matthew McMurry

INT. LIVING ROOM - AFTERNOON A young man makes his way from his kitchen to his living room, clothed with only a bathrobe. He turns on his television and sips from his coffee. The TV is turned to a local news station. The TV shows a very nervous looking reporter stands in front of a burning city scape. The news ticker reads WORLD COMING TO AN END. REPORTER -meteors are coming from the sky and destroying everything! I cant believe what Im seeing! The camera zooms in on a building being struck by a meteor, the tower being immediately decimated by its impact. REPORTER Are you seeing this right now? That building just got destroyed!!! He looks back for a moment. REPORTER Oh my god was that the hotel my mother was stayiThe TV is turned off. The young man slams the remote down on the table, his face showing a mixture of nervousness, anxiety, and excitement. He opens up the curtains to see the blazing skyline. He then quickly grabs his cell phone and rushes out the door. INT. CAR - AFTERNOON The man drives his car amongst the chaotic traffic as he dials a number on his cell phone. MAN (impatiently) Come on come on come on For a brief moment it seems as if the call will go unanswered, but a lady answers at the last second. WOMAN (V.O.) Youve reached the Irving Olive Garden, my name is Stephanie, how can I help you?




MAN Id like to make an order to go. STEPHANIE (V.O.) Alright one second. The man swerves his car to dodge another speeding car that speeds off the bridge and crashes into a lake. He drops his phone in the swerve. MAN NO!!! He looks away from the window to quickly grab his phone. MAN (panicking) Hello are you still there?! STEPHANIE (V.O.) Yes sir how can we take your order? EXT. OLIVE GARDEN - AFTERNOON The parking lot is mostly vacant save for a few cars. The mans car screeches to a halt into one of the parking spaces. INT. OLIVE GARDEN - AFTERNOON The man enters the Olive Garden, breathing very heavily. The waitress begins to ask for his party size but he very quickly interrupts her. MAN Ive got a to-go order for Greg. WOMAN Oh alright! Ive got that right here. Lets see She inspects the reciept WOMAN 90 bread-sticks. Is that all-GREG Yes Greg slams down a large wad of cash on the counter, grabs the bag, and books it out the door.




WOMAN Sir!! EXT. OLIVE GARDEN - AFTERNOON He sprints through the parking lot, jumps in his car and slams the door. He rips at the packaging until several bags are dumped in his lap. He opens up the bag and takes a huge whiff, and slowly exhales in pleasureful relief. He then proceeds to eat 90 bread-sticks, his pace getting slower and slower as time passes. After all 90 are eaten he emits a loud belch. CUT TO BLACK THE END

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