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Who among the following professionals helps individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations develop the skills and resources they need to enhance their social functions and environments? a. Social Work c. Counseling b. Psychology d. Psychiatry

Social workers help individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations develop the skills and resources they need to enhance their social functioning and environments. Their duties are family counseling agencies that provides assessment, counseling and referral services to individuals and families in areas such as parenting and marriage counseling. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 27) 2. A client needs a prescription of drugs. Who among of the following professionals has the responsibility to prescribe controlled drugs? a. Social Worker b. Psychologist c. Counselor d. Psychiatrist Clients need to understand that the psychiatrist is a physician practicing a medical specialty. They are legally able to prescribe controlled drugs and to admit patients to hospital care. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 29) 3. What kind of therapy does the use of electric current through the brain occurs? a. Chemotherapy b. Individual Psychotherapy c. Shock Therapy d. Group Psychotherapy Treatments used by psychiatrist include chemotherapy, shock therapy (including shock, with or without convulsions, in patients by means of insulin or electric current through the brain). Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 29) 4. What is the common helping profession where there is no specific educational requirements involved? a. Generalist Human Services Worker b. Nonprofessional Helper c. Kitchen Helper d. Professional Helper This is the first level of helping involves. These helpers may be friends, colleagues, untrained volunteers, or supervisors who try to assist those in need whatever ways they can. Nonprofessional helpers posses varying degrees of wisdom and skill. No specific educational requirements are involved, and the level of helping varies greatly among people in this group.

Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 34) 5. What do you call to the foundation on which the professions of counseling and psychotherapy rest? a. Guidance Counseling b. Pastoral Counseling c. Helping Relationship d. Psychotherapy Other definitions of helping relationships are as follows. Helping relationship serves as the foundation on which the professions of counseling and psychotherapy rest. Source: Capuzzi, David, (2003) Counseling and Psychotherapy : Theories and Intervention, Pearson Education Inc., (page 1) 6. What kind of process does helping relationship have between helpers and clients? a. Face to face b. Human Connection c. counseling d. association Helping Relationship is a process of human connections between helpers and cliets. This process occurs face to face. Connection is the essential characteristics of any relationship. Source: Jones, Richard, (2000)Introduction to counseling skills, Sage Publication (page 9) 7. In question number 6, how does this process occurs? a. Face to Face b. c. thorough association d.

one at a time interview

Helping Relationship is a process of human connections between helpers and cliets. This process occurs face to face. Connection is the essential characteristics of any relationship. Source: Jones, Richard, (2000)Introduction to counseling skills, Sage Publication (page 9) 8. On what strategy does it has implications for both clients and counselors or therapists wherein counselors or therapists shares with the clients his or her feelings, thoughts, and experiences that are relevant to the situation presented by the client? a. c. Self-disclosure Questioning b. d. Confrontation Clarifying and perception checking

Self- Disclosure has implications for both clients and counselors or therapists. Here counselors or therapists shares with the clients his or her feelings, thoughts, and experiences that are relevant to the situation presented by the client. The attitude towards therapeutic self-disclosure is closely related to the therapist's primary theoretical orientation. Generally, highly disclosing therapists viewed the focus of the psychotherapy process as an interconnection between the therapist and the patient, whereas less disclosing therapists focused on working through patients' projections. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 23)

9. Which strategy when done in an open manner enables the counselor or therapist to gain important information and allows client to remain in control of the information presented? a. Summarizing b. Questioning c. Confrontation d. Self-Disclosure Questioning is one strategy that aid in data gathering. When done in an open manner, it enables the counselor or therapist to gain important information and allows the client to remain in control of the information presented. Questions during the counseling session can help to open up new areas for discussion. They can assist to pinpoint an issue and they can assist to clarify information that at first may seem ambiguous to the counselor. Questions that invite clients to think or recall information can aid in a clients journey of self-exploration.Counselors should be knowledgeable about the different types of questioning techniques, including the appropriate use of them and likely results. It is also important to be aware and cautious of over-questioning. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 22) 10. What is the ability of the counselors or therapists in which they convey their acceptance of clients, the desire for their clients and their sincere interest in finding workable solutions to the problems that clients present? a. Emphatic understanding b. Respect and positive regard c. Warmth d. Cultural awareness Using warmth, counselors or therapists convey their acceptance of clients, the desire for their clients and their sincere interest in finding workable solutions to the problems that clients present. Warmth is caring about a person without any desire or attempt to own, judge or control them. It is prizing them exactly as they are here and now, even if they are "stuck" or seem to be deteriorating. That's why some of the older counseling literature refers to warmth as "unconditional positive regard." There are no conditions to warmth; warmth is not earned. In reality, most counselors and priest/esses are naturally warm, nurturers by instinct and nature, and drawn to work as helpers by our own strong inclinations. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 23) 11. In the 1900s, who established Boston Vocational Bureau to help young people make career decisions and is also recognized as The Father of Guidance? a. Clifford Beers b. Frank Parsons c. Jesse Davis d. Hannah Stone The twentieth century saw the blossoming of counseling as a distinct profession. Rapid developments in the field followed one after the after. In the 1900s, Frank Parsons, The Father of Guidance, establishes the Boston Vocational Bureau to help young people make career decisions; writes the Choosing a Vocation. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 43)

12. Which of the following contributed to the decline of the impact of counseling in the 1960s? a. Womens movement b. World War I c. C old war d. Industrial Revolution The initial focus was on counseling as a developmental profession. Gilbert Wrenn set the tone for the decade and became one of the strongest counseling advocates. He wrote the widely influencing book The Counselor in a Changing Worldand worked to resolve developmental needs. The impact gradually declined as the decade continued because of: Vietnam War Civil rights movement Womens movement. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 54) 13. Which term refers to the focus on mental structures and introspection as introduced by psychologist E.B. Titchener of Cornell University? a. Stimulus-response psychology b. Functionalism c. Structuralism d. Psychoanalytic psychology According to Atkinson, Atkinson, and Hilgard (1983), a major advocate of Wundt's approach in the United States was a psychologist at Cornell University named E. B. Titchener, who introduced the term structuralism to describe Wundt's psychology, which focused on mental structures and introspection. Source: Atkinson, R. L., Atkinson, R. C., &Hilgard, E. R. (1983). Brief history of psychology. Introduction to psychology, 8th edition, New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ( Page 593-601) 14.Who is this early Greek Counselor who indicated that mental disorders were diseases due to natural causes? a. c. Aristotle Al-Razi b. Plato Hippocrates


Hippocrates indicated that mental disorders were diseases due to natural causes. In 4th century BC, he suggested that the disturbance of four humours in the body causes different behavioural problems. Ma. Lourdes Arellano- Carandang , Maria Aurora D.P. Catipon , Karina Therese Galang Fernandez , Louise Trivino-Dey and Ma. Teresa G. Tuason, Journal of Counseling and Development. 90.3 (July 2012): p373., Counseling in the Philippines: Past, Present, and Future, Retrieved February 8, 2014, http://margiecash.com/counselingpsychology.htm

15. On which country does the Filipinos obtained training and degrees and established academic counseling programs when they returned to the Philippines? a. United States b. Paris





From the 1940s to the 1960s was a period of counselor training, as Filipinos obtained training and degrees in the United States and established academic counseling programs when they returned to the country.

Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 54) 16. They are sensitive to the extent of people's religiosity and respectfully include spirituality in counselling. a. Competent counselors b. Aggressive counsellors c. Spiritual counseling d. Nurturing counsellors Competent counselors are sensitive to the extent of people's religiosity and respectfully include spirituality in counseling. The establishment in 2008 of the Family and Pastoral Counseling Association of the Philippines reflects counselors' responsiveness to the needs of Filipinos by tapping into the valuable resource available in people's faith and spirituality. Source: Ma. Lourdes Arellano- Carandang , Maria Aurora D.P. Catipon , Karina Therese Galang Fernandez , Louise Trivino-Dey and Ma. Teresa G. Tuason, Journal of Counseling and Development. 90.3 (July 2012): p373., Counseling in the Philippines: Past, Present, and Future, Retrieved February 8, 2014, http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA295551356&v=2.1&u=lom_umichanna&it=r&inPS=true& prodId=ITOF&userGroupName=lom_umichanna&p=ITOF&digest=1c908c4190377f8c4c8caa1659c44fe0& rssr=rss 17. This Act was intended to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling and to create the Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and Counseling, which is under the administrative control and supervision of the Professional Regulatory Commission. a. Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 b. Republic Act 1954 c. Counseling Act of 1965 d. Philippine Psychology Act of 2009 The most significant development in Philippine counseling is the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9258). The Act was intended to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling and to create the Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and Counseling, which is under the administrative control and supervision of the Professional Regulatory Commission. Source: Ma. Lourdes Arellano- Carandang , Maria Aurora D.P. Catipon , Karina Therese Galang Fernandez , Louise Trivino-Dey and Ma. Teresa G. Tuason, Journal of Counseling and Development. 90.3 (July 2012): p373., Counseling in the Philippines: Past, Present, and Future, Retrieved February 8, 2014, http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA295551356&v=2.1&u=lom_umichanna&it=r&inPS=true& prodId=ITOF&userGroupName=lom_umichanna&p=ITOF&digest=1c908c4190377f8c4c8caa1659c44fe0& rssr=rss

18. These theories emphasize the creation of therapeutic environment that can hold the client's problem in an accepting manner in order to allow the client to move toward self - actualization. Elements of this force are humanism, phenomenology, or existentialism. a. First Force b. Second Force c. Third Force d. Standardization of Training and Certification The primary goal of humanistic theories is to create a working environment where the client can achieve self-actualization. Third forces are the theories that emphasize the creation of therapeutic environment that can hold the client's problem in an accepting manner in order to allow the client to move toward self - actualization. Elements of this force are humanism, phenomenology, or existentialism. Source: Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 54)

19. They begun these programs that aims to teach basic counseling skills to professionals and nonprofessionals alike. a. Traux and Carkhuff (1967) and Ivey (1971) b. Carol Giligan and Erik Erikson c. Lewis and Lewis d. Sue, Arredondo and McDavis Traux and Carkhuff (1967) and Ivey (1971) begun these programs that aims to teach basic counseling skills to professionals and nonprofessionals alike. Source: Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 51) 20. What do you call to the clientsinnate capacity to become all that she or he can bring forth? The primary goal of humanistic theories is to create a working environment where the client can achieve self-actualization. Self-actualization is the clients innate capacity to become all that she or he can bring forth Third forces are the theories that emphasize the creation of therapeutic environment that can hold the client's problem in an accepting manner in order to allow the client to move toward self actualization. Elements of this force are humanism, phenomenology, or existentialism. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 54) 21. What stage of development in Eriksons Psychosocial Theory has a developmental task of achieving a sense of self-confidence by learning, competing, and receiving recognition from significant others and peers? a. Generativity vs. Stagnation b. Initiative vs. Guilt c. Industry vs. Inferiority d. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt In the stage Industry vs. Inferiority of the stages of development in Eriksons Psychosociial Theory, the major developmental tasks are to achieve a sense of self-confidence by learning, competing,performing

successfully, and receiving recognition from significant others, peers,and acquaintances. Industry is achieved by mastering knowledge and intellectual skills. When children dont attain this mastery, they can feel inferior. Erikson believed that at the end of early childhoods period of expansive imagination, children are ready to turn their energy to learning academic skills. If they dont, they might develop a sense of being incompetent and unproductive. Source: Townsend, M.C,( 2006),: Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: concepts of Care, Fifth EditionF.A. Davis Philadelphia, (page 38) 22. What is the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood? a. Intimacy vs. isolation b. Identity vs. Role Confusion c. Initiative vs. Guilt d. Generativity vs. Stagnation The Identity vs. Role Confusion (12 to 20 years) is the transitional stage between childhood and adulthood. This stage occurs during adolescent years. At this time, the individuals are faced with finding out who they are, what they are all about, and where thay are going in life. Adolescents are confronted with many new roles and adult statuses, such as vocational and romantic issues. Source: Polan, Elaine and Daphne Taylor (2007) Journey Across the Life Span: Human Development and Health Promotion, Third Edition, F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, (page 63) 23. What is the process by which the middle-aged person focuses on leadership, productivity and concern for future generations? a. Integrity b. Production c. Generativity d. Autonomy Erikson defines generativity as the process by which the middle-aged person focuses on leadership, productivity and concern for future generations. The seventh stage which is Generativity vs. Stagnation, a chief concern is to assist the younger generation in developing and leading useful lives. This is what Erikson meet by generativity. Source: Polan, Elaine and Daphne Taylor, (2007) Journey Across the Life Span: Human Development and Health Promotion, Third Edition, F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, (page 64) 24. Whose characteristic most likely to influence the counseling process? a. Counselor b. Client c. Both a & b d. None of the above Counseling has been defined as a working relationship between two individuals in which the counselor challenges the client to deal with the problems by finding solutions based on the clients own value system. One of the factors most likely to influence the counseling process is the characteristic of the client. Source: Scott B. Martin, Allen Akers and Allen W. Jackson, (2001) Journal of Applied Sport Psychology,(page 13) 25. What do you called the learnings an individual must acquire if he is to be judged and to judge himself a reasonably happy, successful person? a. Major tasks b. Developmental tasks c. Psychological tasks d. Individual tasks

Havighurst explains that developmental tasks are the learnings an individual must acquire if he is to be judged and judge himself a reasonably happy,successful person. He defines a developmental task as task which arises at or about a certain period in the life of individual, successful achievement of which leads to his happiness and to success with later tasks, while failure leads to unhappiness in the individual, disapproval by the society, and difficulty with later tasks. Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M.(2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st Edition, (page 63) 26. Which of the following is not a concern of High School Students? a. religion and morality b. c. feelings of increasing dependence and self-direction d.

boy-girl relationship youthful marriages

Youthful Marriages is not included in High School Concerns but to College students. Source: Source: Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 51)

27. On what aspect does the school counselors help students by locating the difficulties the adolescent face and providing them with guidance on how to overcome or at least minimize these difficulties. a. c. career directions active participation b. d. career decisions them goal-oriented

To help students in making career decisions, school counselors have to locate the difficulties the adolescent face and provide them with guidance on how to overcome or at least minimize these difficulties. Source: Itamar, Gati, (2001)Journal of Counseling and Development, 2001 (Page 17)

28. Which of the following is not included in social maladjustment? a. aggressive antisocial behavior b. uncouth behavior c. family conflict d. obscenity Concerns of Elementary School Children include emotional problem, intellectual disabilities, motivational inadequacies, moral defects, and physical ailments ans social adjustments. Social maladjustment including aggressive antisocial behavior, family conflicts, isolation and uncouth behavior. Source: Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 69) 29. This is not included in personal concerns among college students? a. stress b. fear c. anxiety d. depression

Many of the students who come for counseling are experiencing normal college student stress. Some students are experiencing more serious concerns such as depression and anxiety. Although they say that there are many great things about college life, they admitted that it can also include many challenges. Source: Pawlik and Rosenzwerg, (2000) International Handbook of Psychology, 1st edition, Sage Publication, Ltd., London(Page 275) 30. What is this disease that have increased along with sexual liberation? a. HIV b. ADHD c. AIDS d. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases have increased along with sexual liberation. Pre-marital sexual activity and the number of sexual partners have increased and the double standard that once permitted more sexual freedom for males than females has been steadily eroding. Source: Source: De Jesus, Evangeline M, (2006) Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, 1st edition, Educational Publishing House, United Nations Avenue Ermita, Manila (Page 71) 31. It is describe as immediate, long-range, and process. A statement of it is not only important but also necessary, for it provides a sense of direction and purpose. A. Goal B. Expectation C. Target D. Psychology The goal of counseling may be described as immediate, long-range, and process. A statement of it is not only important but also necessary, for it provides a sense of direction and purpose. The goals of counseling include the improving the wellness of one's whole being. It also strengthens one's personal growth in finding the correct course of life. Counseling can be done when someone is facing problems or are confused with choices to make. S.NarayanaRao. (1997). Counselling and Guidance,Second edition, McGraw, T. Hill Publishing Company Limited.New Delhi.(Pg:63-68) 32. They are responsible for understanding the behavior, motivations, and feelings of the counselee. They have the goals are not limited to understanding his clients. 32. A. Counselor B. Counselee C. Psychologist D. Therapist The counselor has the goal of understanding the behavior, motivations, and feelings of the counselee. They have the goals are not limited to understanding his clients. counselors are trained to intervene or provide support for a countless number of issues, far too many to list in any comprehensive way.

S.NarayanaRao. (1997). Counselling and Guidance,Second edition, McGraw, T. Hill Publishing Company Limited.New Delhi.(Pg:63-68) 33. A type of counseling goal which refers to the problems for which the client is seeking solutions here and now. The counselee could be helped to gain fuller self- understanding through self exploration and to appreciate his strengths and weaknesses. A. B. C. D. A. Intermediate goal Immediate goal Process goals Ultimate goals

The immediate goals of counseling refer to the problems for which the client is seeking solutions here and now. The counselee could be helped to gain fuller self- understanding through self exploration and to appreciate his strengths and weaknesses. S.NarayanaRao. (1997). Counselling and Guidance,Second edition, McGraw, T. Hill Publishing Company Limited.New Delhi.(Pg:63-68) 34. It comprise empathic understanding, warmth and friendliness which provide for inter personal exploration which in turn helps the client in his self-exploration and self-understanding. A. A. Processed goals B. Mediate goals C. Immediate goals D. Ultimate goals The process goals are the basic counseling dimensions which are essential conditions for counseling to take place. They comprise empathic understanding, warmth and friendliness which provide for inter personal exploration which in turn helps the client in his self-exploration and self-understanding and eventually lead to the long range goals namely self-actualization, self- realization and self enhancement. S.NarayanaRao. (1997). Counselling and Guidance,Second edition, McGraw, T. Hill Publishing Company Limited.New Delhi.(Pg:63-68) 35. This phase of treatment will include learning new problem-solving or coping skills, increasing selfunderstanding, exploring life patterns, and gaining a better sense of how you are influenced by relationships and your surroundings. A. B. C. D. A. Assessment Problem resolution Counselee expectancies Counselor expectancies

There are many different approaches available to you in working toward problem resolution. This phase of treatment will include learning new problem-solving or coping skills, increasing self-understanding, exploring life patterns, and gaining a better sense of how you are influenced by relationships and your surroundings.

Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 36. It refers to the anticipation held, or the inference made about counseling. They are derived from experience, stem from need, and nurtured by hope among those who seek assistance and those who provide it. Furthermore, it indicates that counseling ismost appropriate to individual who is in a crisis situation. A. A. Unacceptable Counseling Expectations B. Expectancies C. Accepatable Expectation D. Assessment The term expectancies refer to the anticipation held, or the inference made about counseling. They are derived from experience, stem from need, and nurtured by hope among those who seek assistance and those who provide it. Furthermore, it indicates that counseling ismost appropriate to individual who is in a crisis situation. Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 37. It assist students in career related goal setting and decision making, this may involve clarifying interests, values, skills, and personal styles and relating this information to potential careers or jobs. A. B. C. D. A. Problem Resolution Decision Making Career Counseling Behavioral Change

Career counseling may assist students in career related goal setting and decision making, this may involve clarifying interests, values, skills, and personal styles and relating this information to potential careers or jobs. This type of goal would be to choose a major, adjust to changing career circumstances and make a mid-life career change. Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 38. A type of counseling goal closely related to the preservation of good mental health and securing desirable behavioral change(s). A. B. C. D. A. Positive Mental Health Personal Effectiveness Behavioral Change Problem Resolution

Personal effectiveness is a type of counseling goal closely related to the preservation of good mental health and securing desirable behavioral change(s). The individual will be able to commit himself to projects, investing time and energy and to take appropriate economic, psychological and physical risk. Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 39. It is considered as specific steps contributing to the realization of general goals. It is the reduction of anxiety, acquisition of adaptive habits, etc. A. B. C. D. A. Mediated Goals Immediate Goals Intermediate Goals Ultimate Goals

Mediate goals may be considered as specific steps contributing to the realization of general goals. Behaviorists play much emphasis on these goals like reduction of anxiety, acquisition of adaptive habits, etc. It is through the realization of these goals that the ultimate goals of self-understanding, selfrealization, and self-actualization can be reached. S. NarayanaRao. (1997). Counseling and Guidance, Second Edition. McGraw T. -Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi. (Pg: 63-68) 40. It is identified as an important goal of counseling by some individual who claim that when one reaches this, one learns to adjust and response more positively to people and situations. A. B. C. D. A. Positive Mental Health Personal Effectiveness Behavioral Change Problem Resolution

It is identified as an important goal of counseling by some individual who claim that when one reaches positive mental health, one learns to adjust and response more positively to people and situations. Kell and Mueller (1962) hold that the "promotion and development of feelings of being liked, sharing with, and receiving and giving interaction rewards from other human beings is the legitimate goal of counseling. S. NarayanaRao. (1997). Counseling and Guidance, Second Edition. McGraw T. -Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi. (Pg: 63-68) 41. It is the skill which is giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times. A. B. C. D. A. Personal Attributes Active Listening Critical Thinking Writing

Active Listening is a fundamental skill, together with encouraging clients to talk by asking open questions while keeping the clients responses on track. The counselor also needs to listen to what is not being said, whether through omission or expressed non-verbally. S. NarayanaRao. (1997). Counseling and Guidance, Second Edition. McGraw T. -Hill Publishing Company Limited. New Delhi. (Pg: 63-68) 42. This is done by helping your client define their goal, identify a course of realistic steps to get there, rehearse the steps, and provide rewards for successes. A. B. C. D. A. Objectivity Physical Attractiveness Emotional Sensitivity Initiating

The purpose of initiating is to assist your client in taking tangible, concrete, meaningful, and realistic action to resolve their issue. This is done by helping your client define their goal, identify a course of realistic steps to get there, rehearse the steps, and provide rewards for successes. As discussed earlier, the therapist assists his/her client by echoing and providing additional insight as appropriate. Quirke Mike, (July 2003). Foundational Qualities and Helping Skills for AODA Counselors and Therapists Retrieved January 24, 2004 from Department of Health and Family Services, State of Wisconsin website: www.dhfs.state.wi.us/substabuse 43. It means to approach the counseling process from the context of the personal culture of the client. A. B. C. D. A. Cultural Competence Multicultural Competence Culturist Culture Counselor

Multicultural Competence means to part the approach of counseling process from the context of the personal culture of the client. It is the shared personal examples of their individual cultures and how these impacted their personal and professional lives, including their professional self-awareness, knowledge, and skills. It also embodied several variables of discrimination. Ahmed, Shamshad (April 2011) Journal for Social Action in Counseling and Psychology Volume 3, Number 1, What Does It Mean to Be a Culturally-Competent Counselor, South Florida(Pg: 52-54) 44. It is to change an inability to be true to self, some call this denial and the goal of this is to assist the client in understanding the truth about their issue. A. B. C. D. Personalizing Imitating Responding Initiating

The goal of personalizing is to assist the client in understanding the truth about their issue. By aiding the client in using "I" statements, they gain an understanding about how they are personally affected by the

issue and how they need to be part of the solution. Your client comes to "own" their issue and can verbalize it. Quirke Mike, (July 2003). Foundational Qualities and Helping Skills for AODA Counselors and Therapists Retrieved January 24, 2004 from Department of Health and Family Services, State of Wisconsin website: www.dhfs.state.wi.us/substabuse 45. It is the knowledge on group of behavior and dynamics, societal trends and influences, human migrations, ethnicity, cultures and their history and origins. A. Sociology B. Anthropology C. Sociology and Anthropology D. Social Anthropology Sociology is the science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc. Anthropology is the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind. Sociology and Anthropology is the knowledge of group behavior and dynamics, societal trends and influences, human migrations, ethnicity, cultures and their history and origins. Quirke Mike, (July 2003). Foundational Qualities and Helping Skills for AODA Counselors and Therapists Retrieved January 24, 2004 from Department of Health and Family Services, State of Wisconsin website: www.dhfs.state.wi.us/substabuse 46. This aims to integrate and evaluate data from inventories, tests, interviews, scales and other techniques that measure an individual's abilities and other relevant information. A. Career Development B. Counseling C. Assessment D. Community Capacity Building Assessment is the analysis of the characteristics and needs of the individual or group to whom the program is addressed, and also of the context where they are inserted, including all agents involved. The aim is to integrate and evaluate data. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition. Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 47. This is to provide information, guidance, and professional advice to parents, teachers, school administrators, and employers who wish to facilitate the educational progress and career development of their charges. a. A. Placement B. Information Management

C. Educational Guidance D. Consultation and Coordination Consultation and Coordination competencies of a Counselor organized and manage school and community personnel to create referral sources for students regarding programs, services, and networks. Counselors also interpret and explain concepts and new information effectively. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition. Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 48. This competency deals with the promotion of research projects, presentation methods of research and interpreting results of research. A. A. Educational Measurement B. Research and Evaluation C. Career Development D. Placement Research and Evaluation studies issues related to guidance and counseling, such as learning processes, vocational behavior and its development, values, etc. Counselors also integrate the result of a research into into the guidance and counseling practice. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition. Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 49. It is a counselor's competency which involves coaching clients in work strategies and the use of internet in the job search process. A. A. Placement B. Community Capacity Building C. Program/Service Management D. Career Development Placement supports individuals in their efforts to obtain occupational positions by teaching job search skills and creating employment opportunities. This competency inables the counselor to present work opportunities to clients and facilitate their appropriate job selection. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition. Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 50. A counselor's competency that helps in understanding the main factors related to the personal development of clients and the dynamics of their individual behavior. A. A. Consultation and Coordination B. Counseling C. Educational Guidance D. Career Development

Counseling prompt self-reflecting to clarify self-concepts, identify options, make decisions, and resolve difficulties. Counseling helps the counselor to understand the main factors related to the personal development of clients and the dynamics of their individual behavior. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition. Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila.

51. Who asses, diagnose, and treat mental illness and psychological distress within the context of the marriage and family systems? A. School counselor B. Gerontological counselor C. Mental health counselor D. Marriage and family therapist

Couples and families face unique problems, which is why they often seek out help. These professionals are trained to deal specifically with interpersonal issues that arise in individuals, couples, families, and groups. Marriage and family therapists assess, diagnose, and treat mental illness and psychological distress within the context of the marriage and family systems. The professionals provide counseling services in several different areas including premarital counseling, relationship counseling, child counseling, and separation and divorce counseling.. Cherry, Kendra (n.d), About.com, Marriage and Family Therapist. Retrieved April 3, 2012 from http://psychology.about.com/od/psychologycareerprofiles/p/marriage-and-family-therapist.htm 52. Who are the counselors that older people meet to learn strategies for dealing with problems associated with aging? A. A. Gerontological B. Adult C. Family D. School Elderly people rely heavily on counseling professionals since many struggles with physical disabilities and emotional stress. Many older people meet with gerontological counselors to learn strategies for dealing with problems associated with aging. As a result, these counseling specialists provide a very valuable service for the elderly. Many older individuals turn to gerontological counselors to cope with age discrimination at work. It is not uncommon for companies to layoff older workers in order to create more job openings for younger workers willing to accept lower wages. Career Profiles, Gerontological Counselors (n.d), fromhttp://www.careerprofiles.info/gerontologicalcounseling.html 53. Who are the counselors specialized in helping people deal with the personal, social, and vocational effects of both physical and emotional disabilities resulting from birth defects, illness or disease, accidents, or other causes? A. A. School

B. Rehabilitation C. Family D. Public Rehabilitation counselors help people deal with the personal, social, and vocational effects of disabilities. They counsel people with both physical and emotional disabilities resulting from birth defects, illness or disease, accidents, or other causes. They evaluate the strengths and limitations of individuals, provide personal and vocational counseling, offer case management support, and arrange for medical care, vocational training, and job placement. They develop individual rehabilitation programs by conferring with the client. Rehabilitation counselors are trained to recognize and to help lessen environmental and attitudinal barriers. Such help may include providing education, and advocacy services to individuals, families, employers, and others in the community.

Truity Psychometrics LLC, Rehabilitation Counselor (n.d), from http://www.truity.com/careerprofile/substance-abuse-and-behavioral-disordercounselor#ixzz2tk9tOeR7 53. Who are the counselors that specialized in diagnosing and treating psychological disorders, support clients through difficult life experiences and teach the skills and attitudes needed to bring about behavior change?
A. A. Mental health B. Rehabilitation C. Family D. School

A career as a mental health counselor is richly rewarding for compassionate, empathetic people who want to make a significant difference in the lives of others. A skillful counselor leads a client on a journey of growth and self-discovery that allows him to overcome obstacles, reach personal goals and lead a productive life. These professionals diagnose and treat psychological disorders, support clients through difficult life experiences and teach the skills and attitudes needed to bring about behavior change. Maurer, Sarah (n.d), Inner body. How to become a mental health counselor.Retrived May 29, 2004, from http://www.innerbody.com/careers-in-health/how-to-become-mental-health-counselor.html 54. Who are the counselors that help students with self-awareness issues, navigate sensitive issues and provide substance abuse counseling? A. A. Rehabilitation counselors B. School counselors C. Genetic counselor D. Gerontological counselors School counselor is a vital part of the educational process. They work alongside teachers, parents and administrators to provide guidance and support to ensure that the academic and emotional needs of students are met. While many of the services counselors provide are similar in all grade levels, as

students mature, counselors use their understanding of child development to adapt to their specific needs. Counselors may help students with self-awareness issues, social skills and peer relationships. They also provide counseling services for students and their families. Anderson, Marie (n.d), Why Are School Counselors Needed at the Elementary, Middle & High School Levels? Retrieved 2014, from http://everydaylife.globalpost.com/school-counselors-needed-elementarymiddle-high-school-levels-12276.html 55. They help to identify people who have problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling and eating disorder. They also identify behaviors related to their addiction. A. A. Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder B. Drug related C. Substance Abuse D. Personality Disorder Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder counselors help people to identify who have problems with alcohol, drugs, gambling and eating disorder. They counsel individuals to help them identify behaviors related to their addiction. Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 56. He focused on uniqueness of clients and emphasizes personal warmth, empathy, acceptance, concreteness and genuiness. A. A. Carl Rogers B. Sigmund Freud C. Fritz Perl D. Rollo May Carl Rogers helped people in taking responsibility for themselves and their lives. He believed that the experience of being understood and valued, gives one the freedom to grow. Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 57. He believed emphasis on counselor authenticity and understanding the client uniqueness, stress on personal relationship, modeling and sharing of experiences. A. A. Carl Rogers B. Sigmund Freud C. Fritz Perl D. Rollo May

Rollo May emphasize on counselor authenticity and understanding the client uniqueness, stress on personal relationship, modeling and sharing of experiences. He believed that personality is not transformed by advice. Advice giving is not an adequate counseling functions because it violates the autonomy of personality. May, Rollo. (1965). The Art of Counseling:1989 rev. edition, Gardner Press, Nashville, New York (Pg:150151) 58. A new law which are more popularly known as the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004 and is designed to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling in the Philippines. A. A. RA 9258 B. RA 5892 C. RA 5793 D. RA 9358RA 9258, more popularly known as the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004. This very law is to formulate the necessary rules and regulations that will implement the provisions contained within, in coordination with accredited professional organization. It is designed to professionalize the practice of guidance and counseling in the Philippines. Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila.

59. They are trained to help families understand genetic disorders and to provide information and support to those family. A. A. Genetic Counselor B. Genetic and Hereditary Counselor C. Family Counselor D. Hereditary Counselor Genetic counselors are health professionals who are trained to help families understand genetic disorders and to provide information and support to those families. They may also serve as patient advocates by referring individuals or families to local services that can be of assistance. Dr. De Jesus, E. (2006). Counseling Psychology: Theory and Practice, First Edition.Educational Publishing House, UN Ave., Ermita Manila. 60. This is the year where students begin to develop their academic self-concept and their feelings of competence and confidence as learners. A. Elementary years B. High school years C. College years D. Special education years

The elementary years are a time when students begin to develop their academic self-concept and their feelings of competence and confidence as learners. They are beginning to develop decision-making,

communication and life skills, as well as character values. It is also a time when students develop and acquire attitudes toward school, self, peers, social groups and family The Role of the Elementary School Counselor. Retrieved 2014 http://www.loudoun.k12.va.us/cms/lib4/VA01000195/Centricity/Domain/123/Role%20of%20Elementar y%20School%20Counselors.pdf

61. What approach is considered with the total development of the individual across life stages and environments? A. Trait and factor approach B. Rational emotive approach C. Behavioral counseling approach D. Eclectic approach

The trait-factor approach is concerned with the total development of the individual across life stages and environments. Its short-term goal is to help the client stop irrational, nonproductive thinking and behaving and start using rational problem-solving skills for effective decision making (Lynch & Maki, 1981). The counselor-client relationship can be described as teaching, mentoring, and influencing. James, R.K. & Gilliland, B.E. Trait-Factor Counseling/Person x Environment Fit. Retrieved from http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/208/213944/trait.pdf 62. What may be viewed in a context of how well they fit into the environmental system within which the person operates? A. Personal traits B. General traits C. Cardinal traits D. Ordinal Traits

Personal traits may be viewed in a context of how well they fit into the environmental system within which the person operates. Environmental systems may be viewed in a broad ecological context that includes geographical, local, cultural heritage, family background and influence, socioeconomic class, work, school setting, community setting, and economic climate. James, R.K. & Gilliland, B.E. Trait-Factor Counseling/Person x Environment Fit. Retrieved from http://wps.ablongman.com/wps/media/objects/208/213944/trait.pdf 63. Who developed the trait and factor theory? A. John D. Krumbolt B. Joseph Wolpe C. E.G. Williamson D. Frederick C. Thorne

The emergence of the counseling field as something other than pure vocational guidance made its greatest leap forward when, during the 1930s, E. G. Williamson (1900-1979) developed what is considered to be the first comprehensive theory of counseling (as distinguished from Freud's theory of psychoanalysis). Known as trait and factor theory, or the Minnesota Point of View for

the University of Minnesota where Williamson was on faculty, Williamson's approach initially grew out of the ideas of Frank Parsons. Old Dominion University.Stories of the Great Therapist. Retrieved from http://ww2.odu.edu/~eneukrug/therapists/williamson.html 64. What allows the counsellor to give the counselee information about himself, his opportunities and his problems? A. Non-directive counselling B. Directive counselling C. Eclectic counselling D. None of the Above

This type, termed and described as the clinical method by Williamson, consists of the process and one treatment. Directive counselling allows the counsellor to give the counselee information about himself, his opportunities, and his problems. He may lead in the conversation, point our inconsistencies or suggest the action to take. The counsellor guides the discussion by testing the pupil, interpreting the test results, and using them with school records and other records in the interview. The counsellor does not judge, condemn or criticize. He evaluates facts objectively without offending the counselee. Kapunan, Rocio Reyes (2004). Fundamentals in Guidance and Counselling Revised Edition (pp. 57-58). Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc. 65. What is the other step in directive counselling other than diagnosis, prognosis, counselling and follow-up? A. Clinical analysis B. Problem analysis C. Physical analysis D. None of the Above

Williamson gave five steps for directive counselling and these are: clinical analysis collecting, summarizing and organizing data, diagnosis formulating hypotheses as to the cause or cause of the problem, prognosis predicting the development of the problem, counselling the heart of the process wherein the counsellor and counselee talk and discuss the problem, and by means of leading questions, enables the counselee to develop insight, and follow-up helping pupils with recurring or new problems. Kapunan, Rocio Reyes (2004). Fundamentals in Guidance and Counselling Revised Edition (pp. 57-58). Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc. 66. What is the process of collecting, summarizing, and organizing data in directive counselling? A. Clinical analysis B. Diagnosis C. Prognosis D. Counselling

The five steps for directive counselling are clinical analysis which is the process of collecting, summarizing and organizing data, diagnosis, prognosis, counselling, and follow-up.

Kapunan, Rocio Reyes (2004). Fundamentals in Guidance and Counselling Revised Edition (pp. 57-58). Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc. 67. What is the heart of the process in directive counselling? A. Clinical analysis B. Diagnosis C. Counselling D. Follow-up

The five steps for directive counselling are clinical analysis, diagnosis, prognosis, counselling which is the heart of the process wherein the counsellor and counselee talk and discuss the problem, and by means of leading questions, enables the counselee to develop insight, and follow-up. Kapunan, Rocio Reyes (2004). Fundamentals in Guidance and Counselling Revised Edition (pp. 57-58). Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc. 68. Who developed the rational emotive behaviour therapy, also known as REBT? A. Carl E. Thoresen B. Albert Ellis C. Sidney W. Bijou D. John Darley

Albert Ellis developed a rational emotive behavior therapy, also known as REBT, a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy. Rational emotive behavior therapy was one of the very first types of cognitive therapies. Ellis first began developing REBT during the early 1950s and initially called his approach rational therapy. In 1959, the technique was redubbed rational emotive therapy and later rechristened rational emotive behavior therapy in 1992. Ellis continued to work on REBT until his death in 2007. REBT is focused on helping clients change irrational beliefs. Cherry, K. Rationale Emotive Behavior Therapy. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/typesofpsychotherapy/a/rational-emotive-behaviortherapy.htm 69. What does a rational emotive counsellor use to counter clients fear? A. Authority B. Humor C. Re-education D. Logic and reason

According to Ellis, a rational emotive counselor counters counselees fear with logic and reason, teaching, suggestion, persuasion, confrontation, de-indoctrination, indoctrination, and prescription of behavior to show the client the irrational perspective of his life. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling Psychology (p. 137). Manila: Educational Publishing House. 70. Where is positive reinforcement most frequently used?

A. Behavior alteration B. Criticizing counselees behavior

C. Intervention D. Decision-making process

Positive reinforcement is a procedure in which some behavior is increased by following it with something rewarding. Most frequently, it is used in intervention: the presentation of a stimulus immediately after a targeted behavior occurs, thereby producing an increase of that behavior. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling Psychology (p. 140). Manila: Educational Publishing House. 71. What emphasized working through the transference? A. Person-centered therapy B. Cognitive therapy C. Gestalt D. Classical psychoanalysis

Classical psychoanalysis emphasized working through the transference in which clients perceive their therapists as reincarnations of important figures from their childhoods and interpretation of dreams. Jones, R.N. (2011). Six Key Approaches to Counselling and Therapy 2nd Edition (pp. 3-4). New York: Sage Publications Ltd. 72. What problems are resolved through psychoanalytic therapy? A. Basic problems B. Complex problems C. Individual problems D. None of the Above

The major objective of psychoanalytic therapy is to help individual achieve an enduring understanding of his own mechanisms of adjustment and thereby to help him resolve his basic problems. It is designed primarily for the treatment of neurosis but has been used with a great variety of psychological disorders. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling Psychology (p. 162). Manila: Educational Publishing House. 73. What defense mechanism involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to others? A. Projection B. Identification C. Repression D. Suppression

Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people. For example, if you have a strong dislike for someone, you might instead believe that he or she does not like you. Projection works by

allowing the expression of the desire or impulse, but in a way that the ego cannot recognize, therefore reducing anxiety. Cherry, K. Defense Mechanism. Retrieved from http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/ss/defensemech_7.htm 74. What defense mechanism wherein a person responds to stress by acting superior to others? A. Self-assertion B. Reaction formation C. Omnipotence D. Dissociation

Omnipotence is a defense mechanism wherein the person responds to stress by acting superior to others.The individual deals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by feeling or acting as if he or she possesses special powers or abilities and/or superiority. Jones, R.J. (2011). Six Key Approaches to Counselling and Therapy 2nd Edition (pp. 3-4). New York: Sage Publications Ltd. 75. What refers to the therapists ability to understand what the client is feeling? A. Congruence B. Warm regard C. Kindness D. Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand what the client is feeling. This refers to the therapist's ability to understand sensitively and accurately [but not sympathetically] the client's experience and feelings in the here-and-now. An important part of the task of the personcenteredcounselor is to follow precisely what the client is feeling and to communicate to them that the therapist understands what they are feeling. McLeod, S. (2008) Person Centered Therapy. Retrieved from http://www.simplypsychology.org/client-centred-therapy.html 76. In what process does the individual tell all that comes to mind especially about early trauma or shock? A. Transference B. Interpretation C. Free association D. Termination of therapy

In free association, the individual tells all that comes to mind (free associating) especially about early trauma (or shock) regardless of how irrelevant or objectionable it may seem to him. Since infancy and much childhood are consciously forgotten the patient may resist or fail to produce any words, ideas or thoughts. De Jesus, Evangeline M. (2006). Counseling Psychology (p. 175). Manila: Educational Publishing House.

77. What counselling method places the responsibility on the client for exploring his problem? A. Client-Centered Counselling Viewpoint B. Eclectic Counselling Viewpoint C. Psychoanalytic Viewpoint D. Existential Viewpoint

Nondirective or client-centered counselling viewpoint is the method that places the responsibility on the client for exploring his problem, with emphasis on the individual and not on the problem, and on his potentialities. The counsellor does not give information Kapunan, Rocio Reyes (2004). Fundamentals in Guidance and Counselling Revised Edition (pp. 58). Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc. 78. Who is the leading proponent of the client-centered counselling viewpoint? A. Carl Rogers B. Edmund Williamson C. Sigmund Freud D. Carl Thoresen

Carl Rogers, the leading proponent of the client-centered counselling viewpoint, asserts that within every individual, there are growth forces which, if released from all restrictions, will permit to adjust to his environment. Kapunan, Rocio Reyes (2004). Fundamentals in Guidance and Counselling Revised Edition (pp. 58). Quezon City: Rex Printing Company, Inc. 79. What is the core element in the integration stage? A. Working with the internal polarities B. Integration C. Resolution of the internal conflict D. Emergence of the problem

The core element at this stage is a resolution of the internal conflict resulting from a major reorganization and renewed perception of the problem. Integration is a continual, evolutionary, life-sustaining experience-there is no final Gestalt. In the process of integration, factors that were opposing each other in consciousness are identified. Garrett, J. (Nov. 6, 2007) Counseling Techniques COUN 607. Retrieved from http://jgarrett43mumucoun607.blogspot.com/2007/11/chapter-4-classic-gestalt-techniques.html?m=1 80. What is the style in Gestalt therapy processing where it is the talking back and forth about the clients issues? A. B. C. D. Reframing Dialoguing Unfixing Perceptual processing

Dialoguingis the talking back and forth about the issue, seeing it from different angles, trying to zero in on what is going on, hunting for illogic following or challenging illogical statements, trying to get to the underlying meanings. Garrett, J. (Nov. 6, 2007) Counseling Techniques COUN 607. Retrieved from http://jgarrett43mumucoun607.blogspot.com/2007/11/chapter-4-classic-gestalt-techniques.html?m=1

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