SC7 USB 2D Barcode Scanner Manual

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Introduction.....................................................5 Installation and Setup..............................5 Compliance Notice...................................6 Limitation of Liability Notice....................6 Verifying Barcodes with !"....................# $efault Settings .....................................%& Specifications.........................................%' (eading Characteristics..........................%) rogramming..........................................%5 Interface Selection.................................%6 (S*'+'....................................................%, -SB .I$..................................................'% -SB Virtual C/0 ..................................'% System Control...............................................'' Scan........................................................'' "uto*Sense 0ode...................................'+ .ands 1ree 2ime*/ut.............................'5 Indication ..............................................'6 2hermal and Centering...........................+) $ecode Search 0ode.............................+, /utput Se3uence ..................................+4 rint Contrast 5eight.............................)) 5or6ing /rientation...............................)5 Code /ption...................................................)6 Codabar..................................................),

Code +#..................................................)# Code +' .................................................5+ Interlea7ed ' of 5...................................5) Code #+..................................................55 Straight ' of 5 Industrial ........................56 Straight ' of 5 I"2" ................................5, 0atri8 ' of 5...........................................54 Code %%..................................................5# Code %'4................................................6& 2elepen...................................................6' - C*".....................................................6+ - C*9&...................................................66 9"N:;"N*%+............................................6# 0SI.........................................................,+ lessey Code..........................................,) <S% $ataBar /mnidirectional.................,5 <S% $ataBar Limited..............................,5 <S% $ataBar 98panded...........................,6 osiCode.................................................,, Codabloc6 1............................................,4 Code %6=................................................,# Code )#..................................................4& $1)%,...................................................4% 0icro $1)%,..........................................4' <S% >9"N?-CC@ Composite Codes..........4+ ostal Codes...........................................45

-S S Intelligent 0ail..............................45 -S S ostnet..........................................45 !( Code.................................................4# $ata 0atri8............................................#& 0a8iCode...............................................#% Chinese Sensible >.an Ain@ Code............#+ String 1ormat.................................................#) refi8:Suffi8 ...........................................#) 1unction Code 2ransmit.........................#, IntercharacterB InterfunctionB and Intermessage $elays..............................#, $ata 1ormatting...................................%&& $ata 1ormat 9ditor Commands............%&+ /C( rogramming................................%&4 /C( 2emplates.....................................%%' /C( 2emplate Codes............................%'5 -tilities.................................................%'6 2est Chart of Common Barcodes .........%'4 roduct Code I$...................................%+& "SCII Code 2able ..................................%+' /C( rogramming Chart......................%+) rogram Chart......................................%+5 (eset Scanner to $efault Settings........%+6 9nable -SB =eyboard 9mulation > C@...%+6

This scanner will automatically scan a barcode at a distance of 3 to 8 inches from the symbol when the trigger is pulled. The scanner is programmed by scanning barcodes from the manual when viewed on the screen at 200% or more magnification from the PD . !uccessful scanning shall be obtained by tilting the scanner with respect to the barcode to avoid direct reflections that impair reading performance.

Installation and Setup

".#onnect the $!% cable between scanner and P#. '.To enable $!% &eyboard emulation' scan the appropriate barcode below(


USB HID (MAC) 3.)f the scanner does not operate properly' remove the scanner from the $!% port and plug it into another port after scanning one of the $!% *)D barcodes above. +.)f the scanner still does not operate properly' remove the cable from the P# and pull the cable out of the scanner. ,einsert the cable in the scanner. 5

Compliance Notice
##( This device complies with Part "5 of the ## ,ules' 1"3 This device may not cause harmful interface' and 123 This device must accept any interface received' including interface that may cause undesirable operation. #6( This product conforms to the following standards 67#(6855022(2009:0"(200;' class % 685502+("<<8:0"(200":02(2003 %!7)(This device is compliant with re-uirement of %!7) and granted )D 8o. ,300;8

These limits are designed to provide a reasonable protection against harmful interface when the e-uipment is operated under a commercial environment. This e-uipment generates' uses' and can radiate radio fre-uency energy and' if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual' may cause harmful interface to radio communications. .peration of this e-uipment in a residential area may cause harmful interface' in which case the user will be re-uired to correct the interface at his or her own e/penses.

Limitation of Liability Notice

This limitation of hardware liability is necessary because )D0utomation is a reseller of hardware and does not directly manufacture any hardware devices. The entire limitation of liability 1including attorney2s fees' if any3 under this policy and4or the limited hardware warranty' if any' is 3 times the original purchase price of the product 1e/cluding any ta/' shipping and additional charges3 at the time of purchase from

)D0utomation or the authori=ed affiliate or reseller. This amount should be ade-uate to redirect any claims to the proper manufacturer' however' it should be understood that all intellectual property claims and all other claims relating to the hardware itself are not directly the responsibility of )D0utomation but rather only the manufacturer. )D0$T.70T).8' .$, ,6!6>>6,! 08D 0 ?)>> 8.T %6 >)0%>6 ., 08@ )8D),6#T' )8#)D68T0>' !P6#)0>' P$8)T)A6 ., #.8!6B$68T)0> D070C6!' )8#>$D)8C %$T 8.T >)7)T6D T. 08@ >.!! . P,. )T! ., P.T68T)0> P,. )T!' >.!! . !0A)8C! ., 08T)#)P0T6D !0A)8C!' >.!! . %$!)86!! ., C..D?)>>' >.!! . D0T0' >.!! . .PP.,T$8)T)6!' ., >.!! . $!6 . T*6 P,.D$#T ., 08@ 6B$)P768T' #.!T . #0P)T0>' #.!T . !$%!T)T$T6 ., ,6P>0#6768T P,.D$#T' 6B$)P768T' 0#)>)T)6! ., !6,A)#6!' D.?8 T)76' @.$, T)76' ,6C0,D>6!! . T*6 .,7 . 0#T).8' 08@ T*),D P0,T@ #>0)7!' 08D 08@ )8D$,@ T. P,.P6,T@ ., %.D)>@ )8D$,@ 1)8#>$D)8C D60T*3 T. 08@ P6,!.8' 0,)!)8C ,.7 ., ,6>0T)8C T. T*6 $!6 . ., T*6 )80%)>)T@ T. $!6 T*6 P,.D$#T ., 0,)!)8C ,.7 %,60#* . T*6 ?0,,08T@' %,60#* . #.8T,0#T' 86C>)C68#6' T.,T' ., !T,)#T >)0%)>)T@' ?*6T*6, ., 8.T !$#* >.!! ., D070C6 ?0! .,6!660%>6'


6A68 ) ?6 ., 08@ . .$, 0

)>)0T6D #.7P08)6!

*0A6 %668 0DA)!6D . T*6 P.!!)%)>)T@ . !$#* D070C6!.

Other Notices: All trademarks shall belong to their respective owners. Specifications subject to change without notice. Copyright !"! #$

Verifying Barcodes with PQA

" uni3ue feature of this scanner is the '$ !" > rint !uality "ssessment@ featureB which 7erifies and grades se7eral attributes of a barcode symbol. 5hen enabledB !" wor6s on all '$ symbols including $ata 0atri8B $1)%,B 0a8iCodeB "CtecB !(*Code and -S S ostnet and Intelligent 0ail. 2he !" report is transmitted as a second beep after the barcode data. 9nable this feature by scanning the barcode below.

NOTE: When verifying symbols with PQA, be sure to carefully position the scanner irectly over the barco e at an appropriate istance, such as ! or " inches# $ifferent angles an istances may falsely lower the

gra e with respect to height, wi th an gaps#

efault Settings
!or each barcode shown as below" V E 6nabled as default setting # E 8ot supported $mpty space E 8ot enabled at default setting

Code %ype

&ead $nable



Code I

Verification %ransmission $nable $nable A A A A

$P#F0 $P#F60 $P#F6" 608F"3 608F8 #odeF32 #odeF3< T#) >in&ed #ode 3< #odeF+< )nterleaved 2 of 5 )ndustrial 2 of 5 !traight 2 of 5 )0T0 !traight 2 of 5 )ndustrial 7atri/ 2 of 5 #odabar #odeF"28



c 6 6 d D G b T ) e

f f m a H 6


#odeF<3 #odeF"" Telepen 7!) Plessey C!" Data%ar .mnidirectional C!" Data%ar >imited C!" Data%ar 6/panded Posi#ode 0I% #odabloc& #ode "9J #ode +< PD +"; 7icroPD +"; 608 $## #omposite Postnet Planet #ode %ritish Post #anadia Post Ji/ Post 18etherlands3 0ustralian Post Dapanese Post #hina Post Jorea Post B, #ode Data 7atri/ 7a/i#ode 0=tec #ode 0=tec ,unes

A A two digits




i h t g n y y y ? o ) r , y P > % # J 0 D B K . w / = =



(perational >ight !ource 0iming !ource .ptical !ystem 7otion Tolerance Depth of !can ield 1P#!E<0%'"0 mils3 ,esolution 1min3 929 nm L 30 nm Aisible ,ed >6D 529 nm L 30 nm Aisible Creen >6D ;52 / +80 #7.! sensor + inches 4 sec "D ( 3; M ";5 mm 1 #.D6 3<'3 2D ( 92 M "3; mm 1 B, code 3 "D ( 0."2; mm 15 mils3 2D ( 0.2" mm 1 8 mils3 Print #ontrast ocal Point !canning 0ngle ,otational !ensitivity Decode #apability 30% or more ""+ mm 1 +.5 inches 3 from lens plate Pitch( L +0N !&ew( L+0N 390O 0utoFdiscriminates all standard barcodesP .ther symbologies can be ordered optionally %eeper .peration Aolume / 3 and re-uency / 3 or no beep )ndicator )echanical >ength ?idthFhandle ?idthFhead DepthFhandle DepthFhead ?eight 8 "95." mm 32 mm ;2.8 mm 5+.; mm 82.5 mm "+9 g %lue led and adHustable beeper

#able #onnector type #ase material $lectrical )nput Aoltage Power .perating !tandby >ow Power 7ode 0gency listing ,!232

!traight 2.0 m ,DF+5 phone Hac& connector 0%! and ,ubber

3.5 M 5.5 AD# $!% *)D

7a/ 300m0 Q 5A 7a/ 55m0Q 5A 7a/ 30m0Q5A 7a/ 50m0Q 5A R

67)( ##' #6' %!7) !afety( $>' %!7)' #%

$n*ironmental .perating Temperature !torage Temperature 0 to 50 132 to "223 F20 to 90 1F+ to "+03 *umidity >ight >evel !hoc& ,esistance #ontaminants Aentilation $p to <5% relative humidity' nonF condensing Q 50 Dar& to "00'000 >u/. 2+ drops from ".5 m to concrete )P +2 !eals to resist airborne particulate contaminants 8one re-uired

&eading Characteristics
The engine has a view finder that proHects a bright red or green aiming beam that corresponds to the engine2s hori=ontal field of view. The aiming beam should be centered over the barcode' but it can be positioned in any direction for a good read.

The aiming beam is smaller when the engine is closer to the code and larger when it is farther from the code. !ymbologies with smaller bars or elements 1mil si=e3 should be read closer to the unit. !ymbologies with larger bars or elements 1mil si=e3 should be read farther from the unit. To read symbols' hold the engine at an appropriate distance from the target' send a trigger command' and center the aiming beam on the symbol. )f the code being scanned is highly reflective 1e.g.' laminated3' it may be necessary to tilt the code :5N to prevent unwanted reflection. 10

!can a series of programming barcodes in the correct order. old out' print or view on the screen' the bac& page of this manual. @ou will see a table of alphanumeric barcodes' which are used to program the various options presented. To program each option' you must( %.!can the Program barcodes. '.6nter the option mode by scanning the option barcodes. +.The necessary alphanumeric inputs are listed. !can these alphanumeric entries from the Program #hart. To confirm the above steps' you must scan the !ave barcode.


Interface Selection
This decoder builtFin scanner comes in one model and supports interfaces such as ,!232 serial' $!% virtual #.7 and $!% *)D. )n most of the cases' simply selecting an appropriate cable and configure the proper interface by following interface selection. Interface selection" @ou can change factory interface default 1$!% Airtual #.7 3 for other type interface. %y plugging different cables' setting right interface' then scan the interface barcode' power cycle the scanner will be changed to another interface. *owever' you must ma&e sure which cable you need.

RS-232 Interface



*USB Virtual COM


efault Setting %aud ,ate Data ormat ""5200 bps 8 data bits' no parity bit' " stop bit

Baud &ate

300 9600 600 19200 1200 38400 2400 57600 4800 *11 2!!


ata Bits sets the word length at ; or 8 bits of data per character. )f an application re-uires only 0!#)) *e/ characters 0 through ; decimal 1te/t' digits' and punctuation3' select ; data bits. or applications which re-uire use of the full 0!#)) set' select 8 data bits per character. Default E 8. Stop Bits sets the stop bits at " or 2. Default E ". Parity provides a means of chec&ing character bit patterns for validity. Default E 8one.

ata !ormat

7 Data,1 Stop, Parity Even 7 Data,2 Stop, Parity Odd

7 Data,1 Stop, Parity None 8 Data,1 Stop, Parity Even

7 Data,1 Stop, Parity Odd *" Data#1 St$%# Parit& '$ne

7 Data,2 Stop, Parity Even 8 Data,1 Stop, Parity Odd

7 Data,2 Stop, Parity None


&%S-C%S#)f the scanner wants to send the barcode data to host computer' it will issue the ,T! signal first' wait for the #T! signal from the host computer' and then perform the normal data communication. )f there is no replied #T! signal from the host computer after the timeout 1,esponse Delay3 duration' the scanner halts transmission until it detects another active #T! signal. ?hen the host computer is unable to accept data' it sends a Soff code to inform the scanner to suspend data transmission' and Son to continue.

AC/-NA/# ?hen the 0#J480J protocol is used' the scanner waits for an 0#J 1ac&nowledge3 or 1not ac&nowledge3 from the host computer after data transmission' and will resend in response to a 80J.

&esponse elay The unit stays awa&e to receive data until the ,!F232 ,eceiver TimeF.ut e/pires. 0 trigger command resets the timeFout. ?hen an ,!F232 receiver is sleeping' a character may be sent to wa&e up the receiver and reset the timeFout. 0 transaction on the #T! line will also wa&e up the receiver. The receiver ta&es 300 milliseconds to completely come up. #hange the ,!F232 receiver timeFout by scanning the barcode 15

below' then scanning digits from the inside bac& cover of this manual' then scanning Sa*e. The range is 0 to 300 seconds. Default E 0 seconds 1no timeFout F always on3. 0andsha'ing

RTS !TS On *R(S)C(S Off

"ON "O## On **O')O++ Off

$!% N$% On *AC,)'A, Off

Re&pon&e De'ay


1SB 0I
!can the following code to program for $!% *)D barcode imagers.

(S) *+D ,P!-

(S) *+D ,.$!-

1SB Virtual C()

!can the following code to program the scanner to emulate a regular ,!F232Fbased #.7 port. )f you are using a P#' you will need to download a driver from #DF,.7' The driver will use the ne/t available #.7 port number

(S) /irt0a' !O.

C%S-&%S $mulation 2 AC/-NA/ )ode

#T!4,T! .n *C(S)R(S Off $!% N$% On *AC,)'A, Off


System Control

Scanning output" @ou can set the image si=e to a AC0 resolution to accommodate older applications that re-uire a smaller image si=e. ?hen )mage AC0 is set to .n' the resultant image is 9+0/+80 pi/els. ?hen )mage AC0 is .ff' the image is ;52/+80 pi/els.

Scanning mode" Manual/Serial Trigger Mode ?hen in manual trigger mode' the scanner scans until a barcode is read' or until the hardware trigger is released. ?hen in serial mode' the scanner scans until a barcode has been read or until the deactivate command is sent. )n serial mode' the scanner can also be set to turn itself off after a specified time has elapsed 1see ,ead TimeF.ut' which follows3. Read Time-Out $se this selection to set a timeFout 1in milliseconds3 of the scannerTs trigger if the scanner is in manual trigger mode. .nce the scanner has timed out' you can activate the scanner by pressing the trigger. 0fter scanning the &ead %ime#(ut barcode' set the timeFout duration 1from 0F300'000 milliseconds3 by scanning digits from the inside bac& cover' then scanning Sa*e. Default E 0 1infinite' or no timeFout3.


Manual Trigger, Low Power 3 or ,!F232 only3 The scanner powers down until the trigger is pulled. ?hen the trigger is pulled' the scanner powers up and operates until there is no triggering for the time set with the Low Power %ime#(ut barcode below. There is a delay of up to one second in operation when the scanner is first triggered' but there is no delay when operating in low power timeFout mode. Low Power Time-Out Timer !can the >ow Power TimeF.ut barcode to change the timeFout duration 1in seconds3. Then scan the timeFout duration 1from 0F300 seconds3 from the inside bac& cover' and Sa*e. Default E "20 seconds. )f the unit remains idle during the low power timeFout interval' the unit goes into low power mode. ?henever the trigger is enabled' the low power timeFout timer is reset.

Auto#Sense )ode
This programs the scanner to wor& in 0utoFsense mode. The >6Ds are either off or at the lowest power for ambient conditions until a barcode is presented to the scanner. Then the >6Ds turn on automatically to read the code. 0utoFsense 7ode uses ambient light to detect the barcodes. )f the light level in the room is not high enough' 0utoFsense 7ode may not wor& properly.


Scanning (utput

/1$ O22 *V-A On

Scanning )ode

*Manual)Serial ( .an0a' Tri55er, 6o7 Po7er Read Ti3e4O0t 6o7 Po7er Ti3e4O0t $0to4&en&e .ode

Auto-sense LED Behavior a ter De!ode ?hen an scanner is in 0utoFsense mode' the >6Ds remain on and continue scanning for a short time after a barcode is decoded. )f you wish to turn the >6Ds off immediately after a barcode is decoded' scan the L$ s (ff barcode' below. Default E >6Ds .n. Auto-sense LED Time-Out ?hen using 0utoFsense >6D %ehavior after Decode' you may want to set the time the >6Ds remain off after a decode. To set the duration of this delay' scan the barcode below' then set the timeFout by scanning digits 10 F <'<<< ms3' then scanning Sa*e4 .nce the unit has completed this timeFout' it will immediately resume scanning. Auto-sense Sensitivit" 0utoFsense !ensitivity increases or decreases the scannerTs reaction time to barcode 0utoFsense. To set the sensitivity' scan the Sensiti*ity barcode' then scan the degree of sensitivity 1from 0F203 from the inside bac& cover' and Sa*e. 0 is the most sensitive setting' and 20 is the least sensitive. Default E ". 20

Scan 0ands !ree %ime#(ut

The 0utoFsense 7odes is referred to as Uhands freeV modes. )f the hardware trigger is pulled when using hands free mode' the scanner changes to manual trigger mode. @ou can set the time the scanner should remain in manual trigger mode by setting the *ands ree TimeF.ut. .nce the timeFout value is reached' 1if there have been no further trigger pulls3 the scanner reverts to the original hands free mode. !can the 0ands !ree %ime#(ut barcode' then scan the timeFout duration 1from 0F300'000 milliseconds3 from the inside bac& cover' and Sa*e. Default E 5'000 ms.

*/0D1 On 6ED& O22

LED Time-Out
6ED Ti3e4O0t D0ration Sen&itivity

*and& #ree Ti3e4O0t


The beeper may be programmed (n or (ff in response to a good read. Turning this option off' only turns off the beeper response to a good read indication. 0ll error and menu beeps are still audible. $olume The beeper volume codes modify the volume of the beep the scanner emits on a good read. Pit!h The beeper pitch codes modify the pitch of the beep the scanner emits on a good read. Duration The beeper duration codes modify the length of the beep the scanner emits on a good read.

*On O22

6o7 *Me2iu3

*i58 O22

6o7,1600 *9-

*i58 ,4200 *9*Me2iu3 (32 ! H4)


*'$r3al Bee%


S8ort )eep

LED The >6D indicator can be programmed (n or (ff in response to a good read. Polarit" >6D Cood ,ead Polarity sets the idle and active states of the >6D signal. ?hen set to Acti*e 0igh' the >6Ds turn on when the signal shifts from low to high. ?hen set to Acti*e Low' the >6Ds turn on when the signal shifts from high to low. )f the >6D is enabled for a good read' the polarity change ta&es effect after the ne/t successful decode or a power cycle. )f the >6D is disabled' a polarity change only ta&es effect after a power cycle. Note" >6D Cood ,ead Polarity sets the >6D signal voltage level to either high 10ctive >ow3 or low 10ctive *igh3. This will affect >6DFCood ,ead setting. )f the >6D has been disabled' ma&e sure it is not turned on accidentally by a polarity change. LED
*On O22

$:tive *i58 *Acti5e /$6

LED Power Level This selection allows you to adHust >6D and aimer brightness. (ff is used when no illumination is needed. Low is used if low illumination is sufficient. 0igh is the brightest setting. )f you have an aimer delay programmed' the aimer will be at "00% power 23

during the delay' regardless of the >6D Power >evel. Note" )f you scan the (ff barcode' both the aimer and illumination lights turn off' ma&ing it difficult to scan barcodes in low light. To turn the >6D Power >evel bac& on' move to a brightly lit area and scan either the Low or the 0igh barcode below. %llumination Lights )f you want the illumination lights on while reading a barcode' scan the Lights (n barcode' below. *owever' if you want to turn Hust the lights off' scan the Lights (ff barcode. Note" This setting does not affect the aimer light. The aiming light can be set using 0imer 7odes. S!anner Time-Out !canner TimeF.ut powers down the scanner after the unit has been idle for the specified time. To prevent the scanner from powering down' set this timeFout to 0. !can the barcode below' then set the timeFout by scanning digits 1from 0 F<<<'<<< ms3 from the inside bac& cover' then scanning Sa*e4 Default E " ms. LED Power Level
O22 6o7 ,50;-

*Hi.7 (1!!8)

%llumination Light
*/i.7t1 On 6i58t& O22

S!anner Time-Out

S:anner Ti3e4O0t


Reread Dela" This sets the time period before the scanner can read the same barcode a second time. !etting a reread delay protects against accidental rereads of the same barcode. >onger delays are effective in minimi=ing accidental rereads at P.! 1point of sale3. $se shorter delays in applications where repetitive barcode scanning is re-uired. ,eread Delay only wor&s when in 0utoFsense 7ode. &ser-S#e!i ied Reread Dela" )f you want to set your own length for the reread delay' scan the barcode below' then set the delay 1from 0F30'000 milliseconds3 by scanning digits from the inside bac& cover' then scanning Sa*e.

Reread Dela"
S8ort ,500 3&5Me2iu3 (9 !31) 6on5 ,1000 3&E<tra 6on5 ,2000 3&-

&ser-S#e!i ied Reread Dela"

(&er4Spe:i2ied Reread De'ay


Aimer Dela" The aimer delay allows a delay time for the operator to aim the scanner before the picture is ta&en. $se these codes to set the time between when the trigger is activated and when the picture is ta&en. During the delay time' the aiming light will appear' but the >6Ds won2t turn on until the delay time is over. &ser-S#e!i ied Aimer Dela" )f you want to set your own length for the duration of the delay' scan the barcode below' then set the timeFout by scanning digits 10 F +'000 ms3 from the bac& cover of this manual' then scan Sa*e. Aimer Modes Interlaced6 the illumination and aiming timing is automatically synchroni=ed to the scanner e/posure period by the )mage 6ngine. The engine turns illumination on while the image is being e/posed' and it turns the aiming off at all other times. The interlaced mode provides the lowest overall current draw and is recommended for most applications. )t also provides the brightest aimer in most applications. The )mage 6ngine software automatically maintains an appro/imate 25% aimer duty cycle' even when the scanner e/posure time is at its ma/imum in dar& operating environments. Concurrent is provided for bac&wards compatibility with the +S00 )mage 6ngine series' and is not recommended for most applications. )n concurrent mode' the illumination >6Ds are on continuously' while the aimer >6Ds turn off during the scanner e/posure period' and on while the scanner is not e/posing. #oncurrent mode is used to eliminate any flic&er of the illumination >6Ds that may be obHectionable to the user' especially when running the engine at "2 7*=. The illumination >6D current is reduced compared to interlaced mode to limit engine pea& current. The image engine software automatically maintains an appro/imate 26

25% aimer duty cycle' even when the scanner e/posure time is at its ma/imum in dar& operating environments. #oncurrent mode provides the brightest appearance of the illumination >6Ds of any of the scanner operating modes. This mode may be useful for applications when an operator is using the illumination >6Ds for aiming' such as in fi/ed mount' &ios&' or auto trigger applications. !elect (ff if you don2t want to use either aimer mode.

Aimer Dela"
200.i''i&e:ond& 400.i''i&e:ond&

*Off ( n$ 2ela&) De'ay D0ration

Aimer Modes
!on:0rrent *Interlace2



'um(er o Bee#s
The number of beeps of a good read can be programmed from " F <. The same number of beeps will be applied to the beeper and >6D in response to a good read. or e/ample' if you program this option to have five beeps' there will be five beeps and five >6D flashes in response to a good read. The beeps and >6D flashes are in sync with one another. To change the number of beeps' scan the barcode below and then scan a digit 1"F<3 barcode and the Sa*e barcode. Bee# Polarit" %eep Polarity sets the idle and active states of the beeper signal. ?hen set to Acti*e 0igh' the beeper sounds when the signal shifts from low to high. ?hen set to Acti*e Low' the beeper sounds when the signal shifts from high to low. )f the beeper is enabled for a good read' the polarity change ta&es effect after the ne/t successful decode or a power cycle. )f the beeper is disabled' a polarity change only ta&es effect after a power cycle. Note( %eep Polarity sets the beeper signal voltage level to either high 10ctive >ow3 or low 10ctive *igh3. This will affect %eeperF Cood ,ead settings. )f the beeper has been disabled' ma&e sure it is not turned on accidentally by a polarity change. )ood Read Dela" This sets the minimum amount of time before the scanner can read another barcode. Default E 8o Delay. &ser-S#e!i ied )ood Read Dela" )f you want to set your own length for the good read delay' scan the barcode below' then set the delay 1from 0F30'000 milliseconds3 by scanning digits from the inside bac& cover' then scanning Sa*e.


'um(er o Bee#s
N03=er o2 P0'&e&

Bee# Polarit"
$:tive *i58 *Acti5e /$6

)ood Read Dela"

*'$ Dela& S8ort De'ay ,500 3&-

.edi03 De'ay ,1,000 3&6on5 De'ay ,1,500 3&-

(&er4Spe:i2ied 1ood Read De'ay


%hermal and Centering

Thermal *onsiderations #are must be ta&en when designing the )mage 6ngine into any system. )nternal heating of the )mage 6ngine can occur in high duty cycle scanning applications. The high visibility aimer dissipates a significant amount of power as heat. The illumination and aiming >6Ds also release heat' and are a maHor contributor to thermal increases in high use or in 0utoFsense mode. 0n increase in temperature around an )mage 6ngine can cause noise levels on the imager' degrading image -uality. The thermal rise can also affect the laser diode. )n a continuous scanning or high use environment' the )mage 6ngine temperature can rise "5N to 20N#. $nder high ambient temperature conditions' the laser diode is at ris& of thermal brea&down and possible failure. The image -uality and decode performance will also degrade. The Power #ontrol P?7 can be used to reduce the effect of the )llumination >6Ds on thermal rise' however' this also reduces the intensity of the illumination. ,educing the intensity of the illumination reduces total power used but can also reduce the depth of field in low light environments.

*entering $se #entering to narrow the scannerTs field of view to ma&e sure the scanner reads only those barcodes intended by the user. or instance' if multiple codes are placed closely together' centering will insure that only the desired codes are read. 1#entering can be used in conHunction with 0imer Delay' for the most errorFfree operation in applications where multiple codes are spaced closely together. $sing the 0imer Delay and #entering features' the scanner can emulate the operation of older systems' such as linear and laser scanners. )n the e/ample below' the gray area is the full scanner field of view and the white area is the centering window. barcode " will not be read' while barcode 2 will be. 30

The default centering window is a "28/<9 pi/el area 19+0/+80 default image si=e3 in the center of the scannerTs field of view. The following diagram illustrates the default top' bottom' left' and right pi/el positions' measured from the top and the left side of the scannerTs field of view.


%hermal and Centering

)f a barcode is not within the predefined window' it will not be decoded by the scanner. )f centering is turned on by scanning Centering (n' the scanner only reads codes that intersect the centering window you specify using the %op' Bottom' Left' or &ight barcodes. !can Centering (n' then scan one of the following barcodes to change the top' bottom' left' or right of the centering window. Then scan the percent you want to shift the centering window using digits on the inside bac& cover of this manual. !can Sa*e. Default #entering E +0% for Top and >eft' 90% for %ottom and ,ight.

!enterin5 On *Centerin. Off

Top o2 !enterin5 >indo7 )otto3 o2 !enterin5 >indo7

6e2t o2 !enterin5 >indo7 Ri58t o2 !enterin5 >indo7


ecode Search )ode

There are three selectable decode 1scanning3 modes( !ull (mnidirectional F !earches for barcode features beginning at the center of an image' and searches to the image2s limits. This mode reads all symbologies' in any orientation. The ull .mnidirectional search is very thorough which may slow performance time. Quic' (mnidirectional F This is an abbreviated search for barcode features around the center region of an image. This mode -uic&ly reads all symbologies in any orientation. The Buic& .mnidirectional mode may miss some offFcenter symbols' as well as larger Data 7atri/ and B, #ode. Ad*anced Linear ecoding F Performs -uic& hori=ontal linear scans in a center band of the image. This mode does -uic&ly read linear and stac&ed barcodes. 0dvanced >inear Decoding cannot read 2D' .#,' or Postal symbols.

#0'' O3ni4dire:tiona'

Note( This search mode is the default setting.

?0i:@ O3ni4dire:tiona'

$dvan:ed 6inear De:odin5


(utput Se7uence
&e7uire (utput Se7uence ?hen turned off' the barcode data will be output to the host as the scanner decodes it. ?hen turned on' all output data must conform to an edited se-uence or the scanner will not transmit the output data to the host device. Note" This selection is unavailable when the 7ultiple !ymbols !election is turned on. (utput Se7uence $ditor This programming selection allows you to program the scanner to output data 1when scanning more than one symbol3 in whatever order your application re-uires' regardless of the order in which the barcodes are scanned. ,eading the efault Se7uence symbol programs the scanner to the $niversal values' shown below. These are the defaults. %e certain you want to delete or clear all formats before you read the efault Se7uence symbol. Note" To ma&e .utput !e-uence 6ditor selections' you2ll need to &now the code ).D.' code length' and character matches your application re-uires. $se the 0lphanumeric symbols 1inside bac& cover3 to read these options. Note( @ou must hold the trigger while reading each barcode in the se-uence. To 0dd an .utput !e-uence ". !can the $nter Se7uence symbol 2. Code I4 4 .n the Product #ode )D' find the symbology to which you want to apply the output se-uence format. >ocate the *e/ value for that symbology and scan the 2 digit he/ value from the Programming #hart 1inside bac& cover3. 3. Length !pecify what length 1up to <<<< characters3 of data output will be acceptable for this symbology. !can the four digit data length from the Programming #hart. 18ote( 50 characters is entered as 0050. 34

<<<< is a universal number' indicating all lengths.3 ?hen calculating the length' you must count any programmed prefi/es' suffi/es' or formatted characters as part of the length 1unless using <<<<3. +. Character )atch Se7uences .n the 0!#)) #hart' find the *e/ value that represents the character1s3 you want to match. $se the Programming #hart to read the alphanumeric combination that represents the 0!#)) characters. 1<< is the $niversal number' indicating all characters.3 5. $nd (utput Se7uence $ditor !can ! ! to enter an .utput !e-uence for an additional symbology' or Sa*e to save your entries. .ther Programming !elections W iscard This e/its without saving any .utput !e-uence changes.


(utput Se7uence
Out#ut Se+uen!e E,am#le )n this e/ample' you are scanning #ode <3' #ode "28' and #ode 3< barcodes' but you want the scanner to output #ode 3< "st' #ode "28 2nd' and #ode <3 3rd' as shown below. Note( #ode <3 must be enabled to use this e/ample.

@ou would set up the se-uence editor with the following command line( S$QBL/8+9999:;!!8A9999:+!!899999:,!! The brea&down of the command line is shown below( !6B%>Jse-uence editor start command 92 code identifier for Code ,9 <<<< code length that must match for #ode 3<' <<<< E all lengths +" start character match for #ode 3<' +"h E U0V termination string for first code 90 code identifier for Code ;+< <<<< code length that must match for #ode "28' <<<< E all lengths +2 start character match for #ode "28' +2h E U%V termination string for second code 9< code identifier for Code 9, <<<< code length that must match for #ode <3' 36

<<<< E all lengths +3 start character match for #ode <3' +3h E U#V termination string for third code To program the previous e/ample using specific lengths' you would have to count any programmed prefi/es' suffi/es' or formatted characters as part of the length. S$QBL/8+==;+:;!!8A==;,:+!!89==;+:,!! The brea&down of the command line is shown below( !6B%>J se-uence editor start command 92 code identifier for Code ,9 00"2 0 F #ode 3< sample length 1""3 plus #, suffi/ 1"3 E "2 +" start character match for #ode 3<' +"h E U0V termination string for first code 90 code identifier for Code ;+< 00"3 % F #ode "28 sample length 1"23 plus #, suffi/ 1"3 E "3 +2 start character match for #ode "28' +2h E U%V termination string for second code 9< code identifier for Code 9, 00"2 # F #ode <3 sample length 1""3 plus #, suffi/ 1"3 E "2 +3 start character match for #ode <3' +3h E U#V termination string for third code


(utput Se7uence
Re+uire Out#ut Se+uen!e ?hen an output se-uence is &e7uired' all output data must conform to an edited se-uence or the scanner will not transmit the output data to the host device. ?hen it2s (n-Not &e7uired' the scanner will attempt to get the output data to conform to an edited se-uence' but if it cannot' the scanner transmits all output data to the host device as is. ?hen the output se-uence is (ff' the barcode data is output to the host as the scanner decodes it. Note" This selection is unavailable when the 7ultiple !ymbols !election is turned on.

Out#ut Se+uen!e Editor

Enter SeA0en:e De2a0't SeA0en:e

Re+uire Out#ut Se+uen!e

ReA0ired On Not ReA0ired



Multi#le S"m(ols ?hen this programming selection is turned (n' it allows you to read multiple symbols when the trigger is activated. )f you press and hold the trigger' aiming the scanner at a series of symbols' it reads uni-ue symbols once' beeping 1if turned on3 for each read. The scanner attempts to find and decode new symbols as long as the trigger is activated. ?hen this programming selection is turned (ff' the scanner will only read the symbol closest to the aiming beam. 'o Read ?ith 8o ,ead turned (n' the scanner notifies you if a code cannot be read. )f using a Buic&RAiew !can Data ?indow' an U8,V appears when a code cannot be read. )f 8o ,ead is turned (ff' the U8,V will not appear. Multi#le S"m(ols Note( This feature does not wor& when the scanner is in >ow Power mode.

On *Off

'o Read

On *Off


Print Contrast >eight

Print #ontrast ?eight is used to adHust the way the scanner reads 7atri/ symbols. )f an scanner will be seeing consistently heavily printed matri/ symbols' then a Print #ontrast ?eight of 9 may improve the reading performance. or consistently light printing' a Print #ontrast ?eight of 2 may help. 0fter scanning the Set Print Contrast >eight barcode' set the Print #ontrast ?eight 1from "F;3 by scanning digits from the inside bac& cover' then scanning Sa*e. Default E +.

Print *ontrast -eight

Set Print !ontra&t >ei58t *Default

Aideo ,everse
Aideo ,everse is used to allow the scanner to read barcodes that are inverted. The U.ffV barcode below is an e/ample of this type of barcode. )f additional menuing is re-uired' Aideo ,everse must be disabled to read the menu barcodes and then reFenabled after menuing is completed. 8ote( )mages downloaded from the unit will not be reversed. This is a setting for decoding only. $ideo Reverse


>or'ing (rientation
!ome barcodes are directionFsensitive. or e/ample' Ji/ codes and .#, can misread when scanned sideways or upside down. $se the wor&ing orientation settings if your directionFsensitive codes will not usually be presented upright to the scanner. Default E $pright. Orientation

Rotate !'o:@7i&e 90

(p&ide Do7n

Rotate !o0nter:'o:@7i&e 90


Code (ption
)f you want to decode all the symbologies allowable for your imager' scan the All Symbologies (n code. .n the other hand' you want to decode only a particular symbology' scan 0ll !ymbologies .ff followed by the .n symbol for that particular symbology. 8.T6( 6nabling All Symbologies (n will decrease scan time and enabling only the symbology used will significantly increase performance. All S"m(ologies
$'' Sy3=o'o5ie& On

$'' Sy3=o'o5ie& O22

Message Length Des!ri#tion @ou may set the valid reading length of some of the barcode symbologies. )f the data length of the scanned barcode doesn2t match the valid reading length' the scanner will issue an error beep. @ou may set the same value for minimum and ma/imum length to force the scanner to read fi/ed length barcode data. This helps reduce the chances of a misread. $.A)PL$" Decode only those barcodes with a count of <F20 characters( 7in. length E 0< 7a/. length E 20 $.A)PL$" Decode only those barcodes with a count of "5 characters( 7in. length E "5 7a/. length E "5. Start/Sto# *hara!ters !tart4!top characters identify the leading and trailing ends of the barcode. 42

*he!. *hara!ter #odabar chec& characters are created using different Umodulos.V @ou can program the scanner to read only #odabar barcodes with 7odulo "9 chec& characters. No Chec' Character indicates that the scanner reads and transmits barcode data with or without a chec& character. ?hen #hec& #haracter is set to Validate and %ransmit' the scanner will only read #odabar barcodes printed with a chec& character' and will transmit this character at the end of the scanned data. ?hen #hec& #haracter is set to Validate6 but on?t %ransmit' the unit will only read #odabar barcodes printed with a chec& character' but will not transmit the chec& character with the scanned data.

GDefault 0ll #odabar !ettingsX

*On O22

Start /Sto# *hara!ter

Tran&3it *D$n:t (ran13it

*he!. *hara!ter
*'$ C7ec; C7aracter

$alidate and Transmit

/a'idate .od0'o 16 and Tran&3it /a'idate .od0'o 16 ,=0t DonBt Tran&3it


*on!atenation #odabar supports symbol concatenation. ?hen you enable concatenation' the scanner loo&s for a #odabar symbol having a UDV start character' adHacent to a symbol having a UDV stop character. )n this case the two messages are concatenated into one with the UDV characters omitted. Default E .n.

!elect ,e-uire to prevent the scanner from decoding a single UDV #odabar symbol without its companion. This selection has no effect on #odabar symbols without !top4!tart D characters. Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 2F90. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E 90. Message Length
*On O22

ReA0ire .ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Code ,9
Start-Stop Characters !tart4!top characters identify the leading and trailing ends of the barcode. @ou may either transmit' or not transmit !tart4!top characters. Default E Don2t Transmit. *he!. *hara!ter No Chec' Character indicates that the scanner reads and transmits barcode data with or without a chec& character. Default E 8o #hec& #haracter.

GDefault 0ll #ode 3< !ettingsX

*On O22 Tran&3it *D$n:t (ran13it *'$ C7ec; C7aracter

/a'idate and Tran&3it

/a'idate, =0t DonBt Tran&3it


Code ,9
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 0F+8. 7inimum Default E 0' 7a/imum Default E +8. A##end This function allows the scanner to append the data from several #ode 3< barcodes together before transmitting them to the host computer. ?hen this function is enabled' the scanner stores those #ode 3< barcodes that start with a space 1e/cluding the start and stop symbols3' and does not immediately transmit the data. The scanner stores the data in the order in which the barcodes are read' deleting the first space from each. The scanner transmits the appended data when it reads a #ode 3< barcode that starts with a character other than a space.

*ode /0
.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 $ppend On

*A%%en2 Off


1ull AS*%% )f ull 0!#)) #ode 3< decoding is enabled' certain character pairs within the barcode symbol will be interpreted as a single character. or e/ample( YA will be decoded as the 0!#)) character !@8' and 4# will be decoded as the 0!#)) character Z.

#haracter pairs 47 and 48 decode as a minus sign and period respectively. #haracter pairs 4P through 4@ decode as 0 through <.


Code ,9
*ode Page #ode pages define the mapping of character codes to characters. )f the data received does not display with the proper characters' it may be because the barcode being scanned was created using a code page that is different from the one the host program is e/pecting. )f this is the case' scan the barcode below' select the code page with which the barcodes were created and scan the value and the Sa*e barcode. The data characters should then appear properly.

#0'' $S!++ On *+ull ASCII Off

!ode 39 !ode Pa5e


Code ,+
Code +' harmaceutical is a form of the Code +# symbology used by )talian pharmacies. This symbology is also &nown as P0,0 . Trioptic #ode must be turned off while scanning #ode 32 Pharmaceutical codes.

*ode /2




Interlea*ed + of @
*he!. Digit No Chec' igit indicates that the scanner reads and transmits barcode data with or without a chec& digit. ?hen #hec& Digit is set to Validate6 but on?t %ransmit' the unit only reads )nterleaved 2 of 5 barcodes printed with a chec& digit' but will not transmit the chec& digit with the scanned data. ?hen #hec& Digit is set to Validate and %ransmit' the scanner only reads )nterleaved 2 of 5 barcodes printed with a chec& digit' and will transmit this digit at the end of the scanned data. Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 2F80. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E 80.

GDefault all )nterleaved 2 of 5 !ettingsX

*On O22

*'$ C7ec; /a'idate , =0t DonBt Tran&3it

/a'idate and Tran&3it

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Code 9,
*ode 0/ Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 0F80. 7inimum Default E 0' 7a/imum Default E 80. *ode Page #ode pages define the mapping of character codes to characters. )f the data received does not display with the proper characters' it may be because the barcode being scanned was created using a code page that is different from the one the host program is e/pecting. )f this is the case' scan the barcode below' select the code page with which the barcodes were created and scan the value and the Sa*e barcode from the Programming #hart on the inside the bac& cover of this manual. The data characters should then appear properly.

GDefault 0ll #ode <3 !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

!ode 93 !ode Pa5e


Straight + of @ Industrial
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F+8. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E +8.

GDefault 0ll !traight 2 of 5 )ndustrial !ettingsX

On *Off

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Straight + of @ IA%A
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F+8. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E +8

GDefault 0ll !traight 2 of 5 )0T0 !ettingsX

On *Off .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


)atriA + of @
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F80. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E 80.

GDefault 0ll 7atri/ 2 of 5 !ettingsX


*Off .ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Code ;;
*he!. Digits Re+uired This option sets whether " or 2 chec& digits are re-uired with #ode "" barcodes. Default E Two #hec& Digits. Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F80. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E 80.

GDefault 0ll #ode "" !ettingsX

On *Off

One !8e:@ Di5it *(6$ C7ec; Di.it1

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Code ;+<
%SBT 324 *on!atenation The use of )!%T formats re-uires a paid license. The )!%T "28 0pplication !pecification describes "3 the critical data elements for labeling blood products' 23 the current recommendation to use #ode "28 due to its high degree of security and its spaceFefficient design' 33 a variation of #ode "28 that supports concatenation of neighboring symbols' and +3 the standard layout for barcodes on a blood product label. $se the barcodes below to turn concatenation on or off. Default E .ff. Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 0F80. 7inimum Default E 0' 7a/imum Default E 80. *ode Page #ode pages define the mapping of character codes to characters. )f the data received does not display with the proper characters' it may be because the barcode being scanned was created using a code page that is different from the one the host program is e/pecting. )f this is the case' scan the barcode below' select the code page with which the barcodes were created' and scan the value and the Sa*e The data characters should then appear properly. Default E 2.


GDefault 0ll #ode "28 !ettingsX

*On O22

ISBT 128 On

* ISBT 128 Off

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

*ode Page

!ode 128 !ode Pa5e


Tele#en Out#ut $sing 0)7 Telepen .utput' the scanner reads symbols with start4stop pattern " and decodes them as standard full 0!#)) 1start4stop pattern "3. ?hen .riginal Telepen .utput is selected' the scanner reads symbols with start4stop pattern " and decodes them as compressed numeric with optional full 0!#)) 1start4stop pattern 23. Default E 0)7 Telepen .utput. Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F90. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 90.

GDefault 0ll Telepen !ettingsX

On *Off

*AIM (ele%en Out%ut Ori5ina' Te'epen O0tp0t

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


*he!. Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the chec& digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data or not. Default E .n. 'um(er S"stem The numeric system digit of a $.P.#. symbol is normally transmitted at the beginning of the scanned data' but the unit can be programmed so it will not transmit it. Default E .n.

GDefault 0ll $P#F0 !ettingsX

*On O22

*he!. Digit

*On O22

'um(er S"stem
*On O22


Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned $P#F0 data.Default E .ff for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit 0ddenda. Addenda Re+uired ?hen &e7uired is scanned' the scanner will only read $P#F0 barcodes that have addenda. @ou must then turn on a 2 or 5 digit addenda. Default E 8ot ,e-uired. Addenda Se#arator ?hen this feature is on' there is a space between the data from the barcode and the data from the addenda. ?hen turned off' there is no space. Default E .n. &P*-A/EA'-3/ with E,tended *ou#on *ode $se the following codes to enable or disable $P#F0 and 608F"3 with 6/tended #oupon #ode. Default E .n.



2 Di5it $ddenda On

*2 A22en2a Off

5 Di5it $ddenda On

* A22en2a Off

Addenda Re+uired


*'$t Re<uire2

Addenda Se#arator

*On O22

&P*-A/EA'-3/ with E,tended *ou#on *ode

*On O22


7ost $.P.#. barcodes lead with the 0 number system. or these codes' use the $P#F60 selection. )f you need to read codes that lead with the " number system. Default E .n. &P*-E5 E,#and $P#F6 6/pand e/pands the $P#F6 code to the "2 digit' $P#F0 format. Default E .ff. Addenda Re+uired ?hen 0ddenda ,e-uired is set to on' the scanner will only read $P#F6 barcodes that have addenda. Addenda Se#arator ?hen this feature is on' there is a space between the data from the barcode and the data from the addenda. ?hen turned off' there is no space. *he!. Digit #hec& Digit specifies whether the chec& digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data or not. Default E .n. 'um(er S"stem The numeric system digit of a $.P.#. symbol is normally transmitted at the beginning of the scanned data' but the unit can be programmed so it will not transmit it. Default E .n.


GDefault 0ll $P#F6 !ettingsX

*UPC-0! On (P!4E0 O22

&P*-E5 E,#and
On *Off

Addenda Re+uired
ReA0ired *'$t Re<uire2

Addenda Se#arator
*On O22

*he!. Digit
*On O22

'um(er S"stem
*On O22


Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned $P#F6 data. Default E .ff for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit 0ddenda 1PC#$; 7ost $.P.#. barcodes lead with the 0 number system. or these codes. )f you need to read codes that lead with the " number system' use the $P#F6" selection. Default E .ff


2 Di5it $ddenda On *2 A22en2a Off

5 Di5it $ddenda On * A22en2a Off

(P!4E1 On *UPC-01 Off


*he!. Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the chec& digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data or not. %SB' Translate This selection causes 608F"3 %oo&land symbols to be translated into their e-uivalent )!%8 number format.

GDefault 0ll 6084D08 !ettingsX

*On O22

*he!. Digit
*On O22

%SB' Translate
On *Off


Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned 6084D08F"3 data. Addenda Re+uired ?hen 0ddenda re-uired is set to on' the scanner will only read 6084D08F"3 barcodes that have addenda.

Addenda Se#arator ?hen this feature is on' there is a space between the data from the barcode and the data from the addenda. ?hen turned off' there is no space. Addenda
2 Di5it $ddenda On *2 A22en2a Off

5 Di5it $ddenda On * A22en2a Off

Addenda Re+uired
ReA0ired *No Required

Addenda Se#arator
*On O22


*he!. Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the chec& digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data or not. Default E .n. Addenda This selection adds 2 or 5 digits to the end of all scanned 6084D08F8 data. Default E .ff for both 2 Digit and 5 Digit 0ddenda.

GDefault 0ll 6084D08F8 !ettingsX

*On O22

*he!. Digit
*On O22

2 Di5it $ddenda On *2 A22en2a Off

5 Di5it $ddenda On * A22en2a Off


Addenda Re+uired ?hen 0ddenda ,e-uired is set to on' the scanner will only read 6084D08F8 barcodes that have addenda. EA'/6A'-4 Addenda Se#arator ?hen this feature is on' there is a space between the data from the barcode and the data from the addenda. ?hen turned off' there is no space.

Addenda Re+uired
ReA0ired *'$t Re<uire2

Addenda Se#arator
*On O22


MS% *he!. *hara!ter Different types of chec& characters are used with 7!) barcodes. @ou can program the scanner to read 7!) barcodes with Type "0 chec& characters. ?hen #hec& #haracter is set to Validate and %ransmit' the scanner will only read 7!) barcodes printed with the specified type chec& character' and will transmit this character at the end of the scanned data. ?hen #hec& #haracter is set to Validate6 but on?t %ransmit' the unit will only read 7!) barcodes printed with the specified type chec& character' but will not transmit the chec& character with the scanned data. Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E +F+8. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E +8.

GDefault 0ll 7!) !ettingsX

On *Off

*Vali2ate (&%e 1!# =ut D$n:t (ran13it

/a'idate Type 10 and Tran&3it

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Plessey Code
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E +F+8. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E +8.

GDefault 0ll Plessey #ode !ettingsX

On *Off

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


CS; ataBar (mnidirectional

GDefault 0ll C!" Data%ar .mnidirectional !ettingsX



CS; ataBar Limited

GDefault 0ll C!" Data%ar >imited !ettingsX




CS; ataBar $Apanded

Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E +F;+. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E ;+.

GDefault 0ll C!" Data%ar 6/panded !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


@ou have to have Posi#ode 0 and % on to read any of the Posi#ode symbologies. 7essage >ength !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 2F80. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E +8. Trioptic #ode Note" )f you are going to scan #ode 32 Pharmaceutical codes' Trioptic #ode must be off. Trioptic #ode is used for labeling magnetic storage media

GDefault 0ll Posi#ode !ettingsX

* On O22

$ and ) On , No 6i3ited $ and ) and 6i3ited On , 6i3ited ) O22 *A an2 B an2 /i3ite2 B On ( /i3ite2 A Off )

Message Length
.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

Trio#ti! *ode
On *Off


Codabloc' !
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F20+8. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 20+8

GDefault 0ll #odabloc&


On *Off

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Code ;8/
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 0F"90. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E "90.

GDefault 0ll #ode "9J !ettingsX

On *Off

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Code :9
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F8". 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 8".

GDefault 0ll #ode +< !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


P !:;D
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F2;50. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 2;50.

GDefault 0ll PD +"; !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


)icroP !:;D
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F399. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 399.

GDefault 0ll 7icro PD +"; !ettingsX

* On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


CS; 3$ANE1CCF Composite Codes

>inear codes are combined with a uni-ue 2D composite component to form a new class called 608W$## #omposite symbology. 608W$## #omposite symbologies allow for the coFe/istence of symbologies already in use. &P*/EA' $ersion !can the 1PC-$AN Version (n barcode to decode 608W$## #omposite symbols that have a $P# or 608 linear component. 1This does not affect 608W$## #omposite symbols with a $##4608F"28 or C!" Data%ar linear component.3 Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F2+35. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 2+35 Emulation The scanner can automatically format the output from any 608W$## data carrier to emulate what would be encoded in an e-uivalent $##4608F"28 or C!" Data%ar and #omposite symbol. 608W$## data carriers include $P#F0 and $P#F6' 608F"3 and 608F8' )T F"+' $##4608F"28' and 608W$## C!" Data%ar and #omposites. Data from 2D symbols such as 0=tec #ode' Data 7atri/' or B, #ode' which encode a leading 8#"' also invo&e 608W$## emulation. )f $##4608F"28 6mulation is selected' the 0)7 !ymbology )dentifier is reported as U[#"V. )f C!" Data%ar 6mulation is selected' the 0)7 !ymbology )dentifier is reported as U[e0.V 0ny application that accepts 608W$## data can be simplified since it only needs to recogni=e one data carrier type.


CS; 3$ANE1CCF Composite Codes

T*%1 Lin.ed *ode /0 7TL*/08 This code is a composite code since it has a #ode 3< linear component and a 7icroPD +"; stac&ed code component. 0ll barcode readers are capable of reading the #ode 3< linear component. The 7icroPD +"; component can only be decoded if %LC,9 (n is selected. The linear component may be decoded as #ode 3< even if T>#3< is off. *om#osite *odes
On *Off

&P*/EA' $ersion
(P! E$N /er&ion On *UPC ) 0A' Ver1i$n Off

Message Length
.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

1S1 Data)ar E30'ation

128 E30'ation * 03ulati$n Off

T*%1 Lin. *ode /0

T6!39 On *(/C3> Off


Postal Codes
8ote( or best performance when reading a postal symbology' all other postal symbologies should be turned offP by default all postal symbologies are off. The following postal codes can be enabled.

1SPS Intelligent )ail

1SPS Postnet
*he!. Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the chec& digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data.

On *Off

Tran&3it !8e:@ Di5it *D$n:t (ran13it C7ec;


Planet *ode
*he!. Digit This selection allows you to specify whether the chec& digit should be transmitted at the end of the scanned data.

On *Off

Tran&3it !8e:@ Di5it *D$n:t (ran13it C7ec;

Postal Codes
British Post
On *Off

*anadian Post
On *Off

9i, 7'etherlands8 Post

On *Off


Australian Post
On *Off

6a#anese Post
On *Off

*hina Post
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 2F80. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E 80.

GDefault 0ll #hina Post !ettingsX

On *Off

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Postal Codes
/orea Post
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E 2F80. 7inimum Default E +' 7a/imum Default E +8.

GDefault 0ll Jorea Post !ettingsX

On *Off

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Q& Code This selection applies to both B, #ode and 7icro B, #ode.
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F3500. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 3500.

GDefault 0ll B, #ode !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


ata )atriA
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F"500. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E "500.

GDefault 0ll Data 7atri/ !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F"50. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E "50.

GDefault 0ll 7a/i#ode !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


AGtec Code
Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F3;50. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E 3;50

GDefault 0ll 0=tec #ode !ettingsX

*On O22

.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8 .a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

A:te! Runes !elect $nable &unes if you are scanning 0=tec runes' which are the smallest type of 0=tec #ode symbol with the ability to encode a very short license plate message.

Ena='e R0ne& *Di1a=le Rune1


Chinese Sensible 30an .inF Code

Message Length !can the barcodes below to change the message length. 7inimum and 7a/imum lengths E "F;833. 7inimum Default E "' 7a/imum Default E ;833.

GDefault 0ll *an Sin !ettings X



.ini303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8

.a<i303 .e&&a5e 6en5t8


String !ormat

?hen a barcode is scanned' additional information is sent to the host computer along with the barcode data. This group of barcode data and additional' userFdefined data is called a Umessage string.V The selections in this section are used to build the userFdefined data into the message string. Prefi/ and !uffi/ characters are data characters that can be sent before and after scanned data. @ou can specify if they should be sent with all symbologies' or only with specific symbologies. The following illustration shows the brea&down of a message string( PrefiA - SuffiA characters setting( #haracters defined as prefi/ or suffi/ characters will be transmitted immediately with the scanned data for all symbologies. $p to "" 0!#)) characters can be defined for both Prefi/ and !uffi/. Ti#s W 0 prefi/ or suffi/ may be added or cleared from one symbology or all symbologies. W @ou can add any prefi/ or suffi/ f' plus #ode ).D. and 0)7 ).D. W @ou can string together several entries for several symbologies at one time. W 6nter prefi/es and suffi/es in the order in which you want them to appear on the output. W ?hen !etting up for specific symbologies' instead of 0ll !ymbologies' the symbology )D value counts as an added prefi/ or suffi/ character. Prefi/ !canned Data !uffi/


To Add a Pre i, or Su i,; Step ;4 !can the Add PrefiA or Add SuffiA symbol. Step +4 Determine the 2 digit *e/ value from the !ymbology #hart or the symbology to which you want to apply the prefi/ or suffi/. or e/ample' for #ode "28' #ode )D is UHV and *e/ )D is U90V. Step ,4 !can the 2 he/ digits or scan 9' 9 for all symbologies. Step :4 Determine the he/ value from the for the prefi/ or suffi/ you wish to enter. Step @4 !can the 2 digit he/ value. Step 84 ,epeat !teps + and 5 for every prefi/ or suffi/ character. Step D4 To add the #ode ).D.' scan @' C' <' =. To add 0)7 ).D.' scan @' C' <' ;. To add a bac&slash 1\3' scan @' C' @' C. Note" To add a bac&slash 1\3 as in !tep ;' you must scan 5# twice ] once to create the leading bac&slash and then to create the bac&slash itself. Step <4 !can Sa*e to e/it and save' or scan iscard to e/it without saving. ,epeat !teps "F9 to add a prefi/ or suffi/ for another symbology. $Aample" Add a SuffiA to a specific symbology To send a *R 7!arriage return8Su i, or &P* onl"( Step ;4 !can Add SuffiA. Step +4 Determine the 2 digit he/ value for $P#. Step ,4 !can 8' , . Step :4 !can =' 1carriage return3. Step @4 !can Sa*e' or scan iscard to e/it without saving.


To *lear One or All Pre i,es or Su i,es; @ou can clear a single prefi/ or suffi/' or clear all prefi/es4suffi/es for a symbology. ?hen you #lear .ne Prefi/ 1!uffi/3' the specific character you select is deleted from the symbology you want. ?hen you #lear 0ll Prefi/es 1!uffi/es3' all the prefi/es or suffi/es for a symbology are deleted. Step ;4 !can the Clear (ne PrefiA or Clear (ne SuffiA symbol. Step +4 Determine the 2 digit *e/ value for the symbology from which you want to clear the prefi/ or suffi/. Step ,4 !can the 2 digit he/ value or scan 9' 9 for all symbologies. @our change is automatically saved.

To Add a *arriage Return Su i, to all S"m(ologies; !can the following barcode if you wish to add a carriage return suffi/ to all symbologies at once. This action first clears all current suffi/es' then programs a carriage return suffi/ for all symbologies.


!unction Code %ransmit

?hen this selection is enabled and function codes are contained within the scanned data' the scanner transmits the function code to the terminal. 1un!tion *ode Transmit

Intercharacter6 Interfunction6 and Intermessage elays

!ome terminals drop information 1characters3 if data comes through too -uic&ly. )ntercharacter' interfunction' and intermessage delays slow the transmission of data' increasing data integrity. 6ach delay is composed of a 5 millisecond step. @ou can program up to << steps 1of 5 ms each3 for a range of 0F+<5 ms.

%nter!hara!ter Dela"
0n intercharacter delay of up to +<5 milliseconds may be placed between the transmission of each character of scanned data. !can the Intercharacter elay barcode below' then scan the number of milliseconds and the SAV$ barcode. 93

+nter:8ara:ter De'ay

To remove this delay' scan the Intercharacter elay barcode' then set the number of steps to 0. !can the SAV$ barcode. Note" )ntercharacter delays are not supported in $!% serial emulation.

&ser S#e!i ied %nter!hara!ter Dela"

0n intercharacter delay of up to +<5 milliseconds may be placed after the transmission of a particular character of scanned data. !can the elay Length barcode below' then scan the number of milliseconds and the SAV$ barcode. 8e/t' scan the Character to %rigger elay barcode' then the 2Fdigit he/ value for the 0!#)) character that will trigger the delay. &ser S#e!i ied %nter!hara!ter Dela"

To remove this delay' scan the elay Length barcode' and set the number of steps to 0. !can the SAV$ barcode. 94

Interfunction elay
0n interfunction delay of up to +<5 milliseconds may be placed between the transmission of each segment of the message string. !can the Interfunction elay barcode below' then scan the number of milliseconds and the SAV$4

Interfuncti$n Dela&

To remove this delay' scan the Interfunction elay barcode' then set the number of steps to 0. !can the SAV$ barcode.

%ntermessage Dela"
0n intermessage delay of up to +<5 milliseconds may be placed between each scan transmission. !can the Intermessage elay barcode below' then scan the number of milliseconds and the SAV$ barcode.

Inter3e11a.e Dela&

To remove this delay' scan the Intermessage elay barcode' then 95

set the number of steps to 0. !can the SAV$ barcode.

ata !ormatting
Data 1ormat Editor %ntrodu!tion
@ou may use the Data ormat 6ditor to change the scannerTs output. or e/ample' you can use the Data ormat 6ditor to insert characters at certain points in barcode data as it is scanned. The selections in the following pages are used only if you wish to alter the output. Default Data ormat setting E 8one. 8ormally' when you scan a barcode' it gets outputted automaticallyP however when you do a format' you must use a UsendV command within the format program to output data. 7ultiple formats may be programmed into the scanner. They are stac&ed in the order in which they are entered. *owever' the following list presents the order in which formats are applied( ". !pecific Term )D' 0ctual #ode )D' 0ctual >ength 2. !pecific Term )D' 0ctual #ode )D' $niversal >ength 3. !pecific Term )D' $niversal #ode )D' 0ctual >ength +. !pecific Term )D' $niversal #ode )D' $niversal >ength 5. $niversal Term )D' 0ctual #ode )D' 0ctual >ength 9. $niversal Term )D' 0ctual #ode )D' $niversal >ength ;. $niversal Term )D' $niversal #ode )D' 0ctual >ength 8. $niversal Term )D' $niversal #ode )D' $niversal >ength )f you have changed data format settings' and wish to clear all formats and return to the factory defaults' scan the efault ata !ormat


To Add a Data 1ormat

Step ;4 !can the $nter ata !ormat symbol Step +4 Primary-Alternate !ormat Determine if this will be your primary data format' or one of 3 alternate formats. 10lternate formats allow you Usingle shotV capability to scan one barcode using a different data format. 0fter the one barcode has been read' the scanner reverts to the primary data format. )f you are programming the primary format' scan = using the inside the bac& cover of this manual. )f you are programming an alternate format' scan ;' +' or ,' depending on the alternate format you are programming. Step ,4 Interface %ype !elect the )nterface )D number for your P#. !can three numeric barcodes on the inside bac& cover to program the scanner for your )nterface )D 1you must enter 3 digits3. or e/ample' scan = = = for ,!F232. Note( The wildcard for all terminal types is 0<<. Step :4 Code I4 4 ind the symbology to which you want to apply the data format. >ocate the *e/ value for that symbology and scan the 2 digit he/ value. Step @4 Length !pecify what length 1up to <<<< characters3 of data will be acceptable for this symbology. !can the four digit data length from the the bac& cover of this manual. 18ote( 50 characters is entered as 0050. <<<< is a universal number' indicating all lengths.3 Step 84 $ditor Commands ,efer to Data ormat 6ditor #ommands . !can the symbols that represent the command you want to enter <+ alphanumeric characters may be entered for each symbology data format. Step D4 !can Sa*e to save your entries.


W Clear (ne ata !ormat

This deletes one data format for one symbology. )f you are clearing the primary format' scan = . )f you are clearing an alternate format' scan ;' +' or ,' depending on the alternate format you are clearing. !can the )nterface Type and #ode ).D. ' and the barcode data length for the specific data format that you want to delete. 0ll other formats remain unaffected. W Sa*e" This e/its' saving any Data ormat changes. W iscard " This e/its without saving any Data ormat changes.


ata !ormat $ditor Commands

Send Commands
" !end all characters followed by U//V &ey or function code' starting from current cursor position. SyntaA H !;AA 1// stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code. 2 !end UnnV characters followed by U//V &ey or function code' starting from current cursor position. SyntaA H !+nnAA 1nn stands for the numeric value 100F<<3 for the number of characters and // stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code. 3 !end up to but not including UssV character 1!earch and !end3 starting from current cursor position' leaving cursor pointing to UssV character followed by U//V &ey or function code. SyntaA H !,ssAA 1ss and // both stand for the he/ values for 0!#)) codes. + !end U//V character UnnV times 1)nsert3 leaving cursor in current cursor position. SyntaA H !:AAnn 1// stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code' and nn is the numeric value 100F<<3 for the number of times it should be sent.3 6< !end all but the last UnnV characters' starting from the current cursor position. SyntaA H $9nn 1nn is the numeric value 100F<<3 for the number of characters that will not be sent at the end of the message.3 99

)o*e Commands
5 7ove the cursor a head UnnV characters from current cursor position. SyntaA H !@nn 1nn stands for the numeric value 100F<<3 for the number ofcharacters the cursor should be moved ahead.3 9 7ove the cursor bac& UnnV characters from current cursor position. SyntaA H !8nn 1nn stands for the numeric value 100F<<3 for the number of characters the cursor should be moved bac&.3 ; 7ove the cursor to the beginning of the data string. SyntaA H !D. 60 7ove the cursor to the end of the data string. SyntaA H $A

Search Commands
8 !earch ahead for U//V character from current cursor position' leaving cursor pointing to U//V character. SyntaA H !<AA 1// stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code. < !earch bac& for U//V character from current cursor position' leaving cursor pointing to U//V character. SyntaA H !9AA 1// stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code. 69 !earch ahead for the first non U//V character from the current cursor position' leaving cursor pointing to non U//V character. SyntaA H $8AA 1// stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code. 6; !earch bac& for the first non U//V character from the current cursor position' leaving cursor pointing to non U//V character. SyntaA H $DAA 1// stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code'


)iscellaneous Commands
% !uppress all occurrences of up to "5 different characters' starting at the current cursor position' as the cursor is advanced by other commands. ?hen the # command is encountered' the suppress function is terminated. The cursor is not moved by the % command. SyntaA H !BnnAAyy 4 4GG where nn is a count of the number of suppressed characters in the list and //yy .. == is the list of characters to be suppressed. 1// stands for the he/ value of an 0!#)) code3' # Disables suppress filter and clear all suppressed characters. SyntaA H !C. 6+ ,eplaces up to "5 characters in the data string with user specified characters. ,eplacement continues until the 65 command is encountered. SyntaA H $:nnAA;AA+yy;yy+444GG;GG+ where nn is the total count of both characters to be replaced plus replacement charactersP //" defines characters to be replaced and //2 defines replacement characters' continuing through ==" and ==2. 65 Terminates character replacement .SyntaA H $@. 6 #ompare character in current cursor position to the character U//.V' if characters are e-ual' increment cursor. )f characters are not e-ual' no format match. SyntaA H !$AA 1// stands for the he/ value for an 0!#)) code. 6# #hec& to ma&e sure there is an 0!#)) number at the current cursor position. )f character is not numeric' format is aborted. SyntaA H $C. 6D #hec& to ma&e sure there is a nonFnumeric 0!#)) character at the current cursor position. )f character is numeric' format is aborted. SyntaA H $ .


Data 1ormatter
?hen Data ormatter is turned off' the barcode data is output to the host as read 1including prefi/es and suffi/es3. #hoose one of the following options. Default E Data ormatter .n' but 8ot ,e-uired.

?hen Data ormatter is re-uired' all input data must conform to an edited format or the scanner does not transmit the input data to the host device.

Data #or3atter On, #or3at ReA0ired


Alternate Data 1ormats

0lternate formats allow you Usingle shotV capability to scan one barcode using a different data format than your primary format. ?hen data formats are programmed' you must input whether you are programming the primary format' or an alternate format numbered "' 2' or 3. 0n alternate format is initiated by scanning one of the 3 alternate format barcodes below. The scanner will scan the ne/t barcode' formatting the data with the selected alternate format' then revert immediately to the primary format.


(C& Programming
$se this section to program the scanner for optical character recognition 1.#,3. The scanner engine reads 9 to 90 point .#, typeface. Note" .#, is not as secure as barcodes. To enhance security in .#, applications' create an .#, template to match the data' and print an .#, chec& character. The scanner engine will read .#,F0' .#,F%' $.!. #urrency !erial 8umber 17oney3' 7)#, 6F"3%' and !67) fonts. @ou can either select an .#, default' or create your own custom template for the type of .#, format you intend to read. !ee ^.#,^ on page <F" for programming codes that will enable your scanner to read .#,F0' .#,F%' $.!. #urrency' 7)#, 6F"3%' or !67) fonts. !ee ^.#, Templates^ on page <F3 if you want to create a custom Utemplate'V or character string that defines the length and content of .#, strings that will be read with your scanner. Note" !etting the template and chec& character options are essential for .#, reading.


(C& !onts
efault All (C& Settings turns off all .#, capability in the imager' so the scanner will be able to scan linear' stac&ed' matri/' and composite barcodes' but not .#, fonts. )n addition' any .#, templates you have created are erased. The eight digit default templates are reinstated for any future use of the (C& (n codes listed below. Note" .#, symbols can misread when scanned sideways or upside down. $se ?or&ing .rientation' if your .#, symbols will not usually be presented upright to the scanner. .nly one .#, symbology can be read at a time. (C&#A (n allows you to scan characters in the .#,F0 font. The default setting allows you to scan any eight digit combination. )f you have created an .#, template' character combinations that fit the template can be scanned. (C&#B (n allows you to scan characters in the .#,F% font. The default setting allows you to scan any eight digit combination. )f you have created an .#, template' character combinations that fit the template can be scanned.

GDefault 0ll .#, !ettingsX

O!R4$ On

O!R4) On


14S4 Currency !ont

14S4 Currency (n allows you to scan characters in the font used on $.!. currency. The default setting allows you to scan any eight digit combination. )f you have created an .#, template' character combinations that fit the template can be scanned.

(CS !0rren:y On

)IC& $#;,B !ont

)IC& $#;,B .n allows you to scan 7)#, characters on a ban& chec&. The default setting allows you to scan any eight digit combination. )f you have created an .#, template' character combinations that fit the template can be scanned.

.+!R E413) On

Note" T.0D characters 1Transit' .n $s' 0mount and Dash3 are output in the following manner(


S$)I !ont
S$)I !ont (n allows you to scan the !67) font used in the semiconductor industry.

SE.+ #ont On

All (C& (ff turns off all .#, capability in the imager' so the scanner will be able to scan linear' stac&ed' matri/' and composite barcodes' but not .#, fonts. *owever' any .#, templates you have created will be retained in memory.

*All OCR Off


(C& %emplates
@ou can create a custom Utemplate'V or character string that defines the length and content of .#, strings that will be read with your scanner. There are several choices when creating a custom template for your application. @ou can create a template for a single format' you can string together several formats' and you can create a template for a userFdefined variable. These choices are described in detail below.

*reating an O*R Tem#late

0 single template allows you to program the scanner to read any combination of characters in the order you specify. ,efer to e/amples that follow the Template #haracters table below.

Tem#late *hara!ters

Note" .#, templates default to eight digits' no chec& character. To 0dd an .#, Template( ". Turn on the .#, font you want to read. 2. %egin building the template. 108

3. !can the $nter (C& %emplate symbol. +. !can the characters for the string. $se the Template #haracters chart above to determine what characters you need to create your format. $se the .#, Programming #hart to scan the characters for your template. $Aample" @ou need to read any combination of eight digits. The template would be( dddddddd To create this template' you would enable the .#,F0 font. !can the $nter (C& %emplate symbol ' then scan the d from the .#, Programming #hart in the bac& of this manual eight times. !can Sa*e (C& %emplate This would let you read any string of eight digits' for e/ample(

Character )atch Se7uences

.n the 0!#)) #hart' find the *e/ value that represents the character1s3 you want to match. $Aample" @ou need to read three digits' three specific characters 10%#3' three digits. The template would be(


To create this template' you would enable the .#,F0 font. !can the $nter (C& %emplate symbol. !can the d from the .#, Programming #hart in the bac& of this manual three times. Then scan :;:+:, from the inside bac& cover 1the he/ characters for U0'V U%'V and U#V3' and scan the d three more times. !can Sa*e (C& %emplate. This would let you read any string of three digits' U0%#'V then any string of three digits' for e/ample(

Adding Spaces @ou may also need to put spaces in your template. $Aample" @ou need to read three digits' space' three specific characters 10%#3' space' three digits. The template would be(

To create this template' you would enable the .#,F0 font. !can the $nter (C& %emplate symbol. !can the d from the .#, Programming #hart in the bac& of this manual three times' then scan +=:;:+:,+= from the inside bac& cover 1the he/ characters for Uspace'V U0'V U%'V U#'V UspaceV3. !can the d three more times' then scan Sa*e (C& %emplate . This would let you read any string of three digits space' U0%#'V space' then any string of three digits. or e/ample(

Note" )f using Buic&RAiew to program' use the space bar to designate a space and not the he/ value of 20.+. 6/it .#, Template 6ditor !can Sa*e (C& %emplate to save your entries. iscard (C& %emplate e/its without saving any .#, Template changes. 110

Stringing Together Multi#le 1ormats 7*reating <Or= Statements8 @ou may want to program the scanner to accept many .#, formats. To do this' you would string together each format with a Ut.V This tells the scanner to read optical characters that match any one of the formats in the template. $Aample" @ou need to read any combination of eight digits' or a combination of four digits' two uppercase letters' and two digits. The template would be( ddddddddtddddlldd To create this template' you would enable the .#,F0 font. !can the $nter (C& %emplate symbol. !can the d from the .#, Programming #hart in the bac& of this manual eight times' then scan the t to create the UorV statement. Then you would scan the characters for the second template. !can d four times' scan l two times' then scan d two more times. !can Sa*e (C& %emplate4 This would let you read either type of format' for e/ample(

@ou can string together as many templates as you need.


O*R &ser-De ined $aria(les

@ou can create up to two of your own user variables for an .#, template. These variables will represent any .#, readable characters. The userFdefined variables are stored under the letters UgV and Uh.V #reating a user variable follows the same steps as creating a template' but instead of scanning the $nter (C& %emplate symbol' you scan the $nter 1ser# efined Variable symbol. The letters g and h can then be used in an .#, template to define the variable you specified. $Aample" @ou need a variable to represent the letters U0'V U%'V or U#.V The template for this variable would be( +"+2+3 To create this template' you would enable the .#,F0 font. !can the $nter 1ser# efined Variable g symbol. !can :;:+:, 1the he/ characters for U0'V U%'V and U#V3. !can Sa*e (C& %emplate . This will let you read either 0 or % or # in any position where you place the g. or e/ample' you could create the following template( ddddddggg This template would then let you read data that began with si/ digits' and had an 0' %' or # trailing. !o you would be able to read(


&eading )ulti#&ow (C&

The scanner is capable of decoding multiFrow .#, te/t. Note" ,eading rows longer than si/teen characters is not recommended. $Aample" @ou need to read multiple rows of .#,F 0 data as shown below(

irst' enable the .#,F0 font. To read the first row of .#, data' you would program the following template( .#,T7P^dddddddd^. This template is the default .#, template. )f you wanted to read the second line of data' you would use the following template( .#,T7P^llllllll^. To read both lines of .#, at one time' use the variable r to indicate the start of a new row. 0ll the other templating variables for the individual rows wor& the same as previously described. or instance' in the above e/ample' you would use the following template to read both rows( .#,T7P^ddddddddrllllllll^. To read the three rows below' you would use the template command ^.#,T7P^ddddddddrllllllllrlllldddd^.


(C& Chec' Character

@ou may want to print and verify a chec& character in order to enhance the security of your .#, application. The scanner can be programmed for almost any type of chec& character. 0 number of presets are provided for common chec& character uses 1e.g.' modulo "0 and modulo 393. !can the (C& )odulo ;= or (C& )odulo ,8 Chec' Character barcode to specify the type of chec& character used in the .#, strings you2re scanning. The scanner will then only read .#, character strings with a valid chec& character. The scanner transmits the .#, data without the chec& character data. @ou must specify the location of the chec& character in the template with a c. $Aample" @ou need to read any combination of seven digits' with a modulo "0 chec& character in the eighth position. The template would be( dddddddc To create this template' you would enable the .#,F0 font. !can the )odulo ;= Chec' Character symbol. Then scan the $nter (C& %emplate symbol' and scan the d from the .#, Programming #hart seven times' and scan the c once. !can Sa*e (C& %emplate . This template will let you read any combination of si/ digits with a correct chec& character after. 1)f the chec& character is invalid' the scanner will issue an error beep.3 or e/ample' the following string could be scanned(

and the output would be( 0"23+59


O*R Modulo 35 *he!. *hara!ter

!can this symbol to program the .#, template for a simple modulo "0 chec&sum of the digits 0 through <.

O*R Modulo /> *he!. *hara!ter

!can this symbol to program the .#, template for a simple modulo 39 chec&sum of the digits 0 through < and the letters 0 through _.


O*R &ser-De ined *he!. *hara!ter

@ou can customi=e the chec& character calculation to suit your application. 6ach character of the chec& character alphabet can be programmed in its proper order. The number of characters you enter determines the modulo value for the calculation. %y default' the chec& character computation is unweighted' but the scanner also supports two weighted modulo "0 chec&ing schemes. $Aample" To program a modulo "" chec& character' you would enter the following "" characters in order( =;+,:@8D<9. 0lso enter the .#, template( dddddddc 6nable the .#,F0 font' then scan the following string(

The scanner performs the following chec& character computation( 19 : 5 : " : 2 :3 : 5 : " : S3 modulo "" E 0 !ince the result is =ero' the message is considered to be valid' so the reader outputs the message( 95"235"

Programming a &ser-De ined *he!. *hara!ter

". !can the $nter (C& Chec' Character barcode' below(

Enter O!R !8e:@ !8ara:ter .#, 7odulo 39 #hec& #haracter 6nter .#, #hec& #haracter 2. 6nter the characters in order. or each character' loo& up the corresponding he/ value from the 0!#)) #hart. 116

3. !can the Sa*e barcode on the inside bac& cover. $Aample" To program the modulo "" chec& character from e/ample Z8 ' enable the .#,F0 font. !can the $nter (C& Chec' Character barcode' then scan the following he/ values in order( ,=,;,+,,,:,@,8,D,<,9@< 0fter you enter all the desired he/ values' scan the Sa*e barcode on the inside bac& cover of this manual. -eighting O#tions %y default' the chec& character computation is unweighted. )t is possible to use one of two weighted modulo "0 schemes. ?eighting is often used to detect if two neighboring characters are transposed' a common error when an operator &eys in data. >eighted )odulo ;= Chec' Character !tarting with the chec& character and wor&ing bac&ward through the message' the scanner applies a multiplier of "' then 3' then "' then 3' and so on. This is the chec&ing scheme used in many 608W$## symbologies' including $.P.#. and )nterleaved 2 of 5 1when a chec& digit is invo&ed3. To apply this weighting scheme' set the .#, chec& character to I=;+,:@8D<9A,A;J or scan the following symbol(

$Aample" !can the ?eighted 7odulo "0 #hec& #haracter symbol. 0lso enter the .#, template( dddddddc 117

Then scan the string below(

The reader performs the chec& character computation below( 10 / 3 : " / " : 2 / 3 : 3 / " : + / 3 : 5 / " : 9 / 3 : 5 / "3 modulo "0 E 0 a4>eighted )odulo ;= Chec' Character !ince the result is =ero' the message is considered to be valid' so the reader outputs the message( 0"23+59 b4>eighted )odulo ;= Chec' Character !tarting with the chec& character and wor&ing bac&ward through the message' the scanner applies a multiplier of "' then 2' then "' then 2' and so on. ?hen the result of the multiplication is greater than <' add both digits to the running sum. This is often referred to as the >$*8 formula. .ne common application of the >$*8 formula is validate credit card numbers. This is the modulo "0 chec&ing scheme used in 7!) #ode and in #ode 32 Pharmaceutical 1P0,0 3. To apply this weighting scheme' set the .#, chec& character to K=;+,:@8D<9A+A;K or scan the following symbol(

$Aample" !can the ?eighted 7odulo "0 #hec& #haracter symbol. 118

0lso enter the .#, template( ddddddc Then scan the string below(

The reader performs the chec& character computation below( 10 / " : " / 2 : 2 / " : 8 / 2 : + / " : 5 / 2 : + / "3 modulo "0 E 10 : 2 : 2 : 1" : 93 : + : 1" : 03 : +3 modulo "0 E0 !ince the result is =ero' the message is considered to be valid' so the reader outputs the message( 0"28+5

O*R %SB' A##li!ation E,am#le

.ne application of .#, is to read the )!%8 characters typically encoded using the .#,F0 or .#,F% font. This is especially useful when the )!%8 number is not encoded in an 608F"3 barcode. The following e/ample shows how to configure the scanner to read the )!%8 strings on boo&s in Dapan. 0fter you have followed the steps below' you will be able to scan the following )!%8 number or the additional data below it' depending on the line of te/t at which the scanner is aimed.

". !can the .#,F% .n barcode 2. Program the userFdefined variable UgV to comprise the ten digits plus the dash( 0"23+59;8<F 3. )n Dapan' it is common for two fields to follow the )!%8 number' the three digit price field' and the four digit price field. The first field typically starts with a U#V 1uppercase c3' followed by four digits. The second field typically starts with a UPV or a yen symbol' 119

followed by three or four digits' followed by an U6.V Program the userFdefined variable UhV to comprise the UPV and the yen symbol 1represented by a bac&slash P\ 3 . +. !can the symbol below to set up three templates to handle the )!%8 number' the three digit price field' and the four digit price field.

5. inally' set up the )!%8 chec& digit' which is a special positionF weighted modulo "" chec&sum. The scanner automatically invo&es the )!%8 chec&sum for template rows that are( ".3 at least fourteen characters long' 2.3 whose first four characters are the letters U)!%8'V 3.3 whose last character is a chec& character' and +.3 when the modulo "" chec& character U0"23+59;8<SV is programmed. .#,6802'T7PV)!%8ggggggggggggct#dddd hddd6t#dddd hdddd6V'CPCV0"23+59;8<FV'CP*VP\V'#*JV0"23+59;8<SV. These commands can be encoded into the following 0=tec #ode symbol(


(C& %emplate Codes

8ote( ,eading more than three rows of .#, is not recommended. O*R Tem#late *odes

E,it Sele!tions


To Add a Test *ode %?D? Pre i, to All S"m(ologies This selection allows you to turn on transmission of a #ode ).D. before the decoded symbology. This action first clears all current prefi/es' then programs a #ode ).D. prefi/ for all symbologies. This is a temporary setting that will be removed when the unit is power cycled. Show Data 1ormat !can the barcode below to show current data format settings. Resetting the Standard Produ!t De aults )f you aren2t sure what programming options are in your imager' or you2ve changed some options and want the standard product default settings restored' scan the Standard Product efault Settings barcode below. The 7enu #ommands starting on page ""F5 lists the standard product default settings for each of the commands. Test Menu ?hen you scan the Test 7enu (n code' then scan a programming code in this manual' the scanner displays the content of a programming code. The programming function will still occur' but in addition' the content of that programming code is output to the terminal. Note" This feature should not be used during normal scanner operation.


To Add a Test *ode %?D? Pre i, to All S"m(ologies

$dd !ode +CDC Pre2i< to $'' Sy3=o'o5ie& ,Te3porary-

Show Data 1ormat

Data #or3at Settin5&

Standard Produ!t De ault Settings

Standard Prod0:t De2a0't Settin5&

Test Menu
On DOff


%est Chart of Common Barcodes

Additional barcode symbols may be created on%line as needed at for testing purposes.
C( $#;+<

C( $#,9

CS; ataBar Stac'ed

Q& Code


(C& A


Interface I
)f you want to change the preFprogrammed interface of your image engine' below. or e/ample' a $!% Airtual #.7 device has a )nterface )D of "30. @ou would scan the Interface I barcode' then ;' ,' ; ' then Sa*e. )f you ma&e an error while scanning the digits 1before scanning !ave3' scan the iscard code.

Interface ,!F232 $!% *)D 1P#3 $!% *)D 17ac3 $!% Airtual #.7

Interface I 000 "2+ "25 "30


Product Code I
Symbology All Symbologies Australian Post AGtec Code British Post Canadian Post China Post Codabar Codabloc' ! Code ;; Code ;+< Code ;8/ Code ,+ Code ,9 Code :9 Code 9, ata )atriA $AN#;, $AN#< $AN 1CC Composite $AN#;, w $Atended Coupon Code Interlea*ed + of @ Bapanese Post /I. Post /orea Post )atriA + of @ )aAiCode )icriP !:;D )SI LA= LGm L.= L.= L.= L!m L(m L0, LCm L/m L.= LAm L%m LCm Ldm L$= L$: Lem L$, LLm L.= L.= L.= L.= L1m LLm L)m 126 MA MG MB MC MQ Ma M7 Mh MN Mo MO Mb MI Mi Mw Md M My Md Me MB M/ MP Mm 6A M& Mg AI) I Code I Code I 30$. F =A99 =A:; =ADA =A:+ =A:, =A@; =A8; =AD; =A8< =A8A =A8! =A,C =A8+ =A8C =A89 =ADD =A8: =A:: =AD9 =A8: =A8@ =A:A =A:B =A,! =A8 =AD< =A@+ =A8D

No &ead (C&#A Lo; M(

=A9C =A:!

Symbology (C&#B (C& )IC& $#;,B (C& 1S )oney !ont S$)I !ont P ! :;D Planet Code Plessey Code PosiCode Postnet Q& Code CS; ataBar !amily Straight of + of IA%A %CI! Lin'ed Code ,9 %elepen %rioptic Code 1CCR$AN#;+< 1PC#A 1PC#A w $Atended Coupon Code 1PC#$ VeriCode

AI) I Lo+ LQ$ Lo, Lo, LLm L.= LP= Lpm L.= LQm Lem L&m LL+ LBm L.= LC; L$= L$, L$= L.=

Code I M( M( M( M( Mr ML Mn M> MP Ms My Mf M% Mt MI Mc Mc M$ M*

Code I 30$. F =A:! =A:! =A:! =A:! =AD+ =A:C =A8$ =A@D =A@= =AD, =AD9 =A88 =A@: =AD: =A, =A:9 =A8, =A8, =A:@ =AD8


ASCII Code %able



(C& Programming Chart


Program Chart


rogram Chart

Show Data 1ormat

Reset S!anner to De ault Settings

Ena(le &SB 9e"(oard Emulation 7P*8



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