Continuation (THE BIG FOUR) : Vepe Giorgio Macuha

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Continuation (THE BIG FOUR)

Vepe Giorgio Macuha Every team has its foundation and the foundation of our team is in believing. Vepe Giorgio Macuha, 15, quoted. He is one of the point guard and son of Mr. Clemen Menchu Macuha and Mrs. Claro Macuha. When he is in Grade 3 he learned how to play basketball by watching others play. No one taught him but himself. He idolizes his brother that he decided to be like him. He also said that in every game, one should do his best and focus on the goal of the team to win. I am proud and happy that we won 2nd runner up in the BCPRISAA. It shows that our team has the guts to win. He remarked. He told cheerfully that he idolizes Chris Tiu and Lebron James. He admitted that he tried to watch and copied their techniques when it comes to basktetball. Every time hes in the court, his family and God serve as his inspirations. He also told us shyly that without basketball, his everyday life is incomplete. Vepe has a strong virtue of believing. That virtue , for him, is his biggest contribution in his team. Raymond Comia Playing basketball is like watching a deadly magic trick. You enjoy it and at the same time you fear it. Raymond Comia is one of the mythical five in CBEM Basketball Team. Just like Drexell, he also plays volleyball but he likes the latter more. He learned how to play basketball when hes in Grade 6. He joined basketball leagues in their barangay. Their team does not always win but for him its not important for all he wants is the pleasure he get from being with different people and playing for the sake of fun. He admitted that when he make a point and hit the ball on the basket, the pressure is leaving his body.

He narrated to us one of the hardest games he joined. It was when they have a game against SBC Basketball Team. Before the game start, he was pressured and that pressure makes him uneasy in that game. From that game, I learned many things about his favorite sport. I learned that skills are useless if there is no cooperation and unity in your team. Youre team should not be a group but a family, he said. For Comia, basketball is like his drug. He just cannot resist playing the game. He felt that hes connected to basketball and the court is his second home. He left us with a heartwarming message that says, If there is one thing that our team uniquely own, it is that we dont care no matter if we win or lose. What matters most is that we enjoy and we are one.

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