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Atlantis - Plato's Powerful Myth of Social Control

Having researched the Atlantean Conspiracy for the better part of a decade now, it is clear that Plato's legend of Atlantis is an allegory just like his allegory of the cave.! Considering that "Atlas" the socalled King of Atlantis is also the medical term for the 33rd vertebrae of the human spine, it seems the Atlantean Tree of Life references the spinal column, the "world on Atlas' shoulders" is your skull which rests on the Atlas vertebrae, Atlas' mythic 7 daughters Hesperides represent the 7 chakras, and the snake Ladon wrapped around the tree is your Kundalini serpent energy.! The 3 concentric rings of land and water in Atlantis also parallels the structure of our brains.! Our skulls on the outside covered by a layer of blood represent Atlantis' rst layer of land and water, our cerebral cortex and the small pool of cerebro-spinal uid surrounding the pineal gland represent the second layer of land and water, and our third-eyes, the "bull's eye," at the geometric center of our brains represents the inner sanctum of Atlantis, the temple between your temples.

Certain elements of Plato's story, do however have underlaying literal truths as well, such as the idea of an advanced pre-historic civilization and a massive ood raising sea levels.! The existence of huge megaliths and pyramids which still cannot be duplicated with modern technology, and common etymology across world languages suggest as the Indian Vedas and the Atlantean mythos espouse, that over ten thousand years ago the world was in a golden age and in many ways humans were more evolved, more intelligent, more in touch with nature and lived much longer than present day peoples.! In the video below, Thomas Sheridan proposes another fascinating take on this ancient allegory as a 2D outline for hierarchical social control.

"A symbol for the limbic system and the kundalini energy, the lizard, also represents the cyclical movement of energy through the universe and the space/time continuum: birth-death-rebirth ad innitum." -Aurum Solis

Many people regard Kundalini as a new age fad. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kundalini can be considered the oldest known science. In previous ages, people raised Kundalini under the guidance of teachers and in controlled circumstances, preserving what they learned as an esoteric knowledge. But we have entered a period of time in which the esoteric becomes exoteric. -Genevieve Lewis Paulson, Kundalini and the Chakras (7)

The serpent wound around the tree that talks with Eve in Genesis references this process of spiritual illumination. The ancient caduceus symbol of Hermes/Mercury/Thoth, now used by the western pharmaceutical industry, also symbolizes this process. Two intertwining snakes (which look exactly like our 33 sequence double-helix DNA) climb a straight, vertical pole (which looks like our 33 vertebrae spine) and end at the circle of light crown chakra which has sprouted wings. These are the same wings pins worn by the military/police/pilots and given to children on commercial planes.

The origin of this symbology goes back to the ancient Atlantean myth, pre-cursor to the Genesis story. At the center of Atlas garden was the great Tree of Life, just as in the Garden of Eden. This tree produced unique golden apples of immortality, reserved only for the most puried and holy beings. Atlas 7 daughters were known as the Hesperides and their main duty was tending and defending the Tree of Life. Assisting them in its protection was a familiar friend coiled around the tree.

To assist the Hesperides in its protection, a serpent called Ladon entwined about the bough The Hesperides are sometimes given as seven in number. As such, they may correspond to the seven major chakras, or metaphysical energy centers that, collectively, comprise the human personality. So too, the Tree of Life symbolizes the spinal column, along which the chakras are arranged. This interpretation suggests that kundalini yoga originated in Atlantis, from which it spread around the world. Indeed, the Tree of Life is a theme frequently encountered in many European and Asian traditions of Atlantis and Lemuria, respectively. -Frank Joseph, The Atlantis Encyclopedia

The ancient Greek poet, Heslod, described the world before the fall saying, Man lived like Gods, without vices or passions, vexation or toil. In happy companionship with divine beings they passed their days in tranquility and joy, living together in perfect equality, united by mutual condence and love. The Earth was more beautiful than now and spontaneously yielded an abundant variety of fruits. Human beings and animals spoke the same language and conversed with each other (telepathy). Men were considered mere boys at a hundred years old. They had none of the inrmities of age to trouble

them and when they passed to regions of superior life, it was in a gentle slumber.

The religion of the Atlanteans, as Plato tells us, was pure and simple; they made no regular sacrices but fruits and owers; they worshipped the sun. In Peru a single deity was worshipped, and the sun, his most glorious work, was honored as his representative. Quetzalcoatl, the founder of the Aztecs, condemned all sacrice but that of fruits and owers. The rst religion of Egypt was pure and simple; its sacrices were fruits and owers; temples were erected to the sun, 'Ra', throughout Egypt. In Peru the great festival of the sun was called 'Ra'!mi. The Phoenicians worshipped Baal and Moloch; the one represented the benecent, and the other the injurious powers of the sun. -Ignatius Donnelly, Atlantis and the Antediluvian World "A long time ago, our world was very different from the way we see it today. There were fewer people, and we lived closer to the land. People knew the language of the rain, the crops, and the Great Creator. They even knew how to speak to the stars and the sky people. They were aware that life is sacred and comes from the marriage between Mother Earth and Father Sky. In this time, there was balance and people were happy. Then something happened. No one really knows why, but people started to forget who they were. In their forgetting, they began to feel separate - separate from the earth, from each other, and even from the one who created them. They were lost and wandered through life with no direction or connection. In their separation, they believed that they had to ght to survive in this world and defend themselves against the same forces that gave them the life they had learned to live in harmony with and trust. Soon all of their energy was used to protect themselves from the world around them, instead of making peace with the world within them. Even though they had forgotten who they were, somewhere inside of them the gift of their ancestors remained. There was still a memory that lived within them. In their dreams at night they knew that they held the power to heal their bodies, bring rain when they needed to , and speak with their ancestors. They knew that somehow they could nd their place in the natural world once again. As they tried to remember who they were, they began to build the things outside of their bodies that reminded them of who they were on the inside. As time went on, they even built machines to do their healing, made chemicals to grow their crops, and stretched wires to communicate over long distances. The farther away they wandered from their inner power, the more cluttered their outer lives became with the things that they believed would make them happy. No one knows how the story ends because it isn't nished. The people who got lost are our ancestors, and we are the ones who are writing the ending." -Gregg Braden, "The Divine Matrix" (5-8)

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