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Statics - Introduction to Engineering Mechanics

Fundamental definitions: Mechanics: Mechanics is a physical science which deals with the effects of forces on objects that are at rest or in motion. Engineering Mechanics: Engineering mechanics deals with the principles of mechanics as applied to the problems of engineering. Rigid body: A body is considered rigid when the changes in distance between two of its points is negligible for the purpose at end. Deformable body: A body is considered deformable when the changes in distance between two of its points cannot be neglected. Particle: A particle will have mass but its size is negligible. Note: In engineering mechanics we treat all rigid bodies as particles. When a body is idealised as a particle, the principles of mechanics reduce to a simplified form. Scalar quantities: These are the quantities characterized by only magnitude, such as mass, temperature. Vector: It is a Mathematical tool which describes those physical quantities in nature which requires not only magnitude but also a direction for their complete addressing. Such as velocity, force. Mass: Mass is the quantity of matter in a body. It is a measure of the inertia of a body, which is the resistance to change of velocity Matter: Anything which has mass and requires space to occupy is called matter
Mechanics Mechanics of Deformable Bodies Strength of Materials Kinetics Cause & Result of motion

Mechanics of Rigid Bodies

Mechanics of Fluids



Kinematics Fashion of motion

Statics: Statics deals with the action of forces on bodies at rest or in equilibrium. Dynamics: Dynamics deals with the action of forces on bodies in motion. Kinematics: It deals with the study of geometry of motion without considering the cause of motion. Kinetics: Kinetics deals with a study of motion considering the course and result of motion. Principle of transmissibility: The point of application of force may be transmitted along its line of action without changing the effect of force on any rigid body to which it may be applied.

Principle of superposition: The action of a given system of forces on a rigid body will not be changed if we add or subtract from them another system of forces in equilibrium. Free vector: It is a vector, whose action is not confined to or associated with a unique line in space. Only the direction and magnitude of the vector remains fixed. Example: Couple Sliding vector: It is a vector, which may be moved along the lines of action without change of meaning. For example: In towing a cart, we may apply the force anywhere along the rope. Bound/fixed Vector: A bound vector is a vector with a well defined point of application. A bound vector is, therefore, specified by magnitude, direction and its point of application. Example: A vector representing force acting on a particle can be treated as a bound vector. Equal Vector: Two vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude and direction.

Equivalent or Equipollent Vectors: Two vectors are said to be equivalent or equipollent if, in a certain sense, they produce the same effect on a rigid body. External forces and Internal forces External force: They represent the action of other bodies on a rigid body Internal force: They represent the forces which hold together the particles forming the rigid body.

Force: Force is an action which may or may not change the state of a body. We cannot see the force, but we can feel it. Its not a thing, but its an act. It is a vector quantity. Characteristics of force Magnitude, By the direction of action and By its point of application. Line of action

Force has many names and is called by that name in the context of mechanics Wight Buoyancy Pull Push Friction Resistance Tension Compression Viscous Repulsion Lift & Drag Attractive force Centrifugal Centripetal

System of forces: Several forces acting simultaneously upon a body

System of Forces Coplanar (2D) Noncoplanar (3D) Nonconcurrent Parallel







Coplanar System of Forces: Forces that acts in plane. They are also called 2-dimensional forces Types of co-planar forces:

Non-Coplanar System of Forces: These are 3-dimensional forces or System of forces in space or Forces that acts along x, y and z axis. Types of Non-coplanar forces: Concurrent forces Parallel forces General forces

Composition of forces: The replacement of two or more forces vectors by a single force vector having the same effect is called Composition of forces. This is known as Resultant

Resolution of forces: A single force vector is replaced by two or more forces having the same effect is called Resolution of forces. In 2D the force is resolved in to two components. Note 1: If a force is away from the origin, the components of a force are also way from the origin Note 2: If a force is towards the origin, the components of a force are also towards the origin

References: Engg. Mechanics ,Timoshenko & Young. Engg. Mechanics, R.K. Bansal , Laxmi publications Engineering Mechanics,Fedinand.L.Singer , Harper Collins. Engineering Mechanics statics and dynamics, A Nelson, Mc Gra Hill publications Engg. Mechanics Umesh Regl, Tayal. Engineering Mechanics by N H Dubey Engineering Mechanics , statics J.L.Meriam, 6th Edn Wiley India Pvt Ltd. Engineering Mechanics , dynamics J.L.Meriam, 6th Edn Wiley India Pvt Ltd. Mechanics For Engineers , statics - F.P.Beer & E.R.Johnston 5th Edn Mc Graw Hill Publ. Mechanics For Engineers, dynamics - F.P.Beer & E.R.Johnston 5th Edn Mc Graw Hill Publ.

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