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International Congress on Soft Computing 2014 [ICSCM2014]

A part of International Congress 2014 by ASDF 19 21 November, 2014 !oli"ay Inn Silom, #ang$o$, %ing"om of &'ailan" &'e International Congress 2014 is a massive attempt by t'e Asso(iation of S(ientists, Developers an" Fa()lties* &'is aims at t'e 'ig'er en" +)ality sele(tion of t'e paper along ,it' a global opport)nity for every resear('er to p)blis'* At a single instan(e, t'ere are almost 44 International Conferen(es 'appening at t'e same ven)e* All t'e parti(ipants ,ill get t'e (ertifi(ate from t'e Committee ,'omever it be if -istener or A)t'or or .oster presenter* &'is (ongress is propose" to 'appen on(e in t,o years* Call for Papers Combinatorial /ptimi0ation System I"entifi(ation .attern 2e(ognition 1otion .lanning C'emistry, 1e"i(ine 3eneti( .rogramming

Not limite" to t'e above topi(s, b)t ens)re t'at t'ere is no ot'er ma4or areas of Conferen(e ,'i(' is r)nning parallel to t'is* Full Paper Submission A)t'ors s'o)l" s)bmit a paper in 5nglis', (aref)lly ('e($e" for (orre(t grammar an" spelling, a""ressing one or several of t'e (onferen(e areas or topi(s* 5a(' paper s'o)l" (learly in"i(ate t'e nat)re of its te('ni(al6s(ientifi( (ontrib)tion, an" t'e problems, "omains or environments to ,'i(' it is appli(able* /nly original papers s'o)l" be s)bmitte"* A)t'ors are a"vise" to follo, et'i(al norms regar"ing plagiarism an" self7plagiarism t'oro)g'ly before s)bmitting an" m)st ma$e s)re t'at t'eir s)bmissions "o not s)bstantially overlap ,or$ ,'i(' 'as been p)blis'e" else,'ere or sim)ltaneo)sly s)bmitte" to a 4o)rnal or anot'er (onferen(e ,it' pro(ee"ings* .apers t'at (ontain any form of plagiarism ,ill be re4e(te" ,it'o)t revie,s* A)t'ors (an s)bmit t'eir ,or$ in t'e form of a 2eg)lar .aper, representing (omplete" an" vali"ate" resear(', or as a .osition .aper, portraying a s'ort report of ,or$ in progress or an arg)able opinion abo)t an iss)e "is()ssing i"eas, fa(ts, sit)ations, met'o"s, pro(e")res or res)lts of s(ientifi( resear(' fo()se" on one of t'e (onferen(e topi( areas* All papers m)st be s)bmitte" t'ro)g' t'e online s)bmission platform* After t'e paper s)bmission 'as been s)((essf)lly (omplete", a)t'ors ,ill re(eive an a)tomati( (onfirmation e7mail* C'e($ o)t at 8 'ttp866int(ongress*(om6i(s(m20146s)bmissions6 for paper S)bmissions* !ar"7(opy .ro(ee"ings along ,it' )ni+)e IS#N ,ill be provi"e" to all t'e a)t'ors* /ffline 9i"eo .resentation is also open for a((epte" papers* /ptional :o)rnal .)bli(ation for 2egistere" A)t'ors of t'e International Congress partnere" ,it' premier :o)rnals* .osters are also ,el(ome ('e($ at 'ttp866int(ongress*(om6i(s(m20146s)bmissions6posters6 Important Dates .aper S)bmission .aper Notifi(ation .aper 2egistration -istener 2egistration Conferen(e #egins 1;t' Febr)ary, 2014 #egins 1;t' :)ne, 2014 #egins 1=t' :)ne, 2014 #egins 1;t' Febr)ary, 2014 #egins 19t' November, 2014 5n"s <1st :)ly, 2014 5n"s 1;t' A)g)st, 2014 5n"s <1st A)g)st, 2014 5n"s <0t' September, 2014 5n"s 21st November, 2014

-istener 2egistration is also ,el(ome an" t'e first 100 2egistrants ,ill be given ,it' free a((ommo"ation at t'e Congress 9en)e on "o)ble s'aring basis* Also -isteners registere" (an get t'e parti(ipation (ertifi(ate from all t'e 44 International Congress* Conference Chair anesan! A"i$avi Nannaya >niversity, In"ia* 2014 int(ongress*(om ? int(ongress*(om gmail*(om

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